Pubmed abstracts for Protein-Protein Interaction search result :

Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For example , by phenotypical comparison and intercrossing different heterozygous mutants , it has become clear that nodal , until recently an orphan protein without receptor / signal complex , probably signals through the activin type 2 receptor , ALK 4 and Smad 2 ( Nomura and Li , 1998 ; Song et al . , 1999 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In alpha T 3 1 cells , which express endogenous follistatin mRNA , a follistatin luciferase reporter , rFS ( rin 3 ) Luc , was transcriptionally activated by activin A , or when cotransfected with a constitutively active ActRIB [ Alk 4 ( T > D ) ] , Smad 2 , or Smad 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cripto interaction with ALK 4 is necessary both for Nodal binding to the ALK4 / ActR IIB receptor complex and for Smad 2 activation by Nodal . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nodal is coexpressed with mouse Cr 1 in the mammary gland , and CR 1 can phosphorylate the transcription factor Smad 2 in EpH 4 mammary epithelial cells only in the presence of Nodal and ALK 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Because SMAD 7 functions by preventing access of SMAD 2 and SMAD 3 to ALK 4 , these data suggested that both activins and ALK 4 require SMAD 2 and / or SMAD 3 to affect FSHbeta transcription . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We demonstrate that this compound selectively and concentration dependently inhibits ALK 4 , ALK 5 , and ALK 7 dependent activation of downstream cytoplasmic signal transducers , Smad 2 and Smad 3 , and of TGF beta induced mitogen activated protein kinase pathway components but does not alter ALK 1 , ALK 2 , ALK 3 or ALK 6 induced Smad signaling . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In our system , ALK 4 ( activin type 1 receptor ) maintained the ability to phosphorylate the C terminal region of smad 2 upon activin A stimulus after the onset of LMC in both control and Notch activated animal caps . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
CER 1 ( Cerberus 1 ) and GREM 3 ( CKTSF1B3 or CER 2 ) inhibit NODAL signaling through ACVR1B ( ALK 4 ) or ACVR1C ( ALK 7 ) to SMAD 2 or SMAD 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibitor resistant Alk 4 efficiently rescues Smad 2 signaling , developmental phenotype , and marker gene expression after inhibitor treatment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mutations in oep eliminate the response to Squint and Cyclops overexpression but are suppressed by expression of Activin and activated forms of the type 1 receptor ActRIB and Smad 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We propose that a genetic cascade in the AVE , involving HNF3beta , Lim 1 , Otx 2 , Smad 2 and ActRIB , leads to the production of secreted TGFbeta antagonists that protect the anterior epiblast region from Nodal signalling . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The emergence of antral follicles ( postnatal d 12 ) saw ActRIA , ActRIIB , and Smad 2 mRNA expression return to d 4 levels , whereas ActRIB , ActRIIA , and Smads 1 , 4 , 5 , and 7 remained at lower levels . beta glycan mRNA levels increased 2 fold between d 8 and 12 , suggesting expression by the developing theca . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Smad 2 was found to act downstream of ActRIB as an intracellular signal transmitter . ^^^ Activin signaling mediated by ActRIB Smad 2 system in the ovary may thus be essential for the regulation of follicular differentiation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results showed that the entire activin signaling system is expressed by the full grown immature zebrafish oocytes ( approximately 0 . 65 mm in diameter ) , including ALK 4 like ( ActRIB ) , ALK 2 like ( ActRIA ) , ActRIIA , ActRIIB , Smad 2 , Smad 3 , Smad 4 , and Smad 7 , therefore supporting our hypothesis that the oocytes are one of the direct targets of activin actions in the zebrafish ovary . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Moreover , the induction of Cripto activates the Smad 2 pathway , and overexpression of activated forms of type 1 receptor ActRIB compensates for the lack of Cripto signaling in promoting cardiomyogenesis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P36896 and Q15796 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For SNU 16 , changes in ActRIA , ActRIB , ActRIIA , ActRIIB , Smad 2 , Smad 4 , Smad 7 , and p 21 ( CIP1 / WAF1 ) mRNAs were detected with RT PCR after the cells were cultured with activin A for 24 , 48 and 72 h . ^^^