Pubmed abstracts for Protein-Protein Interaction search result :

Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.51058463
Huntingtin interacts with the proteins GAPDH , HAP 1 , HIP 1 , HIP 2 , and calmodulin , and a mutant huntingtin is specifically cleaved by the proapoptotic enzyme caspase 3 . 0.51058463^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Huntingtin and DRPLA proteins selectively interact with the enzyme GAPDH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mutant huntingtin : nuclear translocation and cytotoxicity mediated by GAPDH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Several lines of evidence implicate the involvement of energetic defects and oxidative damage in the disease process , including a recent study that demonstrated an interaction between huntingtin protein and the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase ( GAPDH ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was recently shown that huntingtin can bind to and possibly inhibit the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase ( GAPDH ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Although the function of huntingtin is still unknown , several associated proteins such as HAP 1 , Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme , HIP 1 and glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehy dorogenase ( GAPDH ) were reported . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the presence of tissue transglutaminase , purified glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase ( a key glycolytic enzyme that binds tightly to the polyglutamine domains of both huntingtin and dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy proteins ) is covalently attached to polyglutamine peptides in vitro , resulting in the formation of high M ( r ) aggregates . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Although glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase ( a huntingtin binding protein ) activity was normal in all areas studied , aconitase activity was decreased to 8 % in HD caudate , 27 % in putamen , and 52 % in cerebral cortex , but normal in HD cerebellum and fibroblasts . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
GAPDH binds specifically to proteins implicated in the pathogenesis of a variety of neurodegenerative disorders including the beta amyloid precursor protein and the huntingtin protein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
GAPDH binds uniquely in vitro to the beta amyloid precursor protein ( betaAPP ) , to huntingtin as well as to other triplet repeat neuronal disorder proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Huntingtin interacts with several proteins including glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase ( GAPDH ) . ^^^ We performed immunohistochemical analysis of GAPDH expression in the brains of transgenic mice carrying the huntingtin gene with 89 CAG repeats . ^^^ Thus , we conclude that mutation of huntingtin is associated with GAPDH overexpression and nuclear translocation in discrete populations of brain neurons . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this work , the most reliable housekeeping gene for gene expression analysis of Hodgkin ' s disease ( HD ) lymph nodes was determined by comparing the conventional housekeeping genes , beta actin , beta tubulin , GAPDH , and the mouse gene LLRep 3 , that had been used previously in gene expression studies . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The specific activity of glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase ( GAPDH ) in normally cultured HD fibroblasts was not different from that in control and escapee fibroblasts . ^^^ However , in escapee and control fibroblasts subjected to stress by withholding fresh medium , the specific activity of GAPDH in cells harvested by trypsinization increased greatly 3 weeks after withholding medium ( approximately 8 fold ) , but the increase was significantly less pronounced ( approximately 3 fold ) in the HD fibroblasts . ^^^
Interacting proteins: P42858 and P04406 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There is growing evidence that truncated forms of mutant Htt in the nucleus influence gene transcription by binding to proteins such as CREB binding protein ( CBP ) response element binding protein binding protein , N COR , glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase , and p 53 . p 53 regulates the transcription of various mitochondrial proteins which may underlie the mitochondrial abnormalities , especially the vulnerability to mitochondrial depolarization , seen in HD tissues . ^^^