Pubmed abstracts for Protein-Protein Interaction search result :

Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.017034299
Control rat mitochondria exposed for 15 minutes to high Ca2+ ( 200 nmol / mg protein ) also become uncoupled and electron transport inhibited between NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone , a lesion similar to that observed in post ischemic mitochondria . 0.017034299^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.12413457
These results show that the binding site of the detergent responsible for the inhibition lies between the NADH dehydrogenase of flavoprotein and ubiquinone in Complex 1 and that the binding of the detergent to the site requires phospholipids . . 0.12413457^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.047592093
These results suggest the cytochrome b 558 to function as an electron carrier between NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase in the Ascaris NADH fumarate reductase system . . 0.047592093^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.089739714
No correlation was found between NADH dehydrogenase and Ca2+ dependent K+ channel activities in the species studied . 0.089739714^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.053632751
Transfer of electrons through Complex 1 measured by the rate of reduction of ferricyanide by submitochondrial particles inhibited by rotenone and the lack of specific inhibition by propranolol of succinate supported respiration indicated that one site of drug action was between NADH dehydrogenase and its associated flavoprotein , possibly close to the site of rotenone inhibition . . 0.053632751^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.063059615
The pattern of the inactivation indicated that the lipid peroxidation affected the electron transport intensively between NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone , and moderately at the succinate dehydrogenase step and between ubiquinone and cytochrome c . . 0.063059615^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.034936842
Plastoquinone as electron transporter between thylakoid NADH dehydrogenase and peroxidase . 0.034936842^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.16219393
The features of the gene junctional region between NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) and glutamine tRNA ( tRNAGln ) genes also supported that UAA serves as a stop codon . 0.16219393^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ubiquinone mediated coupling of NADH dehydrogenase to active transport in membrane vesicles from Escherichia coli . ^^^ Stimulation of NADH dependent transport by ubiquinone 1 can not be accounted for by increased rates of oxidation of NADH , and the effect of the quinone on NADH dependent lactose transport is not observed in vesicles depleted of NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ Thus , it is apparent that ubiquinone 1 shunts electrons from NADH dehydrogenase [ NADH : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase ; EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ] to the portion of the respiratory chain containing the energy coupling site . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Dehydrogenase and transhydrogenase properties of the soluble NADH dehydrogenase of bovine heart mitochondria . ^^^ The soluble NADH dehydrogenase of low molecular weight , isolated from complex 1 ( NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase , EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ) of the respiratory chain , has been shown to have NADPH dehydrogenase and NADPH leads to NAD transhydrogenase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Specific phospholipid requirement for activity of the purified respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli . ^^^ The highly purified respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) of Escherichia coli is inactive in the absence of detergent or phospholipid . ^^^ Thus , the most stable , active form of the purified NADH dehydrogenase is generated in the presence of diphosphatidylglycerol and spermidine . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The soluble oxidoreductases are more efficient in producing light with luciferase than is a NADH dehydrogenase preparation obtained from the membranes of these bacteria . ^^^ The soluble enzymes use either FMN or FAD as substrates for the oxidation of reduced pyridine nucleotides while the membrane NADH dehydrogenase is much more active with artificial electron acceptors such as ferricyanide and methylene blue . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Oxidation of NADPH by various acceptors catalyzed by submitochondrial particles and a partially purified NADH dehydrogenase from beef heart was investigated . ^^^ The partially purified NADH dehydrogenase prepared from these particles catalyzes an oxidation of NADPH by acetylpyridine NAD . ^^^ At redox equilibrium NADPH and NADH reduce FMN and iron sulphur center 1 of NADH dehydrogenase to the same extents . ^^^ It is concluded that NADPH is a substrate of NADH dehydrogenase and that the nicotinamide nucleotide is oxidized by submitochondrial particles via the NADH binding site of the enzyme . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and molecular and enzymic properties of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain of Escherichia coli . 2 . ^^^ The purified respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli oxidizes NADH with either dichlorophenolindophenol ( DCIP ) . ferricyanide , or menadione as electron acceptors , with values for NADH are similar with the three electron acceptors ( approximately 50 muM ) . ^^^ The apparent Ki values for these nucleotides as inhibitors of the purified enzyme , the membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase , and the NADH oxidase are equivalent . ^^^ An antibody has been elicited against the purified NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Immunodiffusion and crossed immunoelectrophoresis show that the antibody is directed principally against the NADH dehydrogenase , with some activity against minor contaminants in the purified preparation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
When studied histochemically , soleus muscles from thiamine deficient rats showed ( 1 ) small , angular fibers that had high NADH dehydrogenase activities ; ( 2 ) a loss of 43 % of type 2 ( FOG ) fibers ; ( 3 ) decreased intensity of the reaction for betaOHB dehydrogenase ; and ( 4 ) fibers with subsarcolemmal collections resembling `` ragged red ' ' muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Malate and lactate dehydrogenases were monotonously inhibited under the increase of gramicidin S concentration , while the activity of NADH dehydrogenase firstly decreased and then reversed to the initial level under further increase of gramicidin S concentration . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Blunt granules were identified as mitochondria , based on their ability to reduce Janus Green B to diethyl safranin , the presence of NADH dehydrogenase activity and boundary staining with Sudan black B . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Following their isolation from a homogenate containing the combined livers of 14C leucine injected experimental animals and 3H leucine injected control animals , purified fractions of the following proteins were prepared : microsomal cytochrome b 5 , cytochrome P 450 , NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and proteolipids , outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b 5 , NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase and proteolipids , inner mitochondrial membrane cytochrome c , NADH dehydrogenase and proteolipids , intermitochondrial membrane cytochrome b 5 and circulating serum albumin . ^^^ In addition , the PCB treatment increased the rates of synthesis of cytochrome c and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The solubilized membrane associated enzymes , ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase , enter polyacrylamide gels as distict species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In 10 mu transverse cryostat sections , the following histochemical reactions were performed : NADH dehydrogenase , myofibrillar ATP ase , modified trichrom stain , hematoxylin eosin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Measurements of the stoichiometry of proton translocation associated with the oxidation of endogenous substrates yielded a ratio of protons ejected from the cell per atom of oxygen consumed ( leads to H+ : O ) of 8 . 55 which decreased to 5 . 85 in the presence of piericidin A ( PA ) , a specific inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sulphate limited growth under anaerobic conditions does not affect the iron sulfur pattern of NADH dehydrogenase or nitrate reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitrochondrial NADH dehydrogenase in cystic fibrosis . ^^^ Because rotenone specifically inhibits NADH dehydrogenase , [ NADH : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase , EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ] , which is the enzyme of energy conserving site 1 of the mitochondrial electron transport system , activity and kinetics of this enzyme system were studied in fibroblast homogenates . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase activity was equal in cells from the three genotypes . ^^^ These data suggest that the mutant gene responsible for CF is expressed in the complex mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase system . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It accepts electrons from NADH through the NADH dehydrogenase activity of the nitrate reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase is not inhibited significantly . 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This band also gave a positive stain for heme , NADH dehydrogenase , and reduced methyl viologen : nitrate reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Center N 1 ( iron sulfur centers associated with NADH dehydrogenase are designated with the prefix `` N ' ' ) resolves into two single electron titratins with EM7 . 2 values of minus 380 plus or minus 20 mV and minus 240 plus or minus 20 mV ( Centers N 1a and N 1b , respectively ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The vesicles had the same orientation as intact cells ( absence on membrane vesicles of ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase activities , localized in the inner surface of membrane ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Adenosine triphosphatase , NADH dehydrogenase and L malate intact protoplasts , but were readily detected in intact stage 2 or 4 forespores , consistent with reversed polarity of the outer forespore membrane relative to the mother cell plasma membrane . 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Besides their ability to inhibit electron transfer in the respiratory chain , alkaloids are shown to be specific inhibitors of `` exogenous ' ' NADH dehydrogenase of C . lipolytica yeast mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have found that Coenzyme Q , once reduced by NADH dehydrogenase , must cross the inner mitochondrial membrane ; only quinones having long isoprenoid side chains can easily cross phospholipid bilayers , and this is the reason why a short chain quinone such as CoQ 3 inhibits NADH oxidation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was concluded that there is no proton translocation associated with the NADH dehydrogenase region of the electron transport chain in E . coli and that the proton translocation obtained with mannitol as substrate is due to the activity of membrane bound adenosine triphosphatase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been reported that cells of Candida utilis , grown in continuous culture under iron limited conditions , develop site 1 phosphorylation , without the appearance of piericidin sensitivity and without changes in the iron sulfur centers of NADH dehydrogenase , on aeration in the presence of cycloheximide , as well as on increasing the supply of iron during growth . ^^^ The parameters and properties followed during these transitions were sensitivity of NADH oxidation to piericidin , presence or absence of coupling site 1 , EPR signals appearing on reduction with NADH or dithionite , the specific activities of NADH oxidase , NADH ferricyanide reductase , and NADH 5 hydroxy 1 , 4 naphthoquinone ( juglone ) reductase , and the kinetic behavior of NADH dehydrogenase in the ferricyanide assay . ^^^ Monitoring the rates of oxidation of NADH in submitochondrial particles with artificial oxidants , observing the kinetics of the ferricyanide assay , and measuring the concentration of iron sulfur centers elicited by EPR permitted ascertaining the type of NADH dehydrogenase present and its relative concentration in different experimental situations . ^^^ It is concluded that in both of these experimental conditions a replacement of the type of NADH dehydrogenase present in exponential phase cells by that characteristic of stationary phase cells occurs and that the appearance of site 1 phosphorylation , piercidin sensitivity , and iron sulfur centers 1 plus 2 , all associated with the latter enzyme , is a consequence of this replacement . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Measurements were made at 12 degrees K of the electron paramagnetic resonance ( e . p . r . ) spectra of submitochondrial particles from Candida utilis cells grown under conditions that alter the amount of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . 2 . ^^^ Small but significant signals attributable to the NADH dehydrogenase were detected in submitochondrial particles from sulphate limited cells . 4 . ^^^ Measurements made on submitochondrial particles prepared from these and other phenotypically modified cells lead us to conclude that the presence of low temperature e . p . r . detectable iron sulphur centres attributable to the NADH dehydrogenase are necessary but not sufficient for the coupling of ATP synthesis to the NADH dehydrogenase reaction in the mitochondrial membrane of C . utilis . 6 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The respiratory control ratio reached 1 . 0 at one half the concentration required to elicit the same response with the flavoprotein linked substrate , which suggested that NADH dehydrogenase was inhibited . ^^^ Increased rates of reduction of exogenously added cytochrome c also suggested changes in membrane integrity at higher fluorocarbon site of action of this compound is probably not the NADH dehydrogenase system but the membrane system per se . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibitory effects of amytal and rotenone on NADH oxidation , but not on the oxidation of the other substrates , indicated the presence of the NADH dehydrogenase complex , or `` site 1 region ' ' , in the electron transport system of P . shermanii . 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , neither EGTA nor dithiothreitol had any effect on the activities of 5 ' AMPase , NADH dehydrogenase , and malate dehydrogenase of fat cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Semliki Forest virus does not inhibit all microsomal enzymes , since the activities of NADH K3Fe ( CN ) 6 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) were not affected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An NADH dehydrogenase possessing a specific activity 3 5 times that of membrane bound enzyme was obtained by extraction of Acholeplasma laidlawii membranes with 9 . 0 % ethanol at 43 degrees C . ^^^ Some kinetic properties of the dehydrogenation , the uniquely high glycolipid content and apparently uncoupled respiration at Site 1 were noteworthy characteristics of this NADH dehydrogenase from the truncated respiratory chain of A . laidlawii . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nevertheless , `` light ' ' and `` heavy ' ' mitochondrial structures differ with respect of the arrangement of certain respiratory chain components in their membranes NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
High molecular weight soluble NADH dehydrogenase prepared from Triton 10 100 extracts of submitochondrial particles [ Baugh & King ( 1972 ) Biochem . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Succinate oxidation remains almost unaffected by NADH treatment . ( 2 ) The loss of NADH oxidase activity is due to an inhibition of the respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This inhibition of the enzyme is very similar to that caused by combination of the organic mercurial mersalyl with NADH dehydrogenase . ( 3 ) The inhibition of NADH oxidation is largely prevented by compounds that are known to react with superoxide ions ( 02 . ) , including superoxide dismutase , cytochrome c , tiron and Mn2+ . ^^^ EDTA also has a protective effect , but a number of other metal chelating agents , and several proteins , including catalase , are without effect . ( 4 ) It is concluded that the inhibition of NADH oxidation of NADH oxidation by superoxide ions or by mersalyl is reversible and is therefore not due to the loss of oxidoreduction components from the respiratory chain or to an irreversible change in protein conformation . ( 6 ) The function of mitochondrial superxide dismutase is discussed in relation to the key role of NADH dehydrogenase in energy conserving reactions and the formation of hydrogen peroxide during mitochondrial oxidations . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies of a halophilic NADH dehydrogenase . 2 . ^^^ An NADH dehydrogenase , obtained from an extremely halophilic bacterium , was activated by various salts when enzyme activity was measured as the observed velocity , whereas the maximum velocity was unaffected by either the salt concentration or the nature of the salt . 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Lysolecithin solubilized selectively nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and oligomycin sensitive ATPase . ^^^ Increasing times of centrifugation led to a partial sedimentation of NADH dehydrogenase , and a complete sedimentation of oligomycin sensitive ATPase and cytochrome oxidase . 3 . ^^^ Further fractionation of the lysolecithin extract by centrifugation in the presence of low concentrations of cholate gave a complete separation of NADH dehydrogenase and transhydrogenase , indicating that these enzymes are not related functionally . 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Shape and intensity . ( 1 ) The EPR spectrum of Center 1 of NADH dehydrogenase in isolated Complex 1 or submitochondrial particles from beef heart consists of two overlapping nearly axial signals of the same intensity . ^^^ As EPR spectra of beef heart submitochondrial particles at 10 20 K are nearly identical to those of Complex 1 , the same relative concentrations of the Fe S centers are also present in the particles . ( 4 ) The signals either observed by us in EPR spectra of Complex 1 and submitochondrial particles at 4 . 2 K and high microwave powers can now be explained without assuming more than 5 paramagnetic centers in NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Moreover , the data indicate that oxidation of NADH or hydrolysis of ATP by externally localized NADH dehydrogenase or Mg2+ ATPase establishes a protonmotive force of the opposite polarity from that established through D lactate oxidation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Benzo [ a ] pyrenediones are electron acceptor substrates for NADH dehydrogenase from Clostridium kluyveri . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The final preparation contained virtually no electron transfer components , ATPase , or NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Steady state kinetics of high molecular weight ( type 1 ) NADH dehydrogenase . ( 1 ) Studies of the steady state kinetics of the NADH dehydrogenase activity of Complex 1 ( NADH : Q oxidoreductase ) revealed that the reaction mechanism with the one electron acceptor ferricyanide or the two electron acceptor 2 , 6 dichloro indophenol is ping pong bi bi , with double substrate inhibition . ^^^ This implies that both NADH and acceptors react with the same site on NADH dehydrogenase . ( 2 ) The velocity at infinite NADH and acceptor concentrations ( corrected for the double substrate inhibition ) is much larger with ferricyanide than with the indophenol . ^^^ It is concluded that ubiquinone is an effector for NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Steady state kinetics of low molecular weight ( type 2 ) NADH dehydrogenase . ( 1 ) The steady state kinetics of the NADH dehydrogenase activity of Type 2 ( low molecular weight ) NADH dehydrogenase with the acceptors ferricyanide , cytochrome c and 2 , 6 dichloroindophenol are consistent with the simultaneous operation of an ordered and a ping pong mechanism . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the exponential growth phase , only the first pathway of electron transport , including rotenone resistant NADH dehydrogenase , functions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Characterization of type 1 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activity of the primary NADH dehydrogenase is constant within the time of the experiments ( 2 4 h ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chaotropic resolution of high molecular weight ( type 1 ) NADH dehydrogenase , and reassociation of flavin rich ( type 2 ) and flavin poor subunits . 1 . ^^^ Type 1 NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) was solubilized and dissociated into subunits by NaClO 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Quantitative comparison of their affinity to microsomal oxidases and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase is carried out . ^^^ It is found that microsomal oxidase substrates inhibit mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase at concentrations , which should completely fill the active site of cytochrome P 450 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has a heme a / a3 ratio of 1 . 12 and is free of cytochromes b , c , and c 1 as well as the enzymes , NADH dehydrogenase , succinic dehydrogenase , coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase , and ATPase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The membrane preparations possessed the activity of NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase as well . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Eleven immunogens , including NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 33 . 3 ) , D lactate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 27 ) , dihydro orotate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 3 . 3 . 1 ) , 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 43 ) , polynucleotide phosphorylase ( EC 2 . 3 . 7 . 8 ) , and beta galactosidase ( EC 3 . 2 . 1 . 23 ) , exhibit minimal expression ( 10 % or less ) unless the vesicles are disrupted . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from Drosophila hydei and comparison with the ' heat shock ' polypeptides . ^^^ Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase , EC . 6 . 99 . 3 ) from either Drosophila hydei larvae or embryos has been purified 150 and 120 fold , respectively . ^^^ The molecular weight of the purified mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase does not correspond to that of one of the ' heat shock ' polypeptides . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These are the centers 2 , 3 and 4 of NADH dehydrogenase . 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sulphate limited growth of Paracoccus denitrificans results in the loss of an electron paramagnetic resonance signal ( gz approximately 2 . 05 , gy approximately gx approximately 1 . 92 ) which has properties similar to those of iron sulfur center 2 of the NADH dehydrogenase of mitochondrial origin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Since the iron sulphur centres of Complex 1 were present only in an unusually low concentration in A . maculatum mitochondria , it was proposed that an iron sulphur centre of the external NADH dehydrogenase contributes to the spectrum of centre S 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reconstitution from three fractions containing NADH dehydrogenase , D proline reductase , and a third protein factor . ^^^ The enzyme system from Clostridium sticklandii catalyzing the NADH dependent reduction of D proline was co purified by chromatography on DEAE cellulose at pH 8 . 2 and ammonium sulfate fractionation , and resolved into fractions containing three different protein components , NADH dehydrogenase , D proline reductase and a third protein factor , by chromatography on DEAE cellulose at pH 7 . 0 . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase fractions oxidized NADH in the presence of artificial electron acceptors , and were inhibited by p hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate ( 50 % at 80 nM ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The utilization of artificial electron acceptors , which act as a shunt of the respiratory chain at or near the flavoprotein component , indicated that NAD+ acts as at the level of the NADH dehydrogenase at a site other than the catalytic one resulting in a conformational change which causes restoration as well as protection of oxidase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibitory effect of anti obesity drugs on NADH dehydrogenase of mouse heart homogenates . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Amplification of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli by gene cloning . ^^^ A relatively simple method has been used to clone the gene coding for the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase ) of Escherichia coli from unfractionated chromosomal DNA . ^^^ The strain carrying the hybrid plasmid constructed with EcoRI produced about 8 10 times the normal level of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase in the cytoplasmic membrane . ^^^ Treating the cells with chloramphenicol to increase the plasmid copy number allowed the level of NADH dehydrogenase in the membrane to be increased to 50 60 times the level in the wild type . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By the use of a mutation , hxB 20 , that eliminates purine hydroxylase 2 activity but retains cross reacting material and an ancillary NADH dehydrogenase activity , it has been established that 6 hydroxynicotinic acid rather than nicotinic acid , is the true inducer of purine hydroxylase II . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The merging point for electron transport from NADH dehydrogenase and formaldehyde dehydrogenase is suggested to be at the level of ubiquinone . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibition of the NADH dehydrogenase activity of ETP and that of the yeast enzyme correspond with respect to the following characteristics : 1 ) increase in the inhibition , 2 ) enhancement of the Dexon sensitivity by one order of magnitude after preincubation in the presence of NAD ( P ) H , 3 ) irreversibility of the inhibition , 4 ) no detectable changes in the spectral properties and in coenzyme activity of FMN after acid extraction from Dexon treated enzyme . ^^^ The inhibition of the NADH dehydrogenase activity of ETP is diminished by both NAD+ and FMN . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The plasma membrane of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell contains an NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Properties of Micrococcus lysodeikticus NADH dehydrogenase ] . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase was isolated from M . lysodeikticus membranes with FAD as a prosthetic group . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The membrane bound and partially purified NADH dehydrogenase was stimulated 2 to 3 fold by the addition of 0 . 2 M Na+ or K+ and no specific requirement for Na+ was observed in this reaction step . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of photophosphorylation , succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and NADH oxidation ( respiratory chain ) / membrane protein are higher in membrane preparations isolated from cells grown at high light intensities than in such preparations from cells grown at low light intensities . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Previous studies have established that diphenyleneiodonium binds to and inhibits the respiratory enzyme NADH dehydrogenase and also catalyses an exchange of Cl for OH across membranes . 2 . ^^^ When [ 125I ] diphenyleneiodonium was administered to rats and rabbits , its distribution did not appear to be governed by its binding to NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The component in the matrix fraction with an apparent Em7 . 4 = 56 mV probably represents ETF , and that in the inner membrane fraction with an apparent Em7 . 4 = 43 mV the NADH dehydrogenase flavoprotein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The latter was more readily reduced by NADH than by succinate , suggesting that it might be associated with the external NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The iron sulphur centres of NADH ubiquinone reductase were present in an unusually low concentration , indicating that the alternative , non phosphorylating , NADH dehydrogenase containing a low number of iron sulphur centres may be responsible for most of the high rate of oxidation of NADH . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Succinate dehydrogenase was inactivated before choline and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Influence of hormones on NADH dehydrogenase in mouse liver plasma membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Formate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , a quinone and a b type cytochrome characterized by maxima at 429 and 560 nm are shown to participate in the tetrathionate redox chain of Citrobacter . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cytochrome b 556 , being in complexes , retains its ability to be reduced by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Resolution of complex 1 and isolation of NADH dehydrogenase and an iron sulfur protein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The process of electrochemical oxidation of formate on a coal electrode with the help of a two enzyme system composed of NAD dependent formate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase , catalysing oxidation of NADH with reduction of methylviologen was studied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Properties and kinetics of salt activation of a membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase from a marine bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum . ^^^ A membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase , solubilized and partially purified from a marine bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum , contains FAD as the prosthetic group , and is specific for NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Changes in energy conservation and electron transport associated with NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is concluded that the toxic effects of barbiturates are partially due to the inhibition of mitochondrial respiration at the level of NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The differences in the subpopulations were further reflected by different specific activities of NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase and ATPase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain of Escherichia coli . 1 . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase of the Escherichia coli respiratory chain has been identified by the following properties : ( a ) its location in membrane vesicles ; ( b ) its inhibition by AMP in a fashion similar to that of the NADH oxidase ; ( c ) its specificity for NADH , but not NADPH , with the same Km for NADH as that of the NADH oxidase ; ( d ) its sensitivity when membrane bound to inhibition by dicoumarol , rotenone , and 2 heptyl 4 hydroxyquinoline N oxide , which are also inhibitors for the NADH oxidase . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase of the cytosol fraction ( assayed as NADH dichlorphenolindophenol reductase activity ) differs substantially from the membrane bound activity both in substrate specificity and in the inhibitors of the reaction . ^^^ The respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase was extracted from isolated membrane vesicle preparations by solubilization in Triton 10 100 , and was purified in buffers containing that detergent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A strain carrying a point mutation affecting the NADH dehydrogenase complex of Escherichia coli has been isolated and its properties examined . ^^^ The following properties of strains carrying the ndh allele were established which suggest that the mutation affects the NADH dehydrogenase complex but apparently not the primary dehydrogenase . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase , measured as NADH dichlorophenolindophenol reductase is reduced but not absent . ^^^ The properties of the group of ndh mutants established so far suggest that they are affected in the transfer of reducing equivalents from the NADH dehydrogenase complex to ubiquinone . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ethanol extracted respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase of Acholeplasma laidlawii has been purified 25 35 fold . ^^^ Sodium deoxycholate sucrose density gradient centrifugation was followed by dialysis of the active NADH dehydrogenase fractions which caused flocculation of 60 % of the membrane proteins while the NADH dehydrogenase remained suspended . ^^^ Poylacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified NADH dehydrogenase gave one major and two minor bands after staining with Coomassie Blue . ^^^ Consideration of published purification procedures of NADH dehydrogenase strongly suggested that the purified A . laidlawii respiratory chian linked NADH dehydrogenase was over 90 % pure and certainly one of the most purified respiratory chain linked bacterial NADH dehydrogenases . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification of NADH dehydrogenase by electrofocusing ] . ^^^ A highly purified preparation of NADH dehydrogenase was isolated from bacteria M . lysodeikticus membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhalational anesthetics reversibly inhibit mitochondrial electron transport from NADH linded substrates at the level of the enzyme NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Measurements of the activity of several enzymatic partial reactions of the respiratory chain of ETP suggest that dexon acts directly on the flavine of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Furthermore , dexon inhibits the NADH dehydrogenase located at the outer surface of the inner membrane of plant mitochondria , accessible to extramitochondrial NADH and insensitive to rotenone , as has been shown on isolated mitochondria from cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea L ) . ^^^ In addition , dexon inhibits selectively the NADH dehydrogenase of the DT diaphorase ( ERNSTER ) from rat liver cytosol . ^^^ In contrast , the dicoumarol insensitive NADH dehydrogenase ( ZINSMEYER et al . ) from rat liver cytosol , the NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase ( STRITTMATTER ) from rat liver microsomes , the rotenone insensitive NADH cytochrome c oxidoreductase of the outer membrane of rat liver mitochondria , soluble NADH oxidase from Escherichia coli , and NADH dehydrogenase from human erythrocytes are not inhibited . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Pyruvate thus competes with , and can substitute for , the NADH dehydrogenase of the electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibiton by hydrophilic chelators only in mitochondria indicates that succinate dehydrogenase as well as NADH dehydrogenase has a transmembranous orientation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Diphenyleneiodonium inhibits soluble rat liver NADH dehydrogenase and NADH oxidation by rat liver sub mitochondrial particles directly ; 2 , 4 dichlorodiphenyleneiodonium is only about twice as inhibitory . 3 . ^^^ Nadh dehydrogenase preparations only apparently contain high affinity binding sites . ^^^ The high affinity sites are apparently associated with NADH dehydrogenase and the low affinity sites probably represent electrostatic binding of diphenylene [ 125I ] iodonium to phospholipids . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Salivary glands of Drosophila hydei recovering from an anaerobic treatment show a significant increase in apparent Vmax of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Gel electrophoresis of mitochondrial protein extracts revealed three protein fractions with NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ The data suggest that the increase in mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity in salivary glands recovering from an anaerobic treatment depends on increased gene transcription . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Preparations with a selectively decreased ( by 85 90 % ) content of NADH dehydrogenase were isolated by means of heating treatment of M . lysodeikticus isolated membranes . ^^^ The degree of the reduction of the NADH dehydrogenase nearest neighbour in the respiration chain of cytochrome b 556 in heated membranes is similar to that in intact membranes . ^^^ It is concluded that cytochrome b 556 and ( or ) NADH dehydrogenase are capable to lateral migration in the membrane of M . lysodeikticus , resulting in the inter chain electrone transport . ^^^ A coefficient of their lateral diffusion is calculated ( D equals 8 10 ( 10 ) 2 10 ( 9 ) CM2SEC 1 At 30 degrees C ) on the basis of kinetics of cytochrome reduction by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was concluded that AMP activated the flow of electrons from endogenous nicotinamide nucleotide to cytochrome b , possible at the level of the internal NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cell membrane preparations prepared from tolI cells exhibit reduced succinate and D lactate oxidase activity but elevated levels of reduced form nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NADH ) oxidase . tolI cells have reduced levels of succinate and D lactate dehydrogenase but normal levels of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This indicates electron transport is blocked at the NADH dehydrogenase level . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Since the quinolones did not affect L ascorbate supported respiration or the activities of submitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase , the site of action of the quinolone coccidiostats was tentatively identified as probably near cytochrome b in E . tenella mitochondria . ^^^ They inhibited submitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase of E . tenella , and remained equally active against the mitochondrial function of E . tenella amquinolate resistant mutant . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cytophotometric measurements of the activities of 5 enzymes ( succinate , malate , and NAD+ linked isocitrate dehydrogenases from the tricarboxylic cycle , lactate dehydrogenase from the Embden Meyerhof pathway , and NADH dehydrogenase ) were correlated with cell volume for neurones in the anterior horn of rabbit lumbar and cervical spinal cord . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The staining pattern of NADP linked isocitrate and malate dehydrogenase as well as of NADH dehydrogenase suggests that these enzymes are localized both in and out of mitochondria . ^^^ The extramitochondrial activity of NADH dehydrogenase might be localized in the endoplasmic reticulum . . . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results demonstrated that the isolated fractions were biochemically heterogeneous with regard to the enzymes , monoamine oxidase ( MAO ) , NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of enzymes in the liver were determined : the activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex , lipoamide dehydrogenase ( NADH : lipoamide oxidoreductase EC 1 . 6 . 4 . 3 ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) and D amino acid oxidase ( D amino acid : oxygen oxidoreductase ( deaminating ) EC 1 . 4 . 3 . 3 ) were decreased but those of succinate dehydrogenase ( succinate : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase EC 1 . 3 . 99 . 1 ) and xanthine oxidase ( xanthine : oxygen oxidoreductase EC 1 . 2 . 3 . 2 ) remained unchanged . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two of the genes with elevated RNA expression in the senescent cells are the mitochondria coded genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 and for cytochrome b . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The observed inhibitory effects have been assumed to be caused by a competition between the quinones and endogenous co enzyme Q for the active site of NADH dehydrogenase complex of the respiratory chain . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In these mitochondria , exogenous NADH is oxidized by the NADH dehydrogenase localized on the outer surface of the inner membrane , whereas the NADH produced by ethanol oxidation in the mitochondrial matrix is oxidized by the NADH dehydrogenase localized on the inner surface of the inner membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Several analogs of 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) were evaluated for their affinity for the dopamine uptake system and their ability to inhibit NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) of the mitochondrial electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Model of bifunctional binding of rotenone and piericidin with mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ] . ^^^ Based on authors ' and literature data on the effect of inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase a scheme concerning bifunctional binding of specific inhibitors piericidin A and rotenone with the enzyme is suggested . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evaluation of mitochondrial responses in terms of a quadratic equation in log P ( an index of lipophilicity ) indicated that the NADH dehydrogenase receptor site for inhibitor ( diminution of control of glutamate , alpha ketoglutarate , and beta hydroxybutyrate respiration ) was more lipophilic than receptor sites for flavin linked substrates ( reduction of control of succinate , choline and alpha glycerophosphate respiration ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA base modifications induced in isolated human chromatin by NADH dehydrogenase catalyzed reduction of doxorubicin . ^^^ We therefore sought to determine whether doxorubicin in the presence of NADH dehydrogenase and the transition metal ions Fe ( 3 ) or Cu ( 2 ) induces DNA base modifications in isolated human chromatin . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase catalyzed reduction of doxorubicin ( 25 100 microM ) caused hydroxyl radical production detected as methane generated from dimethyl sulfoxide ; addition of isolated human chromatin to the system produced a concentration dependent quenching of detectable hydroxyl radical formation . ^^^ In the presence of Fe ( 3 ) , NADH dehydrogenase catalyzed reduction of doxorubicin caused enhancement in the content of all modified bases over control levels . ^^^ Substitution of Cu ( 2 ) for Fe ( 3 ) altered both the degree and the pattern of doxorubicin / NADH dehydrogenase induced base modifications . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Exogenous quinones directly inhibit the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase in Escherichia coli . ^^^ Studies in vitro showed that plumbagin and other redox active quinones intercept electrons from NADH dehydrogenase , the primary respiratory dehydrogenase in glucose containing media . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biochemical studies on muscle biopsy specimen in one patient revealed NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) deficiency . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The essential role of anthraquinones as substrates for NADH dehydrogenase in their redox cycling activity . ^^^ Redox potential , superoxide production and NADH dehydrogenase substrate properties of daunorubicin , its four sugar modified derivatives , 4 demethoxydaunorubicin and ametantrone have been examined . ^^^ A new method for the determination of substrate properties of anthraquinones for NADH dehydrogenase has been developed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A biochemical analysis showed a low activity of NADH cytochrome C reductase , NADH dehydrogenase and a normal activity of succinate cytochrome C reductase and cytochrome C oxidase . ^^^ This data suggests a specific defect in the NADH dehydrogenase of complex 1 ( NADH CoQ reductase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and 2 genes , the ATPase 9 gene , the NADH dehydrogenase ND4L and ND 5 gene complex , and the glutaminyl , methionyl and arginyl tRNA genes from Trichophyton rubrum . ^^^ This region which represents about 1 / 4 of the total mt genome of this species reveals a compact organization of genes including : the glutaminyl tRNA , the methionyl tRNA , the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene , the arginyl tRNA , the mitochondrial version of the ATPase subunit 9 gene , the cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 gene and a part of the NADH dehydrogenase ND4L and ND 5 gene `` complex ' ' . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The concentration of the iron sulphur ( Fe S ) cluster 1b , present in complex 1 or soluble high molecular mass NADH dehydrogenase , was determined using different methods . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biochemical studies in muscle tissue showed a defect of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This effect is followed by a progressive decrease in these oxidative activities as the ischaemia is prolonged , apparently owing to damage to Complex 1 at a site subsequent to the NADH dehydrogenase component . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Eleven subjects had an Alu 1 polymorphic site in the subunit 2 gene of NADH dehydrogenase , five had a Hae 3 polymorphic site in the cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 gene , and five had a Hinf 1 polymorphic site in the subunit 3 gene of cytochrome oxidase . ^^^ No polymorphic site was found in the structural genes coding for subunits 1 , 3 , 4 , 4L and 6 of NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome b , and subunit 8 of ATP synthase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , Corral et al . ( Nucleic Acids Res . 16 : 10935 , 1988 ; 17 : 5191 , 1989 ) observed recombination between cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) , two genes normally on opposite sides of the circular mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Detection of point mutations in codon 331 of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 in Alzheimer ' s brains . ^^^ Point mutations in codon 331 of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) were detected in 10 of 19 Alzheimer ' s brains but not in 11 normal brains . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Editing of the NADH dehydrogenase 7 ( ND 7 ) and ND 8 transcripts is also developmentally regulated but occurs preferentially in bloodstream forms . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Maxicircle CR 1 transcripts of Trypanosoma brucei are edited and developmentally regulated and encode a putative iron sulfur protein homologous to an NADH dehydrogenase subunit . ^^^ This protein contains two iron sulfur cysteine motifs and is homologous to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase and to other electron carrier proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The anatomy of the two primary targets , the ventral posteromedial thalamus and central nucleus of the amygdala , is described based on Nissl stained material , and acetylcholinesterase and NADH dehydrogenase histochemistry . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genes encoding subunits 2 and 4 of NADH dehydrogenase , and subunit 6 of F0F1ATPase , were not found to be differentially expressed in carcinomas and fibroadenomas . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Amiodarone altered the fluidity of the erythrocyte membrane followed by a decrease in the activities of membrane bound enzymes like ( Na+ , K+ ) ATPase , Acetylcholine esterase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Compared with controls , myocardium in IDCM had markedly reduced mitochondrial electron transport activity and myoglobin concentration , in association with acidosis and energy depletion following anoxic challenge : 60 % decreased NADH dehydrogenase and 50 % decreased ATP synthetase activities ; 90 % decreased myoglobin concentration ; and 30 % reduced ATP and 50 % increased lactate and proton concentrations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial mRNAs , cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase ( 4 ) have a uniform distribution throughout the crypt and surface ( villus ) epithelial cells of the small intestine and colon . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The protein genes encode the cytochrome b apoenzyme , cytochrome c oxidase ( CO ) subunits 1 3 , NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunits 1 6 and 4L , and ATP synthetase ( ATPase ) subunit 6 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The production of fermentative products seems to be due to a relative inefficiency of the respiratory chain , which lacks NADH dehydrogenase and the first phosphorylation site and preferentially uses succinate as substrate . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The peripheral arm containing one FMN and at least three iron sulphur clusters constitutes the NADH dehydrogenase segment of the electron pathway . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both chloroplast and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 genes are transcribed in pea . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A number of cytosines are altered to be recognized as uridines in transcripts of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( nad 3 ) gene in the mitochondria of the higher plant Petunia hybrida . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Extraction of coenzyme Q from the membrane decreases NADH dehydrogenase and NADH : oxygen oxidoreductase activity . ^^^ Analogs of coenzyme Q inhibit NADH dehydrogenase and oxidase activity and the inhibition is reversed by added coenzyme Q . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
TCA cycle enzyme , NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome C oxidase and Na+ , K ( + ) ATPase activities were found to be decreased in doxorubicin treatment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Seven of the 9 clones examined corresponded to 6 mitochondrial genes whose expression levels , relative to those from glucose grown cells , ranged from approximately 3 fold for 16S rRNA to 8 23 fold for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 . ^^^ On the other hand , levels of mitochondrial DNA copy , measured by using NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 cDNA as probe , were shown to be unaffected by trehalose treatment . ^^^ Elevation of cellular NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 RNA in HT 29 cultures grown in medium containing different components ( sodium butyrate , galactose , no sugar , glucose , cellobiose ) generally correlated with depressed growth levels and specifically with increased numbers of mucin producing cells present . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrially encoded gene NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) , that encodes a component of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) of the electron transport chain , was significantly overexpressed in the highly metastatic RAW 117 H10 compared to low metastatic RAW 117 P cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cyanobacteria also contain a NADH dehydrogenase that is homologous to the mitochondrial complex 1 . ^^^ We report here the sequence of five subunits ( ndhA , 1 , G , E and D ) of the NADH dehydrogenase from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp . ^^^ Thus , the cyanobacterial NADH dehydrogenase provides a prokaryotic model system which is more suitable to genetic analysis than the enzyme of plastids . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The purified mitochondria are capable of oxidizing NADH and succinate as respiratory substrates , indicating the presence of succinate dehydrogenase and an NADH dehydrogenase located on the outer surface of the inner membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial genome the gene coding for subunit 4L of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad4L ) is located between exon c of the nad 5 open reading frame and orf 25 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase subunit A ( ndhA ) gene from maize chloroplasts encodes a highly conserved peptide , which at several positions could be restored to consensus sequences by potential C to U editing of the codons involved . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using subtractive hybridization to identify genes that are androgen regulated in the mouse epididymis , a number of cDNAs were identified that represented mitochondrial genes including cytochrome oxidase c subunits 1 , 2 , and 3 , cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , a region of the displacement loop , and the 16S rRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Variable intron content of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene of plant mitochondria . ^^^ The gene nad 4 , encoding subunit four of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 , has been isolated and characterized from turnip , Brassica campestris . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This segment contains two complete protein coding genes ( i . e . , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome b ) and a transfer RNA gene ( tRNA ( ser ) ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( diaphorase ) is present on the endosome outer membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The protein genes are the same as 12 of the 13 protein genes found in other metazoan mtDNAs : Cyt b , cytochrome b ; COI 3 , cytochrome c oxidase subunits 1 3 ; ATPase 6 , Fo ATPase subunit 6 ; ND 1 6 and 4L , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 6 and 4L : a gene for ATPase subunit 8 , common to other metazoan mtDNAs , has not been identified in nematode mtDNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The complete open reading frame of subunit 2 of the NADH dehydrogenase in Oenothera mitochondria is split into five exons . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibitory action of the conjugate appears to be at the plasma membrane since ( a ) the conjugate does not transfer adriamycin to the nucleus , ( b ) the inhibition is observed within three minutes of addition to cells , and ( c ) the inhibition is observed with NADH dehydrogenase and oxidase activities of isolated plasma membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) gene in Murres : relevance to phylogenetic and population studies among birds . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The M ( r ) 66 , 000 polypeptide of the isolated Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex is assigned the NQO 3 designation on the basis of N terminal protein sequence analysis , amino acid analysis , and immuno cross reactivity . ^^^ When partial DNA sequencing of the regions downstream of the NQO 3 gene was performed , sequences homologous to the mitochondrial ND 1 , ND 5 , and ND 2 gene products of bovine complex 1 were found , suggesting that the gene cluster carrying the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex contains not only structural genes encoding water soluble subunits but also structural genes encoding hydrophobic subunits . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mn2+ may also bind to the NADH dehydrogenase complex , but not strongly enough to affect electron transport in vivo . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NQO 4 and NQO 5 genes appear to code for the M ( r ) 48 , 000 and 21 , 000 polypeptides of the isolated Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex [ Yagi , T . ( 1986 ) Arch . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Consequently , NADH dehydrogenase , site 1 of oxidative phosphorylation , is the source of the EMF and the plant like trypanosome alternative oxidase ( TAO ) supports the electron flow serving as the terminal oxidase of the chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using purified preparations of two flavoproteins found in the rat colon , it was shown that the addition of TNBS ( 1 mmol / L ) to purified NADH dehydrogenase or glutathione reductase increased the rate of superoxide formation by these enzymes from normally undetectable levels to 1 . 6 nmol / min and 1 . 2 nmol / min , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The autoxidizable membrane component is a member of the respiratory chain , since O 2 production is NADH specific , amplified by cyanide , and absent from membranes lacking the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Simultaneously there was an increase in the activities of the mitochrondrial respiratory enzymes : NADH dehydrogenase , succinic dehydrogenase , and cytochrome oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , the abilities of AQs to stimulate O 2 production using both purified flavoproteins ( NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase ) and V 79 subcellular fractions ( homogenate and microsomes ) were assayed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase ( complex 4 ) were severely diminished ( 20 % residual activity of controls ) in the skeletal and heart muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Some of the nuclear coded subunits occur in tissue specific isoforms , as reported for COX and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Indices of the active type of behaviour ( the number of crossed squares , rearings , comings out to the center of the field and the time of extinction of the motor activity ) positively correlate with succinate dehydrogenase ( SDG ) activity and negatively with NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DG ) activity and the index of the passive type of behaviour ( time of passive swimming ) positively correlates with NADH DG activity and negatively with SDG activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Carriers of three mitochondrial DNA morphs , two in the subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase gene and one in the tRNA for threonine , had a VO2max ( ml . kg 1 . min 1 ) in the untrained state significantly higher than noncarriers , while carriers of one mitochondrial DNA morph in subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase had a lower initial VO2max . ^^^ After adjustment for training site and initial VO2max , a lower response was observed for three carriers of a variant in subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase detected with HincII ( mean gain of 0 . 28 1 ; P less than 0 . 05 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In all the abundance of mitochondria observed ultrastructurally was accompanied by an increase in enzymatic activities of respiratory complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) , 11 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase ) , and 5 ( ATPase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) replacement mutation in LHON patient , G to A transition at nucleotide position ( nt ) 11778 converting the 340th arginine to histidine in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 , was detected as SfaNI site polymorphism ( Wallace et al . , Science , 242 : 1427 1430 , 1988 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Parmidine from dimexide solution proved indifferent to mitochondrial energy apparatus , while phencarol could inhibit NADH dehydrogenase link of the respiratory chain and arrest dimexide inhibition of succinate oxidase system . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The start point ( s ) for transcription of the FNR repressed NADH dehydrogenase 2 gene ( ndh ) were identified by transcript mapping and the corresponding promoter ( 35 and 10 sequences ) was located immediately downstream of the FNR binding site . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Surprisingly , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 transcripts were completely unedited in the coding region , implying that an AUG translational initiation codon is absent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcripts of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 gene are differentially edited in Oenothera mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Elevated mitochondrial RNA in a Chinese hamster mutant deficient in the mitochondrially encoded subunits of NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase . ^^^ In a unique Chinese hamster mutant , Gal 32 , the mitochondrially encoded subunits of cytochrome c oxidase ( CO 1 , 2 , 3 ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 6 ) are greatly decreased while other mitochondrially synthesized proteins , such as ATPase subunits 6 and 8 , are less affected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Steady state levels of 12 S and 16 S mitochondrial ( mt ) rRNAs and four mRNAs ( NADH dehydrogenase subunits 3 and 4 / 4L , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 , H ( + ) ATPase subunits 6 / 6L ) were estimated by hybridization of cellular RNA with cloned human mt DNA fragments during hypoxia of HeLa cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chimeric molecules were isolated for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 and cytochrome oxidase subunits 2 and 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RNA editing of the transcript coding for subunit 4 of NADH dehydrogenase in wheat mitochondria : uneven distribution of the editing sites among the four exons . ^^^ The wheat mitochondrial ( mt ) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene ( nad 4 ) has been localized and sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We characterized numerous partially edited NADH dehydrogenase 7 and ATPase 6 cDNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nucleotide sequences of the tRNASer ( trnS ) , pseudo tRNA , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( nad 3 ) , and ribosomal protein S 12 ( rps 12 ) genes from rice mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) were determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mersalyl and dicumarol , two potent inhibitors of the external NADH dehydrogenase in plant mitochondria , were found to inhibit internal rotenone insensitive NAD ( P ) H oxidation , at the same concentrations and in manners very similar to their effects on the external NAD ( P ) H oxidation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both unedited and edited CR 6 transcripts are more abundant in bloodstream form than in procyclic form parasites . cDNA clones spanning both CR 6 and the downstream NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene were isolated , indicating that mature CR 6 and ND 5 transcripts arise from a common precursor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) exhibited a slightly altered mobility on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase is synthesized as a precursor protein containing a signal sequence of 26 residues . ^^^ In vitro import experiments show that the precursor NADH dehydrogenase is cleaved to the mature size by the matrix processing peptidase . ^^^ Comparison of the protein sequence of the yeast NADH dehydrogenase with the data bank indicates that the enzyme from yeast is homologous to the NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli ( 22 . 2 % identical residues ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
PC 12 cells are neoplastic in nature and have a high rate of glycolysis accompanied by a large production of lactate and a low use of glucose carbon through the Krebs cycle . 1 Methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) and analogues such as 2 ' Et MPP+ are actively accumulated by mitochondrial preparations in vitro and block NADH dehydrogenase of complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , osteoclasts generally possessed greater acid phosphatase and NADH dehydrogenase activity but lower levels of fluoride inhibited non specific esterase activity than multinucleate giant cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , less rotenone was required for maximal inhibition of respiration in the hypothyroid state than in cells from euthyroid or hyperthyroid rats , implying that hepatocytes from hypothyroid animals contain less NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Regions that hybridized to C . reinhardtii or wheat mitochondrial gene probes for subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase ( cox 1 ) , apocytochrome b ( cob ) , three subunits of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 1 , nad 2 and nad 5 ) and the small and the large ribosomal RNAs ( rrnS and rrnL , respectively ) were localized on the C . moewusii mtDNA map by Southern blot analysis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We investigated a family with Leber ' s hereditary optic neuropathy in which affected individuals were homoplasmic for the point mutation of the NADH dehydrogenase 4 gene of mitochondrial DNA , described by Wallace and colleagues in 1988 . ^^^ This study showed that there is decreased activity of complex 1 of the respiratory chain in muscle and that cerebral striatal lesions occur in Leber ' s hereditary optic neuropathy with the NADH dehydrogenase 4 gene point mutation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reduction of FMISO by NADH dehydrogenase could not be demonstrated spectrophotometrically . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Comparison of the results of enzymatic studies using NADH dehydrogenase with those of cyclovoltammetric measurements fully confirmed the assumption that one electron transfer mediation is facilitated by the preceding quinone oxygen complex formation . ^^^ The results obtained with model anthraquinones indicated that compounds with more than one phenolic group and an unsubstituted quinone carbonyl are good NADH dehydrogenase substrates . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In mitochondria supplemented with a respiratory chain substrate ( succinate or malate / glutamate ) and an electron transport inhibitor ( antimycin A ( AA ) or rotenone ) , Hg ( 2 ) ( 30 nmol / mg protein ) increased H2O2 formation approximately 4 fold at the ubiquinone cytochrome b region ( AA inhibited ) and 2 fold at the NADH dehydrogenase region ( rotenone inhibited ) . ^^^ Concomitantly , Hg ( 2 ) increased iron dependent lipid peroxidation 3 . 5 fold at the NADH dehydrogenase region , but only by 25 % at the ubiquinone cytochrome b region . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here we present evidence for a rapid method of producing a profound chemical energy depletion with the combination of a NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor ( amytal ) and a mitochondrial proton ionophore ( CCCP ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At 90 microM K 3 50 % of quinone is reduced by DT diaphorase and 50 % by the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase complex enzymes ; about 30 % of K3H2 is oxidized via the Q cycle , about 20 % by the terminal part of the respiratory chain and about 50 % by O 2 without cytochrome oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase by low concentrations of NAD+ ] . ^^^ Low concentrations of NAD+ inhibit the NADH : acceptor reductase reactions catalyzed by soluble NADH dehydrogenase from bovine heart mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A sequence fragment from the cis splicing intron between exons a and b of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene ( nad 5 ) in plant mitochondria is also present in one of two closely related nuclear encoded lectin genes of Dolichos biflorus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Relationship between a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and a protein family including subunits of cytochrome reductase and processing protease of mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activity of NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase of mitochondria after incubation with the highest toxic dose of D 1 or D ' 1 remained normal . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron microscopic analysis of the peripheral and membrane parts of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^ Two related forms of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ubiquinone reductase or complex 1 ) are synthesized in the mitochondria of Neurospora crassa . ^^^ The small enzyme and the hydrophobic fragment make up , with regard to their redox groups , subunit composition and function , two complementary parts of the large form NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ A three dimensional reconstruction from images of negatively stained membrane crystals of the large form NADH dehydrogenase shows a peripheral domain , protruding from the membrane , with weak unresolved density within the membrane . ^^^ The two parts of NADH dehydrogenase that can be defined by the separate genetic origin of ( most of ) their subunits , their independent assembly , and their distinct contributions to the electron pathway can thus be assigned to the two arms of the L shaped complex I . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The S pcf locus , which includes the only copies of genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( nad 3 ) and small ribosomal subunit protein 12 ( rps 12 ) was found to be located on a circular map of 396 kb , while a second almost identical circular map of 407 kb carries the only copies of the genes for 18S and 5S rRNA ( rrn 18 and rrn 5 ) , the only copy of a conserved unidentified gene ( orf 25 ) , and the only known functional copy of atp 9 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The complete NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( nad 1 ) ORF in Oenothera mitochondria is encoded by five exons . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcripts of the Petunia mitochondrial cytoplasmic male sterility ( CMS ) associated S Pcf locus , which consists of three co transcribed genes ( pcf , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 , and ribosomal protein S 12 ) , have been characterized in reproductive tissues of CMS and fertility restored ( Rf ) Petunia lines by nuclease protection experiments and by RNA blot hybridization . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes for 5S rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 are absent from P . salina mtDNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( nad 1 ) in Petunia hybrida is split into five exons , a , b , c , d , and e . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There was increase in the activity of phospholipase in the cell free supernatant of aorta and liver and decrease in the activity of cell free supernatant NADH dehydrogenase of aorta when atherogenic diet was supplemented with garlic . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Acute single dose ( ip ) administration of two rare earth elements like lanthanum chloride ( 250 mg / kg body wt ) and neodymium chloride ( 200 mg / kg body wt ) to chicks have been found to reduce the activity of certain erythrocyte membrane bound enzymes , viz . acetylcholinesterase , NADH dehydrogenase , Mg ( 2+ ) ATPase , p nitrophenyl phosphatase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA sequencing revealed that four out of five selected cDNA clones represented mitochondrial genes ( cytochrome b , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 4 , respectively ) , whereas one cDNA clone was homologous to the alpha 2 ( type 1 collagen gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and the glycolytic steps associated with NADH reoxidation downstream from pyruvate appear to provide another control level of glycolysis dynamics in vivo . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Oxygen uptake experiments , performed with mitochondria isolated from the mutant cells , showed that this NADH dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of NADH generated inside the mitochondrion . ^^^ Inactivation of this NADH dehydrogenase does not affect growth on glucose and ethanol , but growth on lactate , pyruvate and acetate is impaired or absent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The wheat mitochondrial gene for subunit 1 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex : a trans splicing model for this gene in pieces . ^^^ The nad 1 gene encoding subunit 1 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase is fragmented into five unique copy coding segments that are scattered over at least 40 kb and interspersed with other genes in the wheat mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A gene homologous to the subunit 2 gene of NADH dehydrogenase is essential to inorganic carbon transport of Synechocystis PCC 6803 . ^^^ Sequencing of the insert DNA in the region of the mutation in RKa revealed an open reading frame ( designated as ndhB ) , which showed extensive amino acid sequence homology to the subunit 2 genes of NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) ( ndhB ) of chloroplasts and mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase complex isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans is composed of approximately 10 unlike polypeptides and contains noncovalently bound FMN , non heme iron , and acid labile sulfide [ Yagi , T . ( 1986 ) Arch . ^^^ When partial DNA sequencing of the regions surrounding the gene encoding the NADH binding subunit was carried out , sequences homologous to the 24 , 49 , and 75 kDa polypeptides of bovine complex 1 were detected , suggesting that the structural genes of the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex constitute a gene cluster . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cyanobacteria contain a mitochondrial complex 1 homologous NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This demonstrates that a NADH dehydrogenase , homologous to the mitochondrial NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase ( complex 1 of the respiratory chain ) is present in cyanobacteria . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase can be solubilized with the detergent beta D dodecylmaltoside . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In plants psaC is located in the small single copy region of the chloroplast genome between two genes ( designated ndhE and ndhD ) with similarity to genes encoding subunits of the mitochondrial NADH Dehydrogenase Complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The gene organization of starfish mitochondrial DNA is identical with that of the sea urchin counterpart except for a reported inversion of an approximately 4 . 6 kb segment containing two structural genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 ( ND 1 and ND 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase complex isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans is composed of approximately 10 unlike polypeptides [ Yagi , T . ( 1986 ) Arch . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( nad 5 ) in mitochondria of the higher plants Oenothera and Arabidopsis are split into five exons that are located in three distant genomic regions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase from an alkalophile , Bacillus sp . strain YN 1 . ^^^ The gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase from an alkalophile , Bacillus sp . , was cloned and sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The segment encompasses three complete tRNA genes ( tRNAtrp , tRNAcys , and tRNAtyr ) and portions of two protein coding genes : the subunit 2 of the NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 2 ) and the subunit 1 of the cytochrome oxidase ( COI ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Some of the homologous PTS permeases were found to exhibit sufficient sequence similarity to subunits 4 and 5 of the eukaryotic mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex to suggest homology . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Exposure of sagittal slices of mouse brain to MPTP ( 100 pM ) caused inhibition of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Probimane had no effect on NADH 2 , but inhibited NADH dehydrogenase activity at higher concentration . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inside the neuron , MPP+ is thought to act as a mitochondrial toxin , slowly sapping the neuron of its energy producing potential by blocking the action of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) and related bacterial enzymes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ND1 / 3460 mutation exhibits 80 % reduction in rotenone sensitive and ubiquinone dependent electron transfer activity , whereas the proximal NADH dehydrogenase activity of the Complex is unaffected . ^^^ In contrast , the ND4 / 11778 mutation had no effect on electron transfer activity of the Complex in inner mitochondrial membrane preparations ; also Km for NADH and NADH dehydrogenase activity were unaffected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Muscle biopsy was obtained from the biceps brachii muscle ; on NADH dehydrogenase stain , there was subsarcolemmal increase in the oxidative enzyme activity showing `` lobulated fiber ' ' mostly seen in type 1 fibers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cleavage site mapping suggested the presence of a direct tandem duplication spanning the 16S and 12S rRNA genes , the control region and most , if not all , of the gene for the subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Specimens were stained with hematoxylin eosin ( H & E ) and Masson Trichrome and were processed for identification of alkaline phosphatase , adenosine triphosphatase , succinic dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , and calcium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Within a continuous 8 . 0 kb fragment are located the genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4L ( ND 1 , ND 2 , ND 3 , and ND4L ) , cytochrome oxidase subunits 1 , 2 , and 3 ( COI , COII , and COIII ) , and adenosine triphosphatase subunits 6 and 8 ( ATPase 6 and ATPase 8 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results suggest that ischemia decreases the NADH dehydrogenase activity of cardiac mitochondria . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evidence that the inhibition sites of the neurotoxic amine 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) and of the respiratory chain inhibitor piericidin A are the same . 1 Methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) , the neurotoxic bioactivation product of 1 methyl 4 phenyl 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 tetrahydropyridine ( MPTP ) , interrupts mitochondrial electron transfer at the NADH dehydrogenase ubiquinone junction , as do the respiratory chain inhibitors rotenone , piericidin A and barbiturates . ^^^ Proof that these classical respiratory chain inhibitors and MPP+ react at the same site in the complex NADH dehydrogenase molecule has been difficult to obtain because none of these compounds bind covalently to the target . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This was the case for a range of enzyme classes , including disulphide oxidoreductases ( such as glutathione reductase , trypanothione reductase , lipoamide dehydrogenase , mercuric reductase ) , mono and dioxygenases , nitrite reductase , alkyl hydroperoxidase and NADH dehydrogenase from E . coli . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Succinate dehydrogenase ( associated with respiratory complex 2 ) was found to be very sensitive to NAPQI , while NADH dehydrogenase ( respiratory complex 1 ) was inhibited to a lesser extent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interaction of 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ion ( MPP+ ) and its analogs with the rotenone / piericidin binding site of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ MPP+ blocks electron flow from NADH dehydrogenase to coenzyme Q at or near the same site as do rotenone and piericidin and protects against binding of and loss of activity due to these inhibitors . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This gene is located adjacent to the gene for subunit 4 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 4 ) , near one end of the 15 . 8 kb linear mitochondrial genome of C . reinhardtii . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The involvement of a quinone in the antimycin A insensitive electron transfer from NADH dehydrogenase to cytochrome c via the alternative respiratory chain of Candida parapsilosis , by passing complex 2 , has been studied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Respiratory failure was correlated with a selective inactivation of three mitochondrial enzymes , that is , partial inactivation of NADH dehydrogenase and virtually complete inactivation of succinate and alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activities ( Schoonen et al . , 1990 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) of mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA derived amino acid sequence of the NADH binding 51 kDa subunit of the bovine respiratory NADH dehydrogenase reveals striking similarities to a bacterial NAD ( + ) reducing hydrogenase . ^^^ A lambda gt 10 bovine brain and a lambda gt 11 bovine heart cDNA library were screened with oligonucleotide probes corresponding to partial protein sequences directly determined from the isolated 51 kDa subunit of the bovine respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Those enzymes that bear the coupling site are designated as NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NDH 1 ) and those that do not as NADH dehydrogenase 2 ( NDH 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The measurement of NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase ( inner membrane enzymes ) indicated that the outer membrane preparations obtained by the three methods were pure enough for analytical studies . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase complex isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans is composed of approximately 10 unlike polypeptides and contains noncovalently bound FMN , non heme iron , and acid labile sulfide [ Yagi , T . ( 1986 ) Arch . ^^^ When the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex was irradiated by UV light in the presence of [ adenylate 32P ] NAD , radioactivity was incorporated exclusively into one of three polypeptides of Mr approximately 50 , 000 . ^^^ These chemical and immunological results indicate that the Mr 50 , 000 polypeptide is an NADH binding subunit of the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Allelic mutations of the fourth subunit of NADH dehydrogenase are not pathogenetically important in 11778 negative Leber hereditary optic neuropathy . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The region is 2527 base pairs long , including most of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 genes punctuated by three tRNA genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The profile of alkyllyso GPC : acetyl CoA acetyltransferase activity closely paralleled the subcellular distribution of the endoplasmic reticulum marker , NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of NADH dehydrogenase proteins , ATPase subunit 9 , cytochrome b , and ribosomal protein L 14 encoded in the mitochondrial DNA of Paramecium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Changes in the mRNA levels during mammalian myogenesis were compared for seven polypeptides of mitochondrial respiration ( the mitochondrial DNA encoded cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 , ATP synthase subunit 6 , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 , and 16S ribosomal RNA ; the nuclear encoded ATP synthase beta subunit and the adenine nucleotide translocase ) and three polypeptides of glycolysis ( glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase , pyruvate kinase , and triose phosphate isomerase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In all three tissues , these data together with analysis of the partial reactions of the electron transport chain and steady state kinetic analysis of cytochrome reduction indicated that in isolated mitochondria high concentrations of MP : ( a ) inhibit the oxidation of NAD linked substrates at the level of the respiratory chain between the primary NADH dehydrogenase flavoprotein and coenzyme Q , most likely at the iron sulfur centers or coenzyme Q binding proteins of complex 1 ; and ( b ) inhibit succinate oxidation in intact ( but not disrupted ) mitochondria , not by inhibiting electron transfer along the respiratory chain , but possibly at the level of succinate transport into the mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Superoxide anion production by doxorubicin analogs in heart sarcosomes and by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This study investigates the effects of daunorubicin , 4 demethoxy daunorubicin , 11 deoxydaunorubicin , 5 imino daunorubicin , doxorubicin , 4 ' epidoxorubicin and the new derivative 4 ' iodo 4 ' deoxydoxorubicin , on superoxide anion production in heart sarcosomes and by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The superoxide formation by NADH dehydrogenase in the presence of anthracyclines appeared to follow saturation kinetics , depending by NADH . 4 Demethoxydaunorubicin and 4 ' epidoxorubicin showed Vmax higher than that of doxorubicin although the Km values were similar . ^^^ By contrast 5 iminodaunorubicin failed to increase superoxide production over control levels and 4 ' Iodo 4 ' deoxydoxorubicin hardly enhanced superoxide production by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The stronger reactivity of polyclonal antibodies to COX subunits 2 3 and VIIbc with type 1 as compared to type 2 fibres , correlated well with the higher histochemical reactivity of NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase in type 1 fibres . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Most of the deletions spanned large parts of the mitochondrial genome , leading to loss of mitochondrial genes encoding several subunits of the respiratory chain complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) , 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase ) and 5 ( ATP synthetase ) , as well as of several tRNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The same domain motif for ubiquinone reduction in mitochondrial or chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase and bacterial glucose dehydrogenase . ^^^ The respiratory chain NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ( NADH dehydrogenase or Complex 1 ) of mitochondria comprises some 30 different subunits , and one FMN and 4 or 5 iron sulfur clusters as internal redox groups . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biochemical marker enzyme analysis ( ouabain sensitive Na+ , K ( + ) ATPase and 5 ' nucleotidase ) indicated that plasma membrane enrichment was 11 . 87 fold and 7 . 25 fold , respectively , and contamination with mitochondria , endoplasmic reticulum , and lysosomes was low as determined by succinic dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , and N acetylglucosaminidase activities , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This supports the hypothesis that an enzyme similar to respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase might exist in these organelles . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Of these semiquinone species the 100 mV component has been suggested to be part of the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The supernatant retained over 60 % of the NADH dehydrogenase activity , tested with either DCIP 2 or ferricyanide as substrates , together with NADH . ^^^ When submitted to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions and stained for NADH dehydrogenase activity , five bands of different mobilities were detected . ^^^ NADH Dehydrogenase 4 and 5 could be purified in their active forms by this approach . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Following concentration in the dopamine neurons by the synaptic system , which has a high affinity for the carrier , MPP+ and its positively charged neurotoxic analogs are further concentrated by the electrical gradient of the inner membrane and then more slowly penetrate the hydrophobic reaction site on NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The molecular target of MPP+ , its neurotoxic product , is NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two major respiratory electron transport proteins , NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : Quinone oxidoreductase ) , and cytochrome o terminal oxidase are candidates for the electrogenic Na+ pumping that mediates the delta psi Na+ formation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase , succinate dehydrogenase , succinate oxidase , and ATPase activities ( Vmax ) were rapidly inactivated by . ^^^ Importantly , O 2 was a highly efficient inactivator of NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase , and ATPase ( 10 % inactivation at 20 50 nmol of O 2 / mg of SMP protein , 40 % inactivation at 600 nmol of O 2 / mg of SMP protein ) , a mildly efficient inactivator of succinate dehydrogenase ( 10 % inactivation at 150 nmol of O 2 / mg of SMP protein , 30 % inactivation at 600 nmol of O 2 / mg of SMP protein ) , and a poor inactivator of succinate oxidase ( less than 10 % inactivation at 600 nmol of O 2 / mg of SMP protein ) . ^^^ H2O2 partially inactivated NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase , and cytochrome oxidase , but even 10 % loss of these activities required at least 500 600 nmol of H2O2 / mg of SMP protein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A further cDNA encompassing three mitochondrial genes was used as a probe to show that a third mRNA , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , was also down regulated by interferon while a fourth , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 , was unaffected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Isolated mitochondria reduced a variety of ferric chelates , probably via an ' external ' NADH dehydrogenase , but not the siderophore ferrioxamine B . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Because the presence of two kinds of NADH dehydrogenase in respiratory chain of Escherichia coli has been reported , we examined the effect of galloylglucose independently on both NADH dehydrogenases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By chemical treatment of the enzyme with dicarbonyl reagents , such as glyoxal , the original oxygenase activity was converted to the salicylate dependent NADH dehydrogenase activity with free FAD as electron acceptor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial nad 5 gene of sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris ) encoding a subunit of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Porcine masseter muscles were evaluated by ATP ase histochemistry as well as with NADH dehydrogenase and PAS staining . ^^^ The ATP ase technique failed to reveal type 2 : B fibres in the porcine masseter after acid and alkaline preincubation and it was not possible to separate fibre types by glycogen staining and NADH dehydrogenase histochemistry . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Isolated and combined deficiencies of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) in muscle tissue of children with mitochondrial myopathies . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mutation is located in the ND 4 gene encoding subunit 4 of the respiratory chain enzyme NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ No new mutations in the ND 4 region were found , suggesting that the putative mtDNA mutation in these families may be in the coding regions for other subunits of NADH dehydrogenase enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Moreover , the lack of L carnitine mediated cytoprotection of monolayers incubated with 4 phenylpyridine or potassium cyanide suggests : ( 1 ) a link between fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial membrane mediated , bioactivation dependent cell killing ; and ( 2 ) that inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase may not totally explain the mechanism of MPTP cytotoxicity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have determined from nucleotide sequence analysis that the subterminal and terminal exons of a respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene in broad bean mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) are separated by a group 2 intron . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biochemical analysis showed decreased activities of NADH dehydrogenase , rotenone sensitive NADH cytochrome c reductase , succinate cytochrome c reductase , and cytochrome c oxidase , four enzymes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain containing subunits encoded by mitochondrial DNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of the subunits of bovine NADH dehydrogenase which are encoded by the mitochondrial genome . ^^^ Seven proteins were precipitated by an antiserum to bovine heart NADH dehydrogenase , corresponding to the seven mitochondrial gene products identified in the human HeLa cell line . ^^^ Comparison of these mitochondrial gene products with purified bovine NADH dehydrogenase by SDS / gel electrophoresis revealed that the ND 5 product is probably a previously unidentified protein of apparent Mr 51 , 000 , and the ND 4 product is the protein of apparent Mr 39 , 000 . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Synthetic peptides from the NH 2 terminus of the mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) mimic Mtf peptide activity in an allele specific manner . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We found only one site where all four genomes differed , affecting amino acid residue 6 of ND 1 , a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NAD ( + ) linked substrates , malate and pyruvate also had no effect on H2O2 production , suggesting that NADH dehydrogenase was not the source of H2O2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The respiratory enzyme chain is inhibited by small concentrations of local anaesthetic , especially NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone succinate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Seven ORFs are comparable with human mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Synthesis and labeling of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This NAD+ analogue was found to be a potent competitive inhibitor ( Ki = 1 . 45 microM ) with respect to NADH for the purified bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . ^^^ These results indicate that N arylazido beta alanyl NAD+ is an active site directed photoaffinity label for the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , and are further evidence that the Mr = 51 , 000 subunit contains the NADH binding site . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been postulated that 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) blocks mitochondrial respiration by combining at the same site as rotenone , a potent inhibitor of NADH oxidation in mitochondria , known to act at the junction of NADH dehydrogenase and coenzyme Q ( CoQ ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This inhibition appeared to be correlated with selective inactivation of three mitochondrial key enzymes , NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , and alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enzymatic studies showed impairment of NADH dehydrogenase activity ( complex 1 of the respiratory chain ) in skeletal muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The position of these genes with respect to the mitochondrial D loop region , the cytochrome oxidase subunits 1 , 2 and 3 , the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and the ribosomal ( r ) RNAs , was confirmed by the partial nucleotide sequence of cloned mtDNA fragments . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The MURF 3 gene of T . brucei contains multiple domains of extensive editing and is homologous to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The predicted amino acid sequence has homology to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 7 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The assembly of mitochondrially and cytoplasmically translated subunits of NADH dehydrogenase in the inner mitochondrial membrane was studied in rat hepatoma cultures . ^^^ By these criteria , six NADH dehydrogenase subunits are identified as being translated on mitochondrial ribosomes . ^^^ Mitochondrial and nuclear coded polypeptides assemble into NADH dehydrogenase at different rates as measured by incorporation of pulse labeled proteins into immunoprecipitable enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DT diaphorase type activity is also observed on the cell surface employing dichloroindophenol as external electron acceptor and it is found to be a dicoumarol sensitive NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes encoding a subunit of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) and a reverse transcriptase like protein ( RTL ) are linked to ribosomal RNA gene pieces in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondrial DNA . ^^^ The ND 1 gene encodes a subunit of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase , a standard mitochondrial gene , while the RTL gene is related to the reverse transcriptase like part of some optional introns and plasmids in fungal mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A catalytic component of the bovine mitochondrial NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex ( Complex 1 ) is a soluble NADH dehydrogenase iron sulfur flavoprotein ( FP ) . ^^^ Appropriate enzymatic assays showed that none of the antibodies inhibited the NADH dehydrogenase activity of isolated FP or the NADH oxidase activity of SMP . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The content of DNA and of 16S rRNA and of two mRNAs , i . e . , the mRNA for the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and the mRNA for one subunit of the NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 4 ) , in free ( nonsynaptic ) mitochondria of developing and adult rat cerebellum has been determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fine mapping of the termini of the rRNAs and of the adjacent transcripts indicated that , although they appeared to be butt joined at their 5 ' ends to the upstream transcripts , tRNA Phe 5 ' to the small subunit ( 12S ) rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 mRNA 5 ' to the large subunit ( 16S ) rRNA , respectively , their 3 ' ends were found to overlap the 5 ' ends of the downstream transcripts . 12S rRNA was found to extend 7 to 13 nucleotides into the sequence of tRNA Glu ; 16S rRNA was shown to terminate 3 to 5 nucleotides inside the coding region of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and 8 to 10 nucleotides from the mapped 5 ' end of COI mRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This enabled us to build a tree relating the mtDNAs and use it for analyzing the pattern and process of evolutionary substitutions in the former leucine tRNA gene , which now is a 5 ' extension of the gene for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nitroreductase activity of NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory redox chain . 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
If these are components of an NADH dehydrogenase , cyanobacteria appear to resemble mitochondria more than they do Escherichia coli and Rhodopseudomonas capsulata with regard to this enzyme complex . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The 24 kDa subunit of mitochondrial NADH ubiquinone reductase ( complex 1 ) is an iron sulfur protein that is present in the flavoprotein or NADH dehydrogenase 2 subcomplex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ndh gene of Escherichia coli which encodes an NADH dehydrogenase contains a putative FNR binding site in its upstream non coding region , and its expression has been investigated using an ndh lacZ fusion . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The gene fusion between the 15 N terminal amino acid residues of ATP synthetase subunit 6 and the 303 C terminal aminoacids of NADH dehydrogenase yields a potential protein of 35 , 000 d MW called A 6 ND5 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Duplication of the tRNA ( MMet ) and tRNA ( Cys ) genes and of fragments of a gene encoding a subunit of the NADH dehydrogenase complex in Neurospora grassa mitochondrial DNA . ^^^ Neurospora crassa mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) contains duplications of the tRNA ( MMet ) gene upstream of a gene ( ND 2 ) encoding a subunit of the NADH dehydrogenase complex and of the tRNA ( Cys ) gene which is found downstream of the apocytochrome b gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes for cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( oxiA ) , ATPase subunit 9 , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ndhC ) and cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 ( oxiB ) are located within a 7 . 2 kb ( 1 kb = 10 ( 3 ) bases or base pairs ) segment of the Aspergillus nidulans mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Muscle fibers were classified as slow oxidative ( SO ) , fast oxidative glycolytic ( FOG ) , or fast glycolytic ( FG ) based upon their staining for myofibrillar ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These complexes , unlike adriamycin , do not catalyze the flow of electrons from NADH to molecular oxygen through NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the third the cause was a NADH dehydrogenase defect . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among them , clone P 6 was determined to be derived from the mtDNA encoding parts of subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase and 16S rRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies reported here show that considerable NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase activities were present in microsomes and mitochondria , respectively , and in nuclei obtained from these cells , and the relative activity of NADH dehydrogenase was 2 fold higher in the mitochondrial fraction of ADRR cells compared to the mitochondrial fraction from the parental wild type cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nucleotide sequence of a segment of the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) molecule of the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica ( phylum Platyhelminthes , class Trematoda ) has been determined , within which have been identified the genes for tRNA ( ala ) , tRNA ( asp ) , respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) , tRNA ( asn ) , tRNA ( pro ) , tRNA ( ile ) , tRNA ( lys ) , ND 3 , tRNA ( serAGN ) , tRNA ( trp ) , and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Lack of competition between cytochrome c and anthraquinone type drugs for the reductive sites of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ We have shown that ( 1 ) the cytochrome c reductase activity of the commercial NADH dehydrogenase does not perturb its ability to catalyse the reduction of various antitumor compounds of the anthracycline class , ( 2 ) the reduction of these compounds by NADH , catalysed by commercial NADH dehydrogenase , correlates with their reduction by NADH catalysed by microsomes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the selected 24 hour time point , mitochondrial enzyme photosensitisation was found to be drug dose ( 5 . 25 mg kg 1 Photofrin 2 ) and light dose dependent , the rank order of inhibition being cytochrome c oxidase greater than F0F1 ATPase greater than succinate dehydrogenase greater than NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This clone contains mitochondrial DNA sequences with an abnormal organization , since it includes part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) and of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) genes separated by 230 bases instead of 9 kb in mitochondrial genome from normal hepatocytes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These sequences include the genes for ATPase subunit 6 , cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L , tRNA ( GLY ) , and tRNA ( ARG ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase activity and Lubrol stimulation of cytochrome oxidase activity were measured to assess the opposite membrane polarity of beef heart mitoplast and inside out particle preparations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The 18 kD protein that binds to the chloroplast DNA replicative origin is an iron sulfur protein related to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The 18 kD iron sulfur protein is found to be related to a subunit of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase by its cross reaction with a polyclonal antibody raised against highly purified NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase , a key enzyme of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This mutation converts the 340th amino acid of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 from an arginine to a histidine and eliminates an SfaNI endonuclease restriction site . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These mutations have occurred in genes coding for subunits of NADH dehydrogenase , suggesting that a defect of the respiratory chain complex 1 may cause Leber ' s disease . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The experimental results suggest that in the liver and heart AK 135 accepts electrons from NADH dehydrogenase oxidizing endogenous NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cloning and sequencing of a cDNA encoding the precursor to the 24 kDa iron sulfur protein of human mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . 1 . ^^^ We have isolated a cDNA encoding the 24 kDa subunit , an iron sulfur protein , of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from a human fibroblast cDNA library by colony hybridization using a rat 24 kDa subunit cDNA as a probe . 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mechanism of ubiquinone homologs reduction by different preparations of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase : complex 1 within submitochondrial particles , isolated NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase and soluble low molecular weight NADH dehydrogenase , has been investigated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
From studies of their accumulation by mitochondria , it appears likely that the latter compounds are not effectively concentrated by intact mitochondria by the electrical gradient and , in part for this reason , can not reach sufficiently high concentrations at the appropriate binding site of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In addition , evidence is presented that the penetration of pyridinium analogs to the inhibition site in the NADH dehydrogenase complex may also be rate limiting . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA of the 24 kDa subunit of the bovine respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase : high sequence conservation in mammals and tissue specific and growth dependent expression . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biochemical study with crude muscle extract of 11 cases of MyD showed decreases in NADH dehydrogenase , NADH CoQ reductase , succinate CoQ reductase ( SCR ) , CCO , carnitine actyl transferase activities in most of cases regardless RRFs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Within its 17 . 8 10 10 ( 3 ) base pair insert a 1 . 6 10 10 ( 3 ) base pair mtDNA fragment was similar to three non sequential coding genes of human mtDNA , including a part of the 12 S ribosomal RNA ( 684 971 ) , the cytochrome oxidase 1 ( 6553 7302 ) , and two NADH dehydrogenase [ ND4L / ND4 ] ( 10 , 606 11 , 159 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Besides containing part of the cytochrome b ( COB ) encoding gene ( cob ) , this DNA fragment encodes subunit 4 of NADH dehydrogenase ( NAD 4 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is thus concluded that pentagalloylglucose , which is the lowest molecular weight component of tannic acid , exerts its effect on mitochondrial respiration and oxidative phosphorylation through action on the membrane and on succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome bc 1 complex of mitochondria . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Since succinate is believed to enter metabolism at site 2 of the mitochondrial respiratory chain , it is interesting that rotenone , an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase and site 1 of the respiratory chain , was a potent inhibitor of monomethyl succinate induced insulin released . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here , evidence is presented that mitochondria are dysfunctional in CF : the major site of increased intracellular Ca in CF is mitochondrial , cells from subjects with CF consume more oxygen than normal , respond differentially to inhibitors of mitochondrial function , express increased electron transport activity and altered kinetics of complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) of the mitochondrial electron transport system . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of the Aspergillus nidulans mitochondrial gene for subunit 5 of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
On the basis of 1 ) the conserved overlap between psbG and ndhC , a chloroplast gene which shows significant homology to a mitochondrial gene that codes for a subunit of the NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase of mitochondria , and 2 ) sequence similarity between the psbG gene product and the ndh gene product of E . coli , which codes for a respiratory NADH dehydrogenase , we propose that this ill defined complex functions as a NADH or NADPH plastoquinone oxidoreductase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RNA editing at a splicing site of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene transcript in wheat mitochondria . ^^^ Comparison between the sequence of the gene coding for the wheat mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( nad 4 ) and the cDNA sequence obtained by reverse transcription , using total wheat mtRNA as template , has shown the presence of a uridine residue , not encoded by the genomic sequence , at the exon 2 exon3 junction of the spliced transcript . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A NADH dehydrogenase subunit gene is co transcribed with the abnormal Petunia mitochondrial gene associated with cytoplasmic male sterility . ^^^ DNA sequence analysis 3 ' to the Petunia S pcf coding region has resulted in the identification of an open reading frame similar to mammalian mitochondrial genes for subunit 3 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
OH ) caused a 70 % decrease in the Vmax . for NADH dehydrogenase during 15 min incubation of SMP , and an 80 % decrease in NADH oxidase activity after 2 h incubation . ^^^ The damage appears localized between the NADH dehydrogenase flavin ( site of doxorubicin reduction ) and iron sulphur centre N 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of a region encoding subunit 6 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 6 ) and tRNA ( Trp ) in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondrial DNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biosynthetic studies of several of the nuclear encoded subunits of mammalian NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ An investigation into the biogenesis of several of the nuclear encoded subunits of the iron protein fragment of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase was undertaken utilising a bovine kidney cell line ( NBL 1 ) . ^^^ Although the mature 30 kDa and 24 kDa subunits of NADH dehydrogenase could be visualised , their precursor forms went undetected in this system . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Partial characterization of the gene coding for subunit 4 of soybean mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This ORF , which is unique in the soybean mitochondrial genome , is probably part of an exon of the gene coding for subunit 4 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Emodin , doxorubicin and organic extracts of C . obtusifolia inhibited NADH : cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity of bovine heart mitochondrial particles and NADH : CoQ oxidoreductase activity of porcine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , whereas juglone was stimulatory . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using specific probes we show that sequences homologous to NADH dehydrogenase Subunit 6 , and Cytochrome oxidase Subunits 1 , 2 , and 3 mitochondrial genes are present in nuclear DNA from various tissues . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Tryptic digestion of NADH dehydrogenase from alkalophilic Bacillus . ^^^ The alkalophile NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : 2 , 6 dichlorophenolindophenol oxidoreductase ) [ EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ] consists of two identical subunits of 65 kDa , and each subunit contains the catalytic and liposome binding regions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The presence of mitochondrial transcripts was examined by Northern blot analysis using probes for the following mitochondrially encoded genes : 12 S and 16 S ribosomal RNAs and a group of mRNAs including cytochrome oxidase subunits 1 and 2 ( COI COII ) , cytochrome b ( cyt b ) , adenosine triphosphatase ( ATPase ) subunits 6 and 8 , and subunit 1 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and properties of NADH dehydrogenase from a thermoacidophilic archaebacterium , Sulfolobus acidocaldarius . ^^^ An NADH dehydrogenase was purified to electrophoretical homogeneity from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius , a thermoacidophilic archaebacterium optimally growing at pH 2 3 and 75 degrees C . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By means of fluorimetric measurement and by direct determination of intracellular NAD+ and NADH contents , it was proved that the respiration rate of Paracoccus denitrificans cells utilizing glucose is limited by processes preceding NADH oxidation in the respiratory chain , so that the membrane NADH dehydrogenase is not saturated by its substrate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase involved in the myxothiazol sensitive quinone reduction faces the matrix side of the inner membrane suggesting that center o may be localized within the membrane at a similar depth as center i . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibition site of MPP+ , the neurotoxic bioactivation product of 1 methyl 4 phenyl 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 tetrahydropyridine is near the Q binding site of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase by 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) leading to ATP depletion has been proposed to explain cell death in the expression of the neurotoxicity of 1 methyl 4 phenyl 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 tetrahydropyridine ( MPTP ) . ^^^ Electron paramagnetic resonance studies show no effect of MPP+ on the reduction of the iron sulfur clusters of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ These data indicate that MPP+ interaction with NADH dehydrogenase interferes with the passage of electrons from the iron sulfur cluster of highest potential to endogenous Q 10 but that the inhibition can be relieved by the addition of a small , water soluble Q analog . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The other ( 844 nt , located between 1 . 7 and 2 . 55 kb downstream of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene ) contains arrays of repetitive sequences which are also found outside this area . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
No effect was observed on ATPase activity of undamaged or broken mitochondria ; the same was true for NADH oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase , NADH cytochrome c reductase , succinate oxidase , and cytochrome c oxidase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Other enzymes capable of nitroreduction ( NADH dehydrogenase , xanthine oxidase , glutathione reductase , and NADP+ ferredoxin oxidoreductase ) were also found to stimulate redox cycling of NPPD . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii : the ND 4 gene encoding a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The ND 4 gene encoding a subunit of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase has been identified on the linear 15 . 8 kb mitochondrial DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii . ^^^ ND 4 is the fifth and last mitochondrial gene of the NADH dehydrogenase complex on the 15 . 8 kb mitochondrial genome of C . reinhardtii . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reduction of oxygen by NADH / NADH dehydrogenase in the presence of adriamycin . ^^^ Cardiac mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( Cytochrome c reductase , EC1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) catalyses the reduction of ferricytochrome c to ferrocytochrome c by NADH . ^^^ Using the electron spin resonance technique of spin trapping with the spin trapping agent 5 , 5 dimethyl 1 pyrroline N oxide ( DMPO ) adriamycin was found to stimulate the formation of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals in the NADH / NADH dehydrogenase reaction . ^^^ The metabolism of adriamycin by cardiac mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase may be an important etiological factor in adriamycin induced cardiotoxicity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
New isozyme systems for maize ( Zea mays L . ) : aconitate hydratase , adenylate kinase , NADH dehydrogenase , and shikimate dehydrogenase . ^^^ A minimum of 10 genetic loci collectively encodes isozymes of aconitate hydratase ( ACO ; EC 4 . 2 . 1 . 3 . ) , adenylate kinase ( ADK ; EC 2 . 7 . 4 . 3 ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( DIA ; EC 1 . 6 . 99 . ) , and shikimate dehydrogenase ( SAD ; EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 25 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes coding for subunit 3 of NADH dehydrogenase and for ribosomal protein S 12 are present in the wheat and maize mitochondrial genomes and are co transcribed . ^^^ It contains a tRNA ( Ser ) gene , a pseudo tRNA gene and two open reading frames coding for subunit 3 of the NADH dehydrogenase ( 118 amino acids ) and for ribosomal protein S 12 ( 125 amino acids ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcription of other mitochondrial genes , including NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , is unregulated during trypanosome development . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chloroplast DNA differences in the genus Oenothera subsection Munzia : a short direct repeat resembling the lambda chromosomal attachment site occurs as a deletion / insertion within an intron of an NADH dehydrogenase gene . ^^^ This mutation could be localized within the intron of a reading frame presumably coding for subunit B of an NADH dehydrogenase ( ndhB ) . ^^^ Furthermore , the locations of the genes for other components of the NADH dehydrogenase ( ndhA , ndhC , ndhD , ndhE , ndhF ) were established by heterologous hybridization using gene probes from tobacco cpDNA . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DQ can be reduced directly by NADH dehydrogenase , but can not be reduced by succinate dehydrogenase in the absence of endogenous ubiquinone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This formation was concluded to be confined mainly to the NADH dehydrogenase region of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results suggest that bound , reduced nucleotide , probably E NAD . , is the main source of O 2 in NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , we detected 18 open reading frames ranging from 29 to 2136 amino acid residues long , four of which share significant amino acid sequence homology to those of an Escherichia coli malK protein ( designated mbpX ) , human mitochondrial ND 2 ( ndh 2 ) and ND 3 ( ndh 3 ) of a respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase , or a bacterial antenna protein of a light harvesting complex ( lhcA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The amino acid sequence of the 24 kDa subunit , an iron sulfur protein , of rat liver mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase deduced from cDNA sequence . ^^^ Antiserum directed against bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase has been used to screen a rat liver cDNA expression library in lambda gt 11 . ^^^ The insert cDNA of a positive clone was found to represent the 24 kDa subunit of NADH dehydrogenase by epitope selection using nitrocellulose filter containing the expressed proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fe ( HAd ) 3 , unlike adriamycin , does not catalyze the flow of electrons from NADH to molecular oxygen through NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The pyridinium is concentrated by carrier mediated transport into the mitochondria where it inhibits NADH dehydrogenase and , hence , ATP synthesis . ^^^ Some structurally related compounds have been tested for their effect on the oxidation of NAD+ linked substrates in intact mitochondria , and for the inhibition of the accumulation of the pyridinium into mitochondria and of NADH dehydrogenase activity in a membrane preparation . ^^^ Some pyridine derivatives are more inhibitory to NADH dehydrogenase than is 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium but these are not concentrated into mitochondria by the uptake system . 4 Phenylpyridine , one of the most effective inhibitors , both occurs naturally and is an environmental pollutant . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase activity was significantly higher than the NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenase activity and both of them were almost completely inhibited by superoxide dismutase and atebrin and markedly reduced by the addition of the protonophore 2 , 4 dinitrophenol . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
When maximally reduced , the NADH dehydrogenase and the ubiquinone cytochrome b regions of the electron transport chain are sources of H2O2 . ^^^ These studies suggest that a significant portion of H2O2 generation in brain mitochondria proceeds via the transfer of reducing equivalents from ubiquinone to the NADH dehydrogenase portion of the electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thus , this technique is a potential alternative to the NADH dehydrogenase stain for distinguishing between type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The bovine mitochondrial gene products ND 2 and ND 4 , components of NADH dehydrogenase , have been purified from a chloroform / methanol extract of mitochondrial membranes , and the human mitochondrial gene products ND 2 and cytochrome b have been obtained by similar procedures . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , the toxin did not inhibit either cytochrome oxidase or NADH dehydrogenase activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the presence of cardiolipin containing small unilamellar vesicles , the antitumor compound adriamycin loses its ability to catalyse the flow of electrons from NADH to molecular oxygen through NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In Neurospora crassa , a 2670 base pair segment of the mitochondrial DNA was sequenced including a gene homologous to the mammalian URF 1 that was recently shown to encode a subunit of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The more specific effect , induced by 100 400 nmol tetradecanoic acid per mg protein , consists of a selective blockage of electron transfer between the Fe S clusters of the NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone , without damage to any of the Fe S clusters . ^^^ Higher concentrations of tetradecanoic acid caused gradual destruction of all Fe S clusters of NADH dehydrogenase and of the 3 Fe cluster of succinate dehydrogenase , leading to complete inactivation of both NADH and succinate oxidation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Clusters S 1 and S 3 in the membrane bound flavin deficient succinate dehydrogenase were not reduced by succinate but could be reduced by electron transfer from NADH dehydrogenase via the menaquinone pool . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Physicochemical studies of the iron ( 3 ) carminomycin complex and evidence of the lack of stimulated superoxide production by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This complex , unlike the free drug , does not catalyze the flow of electrons from NADH to molecular oxygen through NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The reduction was inhibited by phospholipase A 2 inhibitors , such as dibromoacetophenone , the lipoxygenase inhibitor nordihydroguaiaretic acid , an NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , the microfilament inhibitor cytochalasin B , oxygen radical scavengers such as superoxide dismutase , antioxidants such as butyl hydroxyanisole and non specific inhibitors such as retinoic acid . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Results of comparative studies on stimulation of the rates of cofactor consumption , superoxide generation and hydrogen peroxide production by mitoxantrone ( Novantrone ; dihydroxyanthracenedione ; MXN ) , ametantrone ( AM ) , doxorubicin ( DOX ) and daunorubicin ( DNR ) in the presence of NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , NADH dehydrogenase , or rabbit hepatic microsomes have been reported . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enzymatic activation of doxorubicin by cardiac NADH dehydrogenase produced a dose related inhibition of Ca2+ uptake that was enzyme and cofactor dependent and that was inhibited by catalase , various hydroxyl radical scavengers , and the iron chelator deferoxamine . ^^^ Furthermore , inhibition of Ca2+ uptake paralleled the production of the hydroxyl radical by NADH dehydrogenase after doxorubicin treatment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dependent activation of 5 ' nucleotidase was significantly suppressed by atebrine , an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase of plasma membranes , and completely abolished by 2 , 4 dinitrophenol ( 2 10 10 ( 4 ) M ) and Triton 10 100 ( 2 % ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The E 35 stopper mutant of Neurospora crassa : precise localization of deletion endpoints in mitochondrial DNA and evidence that the deleted DNA codes for a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Since the mammalian mitochondrial URF 2 has recently been shown to code for a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase , part of the DNA sequence missing in the E 35 stopper mutant of N . crassa may also code for a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The specific activity of NADH dehydrogenase of dormant spores remained unchanged after antibiotic treatment but the total activity fell considerably . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The localization and activity of ATPase , IDPase , acidic phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase as well as of the oxidoreductases ( cytochrome oxidase , succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase ) were studied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DiS C 3 ( 5 ) also appears to inhibit the NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These experiments suggest that injury to cardiac mitochondria which is produced by anthracycline antibiotics may result from the generation of the hydroxyl radical during anthracycline metabolism by NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Benzo [ a ] pyrene diones are electron acceptor substrates for NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The sensitivity of gluconeogenic enzymes : cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase ; fructose 1 , 6 bisphosphatase and isocitrate lyase as well as the mitochondrial enzymes NADH dehydrogenase and succinate cytochrome c oxidase to glucose and galactose repression were studied in chemostat cultures . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The use of ferricyanide as electron acceptor for estimation of NADH dehydrogenase activity is inadequate when only applied on a disrupted mitochondrial preparation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Activities of NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase , and cytochrome c oxidase were severely decreased . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results are consistent with a structure function model of nitrate reductase which has the following features : FAD / NADH binding domains exposed on the surface of the molecule , a protease sensitive hinge region which connects the nitrate reducing and NADH dehydrogenase moieties , and the quaternary structure maintained via association sites on the heme / molybdenum domain . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cytochrome c concentration and cytochrome oxidase activity were decreased approximately 50 % , while succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activities were decreased by 78 % in iron deficient muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The rate of respiration through NADH dehydrogenase , succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase was dependent on both the duration and the intensity value of the field applied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A statistically significant increase in the activity of NADH dehydrogenase , NADH cytochrome c reductase and cytochrome oxidase was found along with a decrease in the activity of succinate cytochrome c reductase and succinate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This drug caused nephrotoxicity may result from the metabolic reductive activation of Adriamycin to a semiquinone free radical intermediate by oxidoreductive enzymes such as NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In isolated kidney mitochondria , Adriamycin promoted a 12 fold increase in NADH supported ( NADH dehydrogenase dependent ) peroxidation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial respiratory activity was depressed after 60 min perfusion , when glutamate was used as a substrate , thereby indicating that adriamycin had an inhibitory effect on the NADH dehydrogenase system . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Superoxide anion production by adriamycinol from cardiac sarcosomes and by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This study investigates the effects of both adriamycin and its 13 hydroxylated metabolite adriamycinol on superoxide anion production from cardiac sarcosomes and by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Both adriamycin and adriamycinol stimulated superoxide formation in cardiac sarcosomes and by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ From sarcosomes as well as by NADH dehydrogenase , the superoxide production followed Michaelis Menten kinetics . ^^^ Adriamycinol also increased the rate of NADPH and NADH consumption , by sarcosomal fractions and by NADH dehydrogenase respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These data were also shown to support the conclusion that glucagon treatment may cause some stimulation of electron flow through NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and through the bc 1 complex , probably at the point of interaction of the complexes with the ubiquinone pool . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The L . tarentolae NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) gene was identified in a newly obtained 2 . 9 kb sequence . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes homologous to the mammalian mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes ND4L and ND 5 were identified in the mitochondrial genome of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa , and the structure and expression of these genes was examined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evidence for the existence of tissue specific isoenzymes of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from a variety of rat tissues was isolated by immunoprecipitation with an antiserum to the bovine heart enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Potential pulmonary cellular loci of partially reduced oxygen include mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , endoplasmic reticulum derived NADPH cytochrome c reductase , and cytosolic xanthine oxido reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The number and type of iron sulfur clusters present in the NADH dehydrogenase of the mammalian respiratory chain were studied by a combination of low temperature magnetic circular dichroism ( MCD ) and quantitative electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These findings together with the analysis of the kinetics of NADH dependent reduction of cytochromes in the mature spore membranes indicated an impairment of electron flow between NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome b . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
When purified ferrochelatase was incubated with the low molecular weight form of NADH dehydrogenase prepared from Complex 1 , heme synthesis from ferric ion occurred by the addition of NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complex 1 was separated into 3 fragments : a fraction of hydrophobic proteins , that of soluble iron sulfur protein ( IP ) and soluble NADH dehydrogenase of flavoprotein by a procedure involving the resolution with DOC and cholate , followed by ethanol and ammonium acetate fractionations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase ( NADH dehydrogenase ) and NAD ( P ) H azoreductase do not participate significantly in menadione reduction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and characterization of NADH dehydrogenase complex from Paracoccus denitrificans . ^^^ An NADH dehydrogenase complex was isolated from the plasma membranes of aerobically grown Paracoccus denitrificans cells by extraction with NaBr and purification on an NAD agarose column . ^^^ The NADH ubiquinone 1 reductase activity of the isolated NADH dehydrogenase complex was about 10 times higher than that of the NaBr extract . ^^^ The isolated NADH dehydrogenase complex cross reacted with antisera to beef heart mitochondrial complex 1 and protein fraction derived therefrom , indicating the presence in the Paracoccus enzyme of antigenic sites similar to those in the intact complex 1 and its iron sulfur protein and possibly hydrophobic protein fractions . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Our results , using autolysis in the rat heart as experimental model , indicate that the NADH dehydrogenase system was impaired relatively early during ischemia while transhydrogenation and NADPH dehydrogenation appeared to be relatively resistant . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity ( complex 1 , assayed as rotenone sensitive NADH oxidase , NADH duroquinone reductase , and NADH cytochrome c reductase ) was 0 10 % of controls , and NADH ferricyanide reductase activity was 25 50 % of controls in the mitochondria and in skin fibroblasts . ^^^ Familial deficiency of a component of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) proximal to the rotenone sensitive site thus accounts for this disorder . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In comparison , membranes from E . coli IY 91 , which contain amplified levels of NADH dehydrogenase , exhibit about 100 fold higher NADH / ubiquinone 1 reductase activity but about 20 fold less deamino NADH / ubiquinone 1 reductase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These sequences include parts of the genes for NADH dehydrogenase ( subunits 1 , 2 , and 5 ) and rRNA ( from the large ribosomal subunit ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The purified NADH dehydrogenase consists of a single subunit with molecular mass of 53 kDa as indicated by SDS / polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Dormant spore membranes contained high levels of NADH dehydrogenase and cytochromes , but in the presence of NADH , they exhibited very low levels of O 2 uptake and cytochrome reduction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequences covering 2381 bp of the dolphin mt genome from the major noncoding region , three tRNA genes , and parts of the genes encoding cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) , and 16S rRNA have been compared with corresponding regions from other mammalian genomes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The kinetic parameters of this reaction and the affinity of NADH dehydrogenase for the substrate were measured . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene in Oenothera mitochondria contains two introns and is co transcribed with the 5 S rRNA gene . ^^^ The gene encoding subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( ND 5 ) has been identified in Oenothera mitochondria from a cDNA clone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been employed to identify a potential dinucleotide binding domain within the human mitochondrial unidentified reading frame 6 product , thereby supporting an earlier study that this gene may encode a NADH dehydrogenase subunit . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The Km of NADH dehydrogenase is decreased in mitochondria of cystic fibrosis cells . ^^^ The kinetic properties of the NADH dehydrogenase of the mitochondrial respiratory chain , assayed as NADH dependent rotenone sensitive cytochrome c reductase have been studied in mitochondria isolated from mononuclear white blood cells in patients affected by cystic fibrosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes for the large ( 16 S ) ribosomal RNA and for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L ( ND4L ) are in different positions , located respectively between those encoding ND 2 and cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and between COI and COII . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Solubilized mung bean ( Phaseolus aureus ) submitochondrial particles were analysed on 3 22 % ( w / v ) gradient polyacrylamide gels containing 0 . 1 % Triton 10 100 and stained for multiple NADH dehydrogenase activities . ^^^ A rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) was identified on the basis of co migration with the purified mammalian enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The site of synthesis of the iron sulfur subunits of the flavoprotein and iron protein fractions of human NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The site of synthesis of the iron sulfur subunits of the flavoprotein and iron protein fractions of the human respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase has been investigated to test the possibility that any of them is synthesized in mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Growth of Mycobacterium phlei under low oxygen tension resulted in specific activities two to twenty times lower for formate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase , beta hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase , lactate oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase than when cultures were grown under high aeration . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition to complex 1 and NADH dehydrogenase activities being decreased , the CCO activity was significantly decreased ( less than 50 % of control value ) in 8 patients , especially when the disease was in its advanced stages , suggesting that CCO enzyme might be secondarily affected as the disease progresses . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of the NADH dehydrogenase gene in mitochondrial DNA from rat liver ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We identified 12 open reading frames by homology of their coding sequences to a 4Fe 4S type ferredoxin protein , a bacterial nitrogenase reductase component ( Fe protein ) , five human mitochondrial components of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 , ND 4 , ND4L , ND 5 and ND 6 ) , two Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins ( S 15 and L 21 ) , two putative proteins encoded in the kinetoplast maxicircle DNA of Leishmania tarentolae ( LtORF 3 and LtORF 4 ) , and a bacterial permease inner membrane component ( encoded by malF in E . coli or hisQ in Salmonella typhimurium ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This mutation converted a highly conserved arginine to a histidine at codon 340 in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene and eliminated an Sfa NI site , thus providing a simple diagnostic test . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondrial genes coding for subunit 6 of NADH dehydrogenase and tRNATrp . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A fraction of membranes which lost NADH dehydrogenase in the course++ of purification was isolated from the cells disintegrated in the frozen state . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Structural studies on mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase using chemical cross linking . ^^^ The structure of bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase was investigated by cross linking constituent subunits with disuccinimidyl tartrate , ( ethylene glycol ) yl bis ( succinimidyl succinate ) and dimethyl suberimidate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transmembrane organization of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase as revealed by radiochemical labelling and cross linking . ^^^ The organization of bovine heart NADH dehydrogenase in the mitochondrial inner membrane was investigated by chemical cross linking and radiolabelling with [ 125I ] iododiazobenzenesulphonate ( IDABS ) . ^^^ Mitochondria or submitochondrial particles were cross linked with disulphosuccinimidyl tartrate and dimethyl suberimidate , and dimeric products containing subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase were analysed by Western blotting with subunit specific antisera . ^^^ From experiments in which mitochondria or submitochondrial particles were first labelled and NADH dehydrogenase then isolated by immunoprecipitation , it was found that labelling of the 49 kDa subunit occurs predominantly from the cytoplasmic side of the membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Lactate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and NADPH tetrazolium reductase were all demonstrable in sections of paraformaldehyde fixed resin embedded tissue . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The BamHI XbaI fragment also contains the gene for subunit 5 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ndhF ) and two unidentified open reading frames ( ORFx and ORF 48 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The soluble fraction contained the NADH dehydrogenase activity of the cells , as well as a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 55 kDa that was phosphorylated in the presence of ATP . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies of the effect of NADP+ on NADH oxidation showed that the NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase had Michaelis Menten kinetics and was inhibited by NADP+ , whereas the alternative NADH dehydrogenase had allosteric properties ( NADH is a negative effector and is displaced from its regulatory site by NAD+ or NADP+ ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
T 2 toxin inhibits mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase activity and increases mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the very high intramitochondrial concentrations thus reached , MPP+ combines with NADH dehydrogenase at a point distal to its iron sulfur clusters but prior to the Q 10 combining site . ^^^ Other pyridine derivatives act similarly on NADH dehydrogenase but they are not acutely toxic unless concentrated by the MPP+ carrier . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Post oxidation biochemical sequelae , possibly involved in the expression of neurotoxicity , include the active accumulation of MPP+ via dopamine reuptake systems , the energy driven uptake of MPP+ by mitochondria and the inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase by pyridine derivatives . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Photolabelling of a mitochondrially encoded subunit of NADH dehydrogenase with [ 3H ] dihydrorotenone . ^^^ Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from bovine heart was photolabelled with the inhibitor [ 3H ] dihydrorotenone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mode one killing is normal in strains totally lacking catalase activity ( katE , katG ) , glutathione reductase ( gor ) or glutathione synthetase ( gshB ) , but enhanced in a strain lacking NADH dehydrogenase ( ndh ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Derepression of mitochondrial respiratory chain cytochromes , alcohol dehydrogenase ( isoenzyme 2 ) , NADH dehydrogenase and maltase was inhibited by 0 . 5 2 mM 5TG . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The yeast grown on molasses and dried by aeration demonstrated a notable increase of the NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase activities as compared with the analogously treated yeast grown on ethanol . ^^^ The latter showed a notable rise only in the activity of NADH dehydrogenase during slow drying . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of these ( NADH dehydrogenase 1 ) is a complex composed of 10 unlike polypeptides , and the other ( NADH dehydrogenase 2 ) exhibits a single band ( Mr 53 , 000 ) upon sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . ^^^ The NADH ubiquinone 1 reductase activity of the isolated NADH dehydrogenase 1 was about 14 times higher than that of the dodecyl beta maltoside extract and partially rotenone sensitive . ^^^ The NADH ubiquinone 1 reductase activity of the isolated NADH dehydrogenase 2 was about 30 fold as high as that of the dodecyl beta maltoside extract and rotenone insensitive . ^^^ The purified NADH dehydrogenase 1 contained noncovalently bound FMN , non heme iron , and acid labile sulfide . ^^^ The purified NADH dehydrogenase 2 contained noncovalently bound FAD and no non heme iron or acid labile sulfide . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This gene was identified as ND 5 , which codes for a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 of the mitochondrial electron transport chain ) ; this complex is the target for an activated macrophage released cytostatic factor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enzyme histochemical demonstration of NADH dehydrogenase on resin embedded tissue . ^^^ We describe a method for enzyme histochemical demonstration of NADH dehydrogenase in cold ( 4 degrees C ) processed resin embedded tissue . ^^^ The effects on NADH dehydrogenase activity of processing tissue through a variety of dehydrating agents and embedding in three different acrylic resins were evaluated . ^^^ The optimal procedure to maintain NADH dehydrogenase activity used a short ( 3 hr ) fixation in 1 % paraformaldehyde solution , followed by dehydration in acetone and embedding in glycol methacrylate resin . ^^^ Embedding of tissue in resin combined preservation and accurate localization of NADH dehydrogenase activity with good tissue morphology . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This inhibition of replication is associated with abnormalities of mitochondrial electron transport at the level of NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) and succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of rat mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
With pyruvate plus malate a second source of H2O2 could be detected , apparently from autoxidation at the NADH dehydrogenase level . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase dependent , but not the QH 2 cytochrome c oxidoreductase dependent H2O2 was significantly stimulated upon depletion of the mitochondrial glutathione . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This suggests that mitochondrial Ca2+ release is associated with NAD ( P ) H oxidation catalyzed by NADH dehydrogenase with benzoquinone or by the glutathione peroxidase glutathione reductase system with duroquinone . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Southern hybridization with several probes from the maxicircle kDNA of Leishmania tarentolae allowed identification of some of the found transcripts as corresponding to NADH dehydrogenase , subunit 4 ( Nd 4 ) , cytochrome oxidase , subunits 1 2 ( Cox 1 2 ) , cytochrome b ( Cyt . b ) , ORF 6 genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The subunit 1 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase from Cephalosporium acremonium : the evolution of a mitochondrial gene . ^^^ Hydrophobicity profiles and predicted secondary structures are also very similar suggesting that this gene codes for the subunit 1 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
URF 1 is thought to encode a component of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Anthracycline radical formation by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In the present study we have used beef heart submitochondrial preparations ( BH SMP ) to demonstrate that a component of mitochondrial Complex 1 , probably the NADH dehydrogenase flavin , is the mitochondrial site of anthracycline reduction . ^^^ Redox cycling of anthracyclines by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase is shown , in the accompanying paper ( Doroshow , J . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Seven unidentified reading frames of human mitochondrial DNA encode subunits of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Six chloroplast genes ( ndhA F ) homologous to human mitochondrial genes encoding components of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase are actively expressed : determination of the splice sites in ndhA and ndhB pre mRNAs . ^^^ Sequences ( ndhA F ) homologous to human mitochondrial genes for components of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase have been found in the chloroplast DNA of tobacco . ^^^ These findings suggest that potential components of an NADH dehydrogenase are synthesized in the chloroplasts . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibition of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase by pyridine derivatives and its possible relation to experimental and idiopathic parkinsonism . 4 Phenyl N methylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) , the oxidation product of the neurotoxic amine MPTP , is considerably more inhibitory to the oxidation of NAD+ linked substrates in intact mitochondria in State 3 than is 4 phenylpyridine . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The latter is widely believed to be the compound responsible for neuronal destruction and the NADH dehydrogenase of the inner membrane has been postulated to be its target . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Immunochemical probing of the structure and cofactor of NADH dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans . ^^^ Monospecific antibody to the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans was prepared by using as antigen specific immunoprecipitates containing NADH dehydrogenase which were excised from crossed immunoelectrophoresis plates . ^^^ The antibody immunoprecipitated NADH dehydrogenase from P . denitrificans membranes biosynthetically labelled with 14C and solubilized with a wide range of detergents . ^^^ All immunoprecipitates contained the two subunits of Mr 48 , 000 and 25 , 000 , in an approximate 1 : 1 stoichiometry , that had previously been assigned to NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ A polypeptide of Mr 46 , 000 in P . denitrificans membranes , previously shown to cross react with a subunit specific antibody to mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) , was not detected in any immunoprecipitate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The old CUN gene now codes for an extra 24 amino acids at the amino end of subunit 5 in NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is concluded that DBCP inhibits sperm carbohydrate metabolism at the NADH dehydrogenase step in the mitochondrial electron transport chain . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 3 , 4 , 5 , and COIII , and three kinds of ( tRNA ( UCNSer ) , tRNA ( His ) , and tRNA ( AGYSer ) were identified by comparing with the genes of other animal mitochondria so far elucidated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was reported previously that Adriamycin converts form 1 covalently closed circular , supercoiled bacteriophage PM 2 DNA to the relaxed circular form 2 DNA ; no form 3 linear DNA was produced as a result of the extracellular action of Adriamycin in the presence of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Demonstration of the existence of an organo specific NADH dehydrogenase in heart mitochondria . ^^^ The `` exogenous NADH dehydrogenase ' ' of heart mitochondria was found to introduce reducing equivalents into the respiratory chain before the rotenone block , indicating that the enzyme is associated with complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , the electrophoretic transfer of NADH dehydrogenase to nitrocellulose was demonstrated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The data suggest that 6 Cl BTD interacts with an electron transport site on the oxygen side of NADH dehydrogenase and inhibitory studies with 6 Cl BTD and rotenone indicate that it might correspond with one of the two sites affected by rotenone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The latter metabolite accumulates in brain striatal tissues , is a substrate for dopaminergic active uptake systems and is an inhibitor of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , a respiratory chain enzyme located in the inner mitochondrial membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Diabetic mitochondria also showed decreased 3 hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase and succinyl CoA : 3 oxoacid CoA transferase activities , but cytochrome content and NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , cytochrome oxidase and acetoacetyl CoA thiolase activities proved normal . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These compounds also act as electron acceptors for the NADH dehydrogenase of isolated plasma membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Association with an NADH dehydrogenase deficiency . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nucleotide sequence of a gene for one NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit , ND4L , has also been determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Isolation and characterization of a NADH dehydrogenase from rat liver mitochondria . ^^^ Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase has been purified from rat liver mitochondria by protamine sulfate fractionation and DEAE Sephadex chromatography . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
URF 6 , last unidentified reading frame of human mtDNA , codes for an NADH dehydrogenase subunit . ^^^ Antibodies prepared against highly purified respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase from beef heart or against the cytoplasmically synthesized 49 kilodalton iron sulfur subunit isolated from this enzyme complex , when added to a deoxycholate or a Triton 10 100 mitochondrial lysate of HeLa cells , specifically precipitated the URF 6 product together with the six other URF products previously identified as subunits of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results indicate that cadmium interacts with either the NADH dehydrogenase complex or other NADH dependent enzymes and not solely by an uncoupling action . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These drugs normalized the activity of NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase in respiratory chain of mitochondria , increased distinctly stability of the enzymes to the effect of such factors as heating , effect of phospholipase A 2 or trypsin . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Defect of NADH dehydrogenase in Leigh syndrome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The other approach was to probe plant mitochondrial membranes with antibodies raised to a purified preparation of ox heart rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase and subunits thereof . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , electrons from the succinate dehydrogenase or external NADH dehydrogenase seem to have no access to this pathway . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Loss of liposome binding of NADH dehydrogenase from alkalophilic Bacillus on subtilisin digestion . ^^^ Alkalophile NADH dehydrogenase consisting of two 65 kDa subunits was changed by subtilisin into an enzyme species consisting of two 38 kDa subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of total and serine proteases , alkaline phosphatase , NADH dehydrogenase and aldolase increased in the extract of initiated spores . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase reaction in combination with immunoperoxidase ( PAP ) staining for light microscopic observation on the interneuronal relations of the enteric nervous system of the pig . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The relationship of these activities to other enzymatic activities ( especially the mitochondrial external NADH dehydrogenase ) is discussed . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three enzymes ( malate dehydrogenase , MD ; NADH dehydrogenase ; glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase , GPD ) were tested for activity after treatment of E . coli with the test chemicals . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Six unidentified reading frames of human mitochondrial DNA encode components of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ We conclude that the six reading frames encode components of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Experiments are presented showing that specific inhibition of mitochondrial protein synthesis by tetracyclines decreases the activity of the NADH dehydrogenase complex in liver mitochondria , if rats are treated for long periods with these antibiotics . ^^^ It is concluded that the mitochondrial genetic system is involved in the assembly of the NADH dehydrogenase complex , most likely by coding for one or more subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three major fractions of increasing density corresponding to plasma membrane , intracellular membranes and secretory granules were detected using [ 3H ] concanavalin A , NADH dehydrogenase and beta D glucuronidase as respective markers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The polypeptide composition of isolated mitochondrial NADH : ubiquinone reductase ( NADH dehydrogenase ) is very similar to that of material immunoprecipitated from detergent solubilized bovine heart submitochondrial particles by antisera to the holoenzyme . ^^^ The polypeptide compositions of rat , rabbit and human NADH dehydrogenase were determined by immunoprecipitation of the enzyme from solubilized submitochondrial particles and proved to be very similar to that of the bovine heart enzyme , particularly in the high Mr region . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase from bovine neutrophil membranes . ^^^ A membrane associated NADH dehydrogenase from beef neutrophils was purified to homogeneity , using detergent ( cholate plus Triton 10 100 ) extraction and chromatography on DEAE Sepharose CL 6B , agarose hexane NAD , and hydroxylapatite . ^^^ Based upon kinetic , physical , and inhibition properties , this NADH dehydrogenase differs from those previously described in microsomes and erythrocyte plasma membrane . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An antibody raised against two subunits ( Mr 48 000 and 25 000 ) of NADH dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans cross reacts with one of more than 20 polypeptides that form the bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Antibodies raised against certain subunits of the bovine heart NADH dehydrogenase were tested for cross reactivity with P . denitrificans cytoplasmic membranes . ^^^ Of those tested , only one , an antibody specific for the 49 kDa subunit of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , cross reacted with the bacterial membranes . ^^^ This is an indication for a previously undetected third subunit of NADH dehydrogenase from P . denitrificans . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complex 2 , unlike adriamycin , does not catalyze the flow of electrons from NADH to molecular oxygen through NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The remaining dye interacting with NADH dehydrogenase does not fluoresce . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chemical cross linking of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from bovine heart . ^^^ The structure of bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase was investigated by using two cleavable cross linking agents , disuccinimidyl tartrate and ( ethylene glycol ) yl bis ( succinimidyl succinate ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The [ 4B 3H ] NADH H2O exchange reaction of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The purified mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase enzyme has been shown to catalyze a rapid [ 4B 3H ] NADH H2O exchange reaction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A quantitative histochemical study of succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH D ) activity in medulla oblongata structures was accomplished in rats with arterial renovascular hypertension of the `` 2 kidneys 2 clips ' ' type lasting 5 months . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Contributions of other mitochondrial flavoproteins such as succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase , proline dehydrogenase , and choline oxidase , to the overall flavin fluorescence signal of isolated rat liver mitochondria can be neglected . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Iron deficient skeletal muscle submitochondrial particles , in contrast , have decreased cytochrome content and only 15 20 % of the normal capacity for oxidation through either complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) or complex 2 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cucumber monodehydroascorbate reductase occurs in soluble form and can be distinguished from NADPH dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , DT diaphorase , microsome bound NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase , and NADPH cytochrome c reductase by its molecular weight , amino acid composition , and specificity of electron acceptors and donors . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This has been shown by measuring spectroscopically the binding of the aglycon part to an external probe and by measuring the susceptibility of bound adriamycin to reduction by NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies of a halophilic NADH dehydrogenase . 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Use of NADH dehydrogenase activity associated with xanthine dehydrogenase to investigate substrate and product inductions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This result could be explained by the binding of the chlorinated phenols with NADH dehydrogenase whose position , on the external surface of the mitochondrial membrane , is favorable to good accessibility of the xenobiotic . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Contribution of inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase to the cardiotoxic effects of halothane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Low temperature electron paramagnetic resonance studies on iron sulfur centers in cardiac NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The interaction of 2 phenylisatogen and menadione with rat liver mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An energy independent interaction of ATP with the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase : competitive inhibition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A possible mechanism for the halothane induced inhibition of mitochondrial respiration : binding of endogenous calcium to NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase activity of soluble cardiac NADH dehydrogenase and particulate NADH ubiquinone reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The slow dissociation of the NADH dehydrogenase complex as a basis for the preferential transfer of hydrogen between the C 17 positions of steroids ( author ' s transl ) ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Action of diethylstilbestrol on the NADH dehydrogenase region of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Actions of isoniazid on NADH dehydrogenase activity of kidney of tuberculous guinea pigs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Stereospecificity of the allosteric NADH dehydrogenase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Isolation of high molecular weight NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain by diethyl ether Triton 10 100 treatment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Effect of diethyl ether on particulate NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Factors affecting the cation requirement of a halophilic NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nonheme iron protein as a possible site of rotenone inhibition of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Characterization of a soluble NADH dehydrogenase ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Essentiality of ubiquinone for the interaction of succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , and cytochrome b . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reconstitutively active NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Four quinone reduction sites in the NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The relation between phospholipase action and release of NADH dehydrogenase from mitochondrial membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reaction sites of rotenone , piericidin A , and amytal in relation to the nonheme iron components of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Quinone interaction with the respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase of beef heart mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An antimycin A and alkane sensitive NADH dehydrogenase of rat liver . 5 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Its effect on the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and tetrazolium reductase systems . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Quinone interaction with the respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase of beef heart mitochondria . 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A simple method for the purification of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibitory effect of fenfluramine and propranolol on NADH dehydrogenase of mouse heart homogenates . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
EPR behavior of a soluble cardiac NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The oxygen requirement of an NADH dehydrogenase from Sepia officinalis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Properties of a NADH dehydrogenase solubilized from electron transport particles . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Difference in the mechanism of quinone reduction by the NADH dehydrogenase and the NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenase ( DT diaphorase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and some properties of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phenylisatogen as an electron acceptor for mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Effect of a norfenfluramine derivative ( S 780 ) on NADH dehydrogenase and on certain other enzymes of mouse tissue homogenates . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibitory effect of certain drugs on NADH dehydrogenase of mouse heart homogenates . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Characteristics of membrane fragments from Micrococcus lysodeikticus containing malate and NADH dehydrogenase ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evidence for a novel flavin prosthetic group associated with NADH dehydrogenase from Peptostreptococcus elsdenii . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Molybdenum associated with NADH dehydrogenase in complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of 95Mo enriched NADH dehydrogenase isolated from iron deficient Azotobacter vinelandii . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies on the respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase . 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Energy transformation in mitochondria : the role of the iron sulfur center N 2 of NADH dehydrogenase ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The dramatic diminishing of the concentration of the N 2 iron sulfur centre of NADH dehydrogenase of mitochondria during the growth of cell culture of hamster fibroblasts with the subsequent recovery of concentration to the initial level was discovered by means of low temperature ESR spectroscopy . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The following enzyme activities were detected in homogenates : hexokinase , fructose biphosphate aldolase , pyruvate kinase , phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase , malate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase ( decarboxylating ) , pyruvate synthase , acetyl CoA synthetase , alcohol dehydrogenase ( NADP+ ) , NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH dehydrogenase , NADPH oxidoreductase and superoxide dismutase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Dieldrin , an organochlorine insecticide , when administered orally to male albino rats at a dose of 5 mg / kg body weight / day for 15 days inhibits the enzyme Mg2+ ATPase and stimulates the activity of 5 ' nucleotidase and NADH dehydrogenase in liver plasma membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Effect of lipids on a membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase from Bacillus caldotenax . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase [ EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ] in membranes of Bacillus caldotenax was solubilized with sodium N lauroylsarcosinate and purified 50 fold from membranes to 75 80 % homogeneity , as judged by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evidence for gramicidin S localization of the Bac . brevis membrane and possible causes for the manifestation of the NADH dehydrogenase activity at a certain stage of culture growth are discussed . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The latter generally contain greater amounts of protein , RNA , acid phosphatase , succinate dehydrogenase , lactate dehydrogenase , glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase , and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mg2+ ATPase , alkaline phosphatase and NADH dehydrogenase activities were also inhibited in the liver plasma membranes of the lindane treated animals . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Malate dehydrogenase from young cells is weakly inhibited by thyrotrycin obtained from Bac . brevis ATCC 10068 ; succinate dehydrogenase is entirely insensitive to this antibiotic , while NADH dehydrogenase is almost completely inhibited by it . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Assays of the two membrane fractions for 2 keto 3 deoxyoctonate , succinate dehydrogenase , and NADH dehydrogenase and by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that each of the two membrane fractions was purified fivefold relative to the other . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The bactericidal activity of Tinopal AN [ 1 , 1 bis ( 3 , N 5 dimethyl benzoxazol 2 yl ) methine p toluene sulphonate ] was shown to be due to a mechanism entirely independent of its inhibitory effects upon NADH dehydrogenase which were reported previously . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At birth ornithine carbamoyltransferase ( OCT ) . succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( NADHDH ) activities were evenly distributed throughout the liver acinus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An interesting feature is the pH dependence of Centre N 2 , the highest potential component of the NADH dehydrogenase segment of the respiratory chain . 2 . ^^^ The apparent midpoint potentials of Centre N 2 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) and S 1 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) and their pH dependence was also determined by using the succinate / fumarate couple . ^^^ Oxidation reduction titrations of iron sulphur centres with the couple NADH / NAD+ and an analogue APADH / APAD+ in the presence of rotenone gave results substantially different from those obtained by redox potentiometry ; these differences may be due to the mechanism of action of NADH dehydrogenase and its specific interaction with NADH . 5 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Clusters N 1a , N 1b , N 2 , N 3 and N 4 of NADH dehydrogenase had midpoint oxidation reduction potentials at pH 7 . 5 of 425 , 265 , 85 , 240 and 260 mV , respectively . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase activity was significantly decreased ( 46 % ) , whilst succinate dehydrogenase activity was elevated ( 25 % ) , following chronic ethanol consumption . ^^^ The results indicate that chronic ethanol treatment leads to an alteration of the structure and function of the NADH dehydrogenase segment of the electron transfer chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been reported by others that bee venom can be used to quantitate the portion of a heterogeneous vesicle population with an inside out orientation by determining the degree of loss of crypticity of NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ These results are consistent with the postulated existence of a homogeneous vesicle population in which the topography of the NADH dehydrogenase is different from that of the intact cell . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Generation of superoxide anion by the NADH dehydrogenase of bovine heart mitochondria . ^^^ Submitochondrial particles from bovine heart in which NADH dehydrogenase is reduced by either addition of NADH and rotenone or by reversed electron transfer generate 0 . 9 + / 0 . 1 nmol of O 2 / min per mg of protein at pH 7 . 4 and at 30 degrees C . ^^^ In NADH and antimycin supplemented submitochondrial particles , rotenone has a biphasic effect : it increases O 2 production at the NADH dehydrogenase and it inhibits O 2 production at the ubiquinone cytochrome b site . ^^^ Cyanide did not affect O 2 generation at the NADH dehydrogenase , but inhibited O 2 production at the ubiquinone cytochrome b site . ^^^ Production of O 2 at the NADH dehydrogenase is about 50 % of the O 2 generation but the ubiquinone cytochrome b area at pH 7 . 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence coding for the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli . ^^^ The nucleotide sequence of the structural gene coding for the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli has been determined by the chain termination method . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Iron sulfur N 1 clusters studied in NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase and in soluble NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ EPR spectra of soluble NADH dehydrogenase , containing 5 6 g atoms of non heme iron and 5 6 mol of acid labile sulfide / mol of FMN , were examined . ^^^ This is the first example of an N 1 type signal detected in isolated soluble NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , the activities of two enzymes , NADH dehydrogenase and 5 ' nucleotidase , which are not involved in lipid synthesis , were independent of changes in cell density . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ultracytochemistry was used to study and compare cytochromooxidase , succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activity in gastric mucosa parietal cells in health and in gastric carcinoma associated with decreased acidity of gastric juice . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase activity was inhibited 100 % . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Resolution of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and isolation of two iron sulfur proteins . ^^^ The low molecular weight NADH dehydrogenase which can be solubilized from the mitochondrial NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex with chaotropic agents consists of three subunits in equimolar ratio [ Galante , Y . ^^^ On separation of the subunits of NADH dehydrogenase , the FMN is lost . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase in iron deficient and iron repleted rat muscle : an EPR and work performance study . ^^^ Oral iron supplementation restored work capacity and Hb within 4 d to normal or near normal levels , but in general Fe S centres of mitochondria due to NADH dehydrogenase remained at iron deficient levels . ^^^ Subnormal concentrations of mitochondrial iron dependent NADH dehydrogenase in muscle are not by themselves rate limiting in work performance . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Doxorubicin stimulated mitochondrial superoxide formation in a dose dependent manner that also appeared to follow saturation kinetics ( apparent Km of 454 . 55 microM ) ; however , drug related superoxide production by mitochondria required NADH rather than NADPH and was significantly increased in the presence of rotenone , which suggested that the proximal portion of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex [ NADH : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase , EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ] was responsible for the reduction of doxorubicin at this site . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Study of the iron sulfur center N 2 from NADH dehydrogenase in different metabolic states of the mitochondria from liver and heart ] . ^^^ The structural equilibrium and nonequilibrium forms of the center N 2 from NADH dehydrogenase differ in their parametres of the spin lattice relaxation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Anthracycline antibiotic stimulated superoxide , hydrogen peroxide , and hydroxyl radical production by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Superoxide formation by NADH dehydrogenase after anthracycline treatment appeared to follow saturation kinetics with an apparent Km of 167 . 3 , 73 . 3 , 64 . 0 , or 47 . 6 microM for doxorubicin , daunorubicin , rubidazone , or aclacinomycin A , respectively . ^^^ Superoxide formation by NADH dehydrogenase after doxorubicin treatment occurred with a pH optimum of 7 . 6 and was accompanied by the production of hydrogen peroxide . ^^^ The antitumor agents mitoxantrone and actinomycin D did not significantly enhance reactive oxygen metabolism by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ These results suggest that the specific activation of the anthracycline antibiotics to free radicals by NADH dehydrogenase leads to the formation of a variety of reactive oxygen species that may contribute to the mitochondrial toxicity of these drugs . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The external NADH dehydrogenase , like cytochrome c oxidase is partially insensitive to catabolite repression . ^^^ These results provide evidence for the presence in strain SP 1 of an alternative mitochondrial pathway , going from the external NADH dehydrogenase to an oxidase , different from the normal NADH dehydrogenase ubiquinone pathway . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A similar futile cycle in mitochondria involves NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
They reached a relative specific activity of 10 , whereas this value was only of 0 . 7 for the endoplasmic reticulum marker , NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This activity resides in a multienzyme complex which could be resolved into 3 components , namely the methanol dehydrogenase , NAD dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ However , dye reduction ( NAD dependent ) could be restored on incubating methanol dehydrogenase with the corresponding NADH dehydrogenase , obtained from the enzyme complex . ^^^ It is concluded that this novel methanol dehydrogenase transfers the reducing equivalents , derived from methanol , directly to its associated NADH dehydrogenase via a mechanism in which NAD+ and PQQ are involved . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The purified enzyme preparation was homogeneous on analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , and was free from contaminating enzymes including NADH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Formation of superoxide anions ( O 2 ) by bovine heart NADH dehydrogenase preparation ( Complex 1 ) supported by an NADH or NADPH generating system was studied kinetically . ^^^ These results indicate that the biphasic double reciprocal plots of the superoxide forming activities against reduced coenzymes are not caused by interaction between reduced coenzymes and the NADH dehydrogenase but are due to the presence of at least two superoxide forming sites in the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , PR toxin did not show significant inhibition of either cytochrome oxidase or NADH dehydrogenase activity of the mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase doe not control synchronization of ATP synthetase function in the mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activity of endocellular enzymes ( alkaline phosphatase , protease , glucose dehydrogenase , aldolase , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase ) was studied in isolated prospores and sporangia as well as in vegetative cells of Bacillus thuringiensis strains , one of which produced crystals and one did not . ^^^ The activity of malate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase was high in prospores of the both strains at the fifth and sixth stages of spore formation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH oxidase but not NADH dehydrogenase activity was found to decrease during synthesis and accumulation of phospholipid in the vesicles . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By these methods , NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , aminopeptidase , and lactate dehydrogenase were detected in the cytoplasmic fraction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Stereospecificity and requirements for activity of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli . ^^^ The respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli has been further amplified in vivo by genetic methods . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interaction of rhodanese with mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase is an iron sulfur flavoprotein which is isolated and purified from Complex 1 ( mitochondrial NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ) by resolution with NaClO 4 . ^^^ Rhodanese ( thiosulfate : cyanide sulfurtransferase ( EC 2 . 8 . 1 . 1 ) purified from bovine liver mitochondria was shown to restore , in the presence of thiosulfate , the activity of the partly inactivated NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Rhodanese mediated sulfide transfer was directly demonstrated when the reactivation of NADH dehydrogenase was performed in the presence of radioactive thiosulfate ( labeled in the outer sulfur ) and the 35S loaded flavoprotein was re isolated by gel filtration chromatography . ^^^ The results indicated that the [ 35S ] sulfide was inserted in NADH dehydrogenase and appeared to constitute the structural basis for the increase in enzymic activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Bis ( alkylamino ) anthracenedione antineoplastic agent metabolic activation by NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase : diminished activity relative to anthracyclines . ^^^ Stimulation of the rates of NAD ( P ) H oxidation , superoxide generation , and hydrogen peroxide formation by three anthracenedione antineoplastic agents in the presence of NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , NADH dehydrogenase , or rabbit hepatic microsomes was studied and the results compared with those obtained for the anthracyclines Adriamycin and daunorubicin . ^^^ The non ring hydroxylated anthracenedione inhibited the reduction of Adriamycin by both P 450 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase with 50 % inhibition achieved at approximately 300 microM . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nitrogenous basis with a long alkoxylic group is shown to be inhibitors of NADH dehydrogenase , their action is similar to rotenone . ^^^ The affinity of the organic cations of arylhydrazones to NADH dehydrogenase is 100 1000 times higher than the affinity of electric neutral compounds . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The target size of NADH oxidase activity of M . lysodeikticus isolated membranes for electron radiation is nearly equal to that obtained for NADH dehydrogenase ( about 50 kD ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Incubation of Complex 1 ( NADH CoQ reductase ) of ox heart mitochondria at 4 degrees C in the presence of 0 . 5 M NaClO 4 followed by ammonium sulfate fractionation of the solubilized proteins results in the isolation of a resolved preparation still capable of catalyzing NADH NAD+ transhydrogenation but having only low levels of NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Histochemical reactions revealed two populations of fibres in this muscle , differing from fast twitch fibres by the intensity of their myofibrillar ATPase reaction and by their mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Histochemical demonstration of NADH dehydrogenase disclosed that almost 100 per cent of the type IIA and many of the type 1 and IIB fibres were medium stained ; the remaining type 1 fibres were darkly stained and the type IIB fibres lightly stained . ^^^ In older horses more fibres were stained for NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The focused proteins displayed the following enzymatic activities and isoelectric points by zymogram methods : ATPase ( EC 3 . 6 . 1 . 3 ) , 4 . 20 ; malate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 37 ) , 3 . 90 ; lactate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 27 ) , 3 . 85 ; two membrane proteins exhibited multiple bands upon enzymatic staining NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , 4 . 25 , 4 . 35 ; succinate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 3 . 99 . 1 ) , 4 . 85 , 5 . 10 , 5 . 35 . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The data support the view that the NADH dehydrogenase possesses two redox sites , one accounting for the rotenone sensitive reduction and another accounting for the rotenone insensitive reduction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH induced hyperpolarization is blocked by pretreatment of muscles with ouabain , and the inhibitors of plasma membrane NADH dehydrogenase ( adriamycin , azide , PCMB , atebrine , DIDS and bleomycin ) . ^^^ We conclude that NADH hyperpolarization is due to the enhancement of passive membrane permeability , apparently for K+ , which might result from the conformational changes in the plasma membrane during the NADH dehydrogenase reaction . ^^^ The possibility is discussed that NADH dehydrogenase mediates transport of K+ out from the cell using a pathway connected with the transmembrane Na+ / K+ pump . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis by crossed immunoelectrophoresis of Paracoccus denitrificans membrane vesicles has shown that only one antigen stains for NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ From the limited number of precipitates observed after crossed immunoelectrophoresis of this partially purified preparation of NADH dehydrogenase it was possible to excise specifically part of the precipitate that stained for NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Excised precipitates containing NADH dehydrogenase that had been radiolabelled by growth of cells in the presence of [ 35S ] SO 2 ( 4 ) allowed the polypeptide composition of the enzyme to be determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate followed by fluorography . ^^^ Subunits of similar molecular weight are found in the flavoprotein fragment of the NADH dehydrogenase of the mammalian mitochondrial respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results and spectral changes of EFA treated complex 1 in the u . v . region are consistent with modification of essential histidyl or tyrosyl residues between the primary NADH dehydrogenase and the site of ubiquinone reduction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
TMB 8 inhibited respiration of rat thymocytes and rat liver mitochondria , probably by inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The combined effects of rotenone and ubiquinone 3 on the kinetics of NADH dehydrogenase and NADH oxidase have been investigated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A transmembranous NADH dehydrogenase in human erythrocyte membranes . ^^^ Evidence is presented for a transmembranous NADH dehydrogenase in human erythrocyte plasma membrane . ^^^ This NADH dehydrogenase is distinctly different from the NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibition of plasma membrane NADH dehydrogenase by adriamycin and related anthracycline antibiotics . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ATPase , cytochrome oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase showed increased activity when the energy linked functions were preserved . ^^^ In aging conditions , cytochrome oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase and ATPase showed decreased activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been shown that the light induced increase in green fluorescence in cells is due to the oxidation of NADH dehydrogenase , a mitochondrial flavine containing enzyme , occurring at the time of fluorescence induction . ^^^ The exciding light activates NADH dehydrogenase and accelerates the translocation of reduced equivalents from this enzyme , which results in its oxidation , and thus in the observed effect of increased intensity of green fluorescence . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase inhibitors when introduced into the medium simultaneously with mitochondria prevent the both processes , but only till Ca2+ release . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Partial purification and properties of the external NADH dehydrogenase from cuckoo pint ( Arum maculatum ) mitochondria . ^^^ The external NADH dehydrogenase has been purified from Arum maculatum ( cuckoo pint ) mitochondria by phosphate washing , extraction with deoxycholate , ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibition of erythrocyte plasma membrane NADH dehydrogenase by nucleotides and uncouplers . ^^^ Erythrocyte ghost NADH dehydrogenase is inhibited in a competitive fashion by ATP and ADP whereas other nucleoside di and triphosphates , cyclic nucleosides , as well as non phosphorylating ATP analogs are relatively ineffective . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Competitive inhibition of human mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase by Cibacron Blue F3GA . ^^^ Cibacron Blue F3GA , the chromophore of blue dextran , was tested at 4 16 mumol / l for possible inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase activity when added to mitochondrial preparations from cultured human skin fibroblasts . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Photoaffinity labelling of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase with arylazidoamorphigenin , an analogue of rotenone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and characterization of the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase of mitochondria from Arum maculatum . ^^^ Affinity chromatography on 5 ' ADP Sepharose 4B was used to separate the rotenone sensitive ( complex 1 ) NADH dehydrogenase from the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ An 18 fold purification of the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase was achieved . ^^^ The rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase appears to be a flavoprotein and no iron sulphur centres were detected by electron spin resonance spectroscopy . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Insulin control of a transplasma membrane NADH dehydrogenase in erythrocyte membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The iron sulfur center N 2 from NADH dehydrogenase during direct and reverse electron transport in the mitochondria of rat liver and the yeast Endomyces magnusii ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The most susceptible portion was located from NADH dehydrogenase to coenzyme Q . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At low malate concentrations the rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase was active and could accept electrons from both malate oxidases . ^^^ This NADH dehydrogenase became saturated at about 10 mM malate . ^^^ At higher malate concentrations the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase was increasingly important and its increased electron transport capacity was best exploited by malate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using the irradiation inactivation procedure , it was demonstrated that the size of the irradiation target for NADH oxidase coincides with that for NADH dehydrogenase and makes up to about 50 KD . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The magnitude of the dimethylsulphoxide or trimethylamine N oxide dependent membrane potential was reduced either by a protonophore uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation or synergistically by a combination of a protonophore plus rotenone , an inhibitor of electron flow from NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In particular , experiments on submitochondrial particles showed that the competitive inhibition concerned the following enzymes : NADH dehydrogenase , succinic dehydrogenase and reduced ubiquinone : cytochrome c oxido reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Detection of iron sulfur center containing subunits of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by high performance gel permeation chromatography . ^^^ Soluble NADH dehydrogenase resolved from Complex 1 of the mitochondrial electron transfer chain was subjected to gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate at 4 degrees C , and then the gel was stained for iron with bathophenanthroline disulfonate and thioglycolic acid . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genetic identification and purification of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli . ^^^ This enzyme has been identified as the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase since it is absent in chromatograms of solubilized material from an ndh mutant strain . ^^^ Such mutants lack membrane bound NADH oxidase activity and have previously been shown to have an inactive NADH dehydrogenase complex [ Young , 1 . ^^^ The respiratory NADH dehydrogenase was amplified 50 to 100 fold in vivo by using multicopy plasmid vectors carrying the ndh gene and then purified to homogeneity on hydroxylapatite . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These observations suggest that electrons from reduced coenzymes are transferred to ADP Fe3+ chelate from a component between a mercurial sensitive site and the rotenone sensitive one of the NADH dehydrogenase and that the reduction of ADP Fe3+ chelate by the NADH dehydrogenase is an essential step in the lipid peroxidation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is shown that the Notch 8 deficiency in Drosophila melanogaster affects a number of enzyme activities localized in the mitochondria , such as NADH oxidase ( activity of the complete respiratory chain ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( the first step in the respiratory chain before transfer to ubiquinone ) , Succinate dehydrogenase and alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase . ^^^ The effect of duplications of the Notch locus on NADH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase suggest that the locus determines the enzyme activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using NADH dehydrogenase , it was shown that the attachment of NADH dehydrogenase to the membrane treated with glutaric aldehyde occurs in two steps , this being indicative of different environment of this enzyme in the membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Various kinds of flavoenzymes such as NADPH cytochrome c reductase , NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase , xanthine oxidase , lipoamide dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase supplemented with their electron donors exhibited the sulfoxide reductase activity in the presence of a partially purified soluble factor from guinea pig liver . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase and NADH oxidation in membrane vesicle from Bacillus subtilis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We show that six mapped recessive lethal point mutations of the Notch locus affect mitochondrial enzyme activities : NADH oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and characterization of NADH dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis W 23 has been isolated from membrane vesicles solubilized with 0 . 1 % Triton 10 100 by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on an octyl Sepharose CL 4B column . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is therefore concluded that added NAD+ gains access to the matrix space and stimulates oxidation by the rotenone resistant NADH dehydrogenase located on the matrix surface of the inner membrane . ^^^ Evidence is presented to suggest that the rotenone resistant NADH dehydrogenase is engaged under conditions of high phosphorylation potential , which restricts electron flux through the rotenone sensitive dehydrogenase ( coupled to ATP synthesis ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A soluble NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ferricyanide oxidoreductase ) from Thermus aquaticus strain T 351 . ^^^ A soluble NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ferricyanide oxidoreductase ) has been obtained by simple disruption of cells of Thermus aquaticus strain T 351 , and purified . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three other dehydrogenases , namely , NADH dehydrogenase , NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , and malate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 37 ) , contained flavin in noncovalent linkage , the NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenase also possessing nonheme iron . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The primary structure of subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase from bovine heart mitochondria . ^^^ Subunit 2 ( with a molecular mass of about 24000 dalton , approximately 24 kDA ) of NADH dehydrogenase from beef heart mitochondria was [ 14C ] carboxymethylated and cleaved with CNBr and proteolytic enzymes . ^^^ The subunit contains no long hydrophobic segment , in contrast to structures often found in membrane proteins , but in agreement with a model where the functional unit of NADH dehydrogenase in the membrane is shielded by other intra membrane proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The vanadate stimulated NADH oxidase in plasma membrane is inhibited by compounds , which inhibit NADH dehydrogenase activity : catechols , anthracycline drugs and manganese . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three immunoprecipitates are positively identified as NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , NADPH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 1 ) , and glutamate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 4 . 1 . 4 ) based on activity stains for these enzymes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The molecular organization of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The recoveries of protein , 5 ' nucleotidase , UDP galactose : N acetylglucosamine galactosyltransferase , and NADH dehydrogenase into subcellular fractions were determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Characterization of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli and reconstitution of NADH oxidase in ndh mutant membrane vesicles . ^^^ Highly purified preparations of the cholate solubilized respiratory NADH dehydrogenase , isolated from genetically amplified Escherichia coli strains [ Jaworowski , A . , Campbell , H . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Finally , L factor , a protein involved in regulation of protein elongation , has an inhibitory effect on the expression of the dld gene and a stimulatory effect on the expression of the ndh gene ( encoding NADH dehydrogenase ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
During attempts to clone the gene coding for the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli , two hybrid plasmids were constructed from E . coli chromosomal DNA [ Young , 1 . ^^^ One of these plasmids , pIY 1 , derived from EcoRI digested chromosomal DNA , was studied in detail and shown to possess the gene coding for the NADH dehydrogenase of the aerobic respiratory chain of E . coli . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We propose that the ferricyanide reduction is carried out by a transmembrane NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Since NADH reoxidation is partially insensitive to antimycin , a secondary pathway going from external NADH dehydrogenase to cytochrome c oxidase is suggested . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rhein ( 4 , 5 dihydroxyanthraquinone 2 carboxylic acid ) which has been previously employed as an inhibitor for electron transport particles , NADH dehydrogenase , and other flavoproteins is reducible under physiological conditions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Of the oxidative enzymes studied , only citrate synthase showed no significant difference in adults vs adolescents , whereas the activities of lipoamide dehydrogenase ( + 40 % ) , NADP isocitrate dehydrogenase ( + 44 % ) , fumarase ( + 24 . 5 % ) , total malate dehydrogenase ( + 42 . 2 % ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( + 39 % ) were all significantly higher in the latter group . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the same time no changes are observed in the NADH dehydrogenase activity of the mitochondria in the presence of 100 mM of sodium fluoride . ^^^ With the intragastric administration of 35 and 24 mg / kg sodium fluoride to animals for 3 and 60 days , respectively , the succinate and NADH dehydrogenase activities of the rat liver mitochondria lower significantly . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At infinite Q content only the former mechanism is operative ; at low Q content only the latter . ( 6 ) Duroquinone can be reduced directly by NADH dehydrogenase without mediation of ubiquinone , but duroquinol can not be oxidized in the absence of ubiquinone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In vitro synthesis of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli . ^^^ The respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli has been synthesized in vitro in a coupled transcription translation system with cloned deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) as template . ^^^ Radiochemical N terminal sequencing of the synthesized NADH dehydrogenase showed that the product was a mixture of three different species , with N formylmethionine , methionine , or threonine at the N terminus . ^^^ The results indicated that only partial N terminal processing was occurring in vitro and that the first residue of the unprocessed NADH dehydrogenase is N formylmethionine . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Improved assay for NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interaction of NADH dehydrogenase from M . lysodeikticus membranes with lipids in a reconstituted system ] . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase isolated from the M . lysodeikticus membranes was reconstituted into liposomes from the lipids obtained from the same membranes . ^^^ Evidence for the energy transfer from protein chromophores of NADH dehydrogenase in the proteoliposomes ( lambda excit = 286 nm ) to the hydrophobic fluorescent probe pyrene was obtained . ^^^ It is assumed that the NADH dehydrogenase molecule is exposed to water . ^^^ It is assumed that the NADH dehydrogenase molecule is involved in heat diffusion which facilitates the active center interaction with the membrane surface . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A novel inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase in Paracoccus denitrificans . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Furthermore , support comes from the fact that enzymes generally associated with the Krebs cycle and electron transport ( i . e . , malate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , isocitrate dehydrogenase , fumarate hydratase , malate dehydrogenase [ decarboxylating ] , cytochrome oxidase , superoxide dismutase , NADH dehydrogenase , and catalase ) were detected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
No unique mitochondrial translation products in respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Simplified isolation and molecular composition of NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain . ^^^ A simplified procedure for the isolation of NADH dehydrogenase from the inner membrane of ox heart mitochondria is presented which permits relatively rapid preparation of the enzyme in a more stable form than that afforded by published methods . ^^^ Complex 1 contains several subunits , mostly of low molecular weight , not seen in soluble purified NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ It is suggested that some of these may be ' binding peptides ' necessary in linking NADH dehydrogenase to ubiquinone reduction , analogously to the role of small peptides in linking succinate dehydrogenase to ubiquinone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The fluorescence signal is mainly due to changes in the redox state of NADH dehydrogenase , and the absorption signal to changes in redox state of he flavoproteins in the acyl CoA dehydrogenase pathway . 4 . ^^^ For small stimulation intensities a steady state oxidation of the NADH dehydrogenase concomitant with a steady state reduction of the flavoproteins in the acyl CoA dehydrogenase pathway was recorded . 7 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Results are presented of mathematical analysis of succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activities in mitochondria of rabbit brain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase from the cells of Acholeplasma laidlawii ] . ^^^ Using ion exchange chromatography on DEAE cellulose and gel filtration , a purified NADH dehydrogenase was prepared from cell membranes of A . laidlawii . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase in cystic fibrosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase in cystic fibrosis : enzyme kinetics in cultured fibroblasts . ^^^ Differences among cystic fibrosis ( CF ) genotypes ( CF , obligate carriers for CF [ HZ ] , and controls ) in mitochondrial calcium pool size , oxygen ( O 2 ) consumption , and rotenone inhibition of O 2 consumption led to examination of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : [ acceptor ] oxidoreductase , E . ^^^ C . 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . pH optima of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase were different in enzyme derived from whole cell homogenates of cultured skin fibroblasts of subjects with CF , HZ , and controls . ^^^ The correlation between two kinetic parameters of an enzyme and the three CF genotypes suggests an association between the CF gene and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ca2+ stimulation of the external NADH dehydrogenase in Jerusalem artichoke ( Helianthus tuberosum ) mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron transport systems of Candida utilis : purification and properties of the respiratory chain linked external NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The respiratory chain linked external NADH dehydrogenase has been isolated from Candida utilis in highly purified form . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Relation of Arrhenius discontinuities of NADH dehydrogenase to change in membrane lipid fluidity of Bacillus caldotenax . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is proposed therefore that the mitochondrial defect is situated between NADH dehydrogenase and the CoQ Cytochrome b complex ; possibly being a derangement of a non haem iron sulphur centre . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of the subunits of bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase that are exposed to the phospholipid bilayer by photo labelling with 5 iodonaphth 1 yl azide . ^^^ Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase may be isolated from bovine heart as a lipoprotein complex ( Complex 1 or NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase ) . ^^^ A model NADH dehydrogenase structure is proposed on the basis of these results and those obtained with hydrophilic probes by Smith & Ragan ( 1980 ) Biochem . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The kinetics of regeneration of native NADH and the NADH immobilized on a water soluble 4 vinylpyridine and acroleine copolymer in a model two enzyme formate dehydrogenase NADH dehydrogenase system were investigated . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results indicate that : ( 1 ) these compounds act as electron acceptors , ( 2 ) O 2 functions as final electron acceptor under aerobic conditions , and ( 3 ) nanaomycin D reductase is , in fact , an NADH dehydrogenase ( quinone ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These findings show that ML 10 has dual effects on mitochondrial respiration as ( 1 ) an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase complex and ( 2 ) an uncoupler . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results suggest that the carboxylating enzyme itself is not a flavoprotein , but that the microsomal NADH dehydrogenase required for [ vitamin K + NADH ] dependent carboxylation is a flavoprotein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The CM vesicles are surrounded with a unit membrane , have high activities of marker enzymes ( NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and ATPase ) , a higher phospholipid content , cytochromes of a , b and c types and differ qualitatively in its protein composition from the CW fraction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Immunological assays of the NADH dehydrogenase content of bovine heart mitochondria and submitochondrial particles . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Strong NADPH dehydrogenase , weak NADH dehydrogenase , strong ATPase , and strong acid phosphatase , in addition to nonspecific esterase activities were demonstrated in many reactive cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The organization of NADH dehydrogenase polypeptides in the inner mitochondrial membrane . ^^^ The organization of the constituent polypeptides of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase was studied by using two membrane impermeable probes , diazobenzene [ 35S ] sulphonate and lactoperoxidase catalysed radioiodination . ^^^ We conclude that NADH dehydrogenase is asymmetrically organized across the inner mitochondrial membrane . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Kinetic analysis reveals that a diffusion limited step occurs between succinate and NADH dehydrogenase and cytochromes bc 1 , and that the dehydrogenases , ubiquinone , and cytochromes bc 1 are free to diffuse independently of one another in the membrane plane . ^^^ The specific activities of succinate and NADH dehydrogenase as well as cytochrome c oxidase are affected by bilayer enrichment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Isoniazid ( INH ) interacts with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NAD+ ) in the regulation of reduced NAD ( NADH ) oxidation in electron transport particles from Mycobacterium phlei . the interaction was shown to be at the level of the NADH dehydrogenase by the use of menadione as an artificial electron acceptor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies on the interaction of arylazido beta alanyl NAD+ with the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Arylazido beta alanyl NAD+ ( A3 ' O ( 3 [ N ( 4 azido 2 nitrophenyl ) amino ] propionyl ) NAD+ ) is a potent competitive inhibitor with respect to NADH ( apparent Ki , 1 . 7 2 . 7 microM ) for the purified mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Xanthomegnin was also immediately reduced by NADH catalyzed by a purified particulate NADH dehydrogenase complex showing a molar ratio of 2 moles NADH for one mole of xanthomegnin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transplasmalemma NADH dehydrogenase is inhibited by actinomycin D . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The branchpoint from which electrons are taken from the main respiratory chain to either the alternative oxidase or fumarate reductase is likely to be on the oxygen side of the NADH dehydrogenase segment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition an exceptionally long spacer region between the genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 and tRNA ( Ser ) ( AGY ) is found in caiman . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differential screening of an adrenal cortex cDNA library for corticotropin ( ACTH ) inducible genes led to the isolation of a group of cDNAs representing mitochondrial genes that encode subunits of cytochrome oxidase , ATPase , and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The levels of mRNAs for cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and ATPase increased 2 to 4 fold and for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 increased 20 fold , whereas the levels of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA showed no change within 6 h of ACTH stimulation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Steady state levels of 12S rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mRNA ( ND 4 ) mitochondrial transcripts were measured on rabbit articular chondrocyte in culture . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
After 2 weeks of HCCL treatment , hepatic contents of the mature mitochondrial mRNAs ( expressed normalized to 28 S rRNA ) encoding subunit 2 of cytochrome c oxidase ( CO 2 ) , subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) , and cytochrome b were reduced to values 40 60 % of those observed in RNA from control liver tissue . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Alkylresorcinols reduce the NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase activities in mitochondria , whereas tyrosol acts predominantly on the NADH dehydrogenase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Limited amino acid sequence and hydrophobicity profile similarities suggest that the protein encoded by edited CR 5 mRNA may be a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 RNA , which is transcribed from the same strand of the mitochondrial genome just downstream of the 12S and 16S genes , does not exhibit a high posterior concentration but is uniformly distributed throughout early embryos . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Southern blot and DNA sequence analysis of 20 cDNA clones that were isolated revealed that they represented mitochondrially encoded mRNAs for the following proteins : cytochrome c oxidase subunits 2 and 3 , ATPase 6 , cytochrome b , and subunit 1 of the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes in the mitochondrial DNA of yeasts . ^^^ The genes encoding the NADH dehydrogenase subunits of respiratory complex 1 have not been identified so far in the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) of yeasts . ^^^ In the linear mtDNA of Candida parapsilosis , we found six new open reading frames whose sequences were unambiguously homologous to those of the genes known to code for NADH dehydrogenase subunit proteins of different organisms , i . e . , ND 1 , ND 2 , ND 3 , ND4L , ND 5 , and ND 6 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of enzymes such as Na+K+ ATPase , NADH dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase were also inhibited but were restored after incubation of the brain homogenate with dithiothreitol . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Integrating microdensitometry has been used to quantitate changes in 4 cytoplasmic enzymes ( NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , acid phosphatase and alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase ) , DNA , RNA and glycogen in developing macrophages from 17 patients with non Hodgkin ' s lymphoma and 19 normal subjects . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes encoding the group 1 intron containing tRNA ( Leu ) and subunit L of NADH dehydrogenase from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 6301 . ^^^ The predicted protein sequence of ORF 3 , which is located 74 bp upstream from trnL UAA on the opposite strand , shows 66 . 2 % amino acid identity to that of the Synechocystis PCC 6803 gene encoding subunit L of NADH dehydrogenase ( ndhL ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Air ions normalized activity of respiratory enzymes ( succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase ) in rat brain cells and activated their exploratory behaviour . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Multiple deficiencies of mitochondrial DNA and nuclear encoded subunits of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase detected with peptide and subunit specific antibodies in mitochondrial myopathies . ^^^ Antibodies have been raised against synthetic peptides corresponding to several computer predicted epitopes of three mtDNA encoded subunits , ND 4 , ND 5 and ND 6 , of the human respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) . ^^^ The antibodies described above and other Complex 1 subunit or holoenzyme specific antibodies were used to investigate the subunit deficiencies of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase in the skeletal muscle of patients affected by mitochondrial myopathies associated with Complex 1 defects . ^^^ The present work provides the first evidence of a decrease in NADH dehydrogenase subunits encoded in the mitochondrial genome in myopathy patients . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes were cytochrome oxidase 1 , cytochrome oxidase 3 , NADH dehydrogenase 4 , and 12s rRNA , all of which are located on the heavy strand of the mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This sequence contains putative genes that encode initiator methionine tRNA ( trnfM ) , subunits 3 ( nad 3 ) and 4 ( nad 4 ) of the NADH dehydrogenase complex , and ribosomal proteins S 3 ( rps 3 ) , S 12 ( rps 12 ) and L 16 ( rpl 16 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Action of beta N oxalylamino L alanine on mouse brain NADH dehydrogenase activity . beta N Oxalylamino L alanine ( L BOAA ) , a non protein neuroexcitatory amino acid present in the seeds of Lathyrus sativus ( chickling or grass pea ) , is known to produce its neurotoxic effects by overstimulation of non N methyl D aspartate receptors , especially alpha amino 3 hydroxy 5 methylisoxazole 4 propionic acid ( AMPA ) receptors , at micromolar concentrations . ^^^ It has recently been reported that L BOAA selectively inhibits mitochondrial enzyme NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) in brain slices at subpicomolar concentrations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was observed that lead induced drastic changes , copper induced moderate changes but zinc did not cause any significant change in the cholesterol and phospholipid content , hexose , hexosamine and sialic acid levels and activities of the erythrocyte membrane enzymes acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) , NADH dehydrogenase and Na ( + ) K+ ATPase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In submitochondrial , only NADH dehydrogenase activity was 100 % higher in septic samples . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Elevated expression of mitochondrial cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 / 4L genes in senescent human cells . ^^^ Sequence analysis revealed that these cDNA clones were homologous to the human mitochondrial genes for cytochrome b ( cytb ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 / 4L ( ND4 / 4L ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Peptides from the amino terminus of mouse mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 are potent chemoattractants . ^^^ We previously established that the mouse MHC class 1 b molecule H 2M3a binds peptides from the NH 2 terminus of the mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Active transcription of the pseudogene for subunit 7 of the NADH dehydrogenase in Marchantia polymorpha mitochondria . ^^^ A pseudogene , psi nad 7 , which has significant sequence similarity ( 66 . 7 % amino acid identity ) with the bovine nuclear gene for a 49 kDa subunit of the NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase , EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , has been identified on the mitochondrial genome of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of these fragments is a water soluble NADH dehydrogenase fragment which is composed of three subunits bearing at least four iron sulfur clusters ( N1b , N1c , N 3 and N 4 ) that can be reduced with NADH , one of them bearing FMN . ^^^ The second , amphipathic , fragment , which is presumed to connect the NADH dehydrogenase fragment with the membrane , contains four subunits and at least one EPR detectable iron sulfur cluster whose spectral properties are reminiscent of the eucaryotic cluster N 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibitors of xanthine oxidase , oxypurinol ( 300 microM ) , and of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , rotenone ( 50 microM ) , had no significant effect on superoxide levels . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Kinetics of the mitochondrial three subunit NADH dehydrogenase interaction with hexammineruthenium ( 3 ) . ^^^ The steady state kinetics of the NADH dehydrogenase activity of the three subunit flavo iron sulfur protein ( FP , Type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ) in the presence of the one electron acceptor hexammineruthenium ( 3 ) ( HAR ) were studied . ^^^ Simple assay procedures for NADH dehydrogenase activity with HAR as the electron acceptor are described . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
They include genes encoding three subunits of the cytochrome oxidase ( cox 1 to 3 ) , apocytochrome b ( cob ) , seven subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 1 to 6 , nad4L ) , two ATPase subunits ( atp 6 and atp 9 ) , three ribosomal RNAs ( rrn 5 , srn and lrn ) , 23 tRNAs and four ribosomal proteins ( rps 3 , rps 11 , rps 12 and rpl 16 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thienylimidazo [ 2 , 1 b ] thiazoles as inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ These compounds were tested as specific inhibitors of the NADH : ubiquinone ( UBQ ) reductase activity of NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondrial membranes . ^^^ This compound is noncompetitive with the ubiquinone substrate and interacts with a site which is mutually exclusive with that of rotenone but nonexclusive with that of piericidin and several other inhibitors of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron transport and production of O 2 / H2O2 by the NADH dehydrogenase flavin semiquinone ( FMNH . ) and ubisemiquinone ( UQH . ) were studied in a model of in vivo ischemia reperfusion in rat kidney . ^^^ Ischemia caused a marked decrease in the electron transport throughout the NADH UQ segment with no significant changes either in the NADH dehydrogenase activity or in the electron flux trough the succinate cytochrome oxidase segment . ^^^ Our results show a redistribution of the electron flux with an increased rate of superoxide anion / hydrogen peroxide production at NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondria subjected to ischemia only . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Modification of one mole of lysine residue per mole of enzyme caused a large loss of the activity , and the enzyme was no longer able to show NADH dehydrogenase activity after uncoupling . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genetic variations in TGF alpha s , RAR alpha s , NADH dehydrogenase , an enzyme involved in oxidative metabolism , and cytochrome P 450 , a detoxifying enzyme , have been implicated as contributing genetic factors . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There is some evidence that mitochondrial genes may contribute to susceptibility to multiple sclerosis ( MS ) , and a mitochondrial DNA encoded peptide , the N terminal portion of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , acts as a transplantation antigen in mice . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The FAD was copurified with the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone , an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase , and amino oxyacetate , which inhibits the malate / aspartate shuttle , were powerful suppressors of reducing equivalent flux from lactate as sole substrate , but were much less potent in the presence of carbohydrate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This was associated with loss of activity of certain mitochondrial enzymes such as succinic dehydrogenase , isocitrate dehydrogenase , total ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase whereas NADH oxidase was not affected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The identified sequences represented mitochondrial ( cytochrome b , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 4 ) and alpha 2 ( type 1 ) collagen genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Titration of the external NADH dehydrogenase and the alternative oxidase in plant mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Superoxide is a stoichiometric precursor of mitochondrial H2O2 because the ratio of O 2 / H2O2 generation rates is close to 2 . 0 and is generated by an autoxidizable component in the NADH dehydrogenase and the ubiquinone cytochrome b site . ^^^ Electrons from NADH are supplied to the reactions from a component between the substrate site and the rotenone sensitive site of the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcriptional control of the nuo operon which encodes the energy conserving NADH dehydrogenase of Salmonella typhimurium . ^^^ The 14 nuo genes encode the subunits of the type 1 ( energy conserving ) NADH dehydrogenase , a key component of the respiratory chain . ^^^ However , none of the mutations tested had a large effect on expression of type 1 NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
From the DNA and amino acid sequence comparisons with known sequences , genes for ATPase subunit 9 ( ATP 9 ) , cytochrome b ( CYTB ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 3 and 6 ( ND 1 , ND 3 and ND 6 ) , small subunit rRNA ( SSU rRNA ) and seven tRNAs ( Arg , Asn , Cys , Lys , f Met , Met and Pro ) have been identified . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the level of edited RNA , both epimastigotes and metacyclic stage parasites appear to be pre adapted for the respiratory mechanisms of BF but not yet down regulated from the cytochrome based respiration of PF since edited RNAs encoding NADH dehydrogenase components are up regulated and edited CYb RNA is abundant in these stages . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An EPR signal characteristic of a [ 2Fe 2S ] cluster detected from the soluble mitochondrial matrix fraction has been shown to be distinct from the signals associated with mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase , and has therefore been attributed to a ferredoxin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The sequenced region includes the complete genes for NADH dehydrogenase 4 , NADH dehydrogenase 4L , NADH dehydrogenase 6 , and transfer RNAs for proline , threonine and histidine , and part of the genes for NADH dehydrogenase 5 and cytochrome b . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of the sequence homologies indicated that HndA shows 29 , 21 , and 26 % identity with the 24 kDa subunit from Bos taurus complex 1 , the 25 kDa subunit from Paracoccus denitrificans NADH dehydrogenase type 1 , and the N terminal domain of HoxF subunit of the NAD reducing hydrogenase from Alcaligenes eutrophus , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) as a thyroid hormone regulated gene by whole genome PCR analysis . ^^^ Following this procedure , we now report the identification of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) gene as target of thyroid hormone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The decrease in Eh 7 of the mitochondrial NAD couple , Eh7NAD+ / NADH , from 280 to 300 mV and the increase in Eh 7 of the coenzyme Q couple , Eh7Q / QH2 , from 4 to +12 mV was equivalent to an increase from 53 kJ to 60 kJ / 2 mol e in the reaction catalyzed by the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase multienzyme complex ( EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor amobarbital ( Amytal ) and the mitochondrial uncoupler carbonylcyanide m chlorophenylhydrazone ( CCCP ) were used to alter energy metabolism . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Compounds that block electron transport at NADH dehydrogenase ( rotenone ) or between ubiquinone and cytochrome b ( antimycin ) showed that univalent reduction of O 2 can occur at these sites in vivo to form superoxide anion ( O 2 ) , in agreement with reports for mammalian mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The source ( s ) of NADH > NAD activity was evaluated by assessments of its intramitochondrial distribution and thermal lability and by comparisons with the distribution / thermal lability of NADH dehydrogenase , lipoamide dehydrogenase , and NADPH > NAD transhydrogenase . ^^^ Like NADPH > NAD transhydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase was essentially membrane bound . ^^^ Although the NADH > NAD profile closely paralleled that for lipoamide dehydrogenase , it also was similar to the NADH dehydrogenase profile . ^^^ Collectively , these data are consistent with the supposition that the H . diminuta mitochondrial NADH > NAD transhydrogenation reaction is catalyzed by lipoamide dehydrogenase and possibly by NADH dehydrogenase rather than by an independent transhydrogenase system . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The enzymes of mitochondrial respiratory chain , NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase ( complex 4 ) , were completely inhibited by 6 hydroxydopamine with IC 50 = 10 . 5 microM and IC 50 = 34 microM respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , genes encoding the 3 subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase part of complex 1 are apparently missing in these species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It may be suggested that NADH dehydrogenase is the key enzyme required for active transport of K+ in the cells , as rotenone , a selective blocker of this enzyme , causes a complete blockade of the Na+ , K ( + ) pump . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enzyme activity levels for NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase showed a similar trend , albeit of lesser magnitude . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The relation between rate and Q redox state for the external NADH dehydrogenase in potato callus mitochondria was found to differ from that of succinate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Efficient selection and characterization of mutants of a human cell line which are defective in mitochondrial DNA encoded subunits of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) in mammalian cells is a multimeric enzyme consisting of approximately 40 subunits , 7 of which are encoded in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) . ^^^ The two remaining complex 1 deficient mutants exhibited a normal rate of synthesis and assembly of the mtDNA encoded subunits of the enzyme , and the mtDNA mutation ( s ) responsible for their NADH dehydrogenase defect remains to be identified . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial extract from Leishmania tarentolae directs the incorporation of uridylate ( U ) residues within the pre edited domain of synthetic cytochrome b ( CYb ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 mRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Indeed , dopamine inhibited mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity with IC 50 = 8 microM , and that of norepinephrine was twice as much ( IC 50 = 15 microM ) . ^^^ Dopamine induced inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase activity was only partially reversed by desferrioxamine , which had no effect on norepinephrine induced inhibition . ^^^ The latter was further supported by the ability of ADP to reverse dopamine induced inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase activity in a dose dependent manner . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Deletion of the structural gene for the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 of Synechocystis 6803 alters respiratory properties . ^^^ Chloroplasts and cyanobacteria contain genes encoding polypeptides homologous to some subunits of the mitochondrial respiratory NADH ubiquinol oxidoreductase complex ( NADH dehydrogenase ) . ^^^ Nothing is known of the role of the NADH dehydrogenase complex in photosynthesis , respiration , or other functions in chloroplasts , and little is known about the specific roles of the perhaps 42 subunits of this complex in the mitochondrion . ^^^ It is suggested that the 56 . 6 kD product of ndhD 2 is not essential for the activity of a cytoplasmic membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase but that it regulates the rate of electron flow through the complex , establishing a link between this ndh gene and respiration . ^^^ The activity of the molecularly distinct thylakoid bound NADH dehydrogenase is apparently unaffected by the loss of ndhD 2 . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To test hypotheses of neutral evolution of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) , nucleotide sequences were determined for 1515 base pairs of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene in the mitochondrial DNA of 29 lines of Drosophila melanogaster and 9 lines of its sibling species Drosophila simulans . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both nad 4 and nad 7 encode subunits of complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) of the mitochondrial electron transfer chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The direct inhibitory effect of EQ on NADH dehydrogenase was a most relevant finding , since no inhibitor for the partial reaction of NADH ferricyanide on this complex has been reported previously . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Incubation of mouse brain slices with various concentrations of MPP+ ( 1 100 microM ) resulted in dose dependent inhibition of mitochondrial enzyme NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) and leakage of the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase from the slice into the medium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this study , we investigated the effects of calcium on NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase activities since the mechanism of these effects is unresolved . ^^^ Calcium and magnesium , in the concentration range of 0 . 02 to 5 mM , did not influence the NADH dehydrogenase activity of SMP . ^^^ Energization of SMP by oligomycin addition , however , dramatically influenced the kinetic properties of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ It is proposed that in heart mitochondria , calcium does not affect directly the components of electron transport but it may influence the activity of NADH dehydrogenase indirectly by increasing delta psi . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Only one , the region coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 5 and 6 , showed any variation at this level . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Occurrence and transcription of genes for nad 1 , nad 3 , nad4L , and nad 6 , coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 3 , 4L , and 6 , in liverwort mitochondria . ^^^ The genes encoding subunits 1 , 3 , 4L , and 6 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 1 , nad 3 , nad4L , nad 6 ) in the mitochondrial genome of a liverwort , Marchantia polymorpha , were characterized by comparing homologies of the amino acid sequences of the subunits with those of other organisms . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Several genes were identified that appeared to be regulated by mofarotene , including a mitochondrial gene encoding a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( NDI ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The duplicated intron sequences of 75 140 bp are derived from cis and trans splicing introns of genes encoding subunits 1 and 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The most striking feature is the loss of all 11 functional genes ( ndh genes ) for subunits of a putative NADH dehydrogenase that are found in the chloroplast genomes of angiosperms and a bryophyte . ^^^ This unexpected finding raises the possibility that all ndh genes have been transferred to the nucleus or that an NADH dehydrogenase is not essential in black pine chloroplasts . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thienylvinylindoles as inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In connection with a previous study , new phenylindoles bearing a 2 or 3 thienyl group were synthesized and tested as specific inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The reduction of AQs performed by NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , homogenates and microsomes of V 79 cells , indicated that only the carboxy containing drugs were fairly good superoxide anion stimulators . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Partial NADH dehydrogenase defect presenting as spastic cerebral palsy . ^^^ He was eventually found to have NADH dehydrogenase deficiency . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A significant decrease in the activities of mitochondrial inner membrane enzymes such as NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase is observed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A relatively large sample size was made possible by using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) amplification of DNA prepared from small blood samples to generate fragments of two known polymorphic mtDNA regions , one within the gene encoding subunit 5 of NADH dehydrogenase and one encompassing the entire D loop . ^^^ Six polymorphic sites were located by this means , five of which were within the D loop and one of which was within the NADH dehydrogenase 5 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results were interpreted as a DNA alteration consistent with a mutation at level of tARN genes , initiating the reading of gen ND 2 of Complex 1 , NADH dehydrogenase and affecting Complex CO 3 that transcribe cytochrome c and oxidoreductase genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nucleotide sequence of a segment of the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) molecule of the sea anemone Metridium senile ( phylum Cnidaria , class Anthozoa , order Actiniaria ) has been determined , within which have been identified the genes for respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) , the small subunit rRNA ( s rRNA ) , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 ( COII ) , ND 4 , ND 6 , cytochrome b ( Cyt b ) , tRNA ( f Met ) , and the large subunit rRNA ( 1 rRNA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Also , the transcripts of other genes containing group 2 introns ( ribosomal protein S 16 gene , rps 16 ; NADH dehydrogenase ND 2 gene , ndhB ; cytochrome f gene , petD ; and intron containing reading frame 170 , irf 170 ) and of the tRNA for leucine , trnL ( UAA ) , possessing the only chloroplast group 1 intron , were found to be spliced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The discovery of a novel respiratory enzyme of heart mitochondria , exogenous NADH dehydrogenase , some years ago , has considerably aided understanding of mitochondrial O 2 radical generation and the role of ubiquinones therein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast with other inhibitors of the NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain , the decarboxylated dimer of aminoethylcysteine ketimine protects bovine heart submitochondrial particles ( SMP ) from the NADH Fe ( +3 ) ADP induced lipid peroxidation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Comparisons have been performed between the derived amino acid sequences of three sequenced genes , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 ( COII ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L ( ND4L ) and ATP synthase subunit 8 ( ATPase 8 ) , from D . labrax , and their counterparts in other fishes and Xenopus laevis . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In S . cerevisiae , a rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase of about 500 600 kDa is detected only in stationary phase cells . ^^^ As in Neurospora crassa , upon incubation of the obligately aerobic yeast R . mucilaginosa with chloramphenicol , an intermediate NADH dehydrogenase of approximately 350 kDa was formed , which was insensitive to rotenone . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Significant stabilization of hydroperoxides was estimated in weakly polar media ( epsilon = 4 ) which can simulate the quinone reducing center of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcription of rat mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complete sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 ( COII ) , and ATPase subunit 8 ( ATPase 8 ) , as well as partial sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) , and the large ribosomal RNA ( lrRNA ) genes were determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial DNA mutation at nucleotide pair 14459 of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene associated with maternally inherited Leber hereditary optic neuropathy and dystonia . ^^^ One of these variants , a G to A transition at nucleotide pair ( np ) 14459 , changed a moderately conserved alanine to a valine at NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) residue 72 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These genes encode the proteins NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 , and apocytochrome b , as well as the transfer RNAs tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , tRNA ( Ser ) ( UCN ) , tRNA ( Asp ) , tRNA ( Glu ) , tRNA ( Thr ) and tRNA ( Pro ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nonneutral evolution at the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 gene in mice . ^^^ We tested this prediction by measuring DNA sequence variation at the mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) gene among 56 individual house mice , Mus domesticus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results described in this report lead to the conclusion that ubisemiquinones form obligatory intermediates in the reaction of NADH dehydrogenase with ubiquinone . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In mitochondria , increased hydrophobicity resulted in greater inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase but a smaller dependence on the transmembrane electrochemical gradient for accumulation of the pyridiniums as evidenced by an approximately 600 fold , versus only a 36 fold , increase in the IC 50 of MPP+ versus 4 ' pentyl MPP+ , respectively , in the presence of uncoupler . ^^^ In ETPs , the analogous increase in potencies of the more hydrophobic analogues was also consistent with an inhibitory mechanism that relied on differential partitioning into the lipid environment surrounding NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Natural substances ( acetogenins ) from the family Annonaceae are powerful inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 gene is interrupted by four group 2 introns in the wheat mitochondrial genome . ^^^ We have characterized a wheat mitochondrial gene , designated nad 7 , capable of encoding a 394 amino acid subunit of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This `` aerobic fermentation of glucose ' ' is probably due to both the presence of low levels of some cytochromes , causing a relative inefficiency of the respiratory chain for NADH , reoxidation during active glucose catabolism , and the lack of NADH dehydrogenase and phosphorylation site 1 , resulting in the entry of reduction equivalents into the chain mostly as succinate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RNA editing in mitochondria of cultured trypanosomatids : translatable mRNAs for NADH dehydrogenase subunits are missing . ^^^ In cultured trypanosomatids , however , translationally defective pre mRNAs for a number of NADH dehydrogenase subunits are not converted into functional mRNAs by editing . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We compared more than 500 nucleotides from each of two mitochondrial genes encoding 12S rRNA and the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase 2 gene ( ndh ) is repressed by FNR under anaerobic conditions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The reaction sites of rotenone and ubiquinone with mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both NADH : cytochrome c and NADH : ubiquinone reductase activities were inhibited 80 90 % by rotenone indicating the presence of a complex 1 like NADH dehydrogenase in the mitochondrion of trypanosomes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Intragenic rearrangements in the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene of vertebrates . ^^^ We have sequenced the mitochondrial encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene from 19 species of birds . ^^^ In this structural model of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 , the mammalian insertion is found in a variable loop region between transmembrane segments 4 and V . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
No association of mutations at nucleotide 5460 of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase with Alzheimer ' s disease . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) mutations at nucleotide 5460 of mitochondrial DNA ( codon 331 of the ND 2 subunit gene ) have been associated with Alzheimer ' s disease ( BBRC 182 , 238 246 , 1992 ; BBRC 189 , 1202 1206 , 1992 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The 12 . 3 kDa subunit of complex 1 ( respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ) from Neurospora crassa : cDNA cloning and chromosomal mapping of the gene . ^^^ The 12 . 3 kDa subunit of complex 1 ( respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ) is a nuclear coded protein of the hydrophobic fragment of the enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A guanine ( G ) to adenine ( A ) transition was recently identified at the 11778th nucleotide position in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene ( ND 4 ) in the mitochondrial genome of LHON patients from various ethnic groups . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene sequences compared for species and strains of the genus Echinococcus . ^^^ Nucleotide sequences of a 471 bp region of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene were obtained for 59 Echinococcus isolates including representatives of each of the 4 recognised species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have investigated the mechanism of the inhibition of membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase by 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) and a series of its 4 ' alkyl substituted analogs of increasing hydrophobicity , as well as their neutral , desmethyl congeners . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Osmotic shock and sequential treatment with 0 . 2 % ( v / v ) Triton 10 100 and 0 . 5 % ( w / v ) [ 3 cholamidopropyl ) dimethylammonio ] 1 propanesulfate ( CHAPS ) removed all other NADH dehydrogenase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among the respiratory chain linked enzymes , the activity of NADH dehydrogenase registered a significant decrease of about 25 , 42 , and 53 % at 100 , 150 , and 180 microM piperine , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A Bacillus subtilis bglA gene encoding phospho beta glucosidase is inducible and closely linked to a NADH dehydrogenase encoding gene . ^^^ Immediately down stream from this B . subtilis bglA gene , there was a partial ORF on the opposite strand which encoded a polypeptide with extensive homology to NADH dehydrogenase from an alkalophilic Bacillus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Escherichia coli NADH dehydrogenase 1 , a minimal form of the mitochondrial complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes identified encode three subunits of the cytochome oxidase , apocytochrome b , nine subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 1 to 7 , nad4L and nad 9 ) , three ATPase subunits ( atp 6 , atp 9 , atp 1 ( also referred to as atpA ) ) , three ribosomal RNAs ( 5 S ( rrn 5 ) , small subunit ( srn ) and large subunit ( lrn ) RNA ) , 26 tRNAs , and 13 ribosomal proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results give a preliminary indication suggesting that the dimer inhibits electron flow from NADH dehydrogenase to ubiquinone at or near the rotenone binding site ( s ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We isolated and characterized mutants defective in nuo , encoding NADH dehydrogenase 1 , the multisubunit complex homologous to eucaryotic mitochondrial complex 1 . ^^^ We propose that cells defective for NADH dehydrogenase 1 exhibit all these phenotypes , because large NADH / NAD+ ratios inhibit certain tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes , e . g . , citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In frontal cortex activity of NADH dehydrogenase was significantly inhibited by diethyldithiocarbamate plus MPTP ex vivo , suggesting that the neurotoxic metabolite of MPTP , 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ion , is acting in brain regions other than striatum as well . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Intron loss from the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene of lettuce mitochondrial DNA : evidence for homologous recombination of a cDNA intermediate . ^^^ The mitochondrial gene coding for subunit 4 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 ( nad 4 ) has been isolated and characterized from lettuce , Lactuca sativa . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase , citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase activities in both patient groups were significantly lower than in controls ( p < 0 . 01 ) , while NADH cytochrome c reductase activity was reduced only in migraine with aura ( p < 0 . 01 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genome of yeast Hansenula wingei encodes NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes ND4L and ND 5 . ^^^ Genes homologous to those encoding mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunits ND4L and ND 5 in filamentous fungi were identified in the mitochondrial genome of a budding yeast , Hansenula wingei . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The remaining two NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes ( ND 4 and ND 5 ) , the ribosomal protein RPS 12 gene and the CR 5 gene are duplicated and rearranged . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We describe the structure and expression of a wheat mitochondrial gene , which codes for a subunit of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , mutant membranes were reduced by about 80 % in their type 2 NADH dehydrogenase dependent oxidase activity which resulted in a reduced ability to generate a proton gradient using NADH as an energy source . ^^^ Use of artificial electron acceptors indicated that the level of type 2 NADH dehydrogenase activity was normal . ^^^ These results suggest that the function of Q 8 in linking type 2 NADH dehydrogenase with the terminal oxidase ( s ) is dependent on the phosphatidylethanolamine content of the surrounding phospholipid matrix . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have evaluated the effects of treatment with riboflavin in five patients with a mitochondrial myopathy , associated with a complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) deficiency . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mutants defective in the energy conserving NADH dehydrogenase of Salmonella typhimurium identified by a decrease in energy dependent proteolysis after carbon starvation . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase is the first component of the respiratory chain . ^^^ Sequence analysis of DNA fragments cloned from an insertion mutant indicates that S . typhimurium has a large cluster of genes encoding the energy conserving NADH dehydrogenase , similar to one recently described in Paracoccus denitrificans . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Organization of the nucleus of the solitary tract in the hamster : acetylcholinesterase , NADH dehydrogenase , and cytochrome oxidase histochemistry . ^^^ The distribution of acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( NADHd ) , and cytochrome oxidase ( CO ) was determined in the nucleus of the solitary tract ( NST ) in the golden hamster . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
L BOAA induces selective inhibition of brain mitochondrial enzyme , NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Incubation of sagittal slices of mouse brain with L BOAA resulted in dose and time dependent inhibition of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have sequenced a segment of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) of a crustacean , the brine shrimp , Artemia salina , that includes 3 ' end proximal regions of the genes for subunit 1 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome b ( Cyt b ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The amino acid sequence of 509 residues , deduced from the nucleotide sequence , showed 51 . 2 and 72 . 5 % identities to the amino acid sequences of alkyl hydroperoxide reductase from Salmonella typhimurium and NADH dehydrogenase from alkalophilic Bacillus sp . strain YN 1 , respectively . ^^^ The above findings , however , suggest that the flavoprotein functional as NADH oxidase , the alkyl hydroperoxide reductase , and the NADH dehydrogenase diverged recently , with only small changes leading to their functional differences . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The compounds under study act preferentially on the NADH dehydrogenase complex of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mononuclear phagocytes were harvested by glass adherence and standard methods were used for cytochemical staining for NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , acid phosphatase and alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The 51 kDa flavoprotein subunit of mitochondrial NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ( Complex 1 ) [ NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) , flavoprotein 1 ( 51 kDa ) ; EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ] plays an important role in the formation of the NADH binding site and is believed to be the principal site of entry for electrons donated by NADH into the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The data suggest that both the block co polymers and their protein conjugates inhibit the NADH dehydrogenase complex and induce a K ( + ) conductivity of the mitochondrial inner membrane ; the surface activity of the conjugates allows them to pass through the plasma membrane and interact with the mitochondrial inner membrane . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequence and northern analyses showed that the insertion inactivated a gene highly homologous to ndhB , encoding subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase in Synechocystis sp . ^^^ These results may indicate that subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase is essential for the functional operation of the photosynthetic electron transport in Synechococcus under low but not high levels of CO 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this study we report that peroxynitrite exposure to rat heart mitochondria resulted in significant inactivation of electron carriers such as succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase as well as the mitochondrial ATPase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 1 ) of E . coli is more sensitive to OP than is NDH 1 of Paracoccus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The effects of vitamin E and its analogs alpha tocopheryl acetate with a shortened up to six carbon atoms side chain carrying a saturated and an unsaturated bonds at the chain terminus , alpha tocopherol and alpha tocopheryl quinone devoid of the side chain on the rate of malonic dialdehyde formation , the diene conjugate and total lipid content in the liver as well as the activity of the respiratory chain enzymes succinate and NADH dehydrogenase , succinate and NADH ubiquinone reductase , as well as the vitamin E and ubiquinone content in the liver mitochondria of vitamin E deficient rats in vivo have been investigated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Furthermore , there is considerable evidence that the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria is mainly responsible for functional changes of these organelles during ischemia / reperfusion . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Orf 3 , Orf 4 , and Orf 5 are all highly hydrophobic , integral membrane proteins with similarities to subunits of NADH dehydrogenase or cytochrome c reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Lack of assembly of mitochondrial DNA encoded subunits of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase and loss of enzyme activity in a human cell mutant lacking the mitochondrial ND 4 gene product . ^^^ In most eukaryotic cells , the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) is a multimeric enzyme under dual ( nuclear and mitochondrial ) genetic control . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Carriers of three mitochondrial DNA morphs , two in the subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase gene and one in the tRNA for threonine , had a VO2max ( ml . kg 1 . min 1 ) in the untrained state significantly higher than noncarriers , while carriers of one mitochondrial DNA morph in subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase had a lower initial VO2max . ^^^ After adjustment for training site and initial VO2max , a lower response was observed for three carriers of a variant in subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase detected with HincII ( mean gain of 0 . 28 l ; P < 0 . 05 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The analyses of mtDNA showed that the deletion in patient 1 spanned 4977 bp from the ATPase 8 gene to the NADH dehydrogenase 5 gene between 13 bp direct repeats , whereas the deletion in patient 2 spanned 3151 bp from the transfer RNA ( His ) gene to the cytochrome b gene unrelated to any repeated sequences . ^^^ Analysis of the entire sequence of both patient ' s mtDNA showed several nucleotide substitutions including alteration of the initiation codon of the NADH dehydrogenase 5 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These are the proton pumping NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase , also called complex 1 , which has a high affinity for NADH , and a non proton pumping NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase , called alternative NADH dehydrogenase , which has a low affinity for NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analyses of the sequences and part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene and the COI gene together with those from D . melanogaster and D . yakuba revealed that amino acid substitution rate of the ATPase 6 gene seems to be higher in some strains of D . melanogaster than in the other species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Escherichia coli mutants lacking NADH dehydrogenase 1 have a competitive disadvantage in stationary phase . ^^^ Both insertions were mapped to min 51 , and sequence analysis revealed that both mutated genes encode proteins homologous to subunits of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 . ^^^ Crude extracts prepared from both mutant strains were able to oxidize NADH but lacked the enzymatic activity needed to oxidize deamino NADH , a substrate specific for NADH dehydrogenase 1 . ^^^ This is the first identification of genes encoding subunits of NADH dehydrogenase 1 in E . coli . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reductive inactivation of the mitochondrial three subunit NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The latter was most probably related to the inhibition of plasma membrane NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Results are interpreted to suggest that partial inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase activity can lead to the stimulation of mitochondrial H2O2 production in the housefly at site ( s ) other than NADH dehydrogenase and ubisemiquinone / cytochrome b region ; a possible source may be glycerophosphate dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Throughout ischemia and early reperfusion the hearts received , respectively : ( a ) 5 mM KCl ( controls ) , ( b ) 5 mM sodium amobarbital ( Amytal , which blocks mitochondrial respiration at Site 1 , at the level of NADH dehydrogenase ) , and ( c ) 5 mM potassium cyanide ( to block mitochondrial respiration distally , at the level of cytochrome c oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We analyzed portions of the apocytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 7 and 8 ( ND 7 and 8 ) genes and their edited mRNAs in Trypanosoma congolense and compared these to the corresponding sequences in T . brucei . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The current report demonstrates that H2O2 and HO . are also products of MPP+ interaction with NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reactivation of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) inhibited by 1 methyl 4 ( 4 ' alkylphenyl ) pyridinium analogues : a clue to the nature of the inhibition site . ^^^ Expression of the neurotoxicity of 1 methyl 4 phenyl 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 tetrahydropyridine , following oxidation to 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ion ( MPP+ ) , is believed to involve inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport from NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) to ubiquinone . ^^^ All three types of inhibitors combine at two sites on NADH dehydrogenase , a hydrophilic and hydrophobic one , and occupancy of both sites is required for complete inhibition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of the probes ( ND 4 probe ) detected transcripts of a segment of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene , which is known to be affected in most cases of mitochondrial myopathy with large deletions of mtDNA . ^^^ The other probe ( ND 2 probe ) detected transcripts of a segment of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene , which usually is not included in mtDNA deletions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An insertional mutation in the ndh gene has been introduced into the E . coli chromosome , and the resulting strain maintains membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase activity , demonstrating that a second genetically distinct NADH dehydrogenase must be present . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The organo specific external NADH dehydrogenase of mammal heart mitochondria has an artefactual origin . ^^^ The existence of an organo specific ( heart ) external NADH dehydrogenase located on the outer face of the inner mitochondrial membrane has been recently proposed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequencing analyses showed that some of these clones corresponded to RNA transcripts from B 1 and B 2 repetitive sequences , as well as mRNA for cytochrome C oxidase 1 and NADH dehydrogenase 3 derived from the mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We observed that the benzoperimidines did not stimulate free radical formation , perhaps due to their poor substrate properties for NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Characterization of the Brassica campestris mitochondrial gene for subunit six of NADH dehydrogenase : nad 6 is present in the mitochondrion of a wide range of flowering plants . ^^^ We have isolated the Brassica campestris mitochondrial gene nad 6 , coding for subunit six of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , partial DNA sequence analysis revealed the lrRNA and srRNA genes as well as four protein encoding genes : the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( NAD 1 ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( NAD 6 ) , cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 ( CO 3 ) , and ATPase subunit 6 ( ATP 6 ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The steady state kinetics of the NADH dehydrogenase activities of the mitochondrial NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase in the presence of one electron acceptors , ferricyanide and hexammineruthenium ( 3 ) , were studied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In order to investigate the disordered maturation of mononuclear phagocytes previously found in Hodgkin ' s disease , integrating microdensitometry was used to quantitate changes in seven cytochemical constituents ( NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , acid phosphatase , alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase , DNA , RNA and glycogen ) of developing macrophages from 19 patients and 19 normal subjects . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The toxicity of catecholamines was also potentiated by the mitochondrial site 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) inhibitor rotenone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Membrane associated NADH dehydrogenase activities in Rhodobacter capsulatus : purification of a dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase . ^^^ The presence of several NADH dehydrogenase activities associated with cytoplasmic membrane vesicles of chemoheterotrophically grown Rhodobacter capsulatus MT 1131 was demonstrated by combining isoelectric focusing with NADH tetranitrobluetetrazolium activity staining , a procedure that should have general applicability in the analysis of bacterial NADH dehydrogenase activities . ^^^ The Mid pI NADH dehydrogenase activity was purified and identified as a dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The gene is present in a unique genomic location upstream of the gene encoding subunit 3 of the NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Extensive editing of CR 2 maxicircle transcripts of Trypanosoma brucei predicts a protein with homology to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This protein , which we name ND 9 ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 9 ) , has homology to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( respiratory complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase were strongly inhibited by the polycation , 80 90 % of the activity being lost at an inhibitor concentration of 100 microM . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The topological structure suggests that the predicted binding site of the prosthetic group pyrroloquinoline quinone is located at the periplasmic side and that the amino acid residues corresponding to those that were presumed to interact with ubiquinone in one subunit of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase also occur at the periplasmic side . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This effect was accompanied by significantly increased H2O2 formation , GSH depletion and TBARS formation linked to both NADH dehydrogenase ( rotenone inhibited ) and ubiquinone cytochrome b ( antimycin inhibited ) regions of the electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Each consisted of two electrophoretically identical subunits , bound flavin mononucleotide ( FMN ) non covalently and accepted electrons from an induced NADH dehydrogenase which interacted with the FMN bound to the oxygenating component . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Preincubation of rat heart mitochondria with 0 . 1 10 mumol / l trimetazidine did not affect NADH oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase and NADH cytochrome c reductase , succinate oxidase and cytochrome c oxidase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To preliminarily examine whether mitochondrial heteroplasmy or synergism of multiple mitochondrial ( mt ) DNA mutations are related to the symptoms manifested in Japanese pedigrees with Leber ' s hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) , 90 percent of which have an mtDNA mutation at position 11778 in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Each amplified unit contains the genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 3 and 6 ( ND 3 and ND 6 ) , an open reading frame ( ORF 1 ) that represents a cytochrome P 450 like gene , and three additional unidentified open reading frames . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have determined the relative steady state concentration of the two Crithidia fasciculata guide ( g ) RNAs involved in editing the two domains of mRNAs for NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit 7 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cotranscriptional expression of mitochondrial genes for subunits of NADH dehydrogenase , nad 5 , nad 4 , nad 2 , in Marchantia polymorpha . ^^^ Three genes for the subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 5 , nad 4 , and nad 2 ) are tandemly clustered on the liverwort mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Those authors further claimed that MPP+ itself also blocks respiration through succinate dehydrogenase , in addition to its well known effect on NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) , and concluded that both effects may contribute to the development of Parkinsonian symptoms . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibitors had no significant effect on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase , oligomycin sensitive ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NdhF is a subunit of the type 1 , multisubunit NADH : plastoquinone oxidoreductase ( NADH dehydrogenase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Clofibrate , perfluorooctanoic acid , and acetylsalicylic acid all increased the mRNA levels for the mitochondrial encoded respiratory chain components cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two sections of the control region and the genes coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 5 and 6 ( ND 5 / 6 ) of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) were amplified from Phoxinus eos with the polymerase chain reaction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes encoding subunit 3 of NADH dehydrogenase and ribosomal protein S 12 are co transcribed and edited in Pinus sylvestris ( L . ) mitochondria . ^^^ The nucleotide sequence of the region encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 and ribosomal protein S 12 from Pinus sylvestris ( L . ) mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) has been determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have studied the characteristics of chimeric molecules formed in mitochondrial extracts of the insect trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculata which had been supplied with synthetic NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit 7 gRNA and pre mRNA variants . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Pyruvate carboxylase , superoxide dismutase , serotransferrin , liver fatty acid binding protein , 1 hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) as well as three N terminally blocked polypeptides : 9 ( 57 / 6 . 00 ) , 53 ( 24 / 4 . 90 ) and 63 ( 16 / 4 . 70 ) were detected only in whole adult liver tissue and not in any of the cultured cell lines . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this study a new polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) assay was established for apolipoprotein E genotyping in archival neuropathological tissue , exon 17 of the amyloid precursor protein gene was directly sequenced , and a candidate mutation site at nucleotide ( nt ) 5460 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit gene ND 2 was analyzed employing PCR followed by HphI digestion . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Structure of a gene subunit 9 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 9 ) in rice mitochondria and RNA editing of its transcript . ^^^ We identified a gene for subunit 9 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 9 ) in rice mitochondrial DNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The microcirculation and the succinate and NADH dehydrogenase activities of the brain in neurotic disorders of the higher nervous activity in white rats ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These are the phosphorylating NADH dehydrogenase , otherwise known as Complex 1 , and at least four other nonphosphorylating NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A cDNA isolated by a subtractive hybridization procedure detected loss of mtDNA and the mRNA coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 in 8 of 13 tumor kidney tissues obtained from patients with renal cell carcinoma . ^^^ Sequencing revealed a stretch of nucleotides homologous to the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 gene in the middle of the cDNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The enzymatic properties of the FP subcomplex , reconstituted with FMN and iron sulfur , correspond to those of the isolated P . denitrificans NADH dehydrogenase complex . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Use of transmitochondrial cybrids to assign a complex 1 defect to the mitochondrial DNA encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene mutation at nucleotide pair 14459 that causes Leber hereditary optic neuropathy and dystonia . ^^^ A heteroplasmic G to A transition at nucleotide pair ( np ) 14459 within the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) gene has been identified as the cause of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) and / or pediatric onset dystonia in three unrelated families . ^^^ Enzymologic analysis of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) with submitochondrial particles isolated from Epstein Barr virus transformed lymphoblasts revealed a 60 % reduction ( P < 0 . 005 ) of complex 1 specific activity in patient cell lines compared with controls , with no differences in enzymatic activity for complexes 2 plus 3 , 3 and 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The gene for a subunit of an ABC type heme transporter is transcribed together with the gene for subunit 6 of NADH dehydrogenase in rice mitochondria . ^^^ Analyzing the ct derived psitrnI , we found that an open reading frame ( orf 240 ) , which was homologous to the gene for a subunit of an ATP binding cassette type ( ABC type ) heme transporter , namely helC , of Rhodobacter capsulatus , and a gene for subunit 6 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 6 ) were located upstream of and downstream from the ct derived psitrnI , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
TNFalpha blocked electron transfer at three sites , NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( complex 2 ) , and cytochrome c oxidase ( complex 4 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This effect is similar to that seen with nuo mutants defective in the energy conserving type 1 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The identified genes that are typical for most fungal mitochondria include those for the large ( rnl ) and small subunit ( rns ) ribosomal RNAs , a complete set of 25 tRNAs , three ATPase subunits ( atp 6 , atp 8 and atp 9 ) , apocytochrome b ( cob ) , three subunits of the cytochrome oxidase complex ( cox 1 , cox 2 and cox 3 ) , and seven subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 1 , nad 2 , nad 3 , nad 4 , nad4L , nad 5 and nad 6 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria is increasingly reported to mediate cardiomyopathies following adriamycin treatment or reperfusion of ischemic hearts . ^^^ Our studies exclude both the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase of the outer membrane and the endogenous NADH dehydrogenase of damaged mitochondria as being responsible for external NADH consumption . ^^^ Our data support earlier reports on the physical association of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase with the inner mitochondrial membrane excluding oxidation of external NADH via an enzyme of artefactual origin . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Codon usage and base composition also followed canonical vertebrate patterns , except for an unusual ATC ( non AUG ) codon initiating the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
As analyzed in several transmitochondrial cell lines thus obtained , the mutation , which is in the gene encoding subunit ND 4 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) , did not affect the synthesis , size , or stability of ND 4 , nor its incorporation into the enzyme complex . ^^^ However , NADH dehydrogenase dependent respiration , as measured in digitonin permeabilized cells , was specifically decreased by approximately 40 % in cells carrying the mutation . ^^^ On the contrary , no decrease in rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase activity , using a water soluble ubiquinone analogue as electron acceptor , was detected in disrupted mitochondrial membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This preparation , yielding four major and several minor stained bands after SDS PAGE , retained the NADH dehydrogenase activity ( with menadione as an artificial electron acceptor ) and ubiquinone 1 ( Q ) reductase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two mitochondrial group 1 introns in a metazoan , the sea anemone Metridium senile : one intron contains genes for subunits 1 and 3 of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Mitochondrial genes for cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) of the sea anemone Metridium senile ( phylum Cnidaria ) each contain a group 1 intron . ^^^ The ND 5 intron is unusual in that it ends with A and contains two genes ( ND 1 and ND 3 ) encoding additional subunits of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial DNA 3394 mutation in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 associated with non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus . ^^^ The mtDNA 3394T C mutation changed a conserved tyrosine to a histidine in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Site 2 ( antimycin A ) or site 3 ( cyanide , hypoxia ) mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibition completely blocked lipid peroxidation , whereas site 1 inhibition ( rotenone ) doubled its extent ( presumably by shunting NADH through NADH dehydrogenase , a free radical generating system ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The effect of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria on the transmembranous proton movement . ^^^ Heart mitochondria can be made to oxidize extramitochondrial NADH via the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The latter effect was inhibited when oxidation of external NADH via the respiratory chain was blocked and could be turned into the opposite when artificial e acceptors of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase were used to reactivate NADH consumption . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial DNA region encompassing part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and isoleucine transfer RNA genes was PCR amplified , cloned , and sequenced for 14 morphometrically identified Apis mellifera subspecies and the New World `` Africanized ' ' honeybee . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evolution of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 in east African cichlid fish . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This approach was tested on a number of probe and target sequences derived from the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene of the West African black fly , Simulium damnosum sensu lato . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The presence of a curved DNA sequence in the gene for the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 of rat mitochondrial genome , upstream from the origin of the light strand replication have been demonstrated through theoretical analysis and experimental approaches . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genetic variations in TGF alpha s , RAR alpha s , NADH dehydrogenase , an enzyme involved in oxidative metabolism , and cytochrome P 450 , a detoxifying enzyme , have been implicated as contributing genetic factors . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and characterization of a plasma membrane ferricyanide utilizing NADH dehydrogenase from Ehrlich tumour cells . ^^^ A ferricyanide utilizing NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH ferricyanide oxidoreductase ) from the plasma membrane of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells has been purified about 1500 fold to apparent homogeneity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Furthermore , 2 , 162 base pairs from the 3 ' region of ATPase subunit 6 gene to the 5 ' region of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L gene were determined in 4 individuals . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DGGE analysis of 100 to 200 bp sequences of low melting temperature domains within the origin / membrane attachment site , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and two overlapping regions of the tRNA glycine / NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 sequences was performed to identify sequence variants at these sites in a human B cell line TK 6 and T cells from four individuals . ^^^ A sequence variant resulting in a G > A transition at position 9966 in the tRNA glycine / NADH dehydrogenase 3 was identified in another individual . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and CYP2D6 genotypes in Lewy body parkinsonism . ^^^ A heteroplasmic mtDNAG5460A missense mutation in the ND 2 subunit gene of NADH dehydrogenase was three times more frequent in Parkinson cases ( 4 / 21 ) compared to controls ( 5 / 77 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH ) and alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase ( GPDH ) which were measured histophotometrically in type 1 , 2a , and 2b fibres showed either extreme or only partial overlapping regarding the activity of metabolic enzymes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Known genes , including those for human laminin B 1 chain , H ( + ) ATP synthase coupling factor 6 , lysyl oxidase , myosin light chain kinase , and interleukin 8 receptor , were upregulated by shear stress , while the gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase was down regulated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The air ions were shown to prevent completely the development of physiological changes caused by acute immobilization , including arterial pressure increase , gastric mucosa injuries ( erosions , haemorrhage ) , changes in respiratory enzyme activity ( succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase ) in brain cells , cardiac and adrenal mass increase in rats with the active type behaviour . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The high activities of CS and HAD together with the high intensity in the NADH dehydrogenase stain indicate that the reindeer muscle has a high oxidative capacity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Similarly , the maximal activities of NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase were roughly twofold higher in soleus mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The present results demonstrate that 6 hydroxydopamine reversibly inhibits complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) of brain mitochondrial respiratory chain in isolated mitochondria . 6 Hydroxydopamine itself , rather than its oxidative products , was responsible for the inhibition . ^^^ Desferrioxamine was also shown to activate NADH dehydrogenase in the absence of 6 hydroxydopamine . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and characterization of a 43 kDa rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase from plant mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) of the mitochondrial respiratory chain by 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) and its analogs results in dopaminergic cell death . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ndh gene that encodes the non proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase 2 of Escherichia coli is anaerobically repressed by FNR . ^^^ The results suggest that Nbp ( Fis ) serves to ensure that the energetically efficient proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase 1 is used in preference to the non proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase 2 during periods of rapid growth , by repressing expression of the ndh gene . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Included are the genes encoding the transfer RNAs for valine , isoleucine , glutamine and methionine , the small ribosomal RNA and the 5 ' coding sequences of the large ribosomal RNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone , a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , induces cell surface expression of CD 13 and CD 38 and apoptosis in HL 60 cells . ^^^ We previously demonstrated that the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene was overexpressed in human acute myelogenous leukemia ( AML ) cells . ^^^ Since this finding suggested that ND 2 gene expression was related to myeloid differentiation , we here investigated the effects of rotenone , a specific NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , on HL 60 cell growth , differentiation and death . ^^^ These findings suggest that the inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase changes the cell cycle and induces some specific surface antigens of HL 60 cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For long time , it has been believed that the yeast mitochondrial ( mt ) genome lacks NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes which are designated ND genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
After two TCG procedures , and at 24 h EMI , augmentation was found of activities of succinic dehydrogenase , lactate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , beta hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase , both in the area of profound ischemia and peri infarction myocardium , this being accompanied with an increase in myocardial content of adenosine triphosphate , creatine phosphate , and glycogen , and reduction of the developing mass of necrosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We sequenced the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) gene from a sample of 61 humans , five common chimpanzees , and one gorilla to test whether patterns of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) variation are consistent with a neutral model of molecular evolution . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A chloroplast derived sequence is utilized as a source of promoter sequences for the gene for subunit 9 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 9 ) in rice mitochondria . ^^^ The chloroplast derived sequence trnS rps4 / 3 ' trnL trnF ndhJ ndhK ( 4066 bases in length ) is present in a region that starts 355 bases upstream of the gene for subunit 9 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 9 ) in the mitochondrial genome of rice . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Prenatal diagnosis can be performed in the cases of cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase deficiencies in chorionic villi in selected families . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity and ability to tolerate acetaldehyde determine faster ethanol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . ^^^ In rapidly fermenting yeast , the rotenone insensitive mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase was not completely repressed by high glucose . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , all of the newly identified coo gene products show similarity to subunits of NADH quinone oxidoreductase ( energy conserving NADH dehydrogenase 1 ) from various eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms . ^^^ We have found that dicyclohexylcarbodiimide , an inhibitor of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( also called complex 1 ) , inhibits the CO induced hydrogenase as well . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Each sample was simultaneously assessed for histoenzymological study , myosin and LDH isoforms and bioenergetic capacities [ NADH dehydrogenase cytochrome c oxidoreductase ( NADH Cyt c OR ) , succinate dehydrogenase cytochrome c oxidoreductase ( Succ Cyt c OR ) , cytochrome c oxidase ( Cyt c Ox ) and LDH ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogenetic relationships of the Japanese Carabinae ground beetles were analyzed by comparing 1 , 069 nucleotide sequences in the mitochondrial gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequence comparisons indicate that its 5 ' terminus is the homologue of the downstream portion of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 gene and that its 3 ' region is homologous to the maxicircle unidentified reading frame 2 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A hydrogenase and an NADH dehydrogenase , both of which were detected in membrane fractions , are components of a model in which electrons , generated by NADH oxidation inside of the cytoplasmic membrane , reduce protons outside of the cytoplasmic membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Familial cardiomyopathy with cataracts and lactic acidosis : a defect in complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) of the mitochondria respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Adrenochrome formation was stimulated by NADH indicating the participation of another enzyme ( NADH dehydrogenase ) which is known to be present in the human erythrocyte plasma membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In several studies a biochemical defect of complex 1 of the respiratory chain ( NADH dehydrogenase , EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ) has been found in the substantia nigra of Parkinsonian brains . ^^^ A heteroplasmic G5460A mutation affecting the ND 2 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase was detected in several brains of patients with idiopathic Parkinson ' s disease . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The cDNA for the PSST subunit of human mitochondrial nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NADH ) : ubiquinone oxidoreductase [ complex 1 ; NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) , Fe S ( 20 kDa ) ; EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ] was generated by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) amplification of human cDNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
H+ / e stoichiometry for NADH dehydrogenase 1 and dimethyl sulfoxide reductase in anaerobically grown Escherichia coli cells . ^^^ In the presence of the NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NDH 1 ) inhibitor 8 methyl N vanillyl 6 nonenamide ( capsaicin ) or in mutants lacking NDH 1 , this ratio decreased to 1 for O 2 and to 0 for DMSO . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A 335 bp segment of the NADH dehydrogenase F ( ndhF ) gene from a representative of each non flowering vascular plant division ( Coniferophyta , Filicophyta , Ginkgophyta , Gnetophyta , Lycophyta , Psilophyta , Sphenophyta ) has been sequenced and aligned with those of rice , tobacco , an orchid and a liverwort . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The presence of rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase in the long slender bloodstream and the procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei brucei . ^^^ In addition , the reduction of dichloroindophenol by NADH was inhibited by rotenone but not by malonate , which suggests that rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) is present in these mitochondria . ^^^ The presence of three subunits of NADH dehydrogenase was observed in immunoblots of mitochondrial proteins with specific antibodies raised against peptides corresponding to predicted antigenic regions of these proteins , which provides further evidence for the presence of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In long slender bloodstream forms , the oxidation of glucose or glycerol was inhibited 100 % by salicyhydroxamic acid , unaffected by cyanide or antimycin A , and inhibited 40 % or 75 % , respectively , by rotenone , which suggests that NADH dehydrogenase is present in these cells . ^^^ Low levels of rotenone sensitive NADH dependent reduction of dichloroindophenol and the presence of subunits 7 and 8 of NADH dehydrogenase provided additional evidence for the presence of NADH dehydrogenase in bloodstream forms of T . brucei . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The relative abundance of the mitochondrial encoded mRNAs for cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 was lower in brown adipose tissue ( BAT ) from lactating rats than in virgin controls . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , activities of the cytoplasmic NAD dependent glutamate dehydrogenase ( NAD GDH ) , the membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) and HQNO sensitive NADH oxidase were not sensitive to 100 microM Cd2+ . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Onchocerca fasciata : histochemical demonstration of succinate and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Thus , the localization and distributions of NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) ( EC 1 . 3 . 99 . 1 ) and cytochrome oxidase ( EC 1 . 9 . 3 . 1 ) were investigated in various tissues of the adult female worm by employing MTT , Nitro BT ( dehydrogenases ) and DAB ( cytochrome oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Until now only 11 of the 14 polypeptides of the NADH dehydrogenase of E . coli were found in Synechocystis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The electron transport chain inhibitors such as rotenone and antimycin A enhanced the signal intensity of DMPO OH , suggesting NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) as the major component involved in the reduction of rifamycin S . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Other decreased mitochondrial RNAs were also identified , including 12S rRNA , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 , ATPase subunit 6 , and cytochrome oxidase subunits 1 and 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Histochemical examination of muscle biopsies in 5 cases showed slight neurogenic atrophy and irregular lobulated appearance or focal decreases of enzyme activity when staining for NADH dehydrogenase , succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Molecular phylogenetic analyses using mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene sequences representing all 15 species and the majority of subspecies or races of the Ohomopterus ground beetles from all over the Japanese archipelago have uncovered a remarkable evolutionary history . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes encoding subunit 6 of NADH dehydrogenase and subunit 6 of ATP synthase are co transcribed in maize mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These DNA sequences span from the 3 ' region of the gene for ATPase subunit 6 to the 5 ' region of the gene for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Within this region of each of the four introns in the wheat mitochondrial nad 7 gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 , there are A C mispairs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Treatment of isolated mouse brain mitochondria with up to 5 mM BCLA had no inhibitory effect on the activity of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) or cytochrome or oxidase ( complex 4 ) , a cyanide sensitive enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For the catalytic mechanism of proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 , EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) a number of hypothetical models have been proposed over the last three decades . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three dimensional structure of NADH dehydrogenase from Neurospora crassa by electron microscopy and conical tilt reconstruction . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) is the first complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Requirement for the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase 1 of Escherichia coli in respiration of NADH to fumarate and its bioenergetic implications . ^^^ In Escherichia coli the expression of the nuo genes encoding the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase 1 is stimulated by the presence of fumarate during anaerobic respiration . ^^^ For growth by fumarate respiration , the presence of NADH dehydrogenase 1 was essential , in contrast to aerobic or nitrate respiration which used preferentially NADH dehydrogenase 2 . ^^^ The electron transport from NADH to fumarate strongly decreased in a mutant lacking NADH dehydrogenase 1 . ^^^ Therefore , NADH dehydrogenase 1 is essential for NADH > fumarate respiration , and is able to use menaquinone as an electron acceptor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Pretreatment of mouse brain slices , in vitro , with GSH or GSH isopropyl ester attenuated MPTP toxicity as assessed by the tissue activity of the mitochondrial enzyme , NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) , and by leakage of the cytosolic enzyme , lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH ) , from the slice into the medium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have determined mitochondrial DNA sequences from two genes that evolve at relatively rapid evolutionary rates , 16S rRNA ( 379 bp ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( NADH 5 , 318 bp ) , from multiple individuals of 35 species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These latter observations raise hitherto unconsidered questions regarding the number of different variants of cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase that may occur in Mytilus non gametic male cells . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The rapeseed mitochondrial gene for subunit 2 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex : a trans spliced structure is conserved in one of the smallest plant mitochondrial genomes . ^^^ The single copy gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( nad 2 ) has been identified in the mitochondrial genome of rapeseed ( Brassica napus L . ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There was a significant decrease in the activities of NADH dehydrogenase , succinate cytochrome C reductase and cytochrome oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This decrease was observed following induction of respiration with glutamate / malate , succinate , or duroquinol , which enter the electron transport chain selectively at complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) , 2 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) , or 3 ( cytochrome bc 1 complex ) , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cytochrome oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase ( nuclear and mitochondrial encoded , cristae location ) increased to a lesser extent and with a pattern dissimilar to the first group . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
After a dose of 4 . 5 kJ / m2 has been delivered , superoxide generation increases by a factor of approximately 2 . 5 at the level of NADH dehydrogenase and by a factor approximately 1 . 5 in the cyt bc 1 region . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ndh gene of Escherichia coli encodes a non proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase ( NdhII ) that is anaerobically repressed by the global transcription regulator , FNR . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Hydrogen peroxide has also been reported to be produced via inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase by MPP + formed during oxidation of MPTP by MAO B and by dopamine auto oxidation following MA induced dopamine release from synaptic vesicles within nerve terminals . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mae 3 polymorphism in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , other subcellular marker enzymes such as Na ( + ) K+ATPase ( plasma membrane ) , cytochrome c oxidase , isocitrate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase ( mitochondrial ) , N acetylglucosaminidase , acid phosphate ( lysosomal ) , glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase and enolase ( glycolytic enzymes ) were unaffected even at the highest tested concentrations of MMEA ( 10 and 100 microM ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Buchnera aphidicola ( endosymbiont of aphids ) contains nuoC ( D ) genes that encode subunits of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ These proteins are constituents of the membrane associated NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ADPR competitively inhibits NADH oxidation with Ki values ( 25 degrees C , pH 8 . 0 ) of 26 microM , 30 microM , and 180 microM for SMP , purified Complex 1 and three subunit NADH dehydrogenase ( FP ) , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
MeAN altered the fluidity of the erythrocyte membrane by increasing membrane cholesterol while the phospholipid remained unchanged , followed by a decrease in the activities of membrane bound enzymes like ( Na+ , K + ) ATPase , Acetylcholine esterase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Component 2 is a high molecular mass ( > 640 kDa ) protein with subunits of 44 kDa and 72 kDa , and which possesses a low tetrazolium dye linked NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cocaine self administration alters brain NADH dehydrogenase mRNA levels . ^^^ The cDNA sequence corresponds to bases 13687 13723 of the rat NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Unlike the HeLa clones , CI 80 13S cells were additionally sensitive to chloramphenicol , 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ion ( MPP+ ) , rotenone , thenoyltrifluoroacetone ( TTFA ) , and antimycin A , and showed poor reduction of 1 [ 4 , 5 dimethylthiazol 2 yl ] 2 , 5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide ( MTT ) , suggesting a deficiency in NADH dehydrogenase and / or succinate dehydrogenase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Activation of a NADH dehydrogenase in the human erythrocyte by beta adrenergic agonists : possible involvement of a G protein in enzyme activation . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase in the plasma membrane transfers electrons from NADH to external oxidants like ferricyanide , through pathways which are linked to metabolic processes in the cell . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This sequence , containing part of the tRNA glycine and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 genes , is the target of our studies of mitochondrial mutagenesis in human cells and tissues . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
As anticipated , however , NADH dehydrogenase was inhibited by these rotenoids . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
MPTP , via its metabolite MPP+ , inhibited NADH dehydrogenase activity when concentrations exceeded 10 ( 4 ) M ( for MPP+ 10 ( 5 ) M ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Earlier we have demonstrated the involvement of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in this deleterious electron deviation from the respiratory chain . ^^^ It appears , therefore , that the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria exerts a key function in the myocardial toxicogenesis of anthraquinones via oxygen activation through semireduced AQ . ^^^ Assessing the toxicological significance of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in AQ related heart injury requires analysis of reaction products and their impact on vital bioenergetic functions , such as energy gain from the oxidation of respiratory substrates . ^^^ The key and possibly initiating role of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of cardiac mitochondria in this reaction pathway provides a rationale to explain the selective cardiotoxic potency of the cytostatic anthraquinone glycosides . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To demonstrate the utility of DNA sequence data for species level phylogenetic studies of Cicadellidae , we estimated phylogenetic relationships among species in the North American grassland leafhopper genus Flexamia DeLong using partial nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial 16S rDNA and NADH dehydrogenase 1 , totaling 1496 base pairs and 810 potentially informative characters . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ndh gene of Escherichia coli encodes the non proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differential expression of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase in ethanol treated rat brain : revealed by differential display . ^^^ Sequence analysis of the cDNA fragment revealed an almost perfect homology to rat mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We determined the activities of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) , succinate dehydrogenase , and cytochrome c oxidase ( COX ) in 29 skin fibroblast lines established from donors ranging in age from 12 gestational weeks to 94 years . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ND 4 is a mitochondrially encoded component of NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this way , adriamycin provides a kinetic mechanism for the one electron reduction of oxygen by flavoenzymes such as NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mutations involving the evolutionarily conserved residues of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 , NADH dehydrogenase 5 , tRNAAla and tRNAArg were identified . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Tobacco chloroplast genes encoding a photosystem 1 component ( psaC ) and a NADH dehydrogenase subunit ( ndhD ) are transcribed as a dicistronic pre mRNA which is then cleaved into short mRNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Coding ( nuclear antigen B and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase genes ) and non coding ( introns of actin and homeobox containing genes ) regions of the parasite genome were chosen as targets . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mutations were located in the nuo , cyd , and unc operons , which code for the NADH dehydrogenase 1 , cytochrome d oxidase , and F0F1 proton translocating ATPase complexes , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase deficiency in an apoptosis resistant mutant isolated from a human HL 60 leukemia cell line . ^^^ Partial sequence of this gene revealed 98 % homology to mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 . ^^^ Thus , NADH dehydrogenase deficiency may contribute , at least in part , to the mechanism of resistance to apoptosis in VC 33 cells . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Specific interaction of cytokinins and their analogs with rotenone sensitive internal NADH dehydrogenase in potato tuber mitochondria . ^^^ Effects of cytokinins were studied on rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondria from fresh potato tubers ( Solanum tuberosum ) , in consideration of the operation of external and rotenone insensitive internal NADH dehydrogenases that has not been fully accounted for in previous studies . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nad 7 gene , encoding subunit 7 of NADH dehydrogenase , is mitochondrially encoded in seed plants . ^^^ Instead , a typical nuclear intron is found to split an exon encoding the presumptive mitochondrial targeting signal peptide and the mature subunit 7 of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There was a significant decrease in the activities of NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) , small granular diformazan deposits were recognized in the sarcoplasm . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The contribution from each of the three sites ( ubiquinone , NADH dehydrogenase , and alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase ) of mitochondrial H2O2 generation to the total was both substrate and organ dependent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We found extensive editing in the transcript for NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit 5 , which is unedited in trypanosomatids . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Departure from neutrality at the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene in humans , but not in chimpanzees . ^^^ To test whether patterns of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) variation are consistent with a neutral model of molecular evolution , nucleotide sequences were determined for the 1041 bp of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene in 20 geographically diverse humans and 20 common chimpanzees . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
All units contain the cytochrome chain , supplemented with either succinate dehydrogenase or the internal or the external NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among Tibetan populations of the Bufo bufo species group are investigated using 1063 bases of mitochondrial DNA sequence from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , and ND 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Twenty eight isolates of E . granulosus , collected from humans at surgery , and a range of intermediate hosts , including sheep , cattle and camels from abattoirs in North and South Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region , People ' s Republic of China , were analysed for DNA sequence variation within regions of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( NDI ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes identified in this circular mapping genome include those for apocytochrome b , subunit 1 of the cytochrome oxidase complex , subunits 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex , discontinuous large and small subunit ribosomal rRNAs and three tRNAs whose anticodons CAU , CCA and UUG are specific for methionine , tryptophan and glutamine , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Characterization of the overproduced NADH dehydrogenase fragment of the NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ( complex 1 ) from Escherichia coli . ^^^ By use of salt treatment , the complex can be split into an NADH dehydrogenase fragment , a connecting fragment and a membrane fragment . ^^^ The water soluble NADH dehydrogenase fragment has a molecular mass of approximately 170 , 000 Da and consists of the subunits NuoE , F , and G . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The optical spectra of NADH bound to nicotinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase have blue shifted maxima compared to other NADH dehydrogenase complexes , but comparable to that observed for NADH bound to horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differentiation in the host and in culture were compared using a battery of markers including cell morphology and volume , cell cycle position , the kinetics of the differentiation , expression of NADH dehydrogenase ( diaphorase ) , expression of several differentially regulated transcripts and the kinetics of transformation to replicating procyclic forms after induction with cis aconitate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inactivation of the gene coding for the 30 . 4 kDa subunit of respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase : is the enzyme essential for Neurospora . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We used the disintegration of the landbridges between Morocco and Gibraltar as well as the Balearics and Spain at the end of the Messinian event ( 5 . 3 myr ) in order to calibrate the DNA sequence data of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) in West Mediterranean Carabus species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This molecule contains genes for 13 energy pathway proteins and two ribosomal ( r ) RNAs but , relative to other metazoan mtDNAs , has two unique features : only two transfer RNAs ( tRNA ( f Met ) and tRNA ( Trp ) ) are encoded , and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) genes each include a group 1 intron . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The larger segment contains the 3 ' 191 ntp of the gene for subunit 1 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) , complete genes for cytochrome b ( Cyt b ) , ND 6 , ND 3 , ND4L , and a bacterial MutS homologue ( MSH ) , and the 5 ' terminal 1 , 124 ntp of the gene for the large subunit rRNA ( 1 rRNA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Presumably , there must be alternative systems for maintaining a cytoplasmic redox balance , e . g . the so called external NADH dehydrogenase , located on the outer side of the inner mitochondrial membrane . ^^^ By comparing the performance of the external NADH dehydrogenase and the G3P shuttle in isolated mitochondria , it was found that the former resulted in high respiratory rates but a comparably low P / O ratio of 1 . 2 , whereas the shuttle gave low rates but a high P / O ratio of 1 . 7 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This ICAM 1 upregulation was also inhibited by inhibitors of NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome bc 1 complex and NADPH oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genetic analysis of the nuo locus , which encodes the proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase in Escherichia coli . ^^^ Complex 1 ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) of the bacterium Escherichia coli is considered to be the minimal form of the type 1 NADH dehydrogenase , the first enzyme complex in the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two overlapping RNA junctions were analyzed ; the junction between NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit 7 and cytochrome oxidase ( CO ) subunit 3 , and the junction between CO subunit 2 and maxicircle unidentified reading frame ( MURF ) 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase defects confer isoniazid resistance and conditional lethality in Mycobacterium smegmatis . ^^^ Mutations that reduce NADH dehydrogenase activity ( Ndh ; type 2 ) cause multiple phenotypes , including ( 1 ) coresistance to INH and a related drug , ethionamide ; ( 2 ) thermosensitive lethality ; and ( 3 ) auxotrophy . ^^^ These phenotypes are corrected by expression of one of two enzymes : NADH dehydrogenase and the NADH dependent malate dehydrogenase of the M . tuberculosis complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In order to clarify the genetic relationships between Fasciola hepatica , Fasciola gigantica , and the Japanese triploid forms of Fasciola , we compared nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Newly confirmed optional introns are the first intron of the large ribosomal RNA ( LSUr 1 ) , the single intron of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND3i1 ) , the single intron in ATPase subunit 6 ( ATPase 6 ) , and the fifth intron of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COIi 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This study examined the associations between elite endurance athlete ( EEA ) status and three mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) restriction fragment length polymorphisms ( RFLPs ) in the subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase ( MTND 5 ) locus and one in the D loop region . ^^^ These results indicate no evidence for a difference in the frequency of two polymorphic restriction sites in the subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase gene of mtDNA and one in the D loop region between elite endurance athletes and sedentary controls . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among the clones , we identified four distinct mitochondrial genes including NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) , ND 3 , ATPase 6 and 16S ribosomal RNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RNAs expressed at higher levels during waking included those for the transcription factors c fos , NGFI A , and rlf , as well as three transcripts encoded by the mitochondrial genome , those for subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase , subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase , and 12S rRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rates and patterns of evolution in partial sequences of five mitochondrial genes ( cytochrome b , ATPase 6 , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , tRNA ( Glu ) , and the control region ) were compared among taxa in the passerine bird genera Fringilla and Carduelis . ^^^ Rate variation among lineages is significant only for the control region and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , and patterns of variation are consistent with the expectations of neutral theory . ^^^ Rates of nonsynonymous substitution are higher in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 than in other protein coding genes , and transitions exist in elevated proportions relative to transversions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Disruption of any of these genes in R . capsulatus leads to the suppression of NADH dehydrogenase activity at the level of the bacterial membranes and to the disappearance of complex 1 associated iron sulphur clusters . ^^^ In contrast to these observations , disruption of two ORFs ( orf 6 and orf 7 ) , also present in the distal part of the nuo operon , does not suppress NADH dehydrogenase activity or complex 1 associated EPR signals , thus demonstrating that these ORFs are not essential for the biosynthesis of complex I . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Peroxide reductase activity of NADH dehydrogenase of an alkaliphilic Bacillus in the presence of a 22 kDa protein component from Amphibacillus xylanus . ^^^ It was found that the membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase of an alkaliphilic Bacillus ( YN 1 ) involved in the respiratory chain also exhibits reductase activity for hydrogen peroxide and cumene hydroperoxide in the presence of the 22 kDa component from Amphibacillus xylanus . ^^^ Although the 38 kDa protein produced by trypsin treatment of NADH dehydrogenase retains NADH dehydrogenase activity , it exhibited no peroxide reductase activity in the presence of the 22 kDa component from A . xylanus . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase of YN 1 might not only catalyze electron flow from NADH to the respiratory chain , but also function for scavenging peroxide . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria is the key enzyme responsible for selective cardiotoxicity of anthracyclines . ^^^ This one electron reduction of anthracyclines is catalyzed by the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase associated with complex 1 of heart mitochondria , an enzyme which is lacking in liver mitochondria . ^^^ As demonstrated in this study the activation of adriamycin by the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of cardiac mitochondria initiates a cascade of reaction steps leading to the establishment of oxidative stress . ^^^ Our experiments suggest the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria to play a key role in the cardiotoxicity of adriamycin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A new point mutation ( 3426 , A to G ) in mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase gene in Korean diabetic patients which mimics 3243 mutation by restriction fragment length polymorphism pattern . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Congenital ocular motor apraxia associated with myopathy , external hydrocephalus and NADH dehydrogenase deficiency . ^^^ Here , we report the case of a 6 month old girl with psychomotor retardation , myopathy and clinical features of COMA , associated with external hydrocephalus and mitochondrial dysfunction ( partial deficiency of the respiratory chain enzyme NADH dehydrogenase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of the enzymes NADH dehydrogenase , NADH cytochrome e reductase , succinate dehydrogenase , succinate cytochrome e reductase , cytochrome c oxidase and citrate synthase in normal and sick human skeletal muscle mitochondria were determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of a cytosolically directed NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae . ^^^ The reoxidation of NADH generated in reactions within the mitochondrial matrix of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is catalyzed by an NADH dehydrogenase designated Ndi1p ( C . ^^^ Disruption of the gene designated NDH 1 results in a threefold reduction in total mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity in cells cultivated with glucose and in a fourfold reduction in the respiration of isolated mitochondria with NADH as the substrate . ^^^ Growth phenotype analyses suggest that the external NADH dehydrogenase activity of Ndh1p is important for optimum cellular growth with a number of nonfermentable carbon sources , including ethanol . ^^^ Codisruption of NDH 1 and genes encoding malate dehydrogenases essentially eliminates growth on nonfermentable carbon sources , suggesting that the external mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and the malate aspartate shuttle may both contribute to reoxidation of cytosolic NADH under these growth conditions . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three of the sequences showed similarity to identified genes from other species ( bovine NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 , Xenopus chromosome sequence associated polypeptide E and transformation sensitive protein IEF SSP ) and four others with human ESTs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Upon homology search on databases for the identification of the genes , the first cDNA ( CRGRA 1 ) turned out to be a part of a novel gene , the second one ( CRGRA 2 ) was homologous ( 82 % ) to the corresponding segment of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunits 4 gene , and the last one ( CRGRA 2 ) was identified to be homologous ( 94 % ) to a segment of human small GTP binding protein ( Rab 7 ) gene . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A nuoG mutation in NADH dehydrogenase 1 was introduced into a virulent strain of Salmonella serotype Gallinarum , the causative agent of fowl typhoid , using gene replacement with a nuoG open reading frame inactivated by insertion of DNA encoding a kanamycin resistance determinant . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sixteen isolates of Echinococcus granulosus , collected from Iranian patients at surgery , and from domestic animals , including sheep , goats , cattle , and camels at slaughterhouses in Tehran and central and southern Iran were analyzed for DNA nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence variation within regions of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( NDI ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It serves as an electron donor to butyryl CoA dehydrogenase , and it also has NADH dehydrogenase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This technique showed that SCOX 1 was indeed over expressed about 5 to 10 fold in the R strain whereas the genes encoding the 28 kDa glutathione S transferase , glutathione peroxidase , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 and the ATP binding cassette family protein SMDR 2 were not . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The deafness associated mitochondrial DNA mutation at position 7445 , which affects tRNASer ( UCN ) precursor processing , has long range effects on NADH dehydrogenase subunit ND 6 gene expression . ^^^ Strikingly , a 7445 mutation associated marked reduction has been observed in the level of the mRNA for the NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) ND 6 subunit gene , which is located approximately 7 kbp upstream and is cotranscribed with the tRNASer ( UCN ) gene , with strong evidence pointing to a mechanistic link with the tRNA precursor processing defect . ^^^ Furthermore , several homoplasmic mtDNA mutations affecting subunits of NADH dehydrogenase may play a synergistic role in the establishment of the respiratory phenotype of the mutant cells . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It appeared from ethanol metabolism + / NAD+ or NADH respiratory rates on PS that ethanol metabolism was largely cytosolic ; moreover , the activity of NADH dehydrogenase was lesser in the case of PS than in S . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
AF64A produced a significant decrease in arterial pressure and activity of respiratory enzymes succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase in hippocampus and motor cortex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
PHEC also caused a marked dose dependent inhibition of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase and NADH cytochrome c reductase activities both in vivo and in vitro , with initial inhibition occurring as early as 4 h after in vivo administration and 45 min after exposure to PHEC in vitro , while the NADH dehydrogenase activity was not considerably inhibited . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mtDNA encoded ND 6 subunit of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase is essential for the assembly of the membrane arm and the respiratory function of the enzyme . ^^^ Seven of the approximately 40 subunits of the mammalian respiratory NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) are encoded in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) . ^^^ In this work , a novel selection scheme has led to the isolation of a mouse A 9 cell derivative defective in NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Alignment of the two separated novel clusters indicates that the rearrangement was most likely the result of a tandem duplication of approximately 7 kb , encompassing the putative control region , the tRNA cluster , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 , the large ribosomal RNA ( lrRNA ) , cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 , and tRNAArg . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae , the NDI 1 gene encodes a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , the catalytic side of which projects to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane . ^^^ In addition to this NADH dehydrogenase , S . cerevisiae exhibits another mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity , which oxidizes NADH at the cytosolic side of the inner membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rates of sequence evolution were estimated for the cytochrome b ( cyt b ) and NADH dehydrogenase sub unit 2 ( ND 2 ) genes using a phylogeny of the dabbling ducks ( Tribe : Anatini ) and outgroups . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships within the Laudakia caucasia species group on the Iranian Plateau were investigated using 1708 aligned bases of mitochondrial DNA sequence from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNAGln , tRNAIle , tRNAMet , ND 2 , tRNATrp , tRNAAla , tRNAAsn , tRNACys , tRNATyr , and COI ( subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A significant decrease was observed in the activities of isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase in heart mitochondria of isoproterenol administered rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is proposed that the NH 2 terminal domain of FdsA together with FdsB and FdsG constitute a functional entity corresponding to the NADH dehydrogenase ( diaphorase ) part of NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase and the hydrogenases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genome encodes seven proteins of the respiratory electron transport chain , subunit 1 of the cytochrome oxidase complex ( cox 1 ) , apocytochrome b ( cob ) , five subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 1 , nad 2 , nad 4 , nad 5 , and nad 6 ) , a set of three tRNAs ( Q , W , M ) , and the large ( LSU ) and small ( SSU ) subunit ribosomal RNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
As an initiation of a proteomics project , two prominent proteins , which were observed only in the plasma membrane ( Slr 1513 , a hypothetical protein , and HofG , a general secretion pathway protein ) , or in the thylakoid membrane ( PsaE , a photosystem 1 protein , and NdhH , a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ) , were identified . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The population structure of the Atlantic walrus , Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus , was studied using 11 polymorphic microsatellites and restriction fragment length polymorphism detected in the NADH dehydrogenase ND 1 , ND 2 and ND3 / 4 segments in mtDNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Alteration in a polycytidine ( C ) n tract within a non coding displacement loop ( D loop ) region was detected in 20 carcinomas ( 44 % ) , three of which also exhibited frameshift mutations in a polyadenosine ( A ) 8 or polycytidine ( C ) 6 tract within NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The seven clones obtained were sequenced and encoded the mitochondrial genes , NADH dehydrogenase subunits ND 5 and ND 6 , and 16S ribosomal RNA . ^^^ At later time periods ( 4 and 24 hr ) , mRNA levels of 16S rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase were decreased in H2O2 treated RLE cells when compared to sham controls . ^^^ In addition to these oxidants , the nitric oxide generator spermine NONOate caused similar decreases in NADH dehydrogenase mRNA levels after 4 hr of exposure . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the rapeseed mitochondrial genome there are three tandemly located open reading frames for subunit 3 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 3 ) , the S 12 subunit protein of the mitochondrial ribosome ( rps 12 ) , and a homologue of one subunit of the ABC heme transporter ( ccb 206 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three of the differentially induced transcripts were cloned and identified as the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase ( MTCO ) subunits 1 and 2 , and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase activity was only slightly reduced in cases with mutations ( P = 0 . 0388 ) , whereas succinic dehydrogenase activity did not significantly differ between DCM patients with mtDNA mutations and those without or controls . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ten children had impaired cytochrome c oxidase , two children had a combined deficience of NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase , three children had a deficience of the pyruvate dehydrogenase ( PDH ) complex , one child had a deficience of ATP synthase and seven children suffered from impaired beta oxidation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene ( ND 1 ) or the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( CO 1 ) were amplified by polymerase chain reaction from parasite DNA , denatured and directly subjected to electrophoresis in a non denaturing gel matrix . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using isolated mitochondria from the masticatory muscle , we measured succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , succinate O 2 oxidoreductase , and NADH O 2 oxidoreductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , neither rotenone and antimycins ( inhibitors of O 2 production at the NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone cytochrome b regions , respectively ) nor aminoguanidine ( an inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor ) impaired antigen presentation , thus indirectly discarding the participation of mitochondrial oxidation and reactive nitrogen intermediates ( RNI ) in antigen processing . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genes nad 1 , nad 2 , and nad 5 , all encoding subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase , require trans splicing for functional assembly of their mRNAs in flowering plants . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic analyses of representatives from all tribes in this family using the chloroplast gene ndhF ( where ndhF is the ND 5 protein of chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase ) indicate that Hesperomannia belongs to the tribe Vernonieae . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , in R . sanguineus , a block of genes encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) , tRNA ( Leu ) ( UUR ) , tRNA ( Leu ) ( CUN ) , 16S rDNA , tRNA ( Val ) , 12S rDNA , the control region , and the tRNA ( Ile ) and tRNA ( Gln ) have translocated to a position between the tRNA ( Glu ) and tRNA ( Phe ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among the Japanese papilionid butterflies were analyzed by comparing 783 nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The low respiratory rate of the dum 24 cells results from the activities of rotenone resistant NADH dehydrogenase , complex 2 , and alternative oxidase , with none of these enzymes being coupled to ATP production . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Vascular O . 2 was normalized by the PKC inhibitor calphostin C , by the inhibitor of flavin dependent oxidases , diphenylene iodonium , and recombinant heparin binding superoxide dismutase , whereas inhibitors of the xanthine oxidase ( oxypurinol ) , nitric oxide synthase ( NG nitro l arginine ) and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( rotenone ) were ineffective . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase were significantly decreased in submitochondrial particles by ethanol administration compared to control . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Variation in the sequence of a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene fragment among six natural populations of Schistosoma japonicum from China . ^^^ Polymerase chain reaction based methods were employed to determine the sequence for a subunit of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene for populations from Zhejiang , Anhui , Jiangxi , Hunan , Hubei and Sichuan . ^^^ No variation was detectable in the NADH dehydrogenase 1 sequence within populations from Zhejiang and Hubei , whereas sequence variation of 0 . 2 % was detected within populations from Anhui , Jiangxi , Hunan and Sichuan . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The Sod 2 mutant mice exhibit a tissue specific inhibition of the respiratory chain enzymes NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and succinate dehydrogenase ( complex 2 ) , inactivation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme aconitase , development of a urine organic aciduria in conjunction with a partial defect in 3 hydroxy 3 methylglutaryl CoA lyase , and accumulation of oxidative DNA damage . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies of the electron transport chain of the euryarcheon Halobacterium salinarum : indications for a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase and a complex 3 analog . ^^^ These activities could be blocked by the following inhibitors : 7 jodocarboxylic acid , giving evidence for the presence of a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase , antimycin A , and myxothiazol , indicating the presence of a complex 3 analog , and the typical succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) and terminal oxidase inhibitors . ^^^ Complex 1 inhibitors like rotenone and annonine were inactive , clearly excluding the presence of a coupled NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In addition , no [ Fe S ] resonances in the region of the NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) clusters could be observed after NADH addition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Another mechanism for isoniazid resistance , in M . smegmatis , occurs by defects in NADH dehydrogenase ( Ndh ) of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of mitochondrial transcripts in a 24 hour time course showed that NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mRNA decreased by 2 fold as early as 1 hour after oxidative stress , whereas the rate of decrease was slower for cytochrome b , cytochrome oxidase 3 , and 16S rRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA sequence analysis of the NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and the cytochrome b gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The steady state kinetics of the transhydrogenase reaction ( the reduction of acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide ( APAD+ ) by NADH , DD transhydrogenase ) catalyzed by bovine heart submitochondrial particles ( SMP ) , purified Complex 1 , and by the soluble three subunit NADH dehydrogenase ( FP ) were studied to assess a number of the Complex 1 associated nucleotide binding sites . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thus , SDS PAGE electrophoresis shows a gradual attenuation of some transport protein bands as the irradiation proceeds , while a complete loss of lactate and NADH dehydrogenase activities is caused by 15 min exposure to light . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fragments of the NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene ( ND 1 ) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) were individually amplified from parasite DNA by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) , denatured and subjected to single strand conformation polymorphism ( SSCP ) analysis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Human NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) 1beta subcomplex , 9 ( NDUFB 9 ) is a nuclear encoded mitochondrial protein with the respiratory electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The transacylase activity in this study was detected in membrane fractions in two domains of the intermediate density region which also contained the NADH dehydrogenase activity , a marker enzyme for the endoplasmic reticulum . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inverted vesicles that were incubated with NADH generated O 2 and H2O2 at accelerated rates either when treated with cyanide or when devoid of quinones , implicating an NADH dehydrogenase as their source . ^^^ Null mutations in the gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase 2 averted autoxidation of vesicles , and its overproduction accelerated it . ^^^ Thus NADH dehydrogenase 2 but not NADH dehydrogenase 1 , respiratory quinones , or cytochrome oxidases formed substantial O 2 and H2O2 . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase 2 that was purified from both wild type and quinone deficient cells generated approximately 130 H2O2 and 15 O 2 min 1 by autoxidation of its reduced FAD cofactor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA sequence analysis and GenBank searching have determined that 4 of the 5 candidate genes are homologous to genes encoding Mus musculus inducible GTPase , mouse mitochondrial hydrophobic peptide ( a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ) , mouse beta globin , and Homo sapiens cAMP regulated response element binding protein ( CREB ) binding protein ( CBP ) , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase from Pisum sativum : characterization of its activity and cloning of ndhK gene . ^^^ This polypeptide is a component of a protein complex with NADH dehydrogenase activity and is not associated with ferredoxin NADP+ reductase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the present study , the intergenic region between the mitochondrial genes encoding subunit 3 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 3 ) and ribosomal protein S 12 ( rps 12 ) was shown to contain a Gn mononucleotide microsatellite repeat . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibitory effects of tannins on the NADH dehydrogenase activity of bovine heart mitochondrial complex 1 . ^^^ NADH quinone oxidoreductase is classified into two groups , NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NDH 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase 2 ( NDH 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A cloverleaf like structure was observed between the genes for subunits 4 and 5 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 4 and 5 ) , which is considered to have originated from histidine tRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We show that a cognate gRNA in cis at the 3 ' end of a preedited NADH dehydrogenase 7 ( ND 7 ) mRNA substrate can direct U insertions at editing site 1 when incubated with a mitochondrial lysate from Leishmania tarentolae . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The role of structural factors of anthraquinone compounds and their quinone modified analogues in NADH dehydrogenase catalysed oxygen radical formation . ^^^ A series of novel derivatives and analogues of natural and synthetic anthraquinones has been examined with the aim of identifying the structural factors essential for the ability to stimulate oxygen radical formation catalysed by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The quinonoid moiety as well as at least two phenolic groups in peri positions favoured the affinity of these compounds for NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ It has also been shown that the presence of an ionizable amino group on the sugar moiety of daunorubicin favours interaction with the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes , found in this region , include 12S and 9S ribosomal RNAs , subunits 7 , 8 and 9 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 7 , ND 8 and ND 9 ) and subunit 6 of ATPase ( A 6 or MURF 4 ) , as well as the genes ( MURF 1 , MURF 5 and G 3 ) with unknown function . ^^^ The data show that the mitochondrial genome of P . serpens is functional , although its functions may be limited to expressing the ATPase and , possibly , NADH dehydrogenase complexes . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase or complex 1 ( CI ) is affected in most of the mitochondrial diseases and in some neurodegenerative disorders . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In cytoplasmic male sterile Petunia lines , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( nad 3 ) and ribosomal protein S 12 ( rps 12 ) are cotranscribed with the chimeric gene pcf and located in the region of the mitochondrial genome associated with cytoplasmic male sterility ( CMS ) in Petunia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We report the first molecular defect in an NADH dehydrogenase gene presenting as isolated myopathy . ^^^ Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial genes encoding the seven NADH dehydrogenase subunits showed a G to A transition at nucleotide 11832 in the subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) gene , which changed an encoded tryptophan to a stop codon . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NO can also interact with iron sulphur enzymes ( e . g . aconitase , NADH dehydrogenase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Functional inactivation of the mitochondrial sHsps with murine Hsp 25 antibody indicated that these sHsps protect NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase and NADH dehydrogenase activity ( i . e . , complex 1 ) in submitochondrial vesicles during heat and oxidative stress . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have inferred phylogenetic relationships for a sample of 18 species of the genus Papilio ( sensu lato ) and five outgroup taxa by sequencing two stretches of mitochondrial DNA that correspond to segments 12886 13370 and 12083 12545 of Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial DNA and consist of sections of the genes for the large ribosomal RNA and subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) revealed 13 % sequence divergence between the two species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To investigate the prevalence of mitochondrial DNA mutations among Japanese children with IDDM as well as in those with NIDDM , a total of 155 patients with IDDM and 30 patients with NIDDM who were younger than 15 years of age at onset were studied for the following mtDNA mutations : 1 ) the A > G mutation at position 3243 of mitochondrial leucine transfer RNA ( 3243 mutation ) ; 2 ) the G > A mutation at position 3316 of mitochondrial leucine transfer RNA ( 3316 mutation ) , and 3 ) The T > C mutation at position 3394 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit ( 3394 mutation ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Based on these results we have concluded that the matrix facing rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase of plant mitochondria is encoded by a nuclear gene and synthesis of the protein occurs in the cytosol . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities and mRNA abundances of enzymes that regulate the rate of electron flow through the electron transport chain ( ETC ) , including NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , and cytochrome c oxidase , were examined in young and senescent fetal lung fibroblasts ( WI 38 ) . ^^^ We confirmed our previous report of a senescence related increase in the abundance of ND 4 , a mitochondrially encoded subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The activities of cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase were also elevated in senescent cultures . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Polymerase chain reaction ribosomal ITS 1 DNA ( rDNA ) restriction fragment length polymorphism ( PCR RFLP ) analysis and sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( CO 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) genes were used to characterize 33 Echinococcus granulosus isolates collected from different regions and hosts in Argentina , and to determine which genotypes occurred in humans with cystic hydatid disease . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The following changes were observed in mitochondria due to the administration of carbon tetrachloride . 1 ) A decrease in the rate of respiration , respiratory control ratio and P / O ratio using glutamate and malate or succinate as substrates . 2 ) A decrease in the activities of NADH dehydrogenase ( 35 % ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( 76 % ) and cytochrome c oxidase ( 51 % ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The total insensitivity of activities of NADH dehydrogenase to rotenone and of NADH cytochrome c reductase to antimycin is indicative of the absence of the classical complex 1 of the electron transfer chain in this bacterium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We sequenced the complete NADH Dehydrogenase Subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) mitochondrial gene ( 1047 bp ) in representatives of the major divisions of the genus in order to examine these relationships . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An increase in succinate dehydrogenase ( complex 2 ) was evident in the putamen and nucleus accumbens , but changes were not seen with NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) in 1 , 105 mosquitoes collected from 16 locations in Guatemala and in single collections from Mexico , Honduras , Nicaragua , Costa Rica , Panama , Colombia , and Venezuela . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among lizards of the families Anguidae , Anniellidae , Xenosauridae , and Shinisauridae are investigated using 2001 aligned bases of mitochondrial DNA sequence from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , ND 2 , tRNA ( Trp ) , tRNA ( Ala ) , tRNA ( Asn ) , tRNA ( Cys ) , tRNA ( Tyr ) , and COI ( subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase ) , plus the origin for light strand replication ( O ( L ) ) between the tRNA ( Asn ) and the tRNA ( Cys ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships of four of the five species are investigated using 1733 aligned bases of mitochondrial DNA sequence from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , ND 2 , tRNA ( Trp ) , tRNA ( Ala ) , tRNA ( Asn ) , tRNA ( Cys ) , tRNA ( Tyr ) , and COI ( subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Although multiple solutions describe the experimental data , evidence for a P to O ratio of about 1 ( 1 / 3 ) mole of ATP produced per atom of oxygen consumed in oxidative phosphorylation was provided by genomic analysis of electron transport components , because no homologue of the proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase 1 was found in the B . subtilis genome database . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To identify abnormally expressed genes contributing to muscle insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes , we screened the mRNA populations from normal and diabetic human skeletal muscle using cDNA differential display and isolated abnormally expressed cDNA clones of mitochondrial encoded NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) , cytochrome oxidase 1 , tRNA ( leu ) , and displacement loop . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Having defined H 2 M3 as the positively selecting MHC molecule , the severely limited number of H 2 M3 binding peptides allowed us to characterize an NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) derived peptide as the physiological ligand of positive selection . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The expression of several mitochondrial and nuclear genes encoding the subunits of electron transport chain enzyme complexes , cytochrome c oxidase , and NADH dehydrogenase , in different brain regions in Alzheimer ' s disease . ^^^ In this study , changes of the expression of two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes encoding the subunits of cytochrome c oxidase ( CO ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) were studied in the hippocampus , inferior parietal lobule , and cerebellum of 10 Alzheimer ' s disease ( AD ) and 10 age matched control subjects . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genes encoding the small subunit ribosomal RNA ( SSU ) , cytochrome b ( CYTB ) and subunit 3 of the NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 3 ) were found to be co transcribed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Slr 0399 and Ycf 39 have a NAD ( P ) H binding motif near their N terminus and have some similarity to isoflavone reductase like proteins and to a subunit of the eukaryotic NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One step purification of the NADH dehydrogenase fragment of the Escherichia coli complex 1 by means of Strep tag affinity chromatography . ^^^ One of these fragments , the soluble NADH dehydrogenase fragment , represents the electron input part of complex 1 . ^^^ Fusion of this peptide to the N terminus of either NuoE or NuoF disturbed the assembly of the NADH dehydrogenase fragment . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The systems are composed of the heterodisulfide reductase and either a membrane bound hydrogenase or a F ( 420 ) H ( 2 ) dehydrogenase which is functionally homologous to the proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Primary structure and characterisation of a 64 kDa NADH dehydrogenase from the inner membrane of Neurospora crassa mitochondria . ^^^ A cDNA clone encoding a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from Neurospora crassa was sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of these clones was the mitochondrial gene NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) which showed a differential pattern of expression between the neutrophil and monocyte lineages . ^^^ The potential of mitochondrial inhibitors to induce differentiation was investigated by treating the HL 60 cells with either the NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , Rotenone , the complex 3 inhibitor , Antimycin A , or the highly specific mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibitor , Oligomycin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
New data suggests that a unique cardiac mitochondrial exogenous NADH dehydrogenase is responsible for the anthracycline induced oxygen radicals damage to the heart , and that chelators currently evaluated may not prevent late onset cardiotoxicity in children . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fragments of the NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene ( NDI ) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) were individually amplified from parasite DNA by polymerase chain reaction , denatured and subjected to SSCP analysis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mutant complex has normal NADH dehydrogenase activity and contains the redox groups known for wild type complex 1 , one flavin mononucleotide and four iron sulfur clusters detectable by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene fragment ( NDI ) was sequenced for three laboratory maintained isolates of Schistosoma japonicum . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Though they do not eliminate the participation of other intracellular compartments , these results indicate that the NADH dehydrogenase complex , as well as complex 3 of mitochondria , are involved in ethanol related production of reactive oxygen species . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We report the application of ddF for the display of low level nucleotide variation in the mitochondrial ( mt ) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) ( 404 bp ) in the human blood fluke , Schistosoma japonicum . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase 1 and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 genes were amplified from genomic DNA by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) , denatured and subjected to electrophoresis in mutation detection enhancement gels . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The dia 3 gene encodes for a mitochondrial protein cluster ( NADH dehydrogenase ( NAD ) subunit 11 , 5 , ribosomal protein S 4 ( RPS 4 ) , RPS 2 , and NAD4L ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequence of the clones revealed that they were associated with mitochondrial respiratory enzymes , i . e . , type 1 subunit of cytochrome c oxidase and a precursor of type 1 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Population level analyses using additional mtDNA characters ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) and cytochrome b ( Cytb ) ) identified two highly divergent genetic lineages within broadtail madtoms that do not correspond to the morphological designations ' river ' and ' lake ' . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We show that codon positions in the cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 genes are dynamically heterogenous under both Poisson and invariable sites + gamma rates versions of the F 84 model and that heterogeneity includes variation in base composition and transition bias as well as substitution rate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Lesions in the nuo operon , encoding NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 , prevent PurF independent thiamine synthesis and reduce flux through the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway in Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium . ^^^ Here we identify a new class of mutations that prevent PurF independent thiamine synthesis and show that they are defective in the nuo genes , which encode the major , energy generating NADH dehydrogenase of the cell . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The expression of the nuoA N operon of Escherichia coli K 12 , which encodes the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase 1 is modulated by growth phase dependent regulation . ^^^ Due to the growth phase dependent regulation by Fis , the synthesis of the coupling NADH dehydrogenase 1 is increased relative to that of the noncoupling NADH dehydrogenase 2 during early exponential growth . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Tight control of respiration by NADH dehydrogenase ND 5 subunit gene expression in mouse mitochondria . ^^^ A mouse cell variant carrying in heteroplasmic form a nonsense mutation in the mitochondrial DNA encoded ND 5 subunit of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase has been isolated and characterized . ^^^ Most strikingly , the highest ND 5 synthesis rate was just sufficient to support the maximum NADH dehydrogenase dependent respiration rate , with no upregulation of translation occurring with decreasing wild type mRNA levels . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mantel tests indicated that the relationship between phenotypic divergence , estimated by Euclidean distances among subspecies ' morphological centroids , was significant both when compared to geographical distance ( r=0 . 371 ; P < 0 . 01 ) and to genetic distance ( estimated as sequence divergence ( % ) in a mtDNA region encompassing part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and isoleucine transfer RNA ( r=0 . 329 ; P < 0 . 01 ) ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The other cDNA clones contained sequences of the serum amyloid A gene ( SAA ) , the alpha 1 acid glycoprotein gene ( AGP ) , the ribosomal protein S3a ( RPS3a ) and L 8 ( RPL 8 ) genes , the interferon inducible gene ( INF ind ) , the metastasin gene ( mts 1 ) , and the NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene ( ND 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification of the 45 kDa , membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli ( NDH 2 ) and analysis of its interaction with ubiquinone analogues . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Carvedilol inhibits the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in rat heart mitochondria . ^^^ There are several reports on the oxidation of external NADH by an exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in the outer leaflet of the inner membrane of rat heart mitochondria . ^^^ The present work shows that carvedilol ( 1 [ carbazolyl ( 4 ) oxy ] 3 [ 2 methoxyphenoxyethyl ) amino ] pro panol ( 2 )  ) is a specific inhibitor of an exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in rat heart mitochondria . ^^^ It is also demonstrated that the inhibition of exogenous NADH dehydrogenase by carvedilol is accompanied by the inhibition of alkalinization of the external medium . ^^^ Carvedilol is a noncompetitive inhibitor of this external NADH dehydrogenase with a K ( 1 ) of 15 microM . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Most of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene and a part of nuclear 28S ribosomal RNA gene were sequenced for 14 species of ground beetles belonging to the genus Leptocarabus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Our investigations also demonstrated that AZT , d4T , and 3TC did not affect the synthesis of the 11 polypeptides encoded by mitochondrial DNA , while ddC caused 70 % reduction of total polypeptide content and ddI reduced by 43 % the total content of 8 polypeptides ( including NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 2 , 4 , and 5 , cytochrome c oxidase subunits 1 to 3 , and cytochrome b ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Histochemical reaction for myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase ( ATPase ) after preincubation in alkaline and acidic media , nicotine amideadenine dinucleotide dehidrogenase ( NADH dehydrogenase ) , and alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase were performed on cryosections of LAL muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Association of mutations in cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase 5 / 6 mitochondrial DNA genes from the sable ( Martes zibellina L . ) ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase subunit K ( NdhK ) is a nuclear encoded mitochondrial protein that is constitutively expressed in bloodstream and procyclic trypanosomes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Anaerobic repression of the synthesis of a potential membrane associated NADH dehydrogenase ( YjlD , Ndh ) , and anaerobic induction of fructose 1 , 6 bisphosphate aldolase ( FbaA ) and dehydrolipoamide dehydrogenase ( PhdD , Lpd ) formation , did not require fnr or resDE participation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this study , 137 patients with GDM and 292 non diabetic pregnant controls were examined for mitochondrial DNA mutations from the nucleotide 3130 4260 encompassing tRNA Leu gene and adjacent NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene by polymerase chain reaction , single stranded conformation polymorphism , restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing . ^^^ One heteroplasmic mutation at the position of 3398 ( T C ) , which changed a highly conserved methionine to threonine in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , was identified in 2 . 9 % GDM patients but not in the controls , indicating its association with GDM ( P = 0 . 01 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Atypical features of mitochondrial gene organization and expression in T . pyriformis mtDNA include split and rearranged large subunit rRNA genes , as well as a split nad 1 gene ( encoding subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase of respiratory complex 1 ) whose two segments are located on and transcribed from opposite strands , as is also the case in P . aurelia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Conversion of etioplast into chloroplast , after light exposure of barley seedlings grown in the dark , was accompanied by a decrease in the NADH dehydrogenase activity associated to plastid membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the present work , a large scale investigation was done regarding the capacity of cultured human cell lines ( carrying in homoplasmic form either the mitochondrial tRNA ( Lys ) A8344G mutation associated with the myoclonic epilepsy and ragged red fiber ( MERRF ) encephalomyopathy or a frameshift mutation , isolated in vitro , in the gene for the ND 4 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ) to undergo transcomplementation of their recessive mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) mutations after cell fusion . ^^^ Transcomplementation of the two mutations was revealed by the re establishment of normal mitochondrial protein synthesis and respiratory activity and by the relative rates synthesis of two isoforms of the ND 3 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The analyses are based on comparisons of morphological data and mitochondrial genes encoding the large ribosomal subunit ( 16S rDNA ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differences in rate of evolution of the different mitochondrial genes ( slowly evolving genes such as the cytochrome oxidase and tRNA genes favored a lungfish + coelacanth clade , whereas genes of relatively faster substitution rate , such as several NADH dehydrogenase genes , supported a lungfish + tetrapod grouping ) , as well as the rapid radiation of the lineages back in the Devonian , rather than base compositional biases among taxa seem to be directly responsible for the remaining uncertainty in accepting one of the two alternate hypotheses . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase in Neurospora crassa contains myristic acid covalently linked to the ND 5 subunit peptide . ^^^ Radiolabel from [ ( 3 ) H ] myristic acid was incorporated by Neurospora crassa into the mitochondrial encoded , approximately 70 kDa ND 5 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase , as shown by immunoprecipitation . ^^^ A consensus amino acid sequence around this conserved residue exists in homologous subunits of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To examine the degree of interpopulation divergence , mitochondrial cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( NADH 2 ) sequences were obtained from samples representing all populations of B . parvus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The heroin analogue 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium , MPP ( + ) , both in vitro and in vivo , produces death of dopaminergic substantia nigral cells by inhibiting the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase multienzyme complex , producing a syndrome indistinguishable from Parkinson ' s disease . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Markers included 60 random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) loci amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and single strand conformation polymorphism analysis of variation in a 387 basepair region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 from the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The identified genes include those for two ribosomal RNAs ( rn 1 and rns ) , 18 tRNAs , ten subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 4L , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 and 11 ) , apocytochrome b ( cytb ) , three subunits of the cytochrome oxidase ( cox1 / 2 and 3 ) , four subunits of the ATP synthase complex ( atp 1 , 6 , 8 and 9 ) , 15 ribosomal proteins , and five other ORFs , excluding intronic ORFs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The effect of reaferon ( introduced at a dose of 1 10 10 ( 6 ) IU / kg over six days prior to ischemia induction ) on the levels of catecholamines and the activity of succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase in various structures of kidney was studied in experiments on white rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We infer the phylogeography of the Western Rattlesnake ( Crotalus viridis ) using phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences from 1345 bp of the genes for cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have recently established a TCR transgenic mouse model ( C10 . 4 TCRtrans+ ) in which the transgenic TCR was selected on the nonclassical MHC class Ib molecule H 2 M3 in conjunction with a physiologically occurring peptide derived from the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene ( 9 mer peptide ) . ^^^ We demonstrated that at low peptide concentrations , shortening the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene 9 mer peptide or mutating its surface exposed side chains severely impaired its ability to induce positive selection . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An nde1Delta nde2Delta mutant already produced glycerol at specific growth rates of 0 . 10 h ( 1 ) and above , indicating a requirement for external NADH dehydrogenase to sustain fully respiratory growth . ^^^ Two alternative mechanisms for reoxidizing cytosolic NADH are discussed : ( 1 ) cytosolic production of ethanol followed by its intramitochondrial oxidation and ( 2 ) a redox shuttle linking cytosolic NADH oxidation to the internal NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the human equivalent dose of AZT ( 6 mg of AZT / kg bw ) , there was an approximately 85 % decrease in the specific activity of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and three to sixfold increases in specific activities of succinate dehydrogenase ( complex 2 ) and cytochrome c oxidase ( complex 4 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among these , 14577 T / C , which turned out to be 98 . 9 % heteroplasmic , is a new missense substitution in the NADH dehydrogenase 6 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenies produced from cytological analyses and sequence data derived from the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 and 16S rRNA genes indicate that Abu Hamed black flies are similar to , but distinct from , the savanna dwelling sibling species of S . damnosum s . l . , Simulium ( Edwardsellum ) damnosum sensu strictu Theobald , and S . ( Edwardsellum ) sirbanum Vajime & Dunbar . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Properties of the common inhibitor binding domain in mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biophysical and structural characterization of proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) from the strictly aerobic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica . ^^^ Mitochondrial proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) is one of the largest and most complicated membrane bound protein complexes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies of respiration on glucose in procyclic Trypanosoma congolense in the presence of rotenone , antimycin , cyanide , salicylhydroxamic acid and malonate have indicated the presence of NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome b c 1 , cytochrome aa 3 , trypanosome alternate oxidase and NADH fumarate reductase / succinate dehydrogenase pathway that contributes electrons to coenzyme Q of the respiratory chain . ^^^ The rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase , the trypanosome alternate oxidase , and cytochrome aa 3 accounted for 24 . 5 + / 6 . 5 , 36 . 2 + / 4 . 2 and 54 . 1 + / 5 . 5 % respectively of the total respiration . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase is inhibited by DPK at lower but comparable concentrations ( C 50 = 0 . 2 mM ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequences for a 471 bp region of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) gene revealed a substantial affinity of isolates examined to the G 7 genotype . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequences from the protein coding genes NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) , cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) , and subunit 2 ( COII ) were obtained , along with tRNA , tRNA , and large subunit ribosomal RNA ( 16S ) sequences ; these revealed several peculiar features . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These sequences include parts of the genes for 16S ribosomal subunit ( 16S rRNA ) , tRNAleu , tRNAser , cytochrome b ( cytb ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunits one and four . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mRNAs encoding several mitochondrial proteins involved in electron transport ( including several subunits of cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase ) and subunits of ATP synthase were approximately 30 % less abundant in older muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using this iscS deletion strain , we have observed decreased specific activities for proteins containing [ 4Fe 4S ] clusters from soluble ( aconitase B , 6 phosphogluconate dehydratase , glutamate synthase , fumarase A , and FNR ) and membrane bound proteins ( NADH dehydrogenase 1 and succinate dehydrogenase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Partial editing of the mRNA for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 8 , previously found in strain IG from insects , was complete in two other strains isolated from plants . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electrochemically induced FT IR difference spectra of complex 1 from Escherichia coli and of the NADH dehydrogenase fragment of this complex were obtained for critical potential steps . ^^^ Additional signals in the spectra of complex 1 reflect contributions induced by the redox transition of the high potential FeS cluster N 2 which is not present in the NADH dehydrogenase fragment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NDI 1 is the unique gene encoding the internal mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The bacterial and mitochondrial complexes function as NADH dehydrogenase , while the archaeal complex works as F420H2 dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of the clones , which was down regulated in the A10A cells , had sequence homology with part of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 3 ( ND 3 ) gene . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase plays an important role in generating ROS during DOX treatment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ability of new formamidine sugar modified derivatives of daunorubicin to stimulate free radical formation in three enzymatic systems : NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and xanthine oxidase . ^^^ Some sterically hindered N substituted derivatives of daunorubicin are known to be poor substrates for NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and xanthine oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 sequences compared for members of the genus Taenia ( Cestoda ) . ^^^ Nine members of the genus Taenia ( Taenia taeniaeformis , Taenia hydatigena , Taenia pisiformis , Taenia ovis , Taenia multiceps , Taenia serialis , Taenia saginata , Taenia solium and the Asian Taenia ) were characterised by their mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene sequences and their genetic relationships were compared with those derived from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 sequence data . ^^^ The extent of inter taxon sequence difference in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( approximately 5 . 9 30 . 8 % ) was usually greater than in cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( approximately 2 . 5 18 % ) . ^^^ Although topology of the phenograms derived from NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 sequence data differed , there was concordance in that T . multiceps , T . serialis ( of canids ) , T . saginata and the Asian Taenia ( of humans ) were genetically most similar , and those four members were genetically more similar to T . ovis and T . solium than they were to T . hydatigena and T . pisiformis ( of canids ) or T . taeniaeformis ( of cats ) . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 sequence data may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structure of the Taeniidae . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A stable expression of enzyme activities over a period of 6 days in culture occurred for gamma glutamyltranspeptidase , acid phosphatase and NADH dehydrogenase activity under the chosen culture conditions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial genes of complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase respiratory chain subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Peroxide reductase activity of NADH dehydrogenase in the presence of an endogenous 20 kDa component of an alkaliphilic Bacillus . ^^^ The membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase of an alkaliphilic Bacillus YN 1 involved in the respiratory chain exhibits reductase activity for hydrogen peroxide and cumene hydroperoxide in the presence of the 22 kDa component ( AhpC ) from Amphibacillus xylanus ( Koyama et al . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase exhibited reductase activity for cumene hydroperoxide in the presence of the purified AhpC like component from YN 1 . ^^^ It is likely that the NADH dehydrogenase is not only involved in the respiratory chain , but also functions for scavenging peroxide in the presence of its own endogenous AhpC component . ^^^ The enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with glutathione S transferase ( GST ) showed the NADH dehydrogenase activity as high as the native enzyme from YN 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using molecular and biochemical methods we demonstrate a trend for impaired NADH dehydrogenase ( DH ) activity and a possible compensatory increase in complex 4 activity in association with oxidative damage to mtDNA in chronic active plaques . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
BN PAGE allowed the separation of eleven bands , including the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , the bc 1 complex and the mitochondrial F 1 ATP synthase as well as the chloroplast F 1 ATP synthase , the cytochrome b6f complex , the two photosystems and the light harvesting complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Succinate dehydrogenase and external NADH dehydrogenase are also inhibited , albeit to a lesser extent ( approximately 30 % at 1 microM ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Having defined H 2 M3 as the positively selecting MHC molecule , the severely limited number of H 2 M3 binding peptides allowed us to characterize a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 derived 9 mer peptide as the physiological ligand of positive selection . ^^^ Here , we demonstrate that the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 self peptide is seen by mature C10 . 4 TCR ( trans ) ( + ) T cells as a weak agonist and induces positive selection at a defined concentration range . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Multiple lineages of the mitochondrial gene NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) in parasitic helminths : implications for molecular evolutionary studies of facultatively anaerobic eukaryotes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activity is sensitive to inhibition by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide , an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Like many other bacteria , Corynebacterium glutamicum possesses two types of L malate dehydrogenase , a membrane associated malate : quinone oxidoreductase ( MQO ; EC 1 . 1 . 99 . 16 ) and a cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase ( MDH ; EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 37 ) The regulation of MDH and of the three membrane associated dehydrogenases MQO , succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) , and NADH dehydrogenase was investigated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The proband has eight substitutions and among these 4833 A / G is a missense substitution in NADH dehydrogenase 2 gene and may probably be a major pathogenic mutation of impaired complex 1 activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Because of the potential role of mitochondrial dysfunction in nigrostriatal degeneration in Parkinson ' s disease , the effects of rotenone ( an inhibitor of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and a naturally occurring toxicant ) on the levels of striatal dopamine ( DA ) and DA metabolites were evaluated after acute and subchronic administration to mice . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Florometra serratissima has a novel genome organization in a segment containing most of the tRNA genes , large and small rRNA genes , and the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and 2 genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In order to confirm the result , partial regions of mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) from the putative P . ohirai sample were further sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes encoding Cox 1 , Cox 2 , Cox 3 , Cob , Atp 6 , Atp 8 , Atp 9 , several subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 and 11 tRNAs were unambiguously identified . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These are : ( 1 ) alcoholic fermentation ; ( 2 ) glycerol production ; ( 3 ) respiration of cytosolic NADH via external mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenases ; ( 4 ) respiration of cytosolic NADH via the glycerol 3 phosphate shuttle ; and ( 5 ) oxidation of intramitochondrial NADH via a mitochondrial ' internal ' NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For example , diphenyleneiodonium inhibits a variety of flavoenzymes , including xanthine oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase , and NADPH oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We compared the performance of four mitochondrial data sets ( cytochrome b , cytochrome oxidase 2 , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , 12S rRNA tRNA 16S rRNA ) and eight nuclear data sets ( exonic regions of alpha 2B adrenergic receptor , aquaporin , ss casein , gamma fibrinogen , interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein , kappa casein , protamine , von Willebrand Factor ) in recovering deep level mammalian clades . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Decreased NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase in peripheral arterial disease . ^^^ Skeletal muscle NADH dehydrogenase activity was decreased by 27 % compared with controls when expressed per unit of citrate synthase activity . ^^^ Expression of enzyme activities normalized to cytochrome c oxygen oxidoreductase activity confirmed a 26 % decrease in NADH dehydrogenase activity and also demonstrated a 38 % decrease in ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity . ^^^ Thus PAD is associated with specific changes in muscle mitochondrial electron transport chain activities characterized by relative decreases in NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase activities , which may contribute to the metabolic abnormalities and decreased exercise performance in these patients . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genome of P . polycephalum was predicted to contain genes coding for 12 known proteins [ for three cytochrome c oxidase subunits , apocytochrome b , two F1Fo ATPase subunits , five NADH dehydrogenase ( nad ) subunits , and one ribosomal protein ] , two rRNA genes , and five tRNA genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The globule diameter and various electron and conformational properties of the flavoprotein fragment of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase studied by fluorescence spectroscopy ] . ^^^ The globule dimensions and some electron and conformational properties of the flavoprotein ( peripheral ) fragment of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase were determined by the time resolved , phase modulating , and polarization fluorescence spectroscopies , as well as correlated confocal microscopy . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chloroplast encoded NDH polypeptides ( components of the plastid Ndh complex ) and the NADH dehydrogenase activity of the Ndh complex ( NADH DH ) increased under photooxidative stress . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Immobilization has produced a decrease more than threefold in gene expression of enzymes involved in energy metabolism , especially ATPase , cytochrome c oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase , and protein phosphatase 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We sequenced 1 , 530 nucleotides of the mitochondrial cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit two genes from 23 populations and used parsimony , maximum likelihood , and nested clade analyses to estimate relationships among populations and infer evolutionary processes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among salamandrids of the `` true ' ' salamander clade are investigated using 2019 aligned base positions ( 713 parsimony informative ) of 20 mitochondrial DNA sequences from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , ND 2 , tRNA ( Trp ) , tRNA ( Ala ) , tRNA ( Asn ) , tRNA ( Cys ) , tRNA ( Tyr ) , and COI ( subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase ) , plus the origin for light strand replication ( O ( L ) ) between the tRNA ( Asn ) and the tRNA ( Cys ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among frogs of the genus Rana from western North America are investigated using 2013 aligned bases of mitochondrial DNA sequence from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , ND 2 , tRNA ( Trp ) , tRNA ( Ala ) , tRNA ( Asn ) , tRNA ( Cys ) , tRNA ( Tyr ) , and COI ( subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase ) , plus the origin for light strand replication ( O ( L ) ) between the tRNA ( Asn ) and tRNA ( Cys ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the significance of a longevity associated mitochondrial genotype ( Mt5178A ) derived from a C > A transversion at nucleotide position 5178 of mitochondrial DNA , which causes a Leu to Met substitution within the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene , in type 2 diabetic subjects . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the presence of a nitric oxide donor , which exacerbates the damage , inhibition of mitochondrial function can be demonstrated to be associated with respiratory complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) and 3 ( cytochrome c reductase ) , but not 2 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) , 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase ) , or 5 ( ATP synthase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Deoxycholic acid inhibited mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and NADH : ferricytochrome c oxidoreductase activities , leading to free radical generation , whereas epimers of deoxycholic acid had no effect on mitochondrial enzymes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At least two such systems have proved to be functional in S . cerevisiae , the external NADH dehydrogenase ( Luttik et al . , 1998 ; Small and McAlister Henn , 1998 ) and the G3P shuttle ( Larsson et al . , 1998 ) . ^^^ However , measurements of enzyme activities and respiratory activity on isolated mitochondria revealed a diminishing capacity at elevated dilution rates for both the external NADH dehydrogenase and the G3P shuttle . ^^^ The external NADH dehydrogenase is suggested as the main system employed for oxidation of cytosolic NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogeny of Limia ( Teleostei : Poeciliidae ) based on NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 sequences . ^^^ Complete sequences for the mitochondrial gene NADH Dehydrogenase 2 ( ND 2 ) and partial sequences for the tRNA Met and tRNA Trp genes were obtained for 11 populations of the poeciliid fish genus ( or subgenus ) Limia , including species from Hispaniola , Cuba , Jamaica , and Grand Cayman Islands . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thus in the bacteria , fumarate reduction by NADH is catalyzed by an electron transport chain consisting of NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : menaquinone reductase ) , menaquinone , and succinate dehydrogenase operating in the reverse direction ( menaquinol : fumarate reductase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria contain an NADH : Q 6 oxidoreductase ( internal NADH dehydrogenase ) encoded by NDI 1 gene in chromosome 13 . ^^^ The results reported in this work show that the internal NADH dehydrogenase follows a ping pong mechanism , with a Km for NADH of 9 . 4 microM and a Km for oxidized 2 , 6 dichorophenolindophenol ( DCPIP ) of 6 . 2 microM . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase activity was unchanged in leaves , but cytochrome c oxidase activity was reduced by 50 % . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reduction of the first species ( most likely , a FAD near the NADH dehydrogenase site ) was very rapid in both the presence and absence of sodium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Although licochalcone A inhibited the activities of succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) , and succinate and NADH cytochrome c reductases in the parasite mitochondria , the 50 % inhibitory concentrations ( IC ( 50 ) ) of licochalcone A for these enzymes were at least 20 times higher than that for FRD . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Elevated expression of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 / 4L genes in vascular endothelial cells undergoing sphingosine induced apoptosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The reason for the oxidized PQ pool upon inactivation of type 2 NADH dehydrogenase may be related to the facts that the NAD pool in the cell is much smaller than that of NADP and that the NAD pool is fully reduced in the mutant without type 2 NADH dehydrogenase , thus causing regulatory inhibition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We sequenced 2690 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) including the entire control region ( CR ) , partial 12S and 16S ribosomal RNAs , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , and cytochrome b genes from representatives of all the 17 living species of grouse and ptarmigan ( Aves ; Galliformes ; subfamily Tetraoninae ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two steps in MPTP metabolism are the primary candidates for oxygen free radical generation : ( a ) MPTP oxidation to MPP ( + ) by a monoamine oxidase and ( b ) NADH dehydrogenase inhibition by MPP ( + ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequences of two regions , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( CO 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) of the mitochondrial DNA and two regions , internal transcribed spacer 2 ( ITS 2 ) and the D 2 region in the 28S rDNA ( 28S ) of the nuclear DNA were obtained from five Korean worms of the genus Fasciola in order to elucidate their taxonomic status . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The immunoprecipitates further harbored a large proportion of the cellular content of four different gRNAs and of edited and pre edited NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 mRNAs , but only small amounts of mt rRNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A new type 2 NADH dehydrogenase from the archaeon Acidianus ambivalens : characterization and in vitro reconstitution of the respiratory chain . ^^^ A new type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) was isolated from the hyperthermoacidophilic archaeon Acidianus ambivalens . ^^^ Further , it is the first example of a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase that contains the flavin covalently attached , which may be related to the need to stabilize the otherwise labile cofactor in a thermophilic environment . ^^^ A fully operative minimal version of Acidianus ambivalens respiratory system was successfully reconstituted into artificial liposomes , using three basic components isolated from the organism : the type 2 NADH dehydrogenase , caldariella quinone , the organism specific quinone , and the aa 3 type quinol oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The neurotoxicity of 6 hydroxydopamine is generally believed to result from reactive oxygen radical formation , although it is also known to inhibit mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Novel mutations in NADH dehydrogenase ( ndh ) were detected in 8 of 84 ( 9 . 5 % ) isoniazid ( INH ) resistant isolates ( T110A [ n = 1 ] , R268H [ n = 7 ] ) , but not in 22 INH susceptible isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The other conspicuous features of this molecule are : a large ( 3018 nucleotides ) in frame insertion of unknown function in the cox 2 gene ; the presence of two different lineages of group 2 introns , including complete reverse transcriptase like genes , one in the cox 1 and the other in the rnl gene ; the concomitant occurrence of a T 7 like RNA polymerase and of several well conserved alpha proteobacterial type promoters ; and a small nad 11 gene , coding for the first domain only of this NADH dehydrogenase subunit . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is caused by mutations in the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) encoded genes that contribute polypeptides to NADH dehydrogenase or complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The putative amino acid sequences , is an analogue to phenol hydroxylase alpha subunit , outer surface protein C , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase , 2 oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreduct and hypothetical 14 . 5kD protein . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Separation of yeast mitochondrial complexes by colorless native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis led to the identification of a supramolecular structure exhibiting NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ The complex was found to contain the five known intermembrane space facing dehydrogenases , namely two external NADH dehydrogenases Nde1p and Nde2p , glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase Gut2p , D and L lactate dehydrogenases Dld1p and Cyb2p , the matrix facing NADH dehydrogenase Ndi1p , two probable flavoproteins YOR356Wp and YPR004Cp , four tricarboxylic acids cycle enzymes ( malate dehydrogenase Mdh1p , citrate synthase Cit1p , succinate dehydrogenase Sdh1p , and fumarate hydratase Fum1p ) , and the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase Ald4p . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We sequenced the DNA of subunit 1 of the mitochondrial protein NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) from several individuals of a species , which were sampled in a variety of geographical regions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Succinate provided chiefly the delayed action on the system arterial tension , on the succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ In `` freezing ' ' rats succinate corrected the system tension to a greater extent , while in `` non freezing ' ' animals it corrected to a greater extent the succinate and NADH dehydrogenase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Assignment of human NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) 1 beta subcomplex 3 ( NDUFB 3 ) and of its four pseudogenes to human chromosomes 2q31 . 3 , 1p13 . 3 > p13 . 1 , 9q32 > q34 . 1 , 14q22 . 3 > q23 . 1 and 14q32 . 2 by radiation hybrid mapping . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The gene for the single subunit , rotenone insensitive , and flavone sensitive internal NADH quinone oxidoreductase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( NDI 1 ) can completely restore the NADH dehydrogenase activity in mutant human cells that lack the essential mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) encoded subunit ND 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is assumed that QoI resistance in 5 inaequalis may be based on a compensation of the energy deficiency following QoI application upstream of the NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Opponent patterns of bidirectional expression were found : several genes ( ATPase 6 , cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 4 and 2 ) showed elevation in normal cats at 5 weeks and in dark reared cats at 20 weeks ( `` plasticity ' ' genes ) ; others ( NADH dehydrogenase subunits 3 and 5 ) showed the opposite ( `` anti plasticity ' ' genes ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DL alpha lipoic acid supplemented aged rats showed a decrease in the levels of lipid peroxidation and oxidized glutathione and increase in the levels of reduced glutathione , vitamins C and E and the activities of mitochondrial enzymes like isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The identification of mitochondrial proteins participating in a yeast supramolecular complex exhibiting NADH dehydrogenase activity highlights the performances of MALDI MS for the second task . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is built up by a peripheral NADH dehydrogenase module , an amphipatic hydrogenase module , and a membrane bound transporter module . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase module seems to be involved in electron transfer and not in proton translocation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This review article is concerned with two on going research projects in our laboratory , both of which are related to the study of the NADH dehydrogenase enzyme complexes in the respiratory chain . ^^^ Recently , the study of the NADH dehydrogenase complex has taken on new urgency as a result of reports that complex 1 defects are involved in many human mitochondrial diseases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The recently characterized nda 1 and ndb 1 genes , homologues to genes encoding the non proton pumping respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenases of Escherichia coli and yeast , were compared to genes encoding catalytic subunits of the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Flavin and ubiquinone of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase are not involved in the electron transfer to artificial acceptors . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The extract was found to inhibit mitochondrial electron transport at Site 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) at concentrations of 30 159 mg 10 l ( 1 ) . ^^^ Although the extract is not as potent an inhibitor at Site 1 as rotenone , a known inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase , such observations could explain the molluscicidal and schistosomicidal activity of dichloromethane extracts of the seeds of M . thonningii . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Significantly different levels of nucleotide diversity were detected among three groups of genes : six NADH dehydrogenase genes had the highest ; two rRNA genes had the lowest ; and a group that included genes for ATPase and cytochrome oxidase subunits , the cytochrome b gene , and the control region had intermediate levels of nucleotide diversity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Because the sequences of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and cytochrome b genes had been reported in five species [ Phasianus colchicus ( ring neck pheasant : RP ) , Gallus gallus domesticus ( chicken : CH ) , Perdix perdix ( grey partridge : GP ) , Bambusicola thoracia ( Chinese bamboo partridge : CP ) , and Aythya americana ( redhead : RH ) ] , the concatenated nucleotide sequences ( 2184 bp ) and amino acid sequences of these two genes were used in a phylogenetic analysis of JQ against these five species using a maximum likelihood ( ML ) method . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A molecular phylogenetic study of 32 thamnophiine species using three complete mitochondrial genes ( cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , and 12S ribosomal DNA ) recovered a well supported phylogeny with three major clades : a garter snake group , a water snake group , and a novel semifossorial group . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An mtDNA mutation , 14453G > A , in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 associated with severe MELAS syndrome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
BACKGROUND : A high fat diet has been recommended for correction of biochemical abnormalities and muscle energy state in patients with complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) deficiency ( CID ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
BACKGROUND : A high fat diet has been recommended for the treatment of patients with mitochondrial myopathy due to complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) deficiency ( CID ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We used DNA sequences of four mitochondrial genes ( cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 2 , and 4 ) to estimate relationships among 29 of the 31 recognized species of Thamnophis plus the related species Adelophis foxi . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Seven isoniazid resistant isolates with mutations in the NADH dehydrogenase ( ndh ) gene were molecularly typed by IS 6110 based restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase of Corynebacterium glutamicum . ^^^ Purification of an NADH dehydrogenase 2 homolog able to oxidize NADPH . ^^^ In this study , we tried to purify NADPH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase activities from the membranes of C . glutamicum . ^^^ The N terminal sequence of the enzyme was consistent with the sequence deduced from the NADH dehydrogenase gene of C . glutamicum , which has been sequenced and shown to be a homolog of NADH dehydrogenase 2 . ^^^ Thus , NADH dehydrogenase of C . glutamicum was shown to be rather unique in having a relatively high reactivity toward NADPH . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of the components involved in the transfer of reducing equivalents from cytosolic NADH to ubiquinone revealed the existence of a flavin adenine dinucleotide containing NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogeny of butterflies , Parnassius stubbendorfii and P . glacialis , collected at various localities in the Japan archipelago and the eastern part of the Asian continent was analyzed using mitochondrial DNA sequences coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( 805 bp ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We found no evidence for the presence of an alternative , single subunit NADH dehydrogenase in A . aeolicus membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Protein genes code for apocytochrome b ; cytochrome oxidase 1 , 2 , and 3 , NADH dehydrogenase 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 4L , 5 , and 6 , and ATP synthase 6 , 8 , and 9 subunits , and several of these genes are organized in operon like clusters . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Novel FMN containing rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase from Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria : isolation and characterization . ^^^ A rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase has been isolated from the mitochondria of the procyclic form of African parasite , Trypanosoma brucei . ^^^ Hypotonic treatment of intact mitochondria revealed that the NADH dehydrogenase is located in the inner membrane / matrix fraction facing the matrix . ^^^ The treatment of mitochondria with increasing concentrations of digitonin suggested that the NADH dehydrogenase is loosely bound to the inner mitochondrial membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The largest increase was observed with NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two variable regions , 610 bp of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and 563 bp of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , were isolated from 52 A . bipunctata with known infection status and different geographic origin from across Eurasia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To study the potential importance of introgressive hybridization to the evolutionary diversification of a carabid beetle lineage , we studied intraspecific and trans species polymorphisms in the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene sequence ( 1083 bp ) in four species of the subgenus Ohomopterus ( genus Carabus ) in central and eastern Honshu , Japan . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here we report an analysis of variation in the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 2 ( ND 2 ) gene among different surface fish and cavefish populations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Oxidant exposure rapidly produced a large mtDNA deletion involving the coding regions for cytochrome c oxidase ( COX 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 and ND 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In vivo control by the redox state of chloroplasts and involvement of the NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In parallel with these changes , NADH dehydrogenase activity , which is halved in the mutant strain ( five subunits of this complex are affected by the mutation ) , gradually increases and stabilizes near the wild type activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Of particular interest are the 2 clones G32C4B and G30CC that have been identified to be the NADH dehydrogenase 4 gene and the gene that encodes ribosomal protein S 12 respectively when compared to sequences available in the GenBank database . ^^^ The ribosomal protein S 12 and the NADH dehydrogenase 4 genes may therefore be potentially useful as early pre transformation diagnostic markers for human cervical cancer . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been concluded that NADH dehydrogenase link in the respiratory chain is not involved in the activating effects by CA and UDCA . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A transcript that was downregulated in myofibroblasts showed high DNA sequence homology to part of the gene for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 . ^^^ This study suggests that the downregulation of gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 and upregulation of osteopontin gene and several other unknown genes may be involved in the phenotypic transition of adventitial fibroblasts to myofibroblats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The rate of metabolism is adjusted by use of respiratory isoenzymes which differ in the rate and the efficiency of energy conservation , such as the non coupling NADH dehydrogenase 2 ( ndh gene ) and the coupling NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( nuo genes ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ginkgo biloba extracts EGb 761 and bilobalide increase NADH dehydrogenase mRNA level and mitochondrial respiratory control ratio in PC 12 cells . ^^^ In the present study , we investigated the effect of Ginkgo biloba extract , EGb 761 , and one of its components , bilobalide , on gene expression of subunit 1 of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) in PC 12 cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium berghei . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase of respiratory complex 1 was demonstrated in isolated mitochondrial organelles of the human parasite Plasmodium falciparum and the mouse parasite Plasmodium berghei by using the specific inhibitor rotenone on oxygen consumption and enzyme activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Unique for plant mitochondria , exogenous NADH uncoupled respiration was unaffected by Cr ( 6 ) , indicating that the NADH dehydrogenase of the outer leaflet of the plant inner membrane , in addition to complexes 3 and 4 , were insensitive to Cr ( 6 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of the components involved in the transfer of reducing equivalents from cytosolic NADH to ubiquinone revealed the existence of a FAD containing NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Kinetic regulation of the mitochondrial glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase by the external NADH dehydrogenase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . ^^^ In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae , the two most important systems for conveying excess cytosolic NADH to the mitochondrial respiratory chain are external NADH dehydrogenase ( Nde1p / Nde2p ) and the glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase shuttle . ^^^ Second , the activation of NADH dehydrogenase inhibited the Gut2p in such a manner that , at a saturating concentration of NADH , glycerol 3 phosphate is not used as respiratory substrate . ^^^ This effect was not a consequence of a direct action of NADH on Gut2p activity because both NADH dehydrogenase and its substrate were needed for Gut2p inhibition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We estimated a novel phylogeny of tilapiine cichlid fish ( an assemblage endemic to Africa and the Near East ) within the African cichlid fishes on the basis of complete mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene sequences . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NDE 1 and NDE 2 encode isoenzymes of mitochondrial external NADH dehydrogenase ; GUT 2 encodes a key enzyme of the glycerol 3 phosphate shuttle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Different enzymatic activities , including a plastid encoded NADH dehydrogenase complex , have been reported to be involved in the non photochemical reduction of plastoquinones . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nda 1 and ndb 1 genes , homologues to genes encoding the non proton pumping respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenases of Escherichia coli and yeast , were compared to genes encoding catalytic subunits of the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogenetic relationships among all species of the eichhorni group , representatives of each of the other 21 species groups of Delias butterflies , and some related genera were analyzed based on nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Portions of two genes were examined : ( 1 ) the mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA gene ( mtLrRNA ) and ( 2 ) the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Competition substrates were chosen to represent a wide range of chloroplast mRNAs , including those encoding the photosystems , NADH dehydrogenase , cytochromes and ribosomal subunits , and two previously unexamined ATP synthase subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In mitochondria from all the strains analyzed , we moreover detected a 160 210 kDa fragment comprising the hydrophilic 49 kDa and 76 kDa subunits of the complex 1 peripheral arm and showing NADH dehydrogenase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Involvement of Candida albicans NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 in filamentation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
FRO 1 was isolated through positional cloning and found to encode a protein with high similarity to the 18 kD Fe S subunit of complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase , EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ) in the mitochondrial electron transfer chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To confirm the results based on CR analysis we also analyzed representative species based on two mitochondrial protein coding genes , cytochrome b ( cytb ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes of two other proteins expressed during growth on N acetylglucosamine as well as on glucose were also identified and found to be similar to a glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase and a NADH dehydrogenase , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We studied the molecular phylogeny of the carabid subgenus Ohomopterus ( genus Carabus ) , using two mitochondrial ( mt ) DNA regions ( 16SrRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ) and three nuclear DNA regions ( wingless , phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase , and an anonymous locus ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this manuscript , we provide evidence that shows that the lack of NADH dehydrogenase 1 , an enzyme of the aerobic respiratory chain encoded by the nuo operon , is responsible for the impaired root colonization ability of PCL 1201 . ^^^ It was shown biochemically that PCL 1201 is lacking NADH dehydrogenase 1 activity . ^^^ In addition , the presence and activity of a second NADH dehydrogenase , encoded by the ndh gene , was identified to our knowledge for the first time in the genus Pseudomonas . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The kinetics of the NADH > 3 ; acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide ( APAD+ ) transhydrogenase reaction ( DD reaction ) catalyzed by different preparations of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( submitochondrial particles ( SMP ) , purified Complex 1 , and three subunit fragment of Complex 1 ( FP ) ) have been studied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We constructed a phylogeny of Glyphorynchus spirurus ( Aves : Dendrocolaptidae ) populations using mtDNA sequence data from portions of cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) , and complete NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial nt 3116 3353 , which spans the 16S rRNA , tRNA ( leu ( UUR ) ) and the NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene , were detected using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) , direct DNA sequencing , PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism and allele specific PCR . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among the characterized peptides were fragments from proteins such as hemoglobin , alpha synuclein , stathmin , cyclophilin , actin , NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome c oxidase and prosomatostatin , as well as the bioactive neuropeptides W hemorphin 4 , and LW hemorphin 7 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evidence for Cu ( 1 ) thiolate ligation and prediction of a putative copper binding site in the Escherichia coli NADH dehydrogenase 2 . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase 2 ( NDH 2 ) from Escherichia coli is a membrane bound flavoprotein linked to the respiratory chain . ^^^ This is the first description of a copper containing NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequences are reported for a genomic segment encoding eight transfer RNAs , NADH dehydrogenase component 2 ( ND 2 ) , and portions of NADH dehydrogenase component 1 ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We collected sequences of the mitochondrial NDI ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ) gene from 38 species as well as 20 sequences of exon 28 of the vWF ( von Willebrand Factor ) gene and analyzed phylogenetic relationships in Vespertilionidae using maximum likelihood analyses and SINE ( short interspersed elements ) insertions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A DNA region containing mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase genes was selected as a target sequence for the analysis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Secondly , because lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH ) is down regulated and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity is increased during PC 12 cell differentiation , we established procedures to measure changes in LDH and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ However , neither LDH nor NADH dehydrogenase activities changed during Thy 1 antibody induced differentiation . ^^^ These findings show that in addition to the cell ELISA procedures , the LDH and NADH dehydrogenase procedures are useful for characterization of growth factor induced PC 12 cell differentiation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mRNA levels for the hepatoma cytochrome c oxidase 1 , 2 , and NADH dehydrogenase 5 , 6 , the downstream targets of Tfam , were augmented 10 , 8 , 5 , and 3 fold , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The respiratory chain of Y . lipolytica contains complexes 1 4 , one `` alternative ' ' NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) and a non heme alternative oxidase ( AOX ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have previously shown that the single subunit NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( Ndi1P ) can work as a replacement for complex 1 in mammalian cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Modular kinetic analysis reveals that the environmental pollutant 2 , 2 ' , 5 , 5 ' tetrachlorobiphenyl ( 2 , 2 ' , 5 , 5 ' TCB ) affects a large number of steps in oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria . 2 , 2 ' , 5 , 5 ' TCB increases membrane permeability to ions , and inhibits NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome bc 1 , cytochrome oxidase ( all in the respiratory chain ) and ATP synthase ( in the phosphorylation subsystem ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase is a potential source of superoxide in procyclic Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria . ^^^ The rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase isolated from mitochondria of the procyclic form of Trypanosoma brucei has the ability to produce superoxide anions ( Biochemistry 41 ( 2002 ) 3065 ) . ^^^ These results suggest that the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase in addition to NADH fumarate reductase is a potential source of superoxide production in procyclic trypanosome mitochondria . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We present evidence that the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex ( Complex 1 ) was present in wild type CBS 6054 but was bypassed in the cells during xylose metabolism . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes analyzed include those encoding the 12S and 16S ribosomal RNAs ; transfer RNAs coding for valine , leucine , isoleucine , glutamine , methionine , tryptophan , alanine , asparagine , cysteine , and tyrosine ; and complete NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone ( an inhibitor of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , a naturally occurring toxin and a commonly used pesticide ) appears to reproduce the neurochemical , neuropathological and behavioural feature of Parkinson ' s disease ( PD ) in the rat . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We observed increased expressions of genes including NADH dehydrogenase , the GLUT 4 glucose transporter , Na K ATPase , sarcolemmal K ( ATP ) channels , and Bcl xl in A ( 1 ) AR overexpressing hearts . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene , along with adjacent tRNAs , was sequenced for population samples from 21 different Central Highlands rivers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This analysis revealed 47 amino acid replacements , 45 of which were confined to subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( Complex 1 ) , one in the cox 3 gene ( Complex 4 ) , and one in the atp 8 gene ( Complex 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Acidianus ambivalens type 2 NADH dehydrogenase : genetic characterisation and identification of the flavin moiety as FMN . ^^^ The thermoacidophilic archaeon Acidianus ambivalens contains a monomeric 47 kDa type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) , which contains a covalently bound flavin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of sucrose 6 phosphate synthase , glycogen synthase , and NADH dehydrogenase in methanol grown cells were higher than in methane grown cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activity of both succinate and NADH dehydrogenase declined over a 13 d starvation period . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In vitro and ex vivo studies indicate that bilobalide has multiple mechanisms of action that may be associated with neuroprotection , including its preservation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis , its inhibition of apoptotic damage induced by staurosporine or by serum free medium , its suppression of hypoxia induced membrane deterioration in the brain , and its actions of increasing the expression of the mitochondrial DNA encoded COX 3 subunit of cytochrome c oxidase and the ND 1 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
LPS induced a novel oxidant dependent 3 . 8 kb mtDNA deletion in the region encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 , which correlated with mitochondrial glutathione depletion . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
OBJECTIVE : To investigate the expression of nicotinamide edenine dinucleotide ( NADH ) dehydrogenase gene in the placenta of patients with pregnancy induced hypertension ( PIH ) and the role of NADH dehydrogenase in PIH pathogenesis . ^^^ METHODS : Using ( 32 ) P dATP labeled human NADH dehydrogenase cDNA probe , the expression of NADH dehydrogenase gene in placental tissues of 10 normal late pregnant ( NLP ) women and 10 PIH patients was detected by dot blot . ^^^ Mean A of each hybridization dot was measured by image analysis system to compare NADH dehydrogenase mRNA level in PIH placentae with that in NLP placenta . ^^^ RESULTS : The NADH dehydrogenase gene values in patients with PIH and NLP were 21 + / 6 and 56 + / 16 . ^^^ The level of NADH dehydrogenase mRNA in PIH placenta was significantly higher than that in normal placenta ( P < 0 . 05 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial calcium loading capacity and the activity of NADH dehydrogenase were also suppressed in cardiac mitochondria from doxorubicin treated rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The major sites of ROS formation are found at NADH dehydrogenase of complex 1 and at the interface between coenzyme Q and complex 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
External alternative NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae : a potential source of superoxide . ^^^ Proteinase K digestion of mitoplasts reduced 95 % NADH dehydrogenase activity with a similar inhibition of superoxide production . ^^^ Mild detergent treatment of the proteinase treated mitoplasts resulted in an increase in NADH dehydrogenase activity due to the oxidation of exogenous NADH by the internal NADH dehydrogenase ; however , little increase in superoxide production was observed . ^^^ These results suggest that the external NADH dehydrogenase is a potential source of superoxide in S . cerevisiae mitochondria . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome C oxidase 1 ( CO 1 ) gene fragments of the worms were amplified by PCR , cloned into plasmid , and finally sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These effects were related to a transient drop in intracellular ATP content , probably favored by a downregulation of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , a component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain ( MRC ) Complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial gene cluster encoding cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 ( COX 3 ) , an ORF ( called ORF 250 ) similar to NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) , ten tRNA molecules , partial rRNA small subunit and rRNA large subunit from Trichoderma pseudokoningii S 38 was cloned and sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Myogenin had no effects on myosin heavy chain fibre type , but induced a considerable increase in succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activity , with some type IIb fibres reaching the levels observed histochemically in normal type IIx and IIa fibres . mRNA levels for malate dehydrogenase were similarly altered . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Other mitochondrial enzymes , including NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase and cytochrome c oxidase , were little sensitive to ADM with HRP H ( 2 ) O ( 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This neurotoxin caused inhibition of the enzymatic activity of NADH dehydrogenase of mitochondrial complex 1 and consequent impairment of mitochondrial electronic transport with a reduction in the depletion of cytosolic NAD ( + ) levels . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A single nucleotide polymorphism of mitochondrial 5178A / C , causing a Met to Leu replacement within the NADH dehydrogenase subunit , is reported to be associated with longevity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The internal alternative NADH dehydrogenase of Neurospora crassa mitochondria . ^^^ The 57 kDa NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase acts as internal ( alternative ) respiratory NADH dehydrogenase ( NDI 1 ) in the fungal mitochondria . ^^^ Our data indicate : ( 1 ) that NDI 1 represents the sole internal alternative NADH dehydrogenase of Neurospora mitochondria ; ( 2 ) that NDI 1 and complex 1 are functionally complementary to each other ; and ( 3 ) that NDI 1 is specially needed during spore germination . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The expression of genes of TCA cycle enzymes , NADH dehydrogenase and ATPase , was up regulated during the exponential fed batch period and was down regulated afterward . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of a gene encoding a 54 kDa alternative NADH dehydrogenase in Trypanosoma brucei . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The respiratory chain of the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus metallicus : studies on the type 2 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The membranes of the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus metallicus exhibit an oxygen consumption activity of 0 . 5 nmol O ( 2 ) min ( 1 ) mg ( 1 ) , which is insensitive to rotenone , suggesting the presence of a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
SNP 10398G causes a nonconservative amino acid change from threonine to alanine within the NADH dehydrogenase 3 ( ND 3 ) of complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial DNA G13513A MELAS mutation in the NADH dehydrogenase 5 gene is a frequent cause of Leigh like syndrome with isolated complex 1 deficiency . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The down regulated genes included those encoding RNA polymerase 2 elongation factor like protein , NADH dehydrogenase and one novel gene ( function unknown ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In order to obtain information on the phylogenetic position of blue breasted quail in Galliformes Phasianidae , the 2 , 184 bp sequence comprising NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and cytochrome b genes available for eight species in Galliformes [ Japanese quail , chicken , Gallus varius ( green junglefowl ) , Bambusicola thoracica ( Chinese bamboo partridge ) , Pavo cristatus ( Indian peafowl ) , Perdix perdix ( gray partridge ) , Phasianus colchicus ( ring neck pheasant ) , and Tympanchus phasianellus ( sharp tailed grouse ) ] together with that of Aythya americana ( redhead ) were examined using a maximum likelihood ( ML ) method . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complex 1 is one of the respiratory chain enzymes related to NADH dehydrogenase and is an encoded gene product derived from both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes . ^^^ This suggests that the production of NADH dehydrogenase is limited by 51 kDa of Complex 1 derived from nuclear genomes rather than by the increase in mitochondria and composition of muscle fibre types due to changes in feeding behaviour . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Heteroplasmic mitochondrial DNA 3310 mutation in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 associated with type 2 diabetes , hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , and mental retardation in a single patient . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The subunit composition of the human NADH dehydrogenase obtained by rapid one step immunopurification . ^^^ Defects of the NADH dehydrogenase complex are predominantly manifested in mitochondrial diseases and are significantly associated with the development of many late onset neurological disorders such as Parkinson ' s disease . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To further characterize the genetic variants in pigs , fragments of the NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( CO 1 ) genes were amplified from parasite DNA and sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary pattern of the Latitarsi ground beetles have been investigated by analyzing mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene sequences . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and aconitase are inactivated partially in vitro by superoxide ( O 2 . ) and other oxidants that cause loss of iron from enzyme cubane ( 4Fe 4S ) centers . ^^^ We tested whether hypoxia reoxygenation ( H R ) by itself would decrease lung epithelial cell NADH dehydrogenase , aconitase , and succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) activities and whether transfection with adenoviral vectors expressing MnSOD ( Ad . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase activity was assayed in submitochondrial particles ; aconitase and SDH activities were measured in cell lysates . ^^^ H R significantly decreased NADH dehydrogenase , aconitase , and SDH activities . ^^^ Inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase , aconitase , and SDH activities during reoxygenation are due to excess O 2 . produced in mitochondria , because enzyme inactivation can be prevented by overexpression of MnSOD . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The optimum conditions for NADH dehydrogenase activity are 50 degrees C and pH 8 . 1 , and the enzyme presents a KM of 9 microM for NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae , in which some of the NADH dehydrogenase active sites are facing the intermembrane space , this regulatory mechanism might play an important role for the regulation of the cytosolic redox status . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nitroblue tetrazolium staining in the HG exposed VSMC was more prominent than that of VSMC under normal glucose ( 5 . 5 mM ) condition , which was significantly inhibited by DPI ( 10 microM ) , an NAD ( P ) H oxidase inhibitor , but not by inhibitors for other oxidases such as NADH dehydrogenase , xanthine oxidase , and nitric oxide synthase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differential ability of cytostatics from anthraquinone group to generate free radicals in three enzymatic systems : NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , and xanthine oxidase . ^^^ This process is catalyzed primarily by NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , and xanthine oxidase , and leads to the formation of reactive oxygen species . ^^^ In our previous studies we have shown that the NADH dehydrogenase catalyzed electron transfer phenomenon is correlated with the affinity of anthraquinone drugs to the enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three were missense mutations ( C14F , H186R , T173P ) in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , and one was a frameshift mutation , 9485delC , in cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
LAC ( 1 mM ) inhibited NADH oxidase ( 45 % ) , succinate oxidase ( 34 % ) and promoted low level inhibitions on succinate dehydrogenase ( 13 % ) , succinate cytochrome c oxide reductase ( 23 % ) , cytochrome c oxidase ( 10 % ) , and NADH dehydrogenase ( 13 % ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The other two sequences were ubiquitin C gene and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enzyme activities of mitochondrial encoded cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase in the HCM hearts ( n=12 ) were lower than that in the controls ( n=12 ) by 41+ / 29 % ( P < 0 . 01 ) and 43+ / 21 % ( P < 0 . 001 ) , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We observed that transcripts of most NADH dehydrogenase subunits are edited inefficiently in roots . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Combination of denaturing high performance liquid chromatography and sequence analysis allowed us to show that a 4 bp deletion in intron 2 ( IVS2+5 _ +8delGTAA ) of the NDUFV 2 gene ( encoding NADH dehydrogenase ubiquinone flavoprotein 2 ) causes complex 1 deficiency and early onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with trunk hypotonia in three affected sibs of a consanguineous family . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Screening for interactive substrates with the primary LRPPRC substrates in the human liver complementary DNA library revealed that CECR2B interacted with chromatin associated TFIID associated protein TAFII 30 and ribonucleic acid splicing factor SRP 40 , UXT bridged to CBP / p300 binding factor CITED 2 and kinetochore associated factor BUB 3 , and C19ORF5 complexed with mitochondria associated NADH dehydrogenase 1 and cytochrome c oxidase 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For comparison , the respiratory toxins FCCP , a cyanide analog that uncouples mitochondrial ATP production , and rotenone , a NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , were also tested . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here , 1 inferred molecular phylogenies of seven Strongylocentrotid species ( Strongylocentrotus franciscanus , S . nudus , S . purpuratus , S . intermedius , S . droebachiensis , S . pallidus , and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus ) from the analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences of 12SrDNA ( 349 nt ) , 12SrDNA tRNA ( gln ) region ( 862 nt ) , and a combined sequence of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI , 1080 nt ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( NDI , 742 nt ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Increased ATP production occurred in association with increased mRNA levels from both mitochondrial ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ) and nuclear [ cytochrome c oxidase ( COX ) subunit 4 ] genes ( 164 180 % ) encoding mitochondrial proteins ( P < 0 . 05 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two of these partial cDNA clones showed high homology to the mitochondrial genes NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and subunit 4 . ^^^ The steady state mRNA level of both the NADH dehydrogenase subunits was about twofold higher in the M 5 cell strain compared to V 79 cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Parkinson ' s disease and mitochondrial DNA NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 nucleotides 3337 3340 : study in a population from the central region of Portugal ( Coimbra ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ROS are produced from complex 1 by the NADH dehydrogenase located in the matrix side of the inner membrane and are dissipated in mitochondria by matrix antioxidant defense . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Involvement of glycine and aspartate residues in the binding capacity of FAD in the NADH dehydrogenase from an alkaliphilic Bacillus . ^^^ To determine the involvement of the four amino acid residues ( Thr 469 , Ala 476 , Gly 478 , and Asp 479 ) in the activity of NADH dehydrogenase of an alkaliphilic Bacillus , mutations of these amino acid residues were conducted . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
On the other hand , photosensitization of the protozoan cells does not directly involve the mitochondria as shown by the lack of photoinduced decrease in the activity of typical mitochondrial enzymes , such as NADH dehydrogenase and citrate synthase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reverse transcription PCR and Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the lepB gene of R . rickettsii is cotranscribed in a polycistronic message with the putative nuoF ( encoding NADH dehydrogenase 1 chain F ) , secF ( encoding protein export membrane protein ) , and rnc ( encoding RNase 3 ) genes in a secF nuoF lepB rnc cluster . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The question of their tricky phylogeny was here studied by adding two mitochondrial genes ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 [ ND 1 ] and 12S ribosomal RNA [ 12S rRNA ] ) to the three protein coding nuclear genes ( alpha2B adrenergic receptor [ ADRA2B ] , breast cancer susceptibility exon 11 [ BRCA 1 ] , and von Willebrand factor exon 28 [ VWF ] ) yielding a total of 6869 aligned nucleotide sites for thirteen xenarthran species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To re evaluate the phylogenetic position of East Asian Myotis species with respect to Myotis species worldwide , we analyzed mitochondrial gene sequences of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome b from 24 East Asian individuals as well as 42 vespertilionid bats determined previously . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In a gene for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , the abbreviated stop codon U was confirmed for the first time in flatworm mtDNAs . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Important upregulated genes include NADH dehydrogenase 3 , GADD 45 and ubiquitin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cloning and characterization of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase gene of Cysticercus cellulosae ] . ^^^ The 5 ' terminal of cloned gene contained one open reading frame of 1 578 bp encoding 192 amino acid residues of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and the 3 ' terminal contained three kinds of tRNA genes . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differences were detected in the transcription of genes for subunit 9 of ATP synthase ( atp 9 ) , cytochrome b ( cob ) and subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These events were associated with dose related decreases in steady state mRNA levels of cytochrome c oxidase , subunit 3 ( COIII ) , and NADH dehydrogenase 5 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here we investigated mitochondrial complex 1 and found that its NADH dehydrogenase activity and protein content were specifically decreased in oncocytomas , in stark contrast with the parallel decrease of all respiratory chain complexes in other , malignant , renal tumors . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Co administration of arsenic treated rats with ascorbic acid and alpha tocopherol showed significant reduction in the level of lipid peroxidation and elevation in the levels of ascorbic acid , alpha tocopherol , glutathione and total sulfhydryls and in the activities of isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic analysis was performed using this region consisting of a part of the cytochrome b ( cytb ) coding gene , the entire coding sequences of tRNA Leu , tRNA Ser and the first subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH 1 ) , and a part of the 16S rRNA gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Datasets from the mitochondrial gene regions NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) of the 20 species in the New Zealand wolf spider ( Lycosidae ) genus Anoteropsis were generated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Polymorphism of the gene for subunit 6 of the NADh dehydrogenase complex ( ND 6 ) in ethnic russian population in Russia ] . ^^^ A sample of ethnic Russians of Russia was tested for polymorphism of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) gene mapping to the mtDNA region 14 , 170 14 , 569 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phenotypic linkage between single nucleotide polymorphisms of beta 3 adrenergic receptor gene and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene , with special reference to eating behavior . ^^^ The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene ( ND 2 ) variant ( Mt5178A ) is associated with longevity or less susceptibility to adult onset diseases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , malate : quinone oxidoreductase , pyruvate : quinone oxidoreductase , D lactate dehydrogenase , L lactate dehydrogenase , glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase and L proline dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two recognized strains of Schistosoma intercalatum , one from the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) , formerly Zaire , and the other from Cameroon , have been investigated using DNA sequences from 3 mitochondrial genes , cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( cox 1 ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( nad 6 ) and the small ribosomal RNA gene ( rrnS ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA sequences within regions of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NI ) 1 ) genes and the internal transcribed spacer 1 ( ITS 1 ) fragment of the ribosomal DNA were analysed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Increased amounts of Ndh polypeptides were accompanied with a more than fourfold enhancement of NDH activity in the mutant thylakoids , as revealed by in gel NADH dehydrogenase measurements . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We analysed cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 sequence variation among 29 populations of a widely ranging southwestern springsnail ( Pyrgulopsis micrococcus ) and 18 regional congeners . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic analysis indicates that ndc 1 affiliates with cyanobacterial type 2 NADH dehydrogenase genes , suggesting that this gene entered the eukaryotic cell via the chloroplast progenitor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Finally , the addition of the type 2 NADH : quinone oxidoreductase complex ( NADH dehydrogenase [ NDH ] ) from M . capsulatus Bath , along with NADH and duroquinol , to enzyme assays increased the activity of purified preparations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The initiation zone of bidirectional replication includes the genes for cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 5 and 6 . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Also 3 ( C ) n and / or ( C ) n ( A ) n repeat instability at 1 noncoding region in the displacement loop ( D loop ) and 2 coding sequences in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and subunit 5 gene in mtDNA were analyzed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These were identified as procollagen type 4 , Tie 2 / Tek receptor tyrosine kinase , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 , and ferritin heavy chain , which were up regulated , and insulin like growth factor binding protein 5 , which was down regulated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone , an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase complex , is a naturally occurring insecticide , which is capable of inducing apoptosis . ^^^ These results suggest that rotenone induces O 2 ( ) derived H2O2 generation through inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase complex and / or activation of NAD ( P ) H oxidase , and H2O2 generation causes the disruption of mitochondrial membrane in rotenone induced apoptosis . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Impaired expression of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and PPARgamma coactivator 1 in skeletal muscle of ZDF rats : restoration by troglitazone . ^^^ The shift from glucose to fatty acids as the source of energy in skeletal muscle of ZDF rats was accompanied by a reduction of subunit 1 of complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , ND 1 ) and subunit 2 of complex 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase 2 , COII ) , two genes of the electronic transport chain encoded by mtDNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ADM is reduced to a semiquinone radical species by microsomal NADPH P 450 reductase and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of mitochondrial enzymes isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome C oxidase were significantly lowered in mammary carcinoma bearing rats when compared with control rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In submitochondrial particles , berberine and coptisine had a marked inhibitory effect on NADH dehydrogenase activity but practically no effect on succinate dehydrogenase activity , whereas chelerythrine and sanguinarine inhibited more strongly succinate dehydrogenase than NADH dehydrogenase , which is in agreement with the results found for mitochondrial respiration . ^^^ Protopine and allocryptopine , which did not inhibit mitochondrial respiration , strongly inhibited NADH dehydrogenase in submitochondrial particles , but had no effect on succinate dehydrogenase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This appears to depend on succinate supported production of H2O2 by reverse electron flow at NADH dehydrogenase competing with exogenous H2O2 for removal . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To determine the molecular site of action of rotenone , cells were transfected with the rotenone insensitive single subunit NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( NDI 1 ) , which incorporates into the mammalian ETC and acts as a `` replacement ' ' for endogenous complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is located between a sequence fragment from the plastid genome and one of nuclear origin downstream from the gene encoding subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Portions of three mitochondrial protein coding genes ( cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 , and ATPase 6 ) were sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We investigated whether and how mitochondria from durum wheat ( Triticum durum Desf . ) and potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) , isolated from etiolated shoots and a cell suspension culture , respectively , oxidize externally added NADH via the mitochondrial shuttles ; in particular , we compared the shuttles and the external NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DHExt ) with respect to their capacity to oxidize external NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been reported that the mitochondrial DNA 5178 adenine / cytosine ( mt 5178 A / C ) polymorphism , also called NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 methionine / leucine ( ND 2 237 Met / Leu ) polymorphism , may be associated with longevity in Japanese individuals , and that the mt5178A genotype may have an antiatherogenic influence . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is a mitochondrial DNA disease due to the mutation of the NADH dehydrogenase enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogenetic position of the tribe Cychrini within the subfamily Carabinae ( the family Carabidae ) was estimated by comparing the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene and the nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA ( rDNA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mutations found in this gene ( NADH dehydrogenase iron sulphur protein 3 ) , coding for the seventh and last subunit of complex 1 core , were shown to cause late onset Leigh syndrome , optic atrophy , and complex 1 deficiency . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone , an inhibitor of the NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondrial complex 1 , attenuated , but did not completely inhibit , ROS production , caspase activation , and cell death mediated by TGF beta . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RESULTS : The ' long term ' group had significant glomerular and tubular lesions , depressed activities of mtDNA encoded NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase ( COX ) and increased citrate synthase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A DNA sequence homologous to non proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase genes was found in the genome of Neurospora crassa encoding a polypeptide of 577 amino acid residues , molecular mass of 64 , 656 Da , with a putative transmembrane domain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The transition changes a serine residue into a proline , in a highly conserved region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The Escherichia coli ndh gene encodes NADH dehydrogenase 2 , a primary dehydrogenase used during aerobic and nitrate respiration . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
AlaM was found to inhibit the electron transport chain at the external Ca2+ dependent rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase and around complexes 3 and 4 . ^^^ In summary , we conclude that AlaM provides the best method for quantifying NADH dehydrogenase activities and that AlaM will prove to be an important method to study enzymes under conditions that resemble their native environment not only in plant mitochondria but also in other membrane enclosed compartments , such as intact cells , chloroplasts and peroxisomes . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Aerobically , it has been shown that the external NADH dehydrogenase , Nde1p and Nde2p , as well as the glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase shuttle , comprising the cytoplasmic glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase , Gpdlp , and the mitochondrial glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase , Gut2p , are the most important mechanisms for mitochondrial oxidation of cytosolic NADH . ^^^ Gut2p inhibition by external NADH dehydrogenase activity ) leading to a highly integrated functioning of enzymes having a similar physiological function . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Moreover , we show that oxidative muscle fibers exhibit this autofluorescence , likely due to flavin , associated with NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
No differences in 3 beta hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activities in the cells of theca interna and cyst walls were found in both groups , while NADPH dehydrogenase and NO synthase activities in these structures were reduced in anovulation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To determine if mtDNA is involved in FTD , we performed a Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism ( PCR RFLP ) analysis , specific to mtDNA NADH Dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) nucleotides 3337 3340 , searching for mutations previously described in Parkinson ' s and AD patients . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Moreover , we provide evidence to show that the enzyme also has NADH dehydrogenase activity although it catalyzes the isomerase reaction without consuming any detectable amount of NADH . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
As NADH dehydrogenase activity was not dependent on the presence of FMN a , and because FMN b did not dissociate from the reduced enzyme , we conclude that FMN b is functional in the NADH dehydrogenase activity catalyzed by the HoxFU dimer . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NDH 2 type enzyme is not coupled with energy conservation , the NDH 1 type enzyme is a primary proton pump , and the NQR type enzyme is homologous to the sodium motive NADH dehydrogenase of Vibrio and is shown to be a primary Na ( + ) pump . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This new approach was compared with published protocols of restriction fragment length polymorphism PCR and sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and NADH dehydrogenase 1 genes using Echinococcus isolates of human , sheep , goat , camel , cattle and pig origin from Kenya and Sudan . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Plant mitochondria were previously shown to comprise respiratory supercomplexes containing cytochrome c reductase ( complex 3 ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) of 1 ( 1 ) 3 ( 2 ) and 1 ( 2 ) 3 ( 4 ) composition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Functional analysis of each subunit revealed that the beta subunit catalyzed the dye linked l proline dehydrogenase reaction by itself and that , unexpectedly , the alpha subunit exhibited dye linked NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ This is the first example showing the existence of a bifunctional dye linked l proline / NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Unique domain anchoring of Src to synaptic NMDA receptors via the mitochondrial protein NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 . ^^^ Here , we show that the unique domain of Src is a protein protein interaction region and we identify NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) as a Src unique domain interacting protein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In genes coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunits the number of mtDNA mutations detected in patients with DCM was significantly increased ( p < 0 . 05 ) compared with control subjects . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Increased expression in at least one immortalized line compared with normal fibroblasts was observed for set , a myb , ND 1 , ND 2 , ND 4 ( NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 2 , and 4 ) , COX 2 , COX 3 ( cytochrome c oxidase subunits 2 and 3 ) , KIAA 0129 , and the gene corresponding to cDNA hss 2 1 7 10 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Most of the genes encoding mitochondrial proteins , such as subunits of ATP synthase , cytochrome c oxidase , and NADH dehydrogenase , were highly expressed , reflecting possible differences in the cellular content of mitochondria between BAT and WAT . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Unexpectedly , only genes for NADH dehydrogenase and zinc transporter were altered in both the FC and HPC , suggesting limited overlap in the molecular processes from specific areas of the brain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial enzyme activities , mitochondrial nitric oxide synthase ( mtNOS ) , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase , behaved as markers of brain aging . ^^^ The activities of mtNOS , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase may be used as indicators of the effectiveness of antiaging treatments . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three were missense mutations ( C14F , H186R , T173P ) in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have investigated the topologies of Ndh ( a plastid complex with NADH dehydrogenase activity ) and its NDH F subunit in thylakoids by trypsin and proteinase V 8 digestion of both intact and Triton 10 100 permeabilized barley thylakoids and identification of the products with antibodies against specific sequences of the NDH A , NDH K and NDH F subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fetal LV mRNA was used to construct a suppression subtraction cDNA library from which 11 cDNA clones were found by differential dot blot hybridization and virtual Northern analysis to be up regulated by maternal nutrient restriction : caveolin , stathmin , G 1 cyclin , alpha actin , titin , cardiac ankyrin repeat protein ( CARP ) , cardiac specific RNA helicase activated by MEF2C ( CHAMP ) , endothelial and smooth muscle derived neuropilin ( ESDN ) , prostatic binding protein , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , and an unknown protein . ^^^ Six of these clones ( cardiac alpha actin , cyclin G 1 , stathmin , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , titin and prostatic binding protein ) have been linked to cardiac hypertrophy in other species including humans . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RESULTS : We report a specific decrease in internal rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase capacity in mitochondria from antimycin A treated leaves . ^^^ One consequence of the lower NADH dehydrogenase capacity may be a stabilisation of the respiratory chain reduction level , should the overall capacity of the cytochrome and the alternative pathway be restricted . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genome contains genes encoding three subunits of cytochrome c oxidase , apocytochrome b , seven subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex , two ATPase subunits , two ribosomal RNAs , 25 tRNAs and five ribosomal proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Furthermore , a synteny group of THRSP and its flanking genes [ NADH dehydrogenase ( NDUFC 2 ) and glucosyltransferase ( ALG 8 ) ] appears to be conserved among chickens , humans , mice and rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mammalian mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) is a multimeric complex consisting of at least 45 subunits , 7 of which are encoded by mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) . ^^^ In another line of research , we showed that the mitochondrial NADH quinone oxidoreductase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( NDI 1 ) , although consisting of a single subunit , can completely restore respiratory NADH dehydrogenase activity in mutant human cells that lack the essential mtDNA encoded subunit ND 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic analyses were performed on regions of mitochondrial ( cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ; NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ) and nuclear gene sequences ( translation elongation factor 1alpha ; beta tubulin ) and comparisons made to test for incongruence between the mitochondrial and nuclear data sets . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Four genes such as myosin binding protein C fast type , glycogen phosphorylase , and pyruvate kinase were expressed less in endurance athletes , whereas eight genes coding for expressed sequence tag similar to ( EST ) crystallin alpha B , EST myosin light chain 2 , EST surfactant pulmonary associated protein A 1 , EST thrombospondin , EST fructose bisphosphate aldolase A , EST cytochrome oxidase 1 , NADH dehydrogenase 3 , and G 8 protein were up regulated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Derivatives of benzazolo [ 3 , 2 a ] quinolium salts ( QSDs ) are reductively activated by the enzymatic reducing agents hypoxanthine ( or xanthine ) / xanthine oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase as evidenced by the increase in rates of ferricytochrome c ( Cyt ( 3 ) c ) reduction and oxygen consumption , respectively . ^^^ However , oxygen consumption rates correlate with QSDs redox potentials when NADH dehydrogenase is used as reducing agent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The relatively short AT rich region ( 304 bp ) and the lack of a non coding region between two of the NADH dehydrogenase genes , nad 3 and nad 5 , makes the mt genome of C . oncophora one of the smallest known to date , having only 525 bp of non coding regions in total . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phagocytosis of M . paratuberculosis fails to activate expression of NADH dehydrogenase and nucleolin related protein in bovine macrophages . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The most expressed genes were : carbonic anhydrase 3 ( 1 . 97 % ) , cytochrome c oxidase ( COX ) 1 ( 1 . 47 % ) , COX 2 ( 1 . 25 % ) , diazepam binding inhibitor ( 1 . 04 % ) , a novel transcript ( 0 . 87 % ) , COX 3 ( 0 . 55 % ) , fatty acid binding protein 4 ( 0 . 55 % ) , and NADH dehydrogenase 4 ( 0 . 52 % ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
K562 / ADM cells showed decreased expression of the genes for fatty acid desaturase 1 ( FADS 1 ) , hemoglobin epsilon 1 , N myristoyltransferase 1 , hemoglobin alpha 2 , NADH dehydrogenase Fe S protein 6 , heat shock 90 kDa protein , and karyopherin beta 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In terms of immunochemical and NADH dehydrogenase activity staining analyses , all site specific mutants are similar to the wild type , suggesting that those NuoA site specific mutations do not significantly affect the assembly of peripheral subunits in situ . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The stroma thylakoids have higher chlorophyll a / chlorophyll b and protein / total chlorophyll ratios , and greater photosystem 1 and NADH dehydrogenase activities than the grana thylakoids . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) and 3 ( cytochrome c reductase ) form a stable core respirasome to which complex 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase ) can also bind . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differential expression was observed for genes encoding putative new participants in these pathways ( additional photosystem genes , duplicate NADH dehydrogenase , ATP synthases ) , whose functionality has yet to be investigated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results were compared to those obtained with the analysis of two mitochondrial fragment sequences ( cytochrome oxidase 1 ( CO 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) ) from each isolate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondria encoded ND ( NADH dehydrogenase ) subunits , as components of the hydrophobic part of complex 1 , are essential for NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Proteomic analysis of preconditioned PKC delta ( + / + ) hearts revealed profound changes in enzymes related to energy metabolism , e . g . , NADH dehydrogenase and ATP synthase , with partial fragmentation of these mitochondrial enzymes and of the E ( 2 ) component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Downregulation of ATP synthase subunit 6 , cytochrome c oxidase 3 , and NADH dehydrogenase 3 by bright cyclic light in the rat retina . ^^^ A BLAST search identified the EST as the 3 ' terminal sequence of mitochondria encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was inferred that in the presence of halothane and enflurane , hepatic glycogen was transformed into glucose and then to lactate by the inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this report , we studied on a homoplasmic T12338C change in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) , which substituted methionine in the translational initiation codon of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene ( ND 5 ) with threonine . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These genes include omp 10 encoding a cell outer membrane protein , relA encoding ( p ) ppGpp synthetase , greA encoding a transcription cleavage factor , nuoL encoding NADH dehydrogenase 1 chain L transmembrane protein , a putative nuclease / helicase gene and two unknown genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In all cases , there was the excision of a DNA fragment encoding for cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 ( COIII ) tRNAgly NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) tRNAala tRNAarg tRNAasn from the ancestral position between genes for ATP synthase subunit 6 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 . ^^^ A phylogenetic analysis of 19 whitefly species based on genes for mitochondrial cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , and 16S ribosomal DNA as well as cospeciating endosymbiont 16S and 23S ribosomal DNA indicated a clustering of species that corresponded to the gene arrangement types . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A new type of NADH dehydrogenase specific for nitrate respiration in the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) , complex 2 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) , complex 3 ( cytochrome c reductase ) , complex 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase ) , and complex 5 ( F1F0 ATP synthase ) from bovine heart mitochondria were obtained in good yield from small amounts of tissue in more than 90 % purity in one step . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships were inferred from sequences of the internal transcribed spacer ( ITS 2 ) of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes as well as from two partial mitochondrial DNA segments , the cytochrome oxidase 2 gene and a sequence combining the tRNA Leu gene and fragments of the NADH dehydrogenase 1 and ribosomal 16S genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was found that the mitochondrial genome had novel gene arrangements in which genes from NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 to proline tRNA were extensively shuffled with duplicate control regions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ustilago maydis mitochondria contain the four classical components of the electron transport chain ( complexes 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 ) , a glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase , and two alternative elements : an external rotenone insensitive flavone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) and an alternative oxidase ( AOX ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The amino acid sequence of C 6 shared homologies with the 6th subunit of NADH dehydrogenase found in some bacteria , plants and animals at 30 % 70 % level . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This shift may decrease the production of NADH and in turn the adventitious production of H ( 2 ) O ( 2 ) by NADH dehydrogenase in the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , edited NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit 7 mRNA was increased 5 fold in MRP1+2 double knock down cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A novel mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) transition ( 3733G > A ) inducing the E 143 K amino acid change at a very conserved site of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) was identified in a family with six maternally related individuals with Leber ' s hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) and in an unrelated sporadic case , all negative for known mutations and presenting with the canonical phenotype . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
She inherited a 93bp segment from mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 5 ( MTND 5 ) from her mother that was inserted in frame prior to the last nucleotide of exon 2 of MCOLN 1 ( c . 236 _ 237ins93 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
BLAST analysis revealed that the eIF 5A interacting RNAs encode proteins such as ribosomal L35a , plasminogen activation inhibitor mRNA binding protein , NADH dehydrogenase subunit and ADP ribose pyrophosphatase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Functional expression of the single subunit NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondria in vivo : a potential therapy for complex 1 deficiencies . ^^^ We have adopted a gene therapy approach utilizing the NDI 1 gene that codes for the single subunit NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( Ndi 1 ) . ^^^ In addition , the tissue cells expressing the Ndi 1 protein stimulated the NADH dehydrogenase activity , suggesting that the expressed Ndi 1 is functionally active . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , mutants that lacked NADH dehydrogenase 2 and fumarate reductase , the most oxidizable components of the respiratory chain in vitro , continued to form H2O2 at normal rates . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase 2 did generate substantial H2O2 when it was when overproduced or quinones were absent , forcing electrons to accumulate on the enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Glutathione S transferases , Esterases , NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase and Glutathione reductase were assessed under the influence of Indole butyric acid ( IBA ) ( 400 ppm ) in the nymphs ( 48 52h old ) of mustard aphid , Lipaphis erysimi fed on radish plants treated for 13 , 25 and 37h . ^^^ The activity of Glutathione S transferases , Esterases and NADH dehydrogenase increased compared to that found in the control of the same age group of nymphs and it was concluded that these enzymes might be involved in the metabolism of IBA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
HDQ ( 1 hydroxy 2 dodecyl 4 ( 1H ) quinolone ) , a high affinity inhibitor for mitochondrial alternative NADH dehydrogenase : evidence for a ping pong mechanism . ^^^ We have identified 1 hydroxy 2 dodecyl 4 ( 1H ) quinolone as a high affinity inhibitor of alternative NADH dehydrogenase from Yarrowia lipolytica . ^^^ We found that the kinetics of alternative NADH dehydrogenase follow a ping pong mechanism . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis by differential display of genes induced in response to acute cocaine administration to rats revealed the significant downregulation of several mitochondrial genes in the cingulate cortex , including the subunits 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 of NADH dehydrogenase and the subunit 2 of cytochrome c oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The existence of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( complex 2 ) , cytochrome c reductase ( complex 3 ) and cytochrome c oxidase ( complex 4 ) suggests that the biochemically active electron transport system operates in this parasite . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The majority of initiation events map to regions flanking the major non coding region , in particular the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By comparing respiratory rates with different respiratory substrates , we show that electrons from Nde1p are favored over electrons coming from Ndip ( internal NADH dehydrogenase ) and that when electrons come from either Nde1p or Nde2p and succinodehydrogenase , their use by the respiratory chain is shared to a comparable extent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Effect of NADH dehydrogenase disruption and over expression on respiration related metabolism in Corynebacterium glutamicum KY 9714 . ^^^ The function of type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) in Gram positive Corynebacterium glutamicum was investigated by preparing strains with ndh , the NDH 2 gene , disrupted and over expressed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone insensitive NADH oxydation in mitochondrial suspension occurs by NADH dehydrogenase of respiratory chain fragments ] . ^^^ The oxidation of the added NADH by mitochondria in hypotonic media occurs only through the NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain , since it was totally blocked by rotenone or amytal ( and also by antimycin A or azide ) , but the ferricyanide activated NADH oxidation was insensitive to these inhibitors . ^^^ The insensitivity of the NADH dehydrogenase to rotenone appears to be due to a shunt of the electron transfer to ferricyanide without involving of ubiquinone . ^^^ The ferricyanide activated NADH oxidation takes place in NADH dehydrogenase fragments released from mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rapid purification and mass spectrometric characterization of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) from rodent brain and a dopaminergic neuronal cell line . ^^^ Studies using in vitro and in vivo PD models or tissues from diseased patients have demonstrated a selective inhibition of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 of the OXPHOS electron transport chain ) that affects normal mitochondrial physiology leading to neuronal death . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The transcripts studied were the nucleosome assembly protein , mRNA for alivin 1 , Pleckstrin homology Sec 7 coiled domain , polyadenylate binding protein , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , high mobility group transcription factor , cytokine like nuclear factor , NY REN 58 antigen mRNA , mRNA for KIAA 1764 and one novel transcript . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Our study is based upon three mitochondrial gene segments , 443 bp of the control region , 402 bp of the cytochrome b gene and the entire NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene ( 1047 bp ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thirty clones contained cDNAs corresponding to mitochondrial genes for ATP synthase subunit 6 ( ATP 6 ) , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 ( COXII ) , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 ( COXIII ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) , and mitochondrial 12S rRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A preliminary sequence characterization of this collection indicated that the most abundant transcripts correspond to genes encoding proteins involved in energy metabolism ( COX and NADH dehydrogenase subunits ) and belonging to the contractile apparatus ( myosin chains and troponin isoforms ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Particularly , the expression levels of proteins related to ROS metabolism , including cytochrome c , glutathione S transferase Pi , NADH dehydrogenase , and peroxiredoxin 6 , were increased after radiation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron transfer ability from NADH to menaquinone and from NADPH to oxygen of type 2 NADH dehydrogenase of Corynebacterium glutamicum . ^^^ Type 2 NADH dehydrogenase of Corynebacterium glutamicum ( NDH 2 ) was purified from an ndh overexpressing strain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ability of new sugar modified derivatives of antitumor anthracycline , daunorubicin , to stimulate NAD ( P ) H oxidation in different cellular oxidoreductase systems : NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , and xanthine oxidase . ^^^ This process is catalyzed primarily by NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , and xanthine oxidase and leads to the formation of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) . ^^^ More similarities were observed in their interaction with NADH dehydrogenase and NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase than with xanthine oxidase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase is coupled with the denitrification pathway providing menaquinol . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Coresistance to INH and ETH can be mediated by dominant mutations in the target gene inhA , encoding an enoyl ACP reductase , or by recessive mutations in ndh , encoding a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( NdhII ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial DNA 5178 C / A ( mt 5178 C / A ) , namely NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 Leu / Met , polymorphism is as reported in literature associated with longevity and susceptibility to ischemic heart disease or cerebrovascular disorders in the Japanese population . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The isolated Escherichia coli complex 1 can be split into a NADH dehydrogenase fragment , a connecting fragment , and a membrane fragment . ^^^ The soluble NADH dehydrogenase fragment represents the electron input part of the complex and consists of the subunits NuoE , F , and G . ^^^ Here , we show by means of EPR spectroscopic analysis of the NADH dehydrogenase fragment containing site directed mutations on NuoG that the EPR signals in question derived from cluster N1a on NuoE . ^^^ The mutations in NuoG disturbed the assembly of the overproduced NADH dehydrogenase fragment indicating that a yet undetected cluster might be bound to the additional motif . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We infer the relationships and historical biogeography of P . australis based on phylogenetic analysis of 1 , 249 base pairs from the mitochondrial cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 and three adjacent tRNA genes using Bayesian , maximum likelihood , and maximum parsimony methods . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The absence of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes distinguishes this yeast and S . cerevisiae from the typically aerobic species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
All the substrates revealed insensitive to external and internal mitochondrial Ca2+ , except the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase , which requires either external Ca2+ or Mg2+ for detectable activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RESULTS : An ALR specific sequence variation in the mt Nd 2 gene producing a leucine to methionine substitution at amino acid residue 276 in the NADH dehydrogenase 2 was discovered . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Superoxide is produced by the auto oxidation of the semiquinones of ubiquinol and the NADH dehydrogenase flavin and NO by the enzymatic action of the nitric oxide synthase of the inner mitochondrial membrane ( mtNOS ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phototreatment of drug loaded cells induces release of the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase and causes loss of activity of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , indicating that plasma membrane and mitochondria are among the targets of the phototoxicity of these drugs . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ABBREVIATIONS : ADP , adenosine diphosphate ; ATP , adenosine triphosphate ; COXI , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 mRNA ; COX , cytochrome c oxidase ( protein ) ; CREB , cyclic AMP response element binding protein ; DNA , deoxyribonucleic acid ; EDTA , ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ; EEG , electroencephalography ; EMG , electromyography ; GABP , GA binding protein ; HEPES , 4 ( 2 hydroxyethyl ) piperazine 1 ethanesulfonic acid ; mRNA , messenger ribonucleic acid ; NADH , nicotinamid adenine dinucleotide , reduced ; NDII , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 mRNA ; NRF , nuclear respiratory factor . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The second control region was inserted between NADH dehydrogenase subunits 5 and 6 genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This was verified by subsequent sequencing of DNA from the same strains using four genomic targets : ( a ) the NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) gene , ( b ) the 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase ( 6PGD ) gene , ( c ) the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers , and ( d ) an anonymous DNA sequence originally amplified with random primers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Our data showed that oxidation of NADH dependent substrates is much more sensitive to oxidative stress than oxidation of flavoprotein dependent ones , evidently due to the modification of iron sulfur clusters or SH groups in the NADH dehydrogenase enzyme complex ( Complex 1 ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Variation in coding ( NADH dehydrogenase subunits 2 , 3 , and 6 ) and noncoding intergenic spacer regions of the mitochondrial genome in Octocorallia ( Cnidaria : Anthozoa ) . ^^^ We sequenced fragments of 3 mitochondrial protein coding genes ( NADH dehydrogenase subunits ND 2 , ND 3 and ND 6 ) as well as the COI COII intergenic spacer , the longest noncoding region found in the octocoral mitochondrial genome , to determine if any of these regions contain levels of variation sufficient for reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships among genera of the anthozoan subclass Octocorallia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of the mitochondrial Krebs cycle enzymes isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase , and respiratory chain enzymes NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase were significantly reduced in both tumour and surrounding tissue of the mammary carcinoma bearing rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) genes of Ac were almost identical to those of T . solium but differed substantially from those of the other Taenia species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Furthermore , we demonstrate that increased afterload induced hypertrophy leads to striking changes in the energy metabolism with down regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase ( subunit beta E 1 ) , isocitrate dehydrogenase , succinyl coenzyme A ligase , NADH dehydrogenase , ubiquinol cytochrome C reductase , and propionyl coenzyme A carboxylase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
SNP decreased complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase activity in a time dependent manner . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We used mtDNA sequences ( cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ) to reconstruct molecular phylogenies of Vipera sensu lato , Vipera sensu stricto , and Vipera aspis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here we describe a novel NADH dehydrogenase module of respiratory complex 1 that is coupled to the central hydrogenosomal fermentative pathway to form a hydrogenosomal oxidoreductase complex that seems to function independently of quinones . ^^^ Trichomonas hydrogenosomes contain the NADH dehydrogenase module of mitochondrial complex 1 . ^^^ Here we show that the 51 kDa and 24 kDa subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase module in complex 1 , the first step in the mitochondrial respiratory chain , are active in hydrogenosomes of Trichomonas vaginalis . ^^^ Like mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , the purified Trichomonas enzyme can reduce a variety of electron carriers including ubiquinone , but unlike the mitochondrial enzyme it can also reduce ferredoxin , the electron carrier used for hydrogen production . ^^^ The presence of NADH dehydrogenase solves the long standing conundrum of how hydrogenosomes regenerate NAD+ after malate oxidation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The identified proteins with decreased expression were type 2 cytoskeletal 8 keratin and NADH dehydrogenase Fe S protein 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The functional integrity of the cells was evaluated by measuring various marker enzymes ( gamma glutamyltranspeptidase , acid phosphatase , alkaline phosphatase , NADH dehydrogenase ) and membrane associated Na+ K+ ATPase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the present study we investigated the effects of some thiol reagents and Ca ( 2+ ) on potato mitochondrial respiratory chain presenting different activities of the alternative respiratory components AOX and external NADH dehydrogenase , a condition induced by previous treatment of potato tubers ( Solanum tuberosum L . , cv . ^^^ When the cytochrome pathway was functional , Ca ( 2+ ) stimulated the external NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Mersalyl inhibited the externally located NADH dehydrogenase and had no effect on AOX activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We present estimates of total solar energy received by Earth ' s land area and demonstrate that its efficient capture may allow conversion of solar energy and storage into bonds of biochemicals using devices harboring either immobilized ATPase or NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The high expression of redox related factors ( NADH dehydrogenase , glutathione peroxidase and transcription factor AP 1 precursor ) , plasma defensive protein ( C type lectin and laminin like protein ) and translationally controlled tumor protein ( TCTP ) in the virus resistant shrimp suggested that they are essential components participating in the antiviral process . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , the activity of mitochondrial complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase was not affected by ketamine . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , it inhibited NADH dehydrogenase in membranes , a hitherto unreported activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among species of the genus Parnassius and its related taxa were analyzed by comparing nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA ( 504 sites ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( 469 sites ) . ^^^ Although the results of the present study were in agreement with those of a previous phylogenetic study based on mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 sequences , our study strongly supported a close relationship between Parnassius and Hypermnestra , which was not well supported in the previous study . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Molecular basis of the low activity of antitumor anthracenediones , mitoxantrone and ametantrone , in oxygen radical generation catalyzed by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Synthetic antitumor anthracenedione drugs , in contrast to anthracycline antibiotics , are ineffective in free radical formation in NADH dehydrogenase system . ^^^ Our results have indicated that neither the reduction potential nor the side chain conformation and the energies of border orbitals ( HOMO and LUMO ) determine the ability of anthracenediones to stimulate reactive oxygen species formation in NADH dehydrogenase system . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Single strand conformation polymorphism analysis was used to examine variation in a 359 basepair region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mitochondrial DNA gene ( ND 4 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
METHODS : Genomic DNA was isolated with kit , and the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase 1 ( COI ) gene fragments were amplified by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) and sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The HoxHY dimer represents the hydrogenase module , and the HoxFU dimer constitutes an NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the present study , the activities of citric acid cycle enzymes , such as isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , and malate dehydrogenase , were found to be decreased in aged rats as well as that of electron transferring enzymes such as NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of these genes was the 7 . 5 kDa subunit , NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) alpha subcomplex 1 ( NDUFA 1 ) , an accessory component of OXPHOS complex 1 that is essential for respiratory activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among the selected genes , 11 ( ATF 4 , c maf , SGK 1 , PBEF , ATPase 8 , NADH dehydrogenase 4 , STK 6 , TRAF 4 associated factor 1 , molybdopterin synthase , CKS 1 , and CIDE B ) have not been previously reported to be sensitive to * NO . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have studied mtDNA NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 nucleotides 3337 3340 , searching for mutations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A vertebrate type ferredoxin domain in the Na+ translocating NADH dehydrogenase from Vibrio cholerae . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Longevity associated NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 polymorphism and serum electrolyte levels in middle aged obese Japanese men . ^^^ Mitochondrial DNA 5178 cytosine / adenine polymorphism , which is also called NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 leucine / methionine ( ND 2 237 Leu / Met ) polymorphism is associated with Japanese longevity . ^^^ Longevity associated NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 polymorphism may influence serum electrolyte levels in middle aged obese Japanese men . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase depicted a significant decrease in the lead and ethanol co exposed rats as compared to the lead treated group . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Coding sequence mutations in subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase gene were detected after high fidelity PCR amplification and cloning by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis ( DGGE ) assay followed by sequencing of detected mutants . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Similarly , seven genes or gene families were highly abundant in the NA library and included chlorophyll a / b binding protein , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , plastidic aldolase , and serine : glyoxylate aminotransferase , among others . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) of plants includes quite a number of plant specific subunits , some of which exhibit sequence similarity to bacterial gamma carbonic anhydrases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Endothelial NO decreased the rate pressure product ( P < 0 . 05 ) , upregulated cytochrome c oxidase ( CcO ) mRNA expression ( P < 0 . 01 ) with no change in CcO activity , and inhibited NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) activity ( P < 0 . 01 ) without alteration of NADH DH mRNA expression . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The complex 1 homolog ( NADH dehydrogenase or Ndh complex ) from chloroplasts from higher plants contains genes for two out of three modules : the membrane and connecting subcomplexes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Upregulation of human mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 in intestinal epithelial cells is modulated by Vibrio cholerae pathogenesis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
As shown by Western blot quantification and respiratory chain enzyme activity measurements , the specific content of mGPDH is similar to that of succinate dehydrogenase or NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In pituitary gland , 43 transcripts are differentially expressed , including RAS guanyl releasing protein 2 ( cell signaling ) , ornithine transporter ( mitochondrial transport ) , H 3 histone family 3B ( chromatin structure ) , heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U ( chromatin remodeling ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation ) , neuronatin ( cell differentiation ) , and ribosomal protein S27a ( protein metabolism ) . ^^^ EST 10 ( inactive ) specific transcript antisense is expressed at a higher level in the three female organs , whereas growth hormone and NADH dehydrogenase are expressed at higher levels in female cortex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogeny of carabid beetles in the genus Pamborus ( Coleoptera : Carabidae ) , which is endemic to Australia , was studied using one nuclear ( phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase ) and two mitochondrial ( 16S ribosomal RNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ) gene sequences , with a cladistic analysis of morphological data . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene ( ND 2 , 1047bp ) and a segment of the non coding mitochondrial control region , as well as nuclear sequences including two introns from the S 7 ribosomal protein and the loci TmoM 25 , TmoM 27 , and UME 002 , we explore the phylogenetic relationships of Lepidiolamprologus , one of seven lamprologine cichlid genera in Lake Tanganyika , East Africa . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mammalian mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) is the major entry point for the electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Propofol specifically inhibits mitochondrial membrane potential but not complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase activity , thus reducing cellular ATP biosynthesis and migration of macrophages . ^^^ Exposure of macrophages to propofol did not affect mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity of complex 1 . ^^^ This study shows that a therapeutic concentration of propofol can specifically reduce the mitochondrial membrane potential , but there is no such effect on complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Temperature breaks of Arrhenius plots show age dependent shifts to higher temperatures for the NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , cytochrome c oxidase , and ATPase in senescent animals . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
During aerobic growth of Escherichia coli , nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NADH ) can initiate electron transport at either of two sites : Complex 1 ( NDH 1 or NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ) or a single subunit NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We examined restriction fragment length polymorphism of three mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) fragments amplified in polymerase chain reaction , which encoded four NADH dehydrogenase subunits , the cytochrome b gene , and a D loop segment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Based on an NADH dehydrogenase subunit F phylogeny , S . nigrum is more closely related to potato than N . attenuata but responded significantly less to M . sexta attack . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It includes the genes coding for cytochrome B ( Cyt B ) , ATPase subunit 6 and 8 ( A 6 and A 8 ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 6 and 4L ( ND 1 , ND 2 , ND 3 , ND 4 , ND4L , ND 5 and ND 6 ) , cytochrome c oxidase subunits 1 3 ( COI , COII and COIII ) , two rRNA genes ( 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA ) and 22 tRNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Based on the insensitivity of these reactions to rotenone , a type 1 NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 1 ) inhibitor , and their sensitivity to flavoenzyme inhibitors and thiol blocking agents , we conclude to the involvement of a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) in PQ reduction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results were supported by analyses of combined NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) and cyt b sequences of H . gigas in combination with sequences previously published by other workers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondria were isolated from liver of experimental animals and assessed for the levels of lipid peroxide products , GSH and mitochondrial enzymes ( isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha keto glutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome C oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , N formylated hexapeptides corresponding to the N terminus of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunits 4 ( fMLKLIV ) and 6 ( fMMYALF ) , and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( fMFADRW ) were equally potent on FPR and FPRL 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results are of interest as they contradict a major hypothesis for the mode of action of deguelin , i . e . , a general down regulation of signal transduction based on inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase and depletion of ATP levels . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We screened the mitochondrial DNA for mutations and found pathogenic mutations in complex 1 genes ( mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit ( MTND ) genes ) in three probands . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial damage in the brain was assessed by examining the levels of lipid peroxides , cholesterol , phospholipid , cholesterol / phospholipid ( C / P ) ratio , and the activities of isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , and cytochrome C oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two mtSNPs , 3497C > T ( A64V ) in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene ( ND 1 ) and 1119T > C ( 472U > C ) in the 12S rRNA gene , were detected in 5 of the 96 young obese adults , whereas these substitutions were not detected in any of the 96 diabetic patients . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Gene expression and biochemical analyses of each subunit revealed that the beta subunit bound FAD and exhibited proline dehydrogenase activity , while the alpha subunit bound ATP , but unlike the corresponding subunit in the T . profundus enzyme , it exhibited neither proline dehydrogenase nor NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b ( cyt b ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene sequences produced well supported clades largely corresponding to the four recognized taxa in the Guianas ( Atelopus spumarius hoogmoedi , Atelopus spumarius barbotini , Atelopus franciscus , and Atelopus flavescens ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
PLA 2 ( phospholipase A 2 ) , COX ( cyclooxygenase ) , PKC ( protein kinase ) , ERK 1 / 2 ( extracellular signal regulated kinase 1 / 2 ) , PI 3 K ( phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase ) , p 38 MAPK ( p 38 mitogen activated protein kinase ) , MLCK ( myosin light chain kinase ) , NADH dehydrogenase , and XO ( xanthine oxidase ) inhibitors or ROS scavengers prevented the CA induced TEER decrease . ^^^ PLA 2 , COX , PKC , NADH dehydrogenase , and XO inhibitors prevented the CA induced ROS generation but not ERK 1 / 2 , PI 3 K , p 38 MAPK , and MLCK inhibitors . ^^^ In addition , PLA 2 , COX , PKC , NADH dehydrogenase , and XO are located upstream of the ROS generation , but ERK 1 / 2 , PI 3 K , p 38 MAPK , and MLCK are downstream during the signaling of CA induced TEER alterations . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genome of Debaryomyces ( Schwanniomyces ) occidentalis encodes subunits of NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 . nad genes encoding subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 have been revealed in the yeast Debaryomyces ( Schwanniomyces ) occidentalis . nad 1 , nad 3 , nad 5 , nad 6 and most large mitochondrial genes have been located on a circular 41 kb map of mitochondrial DNA from this petite negative species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In C . virginica translation of all protein coding genes ( except possibly cob ) terminates with TAA , with polyadenylation completing the primary transcript in cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 ( cox 3 ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L ( nad4L ) , whereas C . gigas employs stop codons TAA and TAG equally . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We deduced the phylogenetic relationships of 54 individuals representing 27 species of the Calosomina ( Coleoptera , Carabidae ) from various regions of the world from the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene sequences . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Superoxide generation from mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase induces self inactivation with specific protein radical formation . ^^^ While NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) is a critical site of this O ( 2 ) ( . ) production ; its mechanism of O ( 2 ) ( . ) generation is not known . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of tricarboxylic acid enzymes such as isocitrate dehydrogenase ( ICD ) , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase ( alpha KGD ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( SD ) , malate dehydrogenase ( MD ) , NADH dehydrogenase , and cytochrome c oxidase were determined in mitochondrial fraction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis was used to estimate variation in the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The PCR products from two nuclear genes , i . e . the ITS 1 5 . 8S ITS 2 region and RNA polymerase 2 largest subunit gene ( rpb 1 ) , together with four mitochondrial genes , i . e . the small ribosomal rRNA subunit ( rns ) , the two NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes ( nad 1 and nad 3 ) , and the cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 gene ( cox 3 ) were sequenced and analyzed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We investigated the relationships between A . aegypti and A . albopictus mosquitoes based on three mitochondrial DNA genes ( cytochrome b , cytochrome oxidase 1 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There were total 6 protein spots identified , which were Recombination protein recA , RNA helicase , AP 2 domain containing transcription factor , NADH dehydrogenase 1 chain D , Hyothetical protein PF 1669 , and Transaldolase STY 3758 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To test the hypothesis that mutations in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) are associated with RA , we focused on the MT ND 1 gene for mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( subunit one of complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase ) of synoviocyte mitochondria from RA patients , using tissue from osteoarthritis ( OA ) patients for controls . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase activity and expression of mRNA of complex 1 ( ND 1 , 51kDa , and 75kDa ) in heart mitochondria of klotho mouse . ^^^ We also measured the levels of expression of ND 1 , 51kDa , and 75kDa mRNA associated with the genes encoding NADH dehydrogenase and complex 1 and that of alpha cardiac myosin heavy chain mRNA in both groups . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two newly induced proteins were identified as malate dehydrogenase orthologue and NADH dehydrogenase orthologue . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fifteen genes were induced , among which were NADH dehydrogenase , protocadherin , anolase alpha , 14 3 3epsilon , and R Ras 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The proton pumping type 1 NADH dehydrogenase and the aa 3 type cytochrome c oxidase were strongly down regulated . ^^^ In vitro , NO treatment and hypoxia caused a switch from transcription of type 1 to type 2 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The Aplysia genome , like most other mitochondrial genomes , encodes genes for 2 ribosomal subunit RNAs ( small and large rRNAs ) , 22 tRNAs , and 13 protein subunits ( cytochrome c oxidase subunits 1 3 , cytochrome b apoenzyme , ATP synthase subunits 6 and 8 , and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 6 and 4L ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence analysis reveals that the gene product consists of 208 amino acids and showed about 27 % , 32 % and 21 % identity in amino acid sequence with FRase 1 , the major flavin reductase of Vibrio fischeri , the NADH dehydrogenase of Thermus thermophilus and several members of the nitroreductase family , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The effects of both nitric oxide ( NO ) and peroxynitrite on complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) and 3 ( cytochrome c reductase ) isolated from bovine heart have been examined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence analysis suggested that the gene product consisted of 200 amino acids and showed about 30 % , 27 % and 26 % amino acid sequence similarity to the major flavin reductase of Vibrio fischeri , the NADH dehydrogenase of Thermus thermophilus and several oxygen insensitive NAD ( P ) H nitroreductases in the Enterobacteriaceae family , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A high acetate producing sake yeast ( MHA 3 ) was isolated from mutants having low NADH dehydrogenase ( NDE ) activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In order to characterize the forms genetically , nucleotide sequences of ribosomal internal transcribed spacer ( ITS 1 and ITS 2 ) and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NDI ) genes in 34 liver flukes from 16 prefectures in Japan were analysed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We show in O 2 sensitive excitable rat PC 12 cells that , among the mtDNA encoded genes , hypoxia produced a specific down regulation of the transcripts encoding mitochondrial complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunits , particularly ND 4 and ND 5 mRNAs and a stable mRNA precursor containing the ND 5 and cytochrome b genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of the components involved in the transfer of reducing equivalents from cytosolic NADH to ubiquinone revealed the existence of an FAD containing NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The C to A nucleotide transversion in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( MT ND 2 ) coding region of mitochondrial DNA has been reported to be associated with plasma lipid levels , adult onset diseases and longevity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We detected an A / C nonsynonymous heteroplasmic site corresponding to putative amino acids , Ile or Met , in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) region of chum salmon . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among the proteins identified were subunits of the well characterized thylakoid membrane constituents Photosystem 1 and 2 , ATP synthase , cytochrome b6f complex , NADH dehydrogenase , and phycobilisome complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial DNA regions in the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( cox 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( nad 1 ) genes were amplified by PCR from total genomic DNA samples ( n > 720 ) from Ascaris individuals from humans and pigs , and subjected to mutation scanning and subsequent selective sequencing . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The electrons released during this reaction are transferred from NADH to ferredoxin by NADH dehydrogenase homologous to the catalytic module of mitochondrial complex 1 , which uses ferredoxin as electron acceptor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enhancement of lactate and succinate formation in adhE or pta ackA mutants of NADH dehydrogenase deficient Escherichia coli . ^^^ METHODS AND RESULTS : Various combinations of NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) deficient , alcohol dehydrogenase ( ADH ) , and phosphotransacetylase and acetate kinase ( PTA ACK ) mutants were constructed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using single strand conformation polymorphism ( SSCP ) and sequencing 528 bp of combined parts of the cytochrome oxidase b ( cyt b ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) mithochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) regions , we documented phylogeographic relationships among populations and phylogeny of mtDNA haplotypes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this study , the hypotheses developed from morphological and host use characters are tested using gene trees produced from DNA sequence data of two mitochondrial genes ( cytochrome oxidase 1 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ) and a nuclear gene ( period ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequences of ribosomal internal transcribed spacer ( ITS 1 ) and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NDI ) gene were analyzed to genetically characterize aspermic Fasciola forms in Korea . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of NADH dehydrogenase 1 alpha subcomplex 5 capable to transform murine fibroblasts and overexpressed in human cervical carcinoma cell lines . ^^^ The highly efficient retroviral cDNA expression system derived from HeLa cells identified two cDNA species coding NADH dehydrogenase 1 alpha subcomplex 5 ( NDUFA 5 ) and zinc finger protein 9 ( ZNF 9 ) , exhibiting the potential to transform murine fibroblast cell line , NIH3T3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
PCR RFLP analyses on 46 restriction sites revealed no variations in mtDNA D loop ( displacement loop ) , tRNA ( Met+Glu+Ile ) and ND 3 ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ) gene fragments in these strains . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
When complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) of the mitochondrial electron transport chain is inhibited by feeding rotenone , the cycle is totally eliminated and blood alcohol levels remain constant at 200 mg / % . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We analyzed data from two mtDNA genes ( 16S rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit ( 1 ) and a nuclear gene ( 28S rRNA ) using maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses , and also conducted geometric morphometric analyses employing landmark data on male and female genitalia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nucleotide G14459A mutation occurs in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 , and has been suggested previously as the disease causing mutation in Hispanic , African American and Caucasian families of Leber ' s hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) and / or dystonia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Our results indicated a strong interaction between Abeta and a phage displayed 25 amino acid long peptide TTNLPLMVMSSLLLIIILALSLAYE corresponding to C terminal peptide domain of NADH dehydrogenase , subunit 3 ( MTND 3 ) encoded by mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These proteins included 3 hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase , prohibitin , 2 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase , adenosine triphosphate synthases , the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NADH ) oxidoreductase , translation elongation factor , actin alpha , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , pyruvate dehydrogenase and the voltage dependent anion channel . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron paramagnetic resonance experiments showed that the radical signal from the NADH reduced enzyme derives from the semiquinone form of the flavin ( FMN a ) in the hydrogenase module ( HoxYH dimer ) , but not of the flavin ( FMN b ) in the NADH dehydrogenase module ( HoxFU dimer ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Previously , we characterized a mouse cell line , 4A , carrying a mitochondrial DNA mutation in the subunit for respiratory complex 1 , NADH dehydrogenase , in the ND 6 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Adding NAD back to the medium , even in the presence of a membrane impermeant NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , restored the respiratory rate of swollen mitochondria oxidizing ethanol , suggesting that NAD is transported into the matrix space . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Western blots showed that cytochrome oxidase ( COX ) , NADH dehydrogenase , LDH , MCT 1 , and CD 147 are abundant in mitochondrial fractions of L 6 cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The maize NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenase or NAD ( P ) H plastoquinone oxidoreductase ( also named Ndh complex ) from MS and BS chloroplasts , contains at least 11 subunits ( NdhA K ) and is homologous to NADH dehydrogenase or Complex 1 from mitochondria and bacteria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here , we show that overexpression of yeast AMID homologue internal NADH dehydrogenase ( NDI 1 ) , but not external NADH dehydrogenase ( NDE 1 ) , can cause apoptosis like cell death , and this effect can be repressed by increased respiration on glucose limited media . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is also suggested that the pseudo tRNA Met gene sustained for a long time in Mantella mt genomes possibly functions as a punctuation marker for NADH dehydrogenase subunit ( ND ) 2 mRNA processing . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
BlastX searches of these cDNAs indicated the upregulations of genes encoding predictive NADH dehydrogenase , proteasomal ATPase , and GDP mannose pyrophosphorylase B , which have previously been reported to be associated with A . culbertsoni virulence factors . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of membrane bound phosphatases ( Na ( + ) K ( + ) ATPase , Ca ( 2+ ) ATPase , Mg ( 2+ ) ATPase and Total ATPase ) , transaminases ( alanine transaminase ( ALT ) and aspartate transaminase ( AST ) ) and mitochondrial enzymes ( isocitrate dehydrogenase ( ICDH ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) , malate dehydrogenase ( MDH ) , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase ( KGDH ) , NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome C oxidase ) in WSSV infected tissues ( hemolymph , hepatopancreas , gills and muscle ) of Fenneropenaeus indicus were determined at intervals after WSSV infection ( 0 , 24 , 48 , 72 and after 72 h ( moribund ) ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this organism , nitrate respiration is performed by a mobilizable respiratory island that encodes a new type of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase as electron donor , a tetrameric membrane nitrate reductase as final electron acceptor , two nitrate / nitrite transporters and the transcription factors required for their expression in response to nitrate and anoxia . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Exposure to a dose of 460 J / m @ 2 accelerated cell proliferation , activated respiratory chain enzymes ( cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase ) , and also changed the microstructure of the giant mitochondria much of the narrow regions of the mitochondrial tube with sections < or = 0 . 06 microm 2 were dilated ( while no signs of organelle damage were observed ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Defects of complex 1 are involved in many human mitochondrial diseases , and therefore we have proposed to use the NDI 1 gene encoding a single subunit NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for repair of respiratory activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Prolonged ischemia reperfusion produced a selective defect in complex 1 function distal to the NADH dehydrogenase component . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We analyzed allelic relationships for two nuclear gene regions ( phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and elongation factor 1a ) , along with a mitochondrial gene region ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ) , for an assemblage of closely related species of carabid beetles ( Carabus subgenus Ohomopterus ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among them , 18 proteins were of increased abundance in diseased tissues including a group of oxidization related enzymes such as peroxiredoxin 2 and NADH dehydrogenase Fe S protein 6 , components of inflammatory pathways such as lamin A , while 28 proteins were of decreased abundance in the diseased state , including CaM KII inhibitory protein , transferring , fructose bisphosphate aldolase . 5 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RESULTS : RDA screening of retinal pigment epithelial cDNA identified differences in mRNA transcript coding for two mitochondrial ( mt ) proteins cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 in affected dogs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A resolved and well supported phylogeny was obtained from the phylogenetic analysis of over 3 . 4kb ( including cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , recombination activating gene subunit 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Can a single subunit yeast NADH dehydrogenase ( Ndi 1 ) remedy diseases caused by respiratory complex 1 defects . ^^^ Defects of complex 1 are involved in many human mitochondrial diseases ; therefore , the authors proposed to use the NDI 1 gene encoding a single subunit NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for repair of respiratory activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Twelve proteins were identified as ubiquitous raft proteins , and most of these were determined to be mitochondrial proteins , including mortalin , prohibitin , voltage dependent anion channel , ATP synthase , NADH dehydrogenase , and ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One novel heteroplasmic mutation ( C13565A ) in NADH dehydrogenase 5 subunit ( ND 5 ) gene was found only in the tissue sample but not in the blood . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We examined sequence diversity of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) gene in Wolbachia infected ( South Africa ( SA ) , California and Thailand ) and uninfected ( SA ) Culex pipiens complex populations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The deduced amino acid sequence of Nap has 56 % identity to NADH dehydrogenase of Bacillus cereus and 55 % to NADH oxidase of Bacillus halodurans C 125 . ^^^ Everted membrane vesicles prepared from E . coli KNabc carrying nap exhibited secondary Na ( + ) / H ( + ) antiporter activity , and nap also supported the growth of respiratory deficient E . coli ANN 0222 lacking NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The transcripts of creatine kinase and NADH dehydrogenase were also identified at high level . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of liver tissue showed that the expression level of ROS related proteins such as cytochrome c , glutathione S transferase , NADH dehydrogenase and peroxiredoxin 6 increased after radiation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) , catalase ( CAT ) and glutathione peroxidase ( GSP ) as well as of succinate dehydrogenase ( SDG ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( NDG ) and fumarate hydratase ( FHT ) were examined in relation to mitochondrial ultrastructure changes in Aspergillus niger exposed to N , N bis ( 3 aminopropyl ) dodecylamine ( Apd ) that was shown to exhibit fungicidal activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Respiratory chain gene expression ( NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome c oxidase [ COX ] ) were analyzed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase and COX expression was also decreased with atrophy and was unchanged with hypertrophy . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequencing a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( mtND 1 ) gene showed that the E . granulosus strain from Estonia was identical to strain G 10 , recently characterized in reindeer and moose in Finland . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The substitution per site of ATP 6 , the proton conducting subunit of ATPsynthase , CYTB , the core subunit of ubiquinone oxidoreductase that participate in both electron and proton transport , and ND 3 , a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase , showed the strongest correlations with longevity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Agrobacterium tumefaciens type 2 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In this study , an Agrobacterium tumefaciens gene encoding a putative alternative NADH dehydrogenase ( AtuNDH 2 ) was isolated and expressed in Escherichia coli as a ( His ) 6 tagged protein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Diclofenac however had no effect on the activities of NADH dehydrogenase , glutamate dehydrogenase , and malate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of genetic variation in ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer and the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mitochondrial genes of the onchocerciasis vector Simulium ochraceum . ^^^ In this study , the NADH dehydrogenase subunit four ( ND 4 ) and internal transcribed spacer ( ITS ) of the ribosomal RNA gene cluster were used to explore the degree of genetic diversity among S . ochraceum s . l . populations found in the three O . volvulus foci in Mexico . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Longevity associated NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 Leu / Met polymorphism influences the effects of alcohol consumption on serum uric acid levels in nonobese Japanese men . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 leucine / methionine ( ND 2 237 Leu / Met ) polymorphism is reportedly associated with longevity in the Japanese population . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Immunoblot analysis of thylakoid membranes using specific antibodies raised against the NDH K subunit of the thylakoidal NADH dehydrogenase complex ( NADH DH ) and against plastid terminal oxidase ( PTOX ) revealed an increase in the amount of both proteins in response to high light intensity and / or heat treatments . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43678 and O43920 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Regulatory loop between redox sensing of the NADH / NAD ( + ) ratio by Rex ( YdiH ) and oxidation of NADH by NADH dehydrogenase Ndh in Bacillus subtilis . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase is a key component of the respiratory chain . ^^^ The yjlD ( renamed ndh ) gene of Bacillus subtilis is predicted to encode an enzyme similar to the NADH dehydrogenase 2 of Escherichia coli , encoded by the ndh gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
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Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.017034299
Control rat mitochondria exposed for 15 minutes to high Ca2+ ( 200 nmol / mg protein ) also become uncoupled and electron transport inhibited between NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone , a lesion similar to that observed in post ischemic mitochondria . 0.017034299^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.12413457
These results show that the binding site of the detergent responsible for the inhibition lies between the NADH dehydrogenase of flavoprotein and ubiquinone in Complex 1 and that the binding of the detergent to the site requires phospholipids . . 0.12413457^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.047592093
These results suggest the cytochrome b 558 to function as an electron carrier between NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase in the Ascaris NADH fumarate reductase system . . 0.047592093^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.089739714
No correlation was found between NADH dehydrogenase and Ca2+ dependent K+ channel activities in the species studied . 0.089739714^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.063059615
The pattern of the inactivation indicated that the lipid peroxidation affected the electron transport intensively between NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone , and moderately at the succinate dehydrogenase step and between ubiquinone and cytochrome c . . 0.063059615^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.034936842
Plastoquinone as electron transporter between thylakoid NADH dehydrogenase and peroxidase . 0.034936842^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.053632751
Transfer of electrons through Complex 1 measured by the rate of reduction of ferricyanide by submitochondrial particles inhibited by rotenone and the lack of specific inhibition by propranolol of succinate supported respiration indicated that one site of drug action was between NADH dehydrogenase and its associated flavoprotein , possibly close to the site of rotenone inhibition . . 0.053632751^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.16219393
The features of the gene junctional region between NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) and glutamine tRNA ( tRNAGln ) genes also supported that UAA serves as a stop codon . 0.16219393^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ubiquinone mediated coupling of NADH dehydrogenase to active transport in membrane vesicles from Escherichia coli . ^^^ Stimulation of NADH dependent transport by ubiquinone 1 can not be accounted for by increased rates of oxidation of NADH , and the effect of the quinone on NADH dependent lactose transport is not observed in vesicles depleted of NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ Thus , it is apparent that ubiquinone 1 shunts electrons from NADH dehydrogenase [ NADH : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase ; EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ] to the portion of the respiratory chain containing the energy coupling site . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain of Escherichia coli . 2 . ^^^ The purified respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli oxidizes NADH with either dichlorophenolindophenol ( DCIP ) . ferricyanide , or menadione as electron acceptors , with values for NADH are similar with the three electron acceptors ( approximately 50 muM ) . ^^^ The apparent Ki values for these nucleotides as inhibitors of the purified enzyme , the membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase , and the NADH oxidase are equivalent . ^^^ An antibody has been elicited against the purified NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Immunodiffusion and crossed immunoelectrophoresis show that the antibody is directed principally against the NADH dehydrogenase , with some activity against minor contaminants in the purified preparation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Oxidation of NADPH by various acceptors catalyzed by submitochondrial particles and a partially purified NADH dehydrogenase from beef heart was investigated . ^^^ The partially purified NADH dehydrogenase prepared from these particles catalyzes an oxidation of NADPH by acetylpyridine NAD . ^^^ At redox equilibrium NADPH and NADH reduce FMN and iron sulphur center 1 of NADH dehydrogenase to the same extents . ^^^ It is concluded that NADPH is a substrate of NADH dehydrogenase and that the nicotinamide nucleotide is oxidized by submitochondrial particles via the NADH binding site of the enzyme . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and molecular and enzymic properties of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Measurements of the stoichiometry of proton translocation associated with the oxidation of endogenous substrates yielded a ratio of protons ejected from the cell per atom of oxygen consumed ( leads to H+ : O ) of 8 . 55 which decreased to 5 . 85 in the presence of piericidin A ( PA ) , a specific inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sulphate limited growth under anaerobic conditions does not affect the iron sulfur pattern of NADH dehydrogenase or nitrate reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitrochondrial NADH dehydrogenase in cystic fibrosis . ^^^ Because rotenone specifically inhibits NADH dehydrogenase , [ NADH : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase , EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ] , which is the enzyme of energy conserving site 1 of the mitochondrial electron transport system , activity and kinetics of this enzyme system were studied in fibroblast homogenates . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase activity was equal in cells from the three genotypes . ^^^ These data suggest that the mutant gene responsible for CF is expressed in the complex mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase system . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Dehydrogenase and transhydrogenase properties of the soluble NADH dehydrogenase of bovine heart mitochondria . ^^^ The soluble NADH dehydrogenase of low molecular weight , isolated from complex 1 ( NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase , EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ) of the respiratory chain , has been shown to have NADPH dehydrogenase and NADPH leads to NAD transhydrogenase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Specific phospholipid requirement for activity of the purified respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli . ^^^ The highly purified respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) of Escherichia coli is inactive in the absence of detergent or phospholipid . ^^^ Thus , the most stable , active form of the purified NADH dehydrogenase is generated in the presence of diphosphatidylglycerol and spermidine . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The soluble oxidoreductases are more efficient in producing light with luciferase than is a NADH dehydrogenase preparation obtained from the membranes of these bacteria . ^^^ The soluble enzymes use either FMN or FAD as substrates for the oxidation of reduced pyridine nucleotides while the membrane NADH dehydrogenase is much more active with artificial electron acceptors such as ferricyanide and methylene blue . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Besides their ability to inhibit electron transfer in the respiratory chain , alkaloids are shown to be specific inhibitors of `` exogenous ' ' NADH dehydrogenase of C . lipolytica yeast mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have found that Coenzyme Q , once reduced by NADH dehydrogenase , must cross the inner mitochondrial membrane ; only quinones having long isoprenoid side chains can easily cross phospholipid bilayers , and this is the reason why a short chain quinone such as CoQ 3 inhibits NADH oxidation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
When studied histochemically , soleus muscles from thiamine deficient rats showed ( 1 ) small , angular fibers that had high NADH dehydrogenase activities ; ( 2 ) a loss of 43 % of type 2 ( FOG ) fibers ; ( 3 ) decreased intensity of the reaction for betaOHB dehydrogenase ; and ( 4 ) fibers with subsarcolemmal collections resembling `` ragged red ' ' muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Malate and lactate dehydrogenases were monotonously inhibited under the increase of gramicidin S concentration , while the activity of NADH dehydrogenase firstly decreased and then reversed to the initial level under further increase of gramicidin S concentration . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Blunt granules were identified as mitochondria , based on their ability to reduce Janus Green B to diethyl safranin , the presence of NADH dehydrogenase activity and boundary staining with Sudan black B . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Following their isolation from a homogenate containing the combined livers of 14C leucine injected experimental animals and 3H leucine injected control animals , purified fractions of the following proteins were prepared : microsomal cytochrome b 5 , cytochrome P 450 , NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and proteolipids , outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b 5 , NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase and proteolipids , inner mitochondrial membrane cytochrome c , NADH dehydrogenase and proteolipids , intermitochondrial membrane cytochrome b 5 and circulating serum albumin . ^^^ In addition , the PCB treatment increased the rates of synthesis of cytochrome c and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The solubilized membrane associated enzymes , ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase , enter polyacrylamide gels as distict species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In 10 mu transverse cryostat sections , the following histochemical reactions were performed : NADH dehydrogenase , myofibrillar ATP ase , modified trichrom stain , hematoxylin eosin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The vesicles had the same orientation as intact cells ( absence on membrane vesicles of ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase activities , localized in the inner surface of membrane ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Adenosine triphosphatase , NADH dehydrogenase and L malate intact protoplasts , but were readily detected in intact stage 2 or 4 forespores , consistent with reversed polarity of the outer forespore membrane relative to the mother cell plasma membrane . 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been reported that cells of Candida utilis , grown in continuous culture under iron limited conditions , develop site 1 phosphorylation , without the appearance of piericidin sensitivity and without changes in the iron sulfur centers of NADH dehydrogenase , on aeration in the presence of cycloheximide , as well as on increasing the supply of iron during growth . ^^^ The parameters and properties followed during these transitions were sensitivity of NADH oxidation to piericidin , presence or absence of coupling site 1 , EPR signals appearing on reduction with NADH or dithionite , the specific activities of NADH oxidase , NADH ferricyanide reductase , and NADH 5 hydroxy 1 , 4 naphthoquinone ( juglone ) reductase , and the kinetic behavior of NADH dehydrogenase in the ferricyanide assay . ^^^ Monitoring the rates of oxidation of NADH in submitochondrial particles with artificial oxidants , observing the kinetics of the ferricyanide assay , and measuring the concentration of iron sulfur centers elicited by EPR permitted ascertaining the type of NADH dehydrogenase present and its relative concentration in different experimental situations . ^^^ It is concluded that in both of these experimental conditions a replacement of the type of NADH dehydrogenase present in exponential phase cells by that characteristic of stationary phase cells occurs and that the appearance of site 1 phosphorylation , piercidin sensitivity , and iron sulfur centers 1 plus 2 , all associated with the latter enzyme , is a consequence of this replacement . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Measurements were made at 12 degrees K of the electron paramagnetic resonance ( e . p . r . ) spectra of submitochondrial particles from Candida utilis cells grown under conditions that alter the amount of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . 2 . ^^^ Small but significant signals attributable to the NADH dehydrogenase were detected in submitochondrial particles from sulphate limited cells . 4 . ^^^ Measurements made on submitochondrial particles prepared from these and other phenotypically modified cells lead us to conclude that the presence of low temperature e . p . r . detectable iron sulphur centres attributable to the NADH dehydrogenase are necessary but not sufficient for the coupling of ATP synthesis to the NADH dehydrogenase reaction in the mitochondrial membrane of C . utilis . 6 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was concluded that there is no proton translocation associated with the NADH dehydrogenase region of the electron transport chain in E . coli and that the proton translocation obtained with mannitol as substrate is due to the activity of membrane bound adenosine triphosphatase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It accepts electrons from NADH through the NADH dehydrogenase activity of the nitrate reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase is not inhibited significantly . 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This band also gave a positive stain for heme , NADH dehydrogenase , and reduced methyl viologen : nitrate reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Center N 1 ( iron sulfur centers associated with NADH dehydrogenase are designated with the prefix `` N ' ' ) resolves into two single electron titratins with EM7 . 2 values of minus 380 plus or minus 20 mV and minus 240 plus or minus 20 mV ( Centers N 1a and N 1b , respectively ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The respiratory control ratio reached 1 . 0 at one half the concentration required to elicit the same response with the flavoprotein linked substrate , which suggested that NADH dehydrogenase was inhibited . ^^^ Increased rates of reduction of exogenously added cytochrome c also suggested changes in membrane integrity at higher fluorocarbon site of action of this compound is probably not the NADH dehydrogenase system but the membrane system per se . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibitory effects of amytal and rotenone on NADH oxidation , but not on the oxidation of the other substrates , indicated the presence of the NADH dehydrogenase complex , or `` site 1 region ' ' , in the electron transport system of P . shermanii . 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Succinate oxidation remains almost unaffected by NADH treatment . ( 2 ) The loss of NADH oxidase activity is due to an inhibition of the respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This inhibition of the enzyme is very similar to that caused by combination of the organic mercurial mersalyl with NADH dehydrogenase . ( 3 ) The inhibition of NADH oxidation is largely prevented by compounds that are known to react with superoxide ions ( 02 . ) , including superoxide dismutase , cytochrome c , tiron and Mn2+ . ^^^ EDTA also has a protective effect , but a number of other metal chelating agents , and several proteins , including catalase , are without effect . ( 4 ) It is concluded that the inhibition of NADH oxidation of NADH oxidation by superoxide ions or by mersalyl is reversible and is therefore not due to the loss of oxidoreduction components from the respiratory chain or to an irreversible change in protein conformation . ( 6 ) The function of mitochondrial superxide dismutase is discussed in relation to the key role of NADH dehydrogenase in energy conserving reactions and the formation of hydrogen peroxide during mitochondrial oxidations . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies of a halophilic NADH dehydrogenase . 2 . ^^^ An NADH dehydrogenase , obtained from an extremely halophilic bacterium , was activated by various salts when enzyme activity was measured as the observed velocity , whereas the maximum velocity was unaffected by either the salt concentration or the nature of the salt . 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , neither EGTA nor dithiothreitol had any effect on the activities of 5 ' AMPase , NADH dehydrogenase , and malate dehydrogenase of fat cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Semliki Forest virus does not inhibit all microsomal enzymes , since the activities of NADH K3Fe ( CN ) 6 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) were not affected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An NADH dehydrogenase possessing a specific activity 3 5 times that of membrane bound enzyme was obtained by extraction of Acholeplasma laidlawii membranes with 9 . 0 % ethanol at 43 degrees C . ^^^ Some kinetic properties of the dehydrogenation , the uniquely high glycolipid content and apparently uncoupled respiration at Site 1 were noteworthy characteristics of this NADH dehydrogenase from the truncated respiratory chain of A . laidlawii . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nevertheless , `` light ' ' and `` heavy ' ' mitochondrial structures differ with respect of the arrangement of certain respiratory chain components in their membranes NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
High molecular weight soluble NADH dehydrogenase prepared from Triton 10 100 extracts of submitochondrial particles [ Baugh & King ( 1972 ) Biochem . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Steady state kinetics of high molecular weight ( type 1 ) NADH dehydrogenase . ( 1 ) Studies of the steady state kinetics of the NADH dehydrogenase activity of Complex 1 ( NADH : Q oxidoreductase ) revealed that the reaction mechanism with the one electron acceptor ferricyanide or the two electron acceptor 2 , 6 dichloro indophenol is ping pong bi bi , with double substrate inhibition . ^^^ This implies that both NADH and acceptors react with the same site on NADH dehydrogenase . ( 2 ) The velocity at infinite NADH and acceptor concentrations ( corrected for the double substrate inhibition ) is much larger with ferricyanide than with the indophenol . ^^^ It is concluded that ubiquinone is an effector for NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Steady state kinetics of low molecular weight ( type 2 ) NADH dehydrogenase . ( 1 ) The steady state kinetics of the NADH dehydrogenase activity of Type 2 ( low molecular weight ) NADH dehydrogenase with the acceptors ferricyanide , cytochrome c and 2 , 6 dichloroindophenol are consistent with the simultaneous operation of an ordered and a ping pong mechanism . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Lysolecithin solubilized selectively nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and oligomycin sensitive ATPase . ^^^ Increasing times of centrifugation led to a partial sedimentation of NADH dehydrogenase , and a complete sedimentation of oligomycin sensitive ATPase and cytochrome oxidase . 3 . ^^^ Further fractionation of the lysolecithin extract by centrifugation in the presence of low concentrations of cholate gave a complete separation of NADH dehydrogenase and transhydrogenase , indicating that these enzymes are not related functionally . 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Shape and intensity . ( 1 ) The EPR spectrum of Center 1 of NADH dehydrogenase in isolated Complex 1 or submitochondrial particles from beef heart consists of two overlapping nearly axial signals of the same intensity . ^^^ As EPR spectra of beef heart submitochondrial particles at 10 20 K are nearly identical to those of Complex 1 , the same relative concentrations of the Fe S centers are also present in the particles . ( 4 ) The signals either observed by us in EPR spectra of Complex 1 and submitochondrial particles at 4 . 2 K and high microwave powers can now be explained without assuming more than 5 paramagnetic centers in NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Moreover , the data indicate that oxidation of NADH or hydrolysis of ATP by externally localized NADH dehydrogenase or Mg2+ ATPase establishes a protonmotive force of the opposite polarity from that established through D lactate oxidation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Benzo [ a ] pyrenediones are electron acceptor substrates for NADH dehydrogenase from Clostridium kluyveri . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These are the centers 2 , 3 and 4 of NADH dehydrogenase . 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sulphate limited growth of Paracoccus denitrificans results in the loss of an electron paramagnetic resonance signal ( gz approximately 2 . 05 , gy approximately gx approximately 1 . 92 ) which has properties similar to those of iron sulfur center 2 of the NADH dehydrogenase of mitochondrial origin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Characterization of type 1 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activity of the primary NADH dehydrogenase is constant within the time of the experiments ( 2 4 h ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chaotropic resolution of high molecular weight ( type 1 ) NADH dehydrogenase , and reassociation of flavin rich ( type 2 ) and flavin poor subunits . 1 . ^^^ Type 1 NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) was solubilized and dissociated into subunits by NaClO 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Quantitative comparison of their affinity to microsomal oxidases and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase is carried out . ^^^ It is found that microsomal oxidase substrates inhibit mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase at concentrations , which should completely fill the active site of cytochrome P 450 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has a heme a / a3 ratio of 1 . 12 and is free of cytochromes b , c , and c 1 as well as the enzymes , NADH dehydrogenase , succinic dehydrogenase , coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase , and ATPase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The membrane preparations possessed the activity of NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase as well . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The final preparation contained virtually no electron transfer components , ATPase , or NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the exponential growth phase , only the first pathway of electron transport , including rotenone resistant NADH dehydrogenase , functions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Eleven immunogens , including NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 33 . 3 ) , D lactate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 27 ) , dihydro orotate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 3 . 3 . 1 ) , 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 43 ) , polynucleotide phosphorylase ( EC 2 . 3 . 7 . 8 ) , and beta galactosidase ( EC 3 . 2 . 1 . 23 ) , exhibit minimal expression ( 10 % or less ) unless the vesicles are disrupted . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from Drosophila hydei and comparison with the ' heat shock ' polypeptides . ^^^ Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase , EC . 6 . 99 . 3 ) from either Drosophila hydei larvae or embryos has been purified 150 and 120 fold , respectively . ^^^ The molecular weight of the purified mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase does not correspond to that of one of the ' heat shock ' polypeptides . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Since the iron sulphur centres of Complex 1 were present only in an unusually low concentration in A . maculatum mitochondria , it was proposed that an iron sulphur centre of the external NADH dehydrogenase contributes to the spectrum of centre S 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reconstitution from three fractions containing NADH dehydrogenase , D proline reductase , and a third protein factor . ^^^ The enzyme system from Clostridium sticklandii catalyzing the NADH dependent reduction of D proline was co purified by chromatography on DEAE cellulose at pH 8 . 2 and ammonium sulfate fractionation , and resolved into fractions containing three different protein components , NADH dehydrogenase , D proline reductase and a third protein factor , by chromatography on DEAE cellulose at pH 7 . 0 . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase fractions oxidized NADH in the presence of artificial electron acceptors , and were inhibited by p hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate ( 50 % at 80 nM ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The utilization of artificial electron acceptors , which act as a shunt of the respiratory chain at or near the flavoprotein component , indicated that NAD+ acts as at the level of the NADH dehydrogenase at a site other than the catalytic one resulting in a conformational change which causes restoration as well as protection of oxidase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibitory effect of anti obesity drugs on NADH dehydrogenase of mouse heart homogenates . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Amplification of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli by gene cloning . ^^^ A relatively simple method has been used to clone the gene coding for the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase ) of Escherichia coli from unfractionated chromosomal DNA . ^^^ The strain carrying the hybrid plasmid constructed with EcoRI produced about 8 10 times the normal level of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase in the cytoplasmic membrane . ^^^ Treating the cells with chloramphenicol to increase the plasmid copy number allowed the level of NADH dehydrogenase in the membrane to be increased to 50 60 times the level in the wild type . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By the use of a mutation , hxB 20 , that eliminates purine hydroxylase 2 activity but retains cross reacting material and an ancillary NADH dehydrogenase activity , it has been established that 6 hydroxynicotinic acid rather than nicotinic acid , is the true inducer of purine hydroxylase II . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The merging point for electron transport from NADH dehydrogenase and formaldehyde dehydrogenase is suggested to be at the level of ubiquinone . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibition of the NADH dehydrogenase activity of ETP and that of the yeast enzyme correspond with respect to the following characteristics : 1 ) increase in the inhibition , 2 ) enhancement of the Dexon sensitivity by one order of magnitude after preincubation in the presence of NAD ( P ) H , 3 ) irreversibility of the inhibition , 4 ) no detectable changes in the spectral properties and in coenzyme activity of FMN after acid extraction from Dexon treated enzyme . ^^^ The inhibition of the NADH dehydrogenase activity of ETP is diminished by both NAD+ and FMN . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Formate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , a quinone and a b type cytochrome characterized by maxima at 429 and 560 nm are shown to participate in the tetrathionate redox chain of Citrobacter . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cytochrome b 556 , being in complexes , retains its ability to be reduced by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Properties of Micrococcus lysodeikticus NADH dehydrogenase ] . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase was isolated from M . lysodeikticus membranes with FAD as a prosthetic group . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The membrane bound and partially purified NADH dehydrogenase was stimulated 2 to 3 fold by the addition of 0 . 2 M Na+ or K+ and no specific requirement for Na+ was observed in this reaction step . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of photophosphorylation , succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and NADH oxidation ( respiratory chain ) / membrane protein are higher in membrane preparations isolated from cells grown at high light intensities than in such preparations from cells grown at low light intensities . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Previous studies have established that diphenyleneiodonium binds to and inhibits the respiratory enzyme NADH dehydrogenase and also catalyses an exchange of Cl for OH across membranes . 2 . ^^^ When [ 125I ] diphenyleneiodonium was administered to rats and rabbits , its distribution did not appear to be governed by its binding to NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The component in the matrix fraction with an apparent Em7 . 4 = 56 mV probably represents ETF , and that in the inner membrane fraction with an apparent Em7 . 4 = 43 mV the NADH dehydrogenase flavoprotein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The latter was more readily reduced by NADH than by succinate , suggesting that it might be associated with the external NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The iron sulphur centres of NADH ubiquinone reductase were present in an unusually low concentration , indicating that the alternative , non phosphorylating , NADH dehydrogenase containing a low number of iron sulphur centres may be responsible for most of the high rate of oxidation of NADH . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The plasma membrane of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell contains an NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Succinate dehydrogenase was inactivated before choline and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Influence of hormones on NADH dehydrogenase in mouse liver plasma membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Resolution of complex 1 and isolation of NADH dehydrogenase and an iron sulfur protein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The process of electrochemical oxidation of formate on a coal electrode with the help of a two enzyme system composed of NAD dependent formate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase , catalysing oxidation of NADH with reduction of methylviologen was studied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Properties and kinetics of salt activation of a membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase from a marine bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum . ^^^ A membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase , solubilized and partially purified from a marine bacterium Photobacterium phosphoreum , contains FAD as the prosthetic group , and is specific for NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Changes in energy conservation and electron transport associated with NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is concluded that the toxic effects of barbiturates are partially due to the inhibition of mitochondrial respiration at the level of NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The differences in the subpopulations were further reflected by different specific activities of NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase and ATPase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain of Escherichia coli . 1 . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase of the Escherichia coli respiratory chain has been identified by the following properties : ( a ) its location in membrane vesicles ; ( b ) its inhibition by AMP in a fashion similar to that of the NADH oxidase ; ( c ) its specificity for NADH , but not NADPH , with the same Km for NADH as that of the NADH oxidase ; ( d ) its sensitivity when membrane bound to inhibition by dicoumarol , rotenone , and 2 heptyl 4 hydroxyquinoline N oxide , which are also inhibitors for the NADH oxidase . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase of the cytosol fraction ( assayed as NADH dichlorphenolindophenol reductase activity ) differs substantially from the membrane bound activity both in substrate specificity and in the inhibitors of the reaction . ^^^ The respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase was extracted from isolated membrane vesicle preparations by solubilization in Triton 10 100 , and was purified in buffers containing that detergent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A strain carrying a point mutation affecting the NADH dehydrogenase complex of Escherichia coli has been isolated and its properties examined . ^^^ The following properties of strains carrying the ndh allele were established which suggest that the mutation affects the NADH dehydrogenase complex but apparently not the primary dehydrogenase . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase , measured as NADH dichlorophenolindophenol reductase is reduced but not absent . ^^^ The properties of the group of ndh mutants established so far suggest that they are affected in the transfer of reducing equivalents from the NADH dehydrogenase complex to ubiquinone . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibiton by hydrophilic chelators only in mitochondria indicates that succinate dehydrogenase as well as NADH dehydrogenase has a transmembranous orientation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Diphenyleneiodonium inhibits soluble rat liver NADH dehydrogenase and NADH oxidation by rat liver sub mitochondrial particles directly ; 2 , 4 dichlorodiphenyleneiodonium is only about twice as inhibitory . 3 . ^^^ Nadh dehydrogenase preparations only apparently contain high affinity binding sites . ^^^ The high affinity sites are apparently associated with NADH dehydrogenase and the low affinity sites probably represent electrostatic binding of diphenylene [ 125I ] iodonium to phospholipids . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ethanol extracted respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase of Acholeplasma laidlawii has been purified 25 35 fold . ^^^ Sodium deoxycholate sucrose density gradient centrifugation was followed by dialysis of the active NADH dehydrogenase fractions which caused flocculation of 60 % of the membrane proteins while the NADH dehydrogenase remained suspended . ^^^ Poylacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified NADH dehydrogenase gave one major and two minor bands after staining with Coomassie Blue . ^^^ Consideration of published purification procedures of NADH dehydrogenase strongly suggested that the purified A . laidlawii respiratory chian linked NADH dehydrogenase was over 90 % pure and certainly one of the most purified respiratory chain linked bacterial NADH dehydrogenases . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification of NADH dehydrogenase by electrofocusing ] . ^^^ A highly purified preparation of NADH dehydrogenase was isolated from bacteria M . lysodeikticus membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhalational anesthetics reversibly inhibit mitochondrial electron transport from NADH linded substrates at the level of the enzyme NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Measurements of the activity of several enzymatic partial reactions of the respiratory chain of ETP suggest that dexon acts directly on the flavine of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Furthermore , dexon inhibits the NADH dehydrogenase located at the outer surface of the inner membrane of plant mitochondria , accessible to extramitochondrial NADH and insensitive to rotenone , as has been shown on isolated mitochondria from cauliflower ( Brassica oleracea L ) . ^^^ In addition , dexon inhibits selectively the NADH dehydrogenase of the DT diaphorase ( ERNSTER ) from rat liver cytosol . ^^^ In contrast , the dicoumarol insensitive NADH dehydrogenase ( ZINSMEYER et al . ) from rat liver cytosol , the NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase ( STRITTMATTER ) from rat liver microsomes , the rotenone insensitive NADH cytochrome c oxidoreductase of the outer membrane of rat liver mitochondria , soluble NADH oxidase from Escherichia coli , and NADH dehydrogenase from human erythrocytes are not inhibited . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Pyruvate thus competes with , and can substitute for , the NADH dehydrogenase of the electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cell membrane preparations prepared from tolI cells exhibit reduced succinate and D lactate oxidase activity but elevated levels of reduced form nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NADH ) oxidase . tolI cells have reduced levels of succinate and D lactate dehydrogenase but normal levels of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This indicates electron transport is blocked at the NADH dehydrogenase level . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Since the quinolones did not affect L ascorbate supported respiration or the activities of submitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase , the site of action of the quinolone coccidiostats was tentatively identified as probably near cytochrome b in E . tenella mitochondria . ^^^ They inhibited submitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase of E . tenella , and remained equally active against the mitochondrial function of E . tenella amquinolate resistant mutant . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cytophotometric measurements of the activities of 5 enzymes ( succinate , malate , and NAD+ linked isocitrate dehydrogenases from the tricarboxylic cycle , lactate dehydrogenase from the Embden Meyerhof pathway , and NADH dehydrogenase ) were correlated with cell volume for neurones in the anterior horn of rabbit lumbar and cervical spinal cord . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Salivary glands of Drosophila hydei recovering from an anaerobic treatment show a significant increase in apparent Vmax of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Gel electrophoresis of mitochondrial protein extracts revealed three protein fractions with NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ The data suggest that the increase in mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity in salivary glands recovering from an anaerobic treatment depends on increased gene transcription . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Preparations with a selectively decreased ( by 85 90 % ) content of NADH dehydrogenase were isolated by means of heating treatment of M . lysodeikticus isolated membranes . ^^^ The degree of the reduction of the NADH dehydrogenase nearest neighbour in the respiration chain of cytochrome b 556 in heated membranes is similar to that in intact membranes . ^^^ It is concluded that cytochrome b 556 and ( or ) NADH dehydrogenase are capable to lateral migration in the membrane of M . lysodeikticus , resulting in the inter chain electrone transport . ^^^ A coefficient of their lateral diffusion is calculated ( D equals 8 10 ( 10 ) 2 10 ( 9 ) CM2SEC 1 At 30 degrees C ) on the basis of kinetics of cytochrome reduction by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was concluded that AMP activated the flow of electrons from endogenous nicotinamide nucleotide to cytochrome b , possible at the level of the internal NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The staining pattern of NADP linked isocitrate and malate dehydrogenase as well as of NADH dehydrogenase suggests that these enzymes are localized both in and out of mitochondria . ^^^ The extramitochondrial activity of NADH dehydrogenase might be localized in the endoplasmic reticulum . . . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Model of bifunctional binding of rotenone and piericidin with mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ] . ^^^ Based on authors ' and literature data on the effect of inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase a scheme concerning bifunctional binding of specific inhibitors piericidin A and rotenone with the enzyme is suggested . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evaluation of mitochondrial responses in terms of a quadratic equation in log P ( an index of lipophilicity ) indicated that the NADH dehydrogenase receptor site for inhibitor ( diminution of control of glutamate , alpha ketoglutarate , and beta hydroxybutyrate respiration ) was more lipophilic than receptor sites for flavin linked substrates ( reduction of control of succinate , choline and alpha glycerophosphate respiration ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results demonstrated that the isolated fractions were biochemically heterogeneous with regard to the enzymes , monoamine oxidase ( MAO ) , NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of enzymes in the liver were determined : the activities of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex , lipoamide dehydrogenase ( NADH : lipoamide oxidoreductase EC 1 . 6 . 4 . 3 ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) and D amino acid oxidase ( D amino acid : oxygen oxidoreductase ( deaminating ) EC 1 . 4 . 3 . 3 ) were decreased but those of succinate dehydrogenase ( succinate : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase EC 1 . 3 . 99 . 1 ) and xanthine oxidase ( xanthine : oxygen oxidoreductase EC 1 . 2 . 3 . 2 ) remained unchanged . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two of the genes with elevated RNA expression in the senescent cells are the mitochondria coded genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 and for cytochrome b . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The observed inhibitory effects have been assumed to be caused by a competition between the quinones and endogenous co enzyme Q for the active site of NADH dehydrogenase complex of the respiratory chain . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In these mitochondria , exogenous NADH is oxidized by the NADH dehydrogenase localized on the outer surface of the inner membrane , whereas the NADH produced by ethanol oxidation in the mitochondrial matrix is oxidized by the NADH dehydrogenase localized on the inner surface of the inner membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Several analogs of 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) were evaluated for their affinity for the dopamine uptake system and their ability to inhibit NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) of the mitochondrial electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA base modifications induced in isolated human chromatin by NADH dehydrogenase catalyzed reduction of doxorubicin . ^^^ We therefore sought to determine whether doxorubicin in the presence of NADH dehydrogenase and the transition metal ions Fe ( 3 ) or Cu ( 2 ) induces DNA base modifications in isolated human chromatin . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase catalyzed reduction of doxorubicin ( 25 100 microM ) caused hydroxyl radical production detected as methane generated from dimethyl sulfoxide ; addition of isolated human chromatin to the system produced a concentration dependent quenching of detectable hydroxyl radical formation . ^^^ In the presence of Fe ( 3 ) , NADH dehydrogenase catalyzed reduction of doxorubicin caused enhancement in the content of all modified bases over control levels . ^^^ Substitution of Cu ( 2 ) for Fe ( 3 ) altered both the degree and the pattern of doxorubicin / NADH dehydrogenase induced base modifications . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Exogenous quinones directly inhibit the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase in Escherichia coli . ^^^ Studies in vitro showed that plumbagin and other redox active quinones intercept electrons from NADH dehydrogenase , the primary respiratory dehydrogenase in glucose containing media . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biochemical studies on muscle biopsy specimen in one patient revealed NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) deficiency . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The essential role of anthraquinones as substrates for NADH dehydrogenase in their redox cycling activity . ^^^ Redox potential , superoxide production and NADH dehydrogenase substrate properties of daunorubicin , its four sugar modified derivatives , 4 demethoxydaunorubicin and ametantrone have been examined . ^^^ A new method for the determination of substrate properties of anthraquinones for NADH dehydrogenase has been developed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A biochemical analysis showed a low activity of NADH cytochrome C reductase , NADH dehydrogenase and a normal activity of succinate cytochrome C reductase and cytochrome C oxidase . ^^^ This data suggests a specific defect in the NADH dehydrogenase of complex 1 ( NADH CoQ reductase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and 2 genes , the ATPase 9 gene , the NADH dehydrogenase ND4L and ND 5 gene complex , and the glutaminyl , methionyl and arginyl tRNA genes from Trichophyton rubrum . ^^^ This region which represents about 1 / 4 of the total mt genome of this species reveals a compact organization of genes including : the glutaminyl tRNA , the methionyl tRNA , the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene , the arginyl tRNA , the mitochondrial version of the ATPase subunit 9 gene , the cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 gene and a part of the NADH dehydrogenase ND4L and ND 5 gene `` complex ' ' . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The concentration of the iron sulphur ( Fe S ) cluster 1b , present in complex 1 or soluble high molecular mass NADH dehydrogenase , was determined using different methods . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biochemical studies in muscle tissue showed a defect of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This effect is followed by a progressive decrease in these oxidative activities as the ischaemia is prolonged , apparently owing to damage to Complex 1 at a site subsequent to the NADH dehydrogenase component . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Eleven subjects had an Alu 1 polymorphic site in the subunit 2 gene of NADH dehydrogenase , five had a Hae 3 polymorphic site in the cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 gene , and five had a Hinf 1 polymorphic site in the subunit 3 gene of cytochrome oxidase . ^^^ No polymorphic site was found in the structural genes coding for subunits 1 , 3 , 4 , 4L and 6 of NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome b , and subunit 8 of ATP synthase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , Corral et al . ( Nucleic Acids Res . 16 : 10935 , 1988 ; 17 : 5191 , 1989 ) observed recombination between cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) , two genes normally on opposite sides of the circular mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Detection of point mutations in codon 331 of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 in Alzheimer ' s brains . ^^^ Point mutations in codon 331 of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) were detected in 10 of 19 Alzheimer ' s brains but not in 11 normal brains . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Editing of the NADH dehydrogenase 7 ( ND 7 ) and ND 8 transcripts is also developmentally regulated but occurs preferentially in bloodstream forms . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Maxicircle CR 1 transcripts of Trypanosoma brucei are edited and developmentally regulated and encode a putative iron sulfur protein homologous to an NADH dehydrogenase subunit . ^^^ This protein contains two iron sulfur cysteine motifs and is homologous to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase and to other electron carrier proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The anatomy of the two primary targets , the ventral posteromedial thalamus and central nucleus of the amygdala , is described based on Nissl stained material , and acetylcholinesterase and NADH dehydrogenase histochemistry . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genes encoding subunits 2 and 4 of NADH dehydrogenase , and subunit 6 of F0F1ATPase , were not found to be differentially expressed in carcinomas and fibroadenomas . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Amiodarone altered the fluidity of the erythrocyte membrane followed by a decrease in the activities of membrane bound enzymes like ( Na+ , K+ ) ATPase , Acetylcholine esterase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Compared with controls , myocardium in IDCM had markedly reduced mitochondrial electron transport activity and myoglobin concentration , in association with acidosis and energy depletion following anoxic challenge : 60 % decreased NADH dehydrogenase and 50 % decreased ATP synthetase activities ; 90 % decreased myoglobin concentration ; and 30 % reduced ATP and 50 % increased lactate and proton concentrations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The protein genes encode the cytochrome b apoenzyme , cytochrome c oxidase ( CO ) subunits 1 3 , NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunits 1 6 and 4L , and ATP synthetase ( ATPase ) subunit 6 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The production of fermentative products seems to be due to a relative inefficiency of the respiratory chain , which lacks NADH dehydrogenase and the first phosphorylation site and preferentially uses succinate as substrate . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The peripheral arm containing one FMN and at least three iron sulphur clusters constitutes the NADH dehydrogenase segment of the electron pathway . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both chloroplast and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 genes are transcribed in pea . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A number of cytosines are altered to be recognized as uridines in transcripts of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( nad 3 ) gene in the mitochondria of the higher plant Petunia hybrida . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Extraction of coenzyme Q from the membrane decreases NADH dehydrogenase and NADH : oxygen oxidoreductase activity . ^^^ Analogs of coenzyme Q inhibit NADH dehydrogenase and oxidase activity and the inhibition is reversed by added coenzyme Q . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
TCA cycle enzyme , NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome C oxidase and Na+ , K ( + ) ATPase activities were found to be decreased in doxorubicin treatment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Seven of the 9 clones examined corresponded to 6 mitochondrial genes whose expression levels , relative to those from glucose grown cells , ranged from approximately 3 fold for 16S rRNA to 8 23 fold for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 . ^^^ On the other hand , levels of mitochondrial DNA copy , measured by using NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 cDNA as probe , were shown to be unaffected by trehalose treatment . ^^^ Elevation of cellular NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 RNA in HT 29 cultures grown in medium containing different components ( sodium butyrate , galactose , no sugar , glucose , cellobiose ) generally correlated with depressed growth levels and specifically with increased numbers of mucin producing cells present . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrially encoded gene NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) , that encodes a component of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) of the electron transport chain , was significantly overexpressed in the highly metastatic RAW 117 H10 compared to low metastatic RAW 117 P cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial mRNAs , cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase ( 4 ) have a uniform distribution throughout the crypt and surface ( villus ) epithelial cells of the small intestine and colon . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cyanobacteria also contain a NADH dehydrogenase that is homologous to the mitochondrial complex 1 . ^^^ We report here the sequence of five subunits ( ndhA , 1 , G , E and D ) of the NADH dehydrogenase from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp . ^^^ Thus , the cyanobacterial NADH dehydrogenase provides a prokaryotic model system which is more suitable to genetic analysis than the enzyme of plastids . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) gene in Murres : relevance to phylogenetic and population studies among birds . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The purified mitochondria are capable of oxidizing NADH and succinate as respiratory substrates , indicating the presence of succinate dehydrogenase and an NADH dehydrogenase located on the outer surface of the inner membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial genome the gene coding for subunit 4L of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad4L ) is located between exon c of the nad 5 open reading frame and orf 25 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase subunit A ( ndhA ) gene from maize chloroplasts encodes a highly conserved peptide , which at several positions could be restored to consensus sequences by potential C to U editing of the codons involved . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using subtractive hybridization to identify genes that are androgen regulated in the mouse epididymis , a number of cDNAs were identified that represented mitochondrial genes including cytochrome oxidase c subunits 1 , 2 , and 3 , cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , a region of the displacement loop , and the 16S rRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Variable intron content of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene of plant mitochondria . ^^^ The gene nad 4 , encoding subunit four of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 , has been isolated and characterized from turnip , Brassica campestris . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This segment contains two complete protein coding genes ( i . e . , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome b ) and a transfer RNA gene ( tRNA ( ser ) ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( diaphorase ) is present on the endosome outer membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The protein genes are the same as 12 of the 13 protein genes found in other metazoan mtDNAs : Cyt b , cytochrome b ; COI 3 , cytochrome c oxidase subunits 1 3 ; ATPase 6 , Fo ATPase subunit 6 ; ND 1 6 and 4L , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 6 and 4L : a gene for ATPase subunit 8 , common to other metazoan mtDNAs , has not been identified in nematode mtDNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The complete open reading frame of subunit 2 of the NADH dehydrogenase in Oenothera mitochondria is split into five exons . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibitory action of the conjugate appears to be at the plasma membrane since ( a ) the conjugate does not transfer adriamycin to the nucleus , ( b ) the inhibition is observed within three minutes of addition to cells , and ( c ) the inhibition is observed with NADH dehydrogenase and oxidase activities of isolated plasma membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The M ( r ) 66 , 000 polypeptide of the isolated Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex is assigned the NQO 3 designation on the basis of N terminal protein sequence analysis , amino acid analysis , and immuno cross reactivity . ^^^ When partial DNA sequencing of the regions downstream of the NQO 3 gene was performed , sequences homologous to the mitochondrial ND 1 , ND 5 , and ND 2 gene products of bovine complex 1 were found , suggesting that the gene cluster carrying the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex contains not only structural genes encoding water soluble subunits but also structural genes encoding hydrophobic subunits . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mn2+ may also bind to the NADH dehydrogenase complex , but not strongly enough to affect electron transport in vivo . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NQO 4 and NQO 5 genes appear to code for the M ( r ) 48 , 000 and 21 , 000 polypeptides of the isolated Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex [ Yagi , T . ( 1986 ) Arch . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Consequently , NADH dehydrogenase , site 1 of oxidative phosphorylation , is the source of the EMF and the plant like trypanosome alternative oxidase ( TAO ) supports the electron flow serving as the terminal oxidase of the chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using purified preparations of two flavoproteins found in the rat colon , it was shown that the addition of TNBS ( 1 mmol / L ) to purified NADH dehydrogenase or glutathione reductase increased the rate of superoxide formation by these enzymes from normally undetectable levels to 1 . 6 nmol / min and 1 . 2 nmol / min , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The autoxidizable membrane component is a member of the respiratory chain , since O 2 production is NADH specific , amplified by cyanide , and absent from membranes lacking the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Simultaneously there was an increase in the activities of the mitochrondrial respiratory enzymes : NADH dehydrogenase , succinic dehydrogenase , and cytochrome oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , the abilities of AQs to stimulate O 2 production using both purified flavoproteins ( NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase ) and V 79 subcellular fractions ( homogenate and microsomes ) were assayed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase ( complex 4 ) were severely diminished ( 20 % residual activity of controls ) in the skeletal and heart muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Some of the nuclear coded subunits occur in tissue specific isoforms , as reported for COX and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Indices of the active type of behaviour ( the number of crossed squares , rearings , comings out to the center of the field and the time of extinction of the motor activity ) positively correlate with succinate dehydrogenase ( SDG ) activity and negatively with NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DG ) activity and the index of the passive type of behaviour ( time of passive swimming ) positively correlates with NADH DG activity and negatively with SDG activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Carriers of three mitochondrial DNA morphs , two in the subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase gene and one in the tRNA for threonine , had a VO2max ( ml . kg 1 . min 1 ) in the untrained state significantly higher than noncarriers , while carriers of one mitochondrial DNA morph in subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase had a lower initial VO2max . ^^^ After adjustment for training site and initial VO2max , a lower response was observed for three carriers of a variant in subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase detected with HincII ( mean gain of 0 . 28 1 ; P less than 0 . 05 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In all the abundance of mitochondria observed ultrastructurally was accompanied by an increase in enzymatic activities of respiratory complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) , 11 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase ) , and 5 ( ATPase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) replacement mutation in LHON patient , G to A transition at nucleotide position ( nt ) 11778 converting the 340th arginine to histidine in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 , was detected as SfaNI site polymorphism ( Wallace et al . , Science , 242 : 1427 1430 , 1988 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Parmidine from dimexide solution proved indifferent to mitochondrial energy apparatus , while phencarol could inhibit NADH dehydrogenase link of the respiratory chain and arrest dimexide inhibition of succinate oxidase system . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The start point ( s ) for transcription of the FNR repressed NADH dehydrogenase 2 gene ( ndh ) were identified by transcript mapping and the corresponding promoter ( 35 and 10 sequences ) was located immediately downstream of the FNR binding site . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Surprisingly , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 transcripts were completely unedited in the coding region , implying that an AUG translational initiation codon is absent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcripts of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 gene are differentially edited in Oenothera mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Elevated mitochondrial RNA in a Chinese hamster mutant deficient in the mitochondrially encoded subunits of NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase . ^^^ In a unique Chinese hamster mutant , Gal 32 , the mitochondrially encoded subunits of cytochrome c oxidase ( CO 1 , 2 , 3 ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 6 ) are greatly decreased while other mitochondrially synthesized proteins , such as ATPase subunits 6 and 8 , are less affected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Steady state levels of 12 S and 16 S mitochondrial ( mt ) rRNAs and four mRNAs ( NADH dehydrogenase subunits 3 and 4 / 4L , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 , H ( + ) ATPase subunits 6 / 6L ) were estimated by hybridization of cellular RNA with cloned human mt DNA fragments during hypoxia of HeLa cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chimeric molecules were isolated for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 and cytochrome oxidase subunits 2 and 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RNA editing of the transcript coding for subunit 4 of NADH dehydrogenase in wheat mitochondria : uneven distribution of the editing sites among the four exons . ^^^ The wheat mitochondrial ( mt ) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene ( nad 4 ) has been localized and sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We characterized numerous partially edited NADH dehydrogenase 7 and ATPase 6 cDNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nucleotide sequences of the tRNASer ( trnS ) , pseudo tRNA , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( nad 3 ) , and ribosomal protein S 12 ( rps 12 ) genes from rice mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) were determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mersalyl and dicumarol , two potent inhibitors of the external NADH dehydrogenase in plant mitochondria , were found to inhibit internal rotenone insensitive NAD ( P ) H oxidation , at the same concentrations and in manners very similar to their effects on the external NAD ( P ) H oxidation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both unedited and edited CR 6 transcripts are more abundant in bloodstream form than in procyclic form parasites . cDNA clones spanning both CR 6 and the downstream NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene were isolated , indicating that mature CR 6 and ND 5 transcripts arise from a common precursor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) exhibited a slightly altered mobility on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase is synthesized as a precursor protein containing a signal sequence of 26 residues . ^^^ In vitro import experiments show that the precursor NADH dehydrogenase is cleaved to the mature size by the matrix processing peptidase . ^^^ Comparison of the protein sequence of the yeast NADH dehydrogenase with the data bank indicates that the enzyme from yeast is homologous to the NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli ( 22 . 2 % identical residues ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
PC 12 cells are neoplastic in nature and have a high rate of glycolysis accompanied by a large production of lactate and a low use of glucose carbon through the Krebs cycle . 1 Methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) and analogues such as 2 ' Et MPP+ are actively accumulated by mitochondrial preparations in vitro and block NADH dehydrogenase of complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , osteoclasts generally possessed greater acid phosphatase and NADH dehydrogenase activity but lower levels of fluoride inhibited non specific esterase activity than multinucleate giant cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , less rotenone was required for maximal inhibition of respiration in the hypothyroid state than in cells from euthyroid or hyperthyroid rats , implying that hepatocytes from hypothyroid animals contain less NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Regions that hybridized to C . reinhardtii or wheat mitochondrial gene probes for subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase ( cox 1 ) , apocytochrome b ( cob ) , three subunits of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 1 , nad 2 and nad 5 ) and the small and the large ribosomal RNAs ( rrnS and rrnL , respectively ) were localized on the C . moewusii mtDNA map by Southern blot analysis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We investigated a family with Leber ' s hereditary optic neuropathy in which affected individuals were homoplasmic for the point mutation of the NADH dehydrogenase 4 gene of mitochondrial DNA , described by Wallace and colleagues in 1988 . ^^^ This study showed that there is decreased activity of complex 1 of the respiratory chain in muscle and that cerebral striatal lesions occur in Leber ' s hereditary optic neuropathy with the NADH dehydrogenase 4 gene point mutation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reduction of FMISO by NADH dehydrogenase could not be demonstrated spectrophotometrically . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Comparison of the results of enzymatic studies using NADH dehydrogenase with those of cyclovoltammetric measurements fully confirmed the assumption that one electron transfer mediation is facilitated by the preceding quinone oxygen complex formation . ^^^ The results obtained with model anthraquinones indicated that compounds with more than one phenolic group and an unsubstituted quinone carbonyl are good NADH dehydrogenase substrates . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In mitochondria supplemented with a respiratory chain substrate ( succinate or malate / glutamate ) and an electron transport inhibitor ( antimycin A ( AA ) or rotenone ) , Hg ( 2 ) ( 30 nmol / mg protein ) increased H2O2 formation approximately 4 fold at the ubiquinone cytochrome b region ( AA inhibited ) and 2 fold at the NADH dehydrogenase region ( rotenone inhibited ) . ^^^ Concomitantly , Hg ( 2 ) increased iron dependent lipid peroxidation 3 . 5 fold at the NADH dehydrogenase region , but only by 25 % at the ubiquinone cytochrome b region . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here we present evidence for a rapid method of producing a profound chemical energy depletion with the combination of a NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor ( amytal ) and a mitochondrial proton ionophore ( CCCP ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At 90 microM K 3 50 % of quinone is reduced by DT diaphorase and 50 % by the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase complex enzymes ; about 30 % of K3H2 is oxidized via the Q cycle , about 20 % by the terminal part of the respiratory chain and about 50 % by O 2 without cytochrome oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase by low concentrations of NAD+ ] . ^^^ Low concentrations of NAD+ inhibit the NADH : acceptor reductase reactions catalyzed by soluble NADH dehydrogenase from bovine heart mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A sequence fragment from the cis splicing intron between exons a and b of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene ( nad 5 ) in plant mitochondria is also present in one of two closely related nuclear encoded lectin genes of Dolichos biflorus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Relationship between a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and a protein family including subunits of cytochrome reductase and processing protease of mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activity of NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase of mitochondria after incubation with the highest toxic dose of D 1 or D ' 1 remained normal . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron microscopic analysis of the peripheral and membrane parts of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^ Two related forms of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ubiquinone reductase or complex 1 ) are synthesized in the mitochondria of Neurospora crassa . ^^^ The small enzyme and the hydrophobic fragment make up , with regard to their redox groups , subunit composition and function , two complementary parts of the large form NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ A three dimensional reconstruction from images of negatively stained membrane crystals of the large form NADH dehydrogenase shows a peripheral domain , protruding from the membrane , with weak unresolved density within the membrane . ^^^ The two parts of NADH dehydrogenase that can be defined by the separate genetic origin of ( most of ) their subunits , their independent assembly , and their distinct contributions to the electron pathway can thus be assigned to the two arms of the L shaped complex I . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The S pcf locus , which includes the only copies of genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( nad 3 ) and small ribosomal subunit protein 12 ( rps 12 ) was found to be located on a circular map of 396 kb , while a second almost identical circular map of 407 kb carries the only copies of the genes for 18S and 5S rRNA ( rrn 18 and rrn 5 ) , the only copy of a conserved unidentified gene ( orf 25 ) , and the only known functional copy of atp 9 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The complete NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( nad 1 ) ORF in Oenothera mitochondria is encoded by five exons . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcripts of the Petunia mitochondrial cytoplasmic male sterility ( CMS ) associated S Pcf locus , which consists of three co transcribed genes ( pcf , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 , and ribosomal protein S 12 ) , have been characterized in reproductive tissues of CMS and fertility restored ( Rf ) Petunia lines by nuclease protection experiments and by RNA blot hybridization . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes for 5S rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 are absent from P . salina mtDNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( nad 1 ) in Petunia hybrida is split into five exons , a , b , c , d , and e . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There was increase in the activity of phospholipase in the cell free supernatant of aorta and liver and decrease in the activity of cell free supernatant NADH dehydrogenase of aorta when atherogenic diet was supplemented with garlic . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Acute single dose ( ip ) administration of two rare earth elements like lanthanum chloride ( 250 mg / kg body wt ) and neodymium chloride ( 200 mg / kg body wt ) to chicks have been found to reduce the activity of certain erythrocyte membrane bound enzymes , viz . acetylcholinesterase , NADH dehydrogenase , Mg ( 2+ ) ATPase , p nitrophenyl phosphatase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA sequencing revealed that four out of five selected cDNA clones represented mitochondrial genes ( cytochrome b , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 4 , respectively ) , whereas one cDNA clone was homologous to the alpha 2 ( type 1 collagen gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The wheat mitochondrial gene for subunit 1 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex : a trans splicing model for this gene in pieces . ^^^ The nad 1 gene encoding subunit 1 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase is fragmented into five unique copy coding segments that are scattered over at least 40 kb and interspersed with other genes in the wheat mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A gene homologous to the subunit 2 gene of NADH dehydrogenase is essential to inorganic carbon transport of Synechocystis PCC 6803 . ^^^ Sequencing of the insert DNA in the region of the mutation in RKa revealed an open reading frame ( designated as ndhB ) , which showed extensive amino acid sequence homology to the subunit 2 genes of NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) ( ndhB ) of chloroplasts and mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase complex isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans is composed of approximately 10 unlike polypeptides and contains noncovalently bound FMN , non heme iron , and acid labile sulfide [ Yagi , T . ( 1986 ) Arch . ^^^ When partial DNA sequencing of the regions surrounding the gene encoding the NADH binding subunit was carried out , sequences homologous to the 24 , 49 , and 75 kDa polypeptides of bovine complex 1 were detected , suggesting that the structural genes of the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex constitute a gene cluster . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cyanobacteria contain a mitochondrial complex 1 homologous NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This demonstrates that a NADH dehydrogenase , homologous to the mitochondrial NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase ( complex 1 of the respiratory chain ) is present in cyanobacteria . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase can be solubilized with the detergent beta D dodecylmaltoside . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In plants psaC is located in the small single copy region of the chloroplast genome between two genes ( designated ndhE and ndhD ) with similarity to genes encoding subunits of the mitochondrial NADH Dehydrogenase Complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The gene organization of starfish mitochondrial DNA is identical with that of the sea urchin counterpart except for a reported inversion of an approximately 4 . 6 kb segment containing two structural genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 ( ND 1 and ND 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase complex isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans is composed of approximately 10 unlike polypeptides [ Yagi , T . ( 1986 ) Arch . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and the glycolytic steps associated with NADH reoxidation downstream from pyruvate appear to provide another control level of glycolysis dynamics in vivo . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Oxygen uptake experiments , performed with mitochondria isolated from the mutant cells , showed that this NADH dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of NADH generated inside the mitochondrion . ^^^ Inactivation of this NADH dehydrogenase does not affect growth on glucose and ethanol , but growth on lactate , pyruvate and acetate is impaired or absent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Probimane had no effect on NADH 2 , but inhibited NADH dehydrogenase activity at higher concentration . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inside the neuron , MPP+ is thought to act as a mitochondrial toxin , slowly sapping the neuron of its energy producing potential by blocking the action of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) and related bacterial enzymes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ND1 / 3460 mutation exhibits 80 % reduction in rotenone sensitive and ubiquinone dependent electron transfer activity , whereas the proximal NADH dehydrogenase activity of the Complex is unaffected . ^^^ In contrast , the ND4 / 11778 mutation had no effect on electron transfer activity of the Complex in inner mitochondrial membrane preparations ; also Km for NADH and NADH dehydrogenase activity were unaffected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cleavage site mapping suggested the presence of a direct tandem duplication spanning the 16S and 12S rRNA genes , the control region and most , if not all , of the gene for the subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Specimens were stained with hematoxylin eosin ( H & E ) and Masson Trichrome and were processed for identification of alkaline phosphatase , adenosine triphosphatase , succinic dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , and calcium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Within a continuous 8 . 0 kb fragment are located the genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4L ( ND 1 , ND 2 , ND 3 , and ND4L ) , cytochrome oxidase subunits 1 , 2 , and 3 ( COI , COII , and COIII ) , and adenosine triphosphatase subunits 6 and 8 ( ATPase 6 and ATPase 8 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Muscle biopsy was obtained from the biceps brachii muscle ; on NADH dehydrogenase stain , there was subsarcolemmal increase in the oxidative enzyme activity showing `` lobulated fiber ' ' mostly seen in type 1 fibers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( nad 5 ) in mitochondria of the higher plants Oenothera and Arabidopsis are split into five exons that are located in three distant genomic regions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase from an alkalophile , Bacillus sp . strain YN 1 . ^^^ The gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase from an alkalophile , Bacillus sp . , was cloned and sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The segment encompasses three complete tRNA genes ( tRNAtrp , tRNAcys , and tRNAtyr ) and portions of two protein coding genes : the subunit 2 of the NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 2 ) and the subunit 1 of the cytochrome oxidase ( COI ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Some of the homologous PTS permeases were found to exhibit sufficient sequence similarity to subunits 4 and 5 of the eukaryotic mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex to suggest homology . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Exposure of sagittal slices of mouse brain to MPTP ( 100 pM ) caused inhibition of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Succinate dehydrogenase ( associated with respiratory complex 2 ) was found to be very sensitive to NAPQI , while NADH dehydrogenase ( respiratory complex 1 ) was inhibited to a lesser extent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interaction of 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ion ( MPP+ ) and its analogs with the rotenone / piericidin binding site of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ MPP+ blocks electron flow from NADH dehydrogenase to coenzyme Q at or near the same site as do rotenone and piericidin and protects against binding of and loss of activity due to these inhibitors . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This gene is located adjacent to the gene for subunit 4 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 4 ) , near one end of the 15 . 8 kb linear mitochondrial genome of C . reinhardtii . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The involvement of a quinone in the antimycin A insensitive electron transfer from NADH dehydrogenase to cytochrome c via the alternative respiratory chain of Candida parapsilosis , by passing complex 2 , has been studied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Respiratory failure was correlated with a selective inactivation of three mitochondrial enzymes , that is , partial inactivation of NADH dehydrogenase and virtually complete inactivation of succinate and alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activities ( Schoonen et al . , 1990 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) of mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA derived amino acid sequence of the NADH binding 51 kDa subunit of the bovine respiratory NADH dehydrogenase reveals striking similarities to a bacterial NAD ( + ) reducing hydrogenase . ^^^ A lambda gt 10 bovine brain and a lambda gt 11 bovine heart cDNA library were screened with oligonucleotide probes corresponding to partial protein sequences directly determined from the isolated 51 kDa subunit of the bovine respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results suggest that ischemia decreases the NADH dehydrogenase activity of cardiac mitochondria . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evidence that the inhibition sites of the neurotoxic amine 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) and of the respiratory chain inhibitor piericidin A are the same . 1 Methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) , the neurotoxic bioactivation product of 1 methyl 4 phenyl 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 tetrahydropyridine ( MPTP ) , interrupts mitochondrial electron transfer at the NADH dehydrogenase ubiquinone junction , as do the respiratory chain inhibitors rotenone , piericidin A and barbiturates . ^^^ Proof that these classical respiratory chain inhibitors and MPP+ react at the same site in the complex NADH dehydrogenase molecule has been difficult to obtain because none of these compounds bind covalently to the target . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This was the case for a range of enzyme classes , including disulphide oxidoreductases ( such as glutathione reductase , trypanothione reductase , lipoamide dehydrogenase , mercuric reductase ) , mono and dioxygenases , nitrite reductase , alkyl hydroperoxidase and NADH dehydrogenase from E . coli . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Allelic mutations of the fourth subunit of NADH dehydrogenase are not pathogenetically important in 11778 negative Leber hereditary optic neuropathy . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The region is 2527 base pairs long , including most of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 genes punctuated by three tRNA genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The profile of alkyllyso GPC : acetyl CoA acetyltransferase activity closely paralleled the subcellular distribution of the endoplasmic reticulum marker , NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of NADH dehydrogenase proteins , ATPase subunit 9 , cytochrome b , and ribosomal protein L 14 encoded in the mitochondrial DNA of Paramecium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Changes in the mRNA levels during mammalian myogenesis were compared for seven polypeptides of mitochondrial respiration ( the mitochondrial DNA encoded cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 , ATP synthase subunit 6 , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 , and 16S ribosomal RNA ; the nuclear encoded ATP synthase beta subunit and the adenine nucleotide translocase ) and three polypeptides of glycolysis ( glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase , pyruvate kinase , and triose phosphate isomerase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In all three tissues , these data together with analysis of the partial reactions of the electron transport chain and steady state kinetic analysis of cytochrome reduction indicated that in isolated mitochondria high concentrations of MP : ( a ) inhibit the oxidation of NAD linked substrates at the level of the respiratory chain between the primary NADH dehydrogenase flavoprotein and coenzyme Q , most likely at the iron sulfur centers or coenzyme Q binding proteins of complex 1 ; and ( b ) inhibit succinate oxidation in intact ( but not disrupted ) mitochondria , not by inhibiting electron transfer along the respiratory chain , but possibly at the level of succinate transport into the mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Those enzymes that bear the coupling site are designated as NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NDH 1 ) and those that do not as NADH dehydrogenase 2 ( NDH 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The measurement of NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase ( inner membrane enzymes ) indicated that the outer membrane preparations obtained by the three methods were pure enough for analytical studies . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase complex isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans is composed of approximately 10 unlike polypeptides and contains noncovalently bound FMN , non heme iron , and acid labile sulfide [ Yagi , T . ( 1986 ) Arch . ^^^ When the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex was irradiated by UV light in the presence of [ adenylate 32P ] NAD , radioactivity was incorporated exclusively into one of three polypeptides of Mr approximately 50 , 000 . ^^^ These chemical and immunological results indicate that the Mr 50 , 000 polypeptide is an NADH binding subunit of the Paracoccus NADH dehydrogenase complex . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The stronger reactivity of polyclonal antibodies to COX subunits 2 3 and VIIbc with type 1 as compared to type 2 fibres , correlated well with the higher histochemical reactivity of NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase in type 1 fibres . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Most of the deletions spanned large parts of the mitochondrial genome , leading to loss of mitochondrial genes encoding several subunits of the respiratory chain complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) , 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase ) and 5 ( ATP synthetase ) , as well as of several tRNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The same domain motif for ubiquinone reduction in mitochondrial or chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase and bacterial glucose dehydrogenase . ^^^ The respiratory chain NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ( NADH dehydrogenase or Complex 1 ) of mitochondria comprises some 30 different subunits , and one FMN and 4 or 5 iron sulfur clusters as internal redox groups . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biochemical marker enzyme analysis ( ouabain sensitive Na+ , K ( + ) ATPase and 5 ' nucleotidase ) indicated that plasma membrane enrichment was 11 . 87 fold and 7 . 25 fold , respectively , and contamination with mitochondria , endoplasmic reticulum , and lysosomes was low as determined by succinic dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , and N acetylglucosaminidase activities , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This supports the hypothesis that an enzyme similar to respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase might exist in these organelles . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Of these semiquinone species the 100 mV component has been suggested to be part of the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Superoxide anion production by doxorubicin analogs in heart sarcosomes and by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This study investigates the effects of daunorubicin , 4 demethoxy daunorubicin , 11 deoxydaunorubicin , 5 imino daunorubicin , doxorubicin , 4 ' epidoxorubicin and the new derivative 4 ' iodo 4 ' deoxydoxorubicin , on superoxide anion production in heart sarcosomes and by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The superoxide formation by NADH dehydrogenase in the presence of anthracyclines appeared to follow saturation kinetics , depending by NADH . 4 Demethoxydaunorubicin and 4 ' epidoxorubicin showed Vmax higher than that of doxorubicin although the Km values were similar . ^^^ By contrast 5 iminodaunorubicin failed to increase superoxide production over control levels and 4 ' Iodo 4 ' deoxydoxorubicin hardly enhanced superoxide production by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Following concentration in the dopamine neurons by the synaptic system , which has a high affinity for the carrier , MPP+ and its positively charged neurotoxic analogs are further concentrated by the electrical gradient of the inner membrane and then more slowly penetrate the hydrophobic reaction site on NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The molecular target of MPP+ , its neurotoxic product , is NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two major respiratory electron transport proteins , NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : Quinone oxidoreductase ) , and cytochrome o terminal oxidase are candidates for the electrogenic Na+ pumping that mediates the delta psi Na+ formation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase , succinate dehydrogenase , succinate oxidase , and ATPase activities ( Vmax ) were rapidly inactivated by . ^^^ Importantly , O 2 was a highly efficient inactivator of NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase , and ATPase ( 10 % inactivation at 20 50 nmol of O 2 / mg of SMP protein , 40 % inactivation at 600 nmol of O 2 / mg of SMP protein ) , a mildly efficient inactivator of succinate dehydrogenase ( 10 % inactivation at 150 nmol of O 2 / mg of SMP protein , 30 % inactivation at 600 nmol of O 2 / mg of SMP protein ) , and a poor inactivator of succinate oxidase ( less than 10 % inactivation at 600 nmol of O 2 / mg of SMP protein ) . ^^^ H2O2 partially inactivated NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase , and cytochrome oxidase , but even 10 % loss of these activities required at least 500 600 nmol of H2O2 / mg of SMP protein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A further cDNA encompassing three mitochondrial genes was used as a probe to show that a third mRNA , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , was also down regulated by interferon while a fourth , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 , was unaffected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Isolated mitochondria reduced a variety of ferric chelates , probably via an ' external ' NADH dehydrogenase , but not the siderophore ferrioxamine B . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Because the presence of two kinds of NADH dehydrogenase in respiratory chain of Escherichia coli has been reported , we examined the effect of galloylglucose independently on both NADH dehydrogenases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By chemical treatment of the enzyme with dicarbonyl reagents , such as glyoxal , the original oxygenase activity was converted to the salicylate dependent NADH dehydrogenase activity with free FAD as electron acceptor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial nad 5 gene of sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris ) encoding a subunit of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The supernatant retained over 60 % of the NADH dehydrogenase activity , tested with either DCIP 2 or ferricyanide as substrates , together with NADH . ^^^ When submitted to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions and stained for NADH dehydrogenase activity , five bands of different mobilities were detected . ^^^ NADH Dehydrogenase 4 and 5 could be purified in their active forms by this approach . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We found only one site where all four genomes differed , affecting amino acid residue 6 of ND 1 , a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NAD ( + ) linked substrates , malate and pyruvate also had no effect on H2O2 production , suggesting that NADH dehydrogenase was not the source of H2O2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Isolated and combined deficiencies of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) in muscle tissue of children with mitochondrial myopathies . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mutation is located in the ND 4 gene encoding subunit 4 of the respiratory chain enzyme NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ No new mutations in the ND 4 region were found , suggesting that the putative mtDNA mutation in these families may be in the coding regions for other subunits of NADH dehydrogenase enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Moreover , the lack of L carnitine mediated cytoprotection of monolayers incubated with 4 phenylpyridine or potassium cyanide suggests : ( 1 ) a link between fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial membrane mediated , bioactivation dependent cell killing ; and ( 2 ) that inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase may not totally explain the mechanism of MPTP cytotoxicity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have determined from nucleotide sequence analysis that the subterminal and terminal exons of a respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene in broad bean mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) are separated by a group 2 intron . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biochemical analysis showed decreased activities of NADH dehydrogenase , rotenone sensitive NADH cytochrome c reductase , succinate cytochrome c reductase , and cytochrome c oxidase , four enzymes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain containing subunits encoded by mitochondrial DNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of the subunits of bovine NADH dehydrogenase which are encoded by the mitochondrial genome . ^^^ Seven proteins were precipitated by an antiserum to bovine heart NADH dehydrogenase , corresponding to the seven mitochondrial gene products identified in the human HeLa cell line . ^^^ Comparison of these mitochondrial gene products with purified bovine NADH dehydrogenase by SDS / gel electrophoresis revealed that the ND 5 product is probably a previously unidentified protein of apparent Mr 51 , 000 , and the ND 4 product is the protein of apparent Mr 39 , 000 . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Synthetic peptides from the NH 2 terminus of the mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) mimic Mtf peptide activity in an allele specific manner . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Porcine masseter muscles were evaluated by ATP ase histochemistry as well as with NADH dehydrogenase and PAS staining . ^^^ The ATP ase technique failed to reveal type 2 : B fibres in the porcine masseter after acid and alkaline preincubation and it was not possible to separate fibre types by glycogen staining and NADH dehydrogenase histochemistry . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been postulated that 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) blocks mitochondrial respiration by combining at the same site as rotenone , a potent inhibitor of NADH oxidation in mitochondria , known to act at the junction of NADH dehydrogenase and coenzyme Q ( CoQ ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This inhibition appeared to be correlated with selective inactivation of three mitochondrial key enzymes , NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , and alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enzymatic studies showed impairment of NADH dehydrogenase activity ( complex 1 of the respiratory chain ) in skeletal muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The position of these genes with respect to the mitochondrial D loop region , the cytochrome oxidase subunits 1 , 2 and 3 , the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and the ribosomal ( r ) RNAs , was confirmed by the partial nucleotide sequence of cloned mtDNA fragments . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The MURF 3 gene of T . brucei contains multiple domains of extensive editing and is homologous to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The predicted amino acid sequence has homology to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 7 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The assembly of mitochondrially and cytoplasmically translated subunits of NADH dehydrogenase in the inner mitochondrial membrane was studied in rat hepatoma cultures . ^^^ By these criteria , six NADH dehydrogenase subunits are identified as being translated on mitochondrial ribosomes . ^^^ Mitochondrial and nuclear coded polypeptides assemble into NADH dehydrogenase at different rates as measured by incorporation of pulse labeled proteins into immunoprecipitable enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DT diaphorase type activity is also observed on the cell surface employing dichloroindophenol as external electron acceptor and it is found to be a dicoumarol sensitive NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The respiratory enzyme chain is inhibited by small concentrations of local anaesthetic , especially NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone succinate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Seven ORFs are comparable with human mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Synthesis and labeling of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This NAD+ analogue was found to be a potent competitive inhibitor ( Ki = 1 . 45 microM ) with respect to NADH for the purified bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . ^^^ These results indicate that N arylazido beta alanyl NAD+ is an active site directed photoaffinity label for the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , and are further evidence that the Mr = 51 , 000 subunit contains the NADH binding site . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes encoding a subunit of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) and a reverse transcriptase like protein ( RTL ) are linked to ribosomal RNA gene pieces in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondrial DNA . ^^^ The ND 1 gene encodes a subunit of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase , a standard mitochondrial gene , while the RTL gene is related to the reverse transcriptase like part of some optional introns and plasmids in fungal mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A catalytic component of the bovine mitochondrial NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex ( Complex 1 ) is a soluble NADH dehydrogenase iron sulfur flavoprotein ( FP ) . ^^^ Appropriate enzymatic assays showed that none of the antibodies inhibited the NADH dehydrogenase activity of isolated FP or the NADH oxidase activity of SMP . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The content of DNA and of 16S rRNA and of two mRNAs , i . e . , the mRNA for the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and the mRNA for one subunit of the NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 4 ) , in free ( nonsynaptic ) mitochondria of developing and adult rat cerebellum has been determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fine mapping of the termini of the rRNAs and of the adjacent transcripts indicated that , although they appeared to be butt joined at their 5 ' ends to the upstream transcripts , tRNA Phe 5 ' to the small subunit ( 12S ) rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 mRNA 5 ' to the large subunit ( 16S ) rRNA , respectively , their 3 ' ends were found to overlap the 5 ' ends of the downstream transcripts . 12S rRNA was found to extend 7 to 13 nucleotides into the sequence of tRNA Glu ; 16S rRNA was shown to terminate 3 to 5 nucleotides inside the coding region of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and 8 to 10 nucleotides from the mapped 5 ' end of COI mRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This enabled us to build a tree relating the mtDNAs and use it for analyzing the pattern and process of evolutionary substitutions in the former leucine tRNA gene , which now is a 5 ' extension of the gene for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nitroreductase activity of NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory redox chain . 1 . ^^^
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If these are components of an NADH dehydrogenase , cyanobacteria appear to resemble mitochondria more than they do Escherichia coli and Rhodopseudomonas capsulata with regard to this enzyme complex . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The 24 kDa subunit of mitochondrial NADH ubiquinone reductase ( complex 1 ) is an iron sulfur protein that is present in the flavoprotein or NADH dehydrogenase 2 subcomplex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ndh gene of Escherichia coli which encodes an NADH dehydrogenase contains a putative FNR binding site in its upstream non coding region , and its expression has been investigated using an ndh lacZ fusion . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The gene fusion between the 15 N terminal amino acid residues of ATP synthetase subunit 6 and the 303 C terminal aminoacids of NADH dehydrogenase yields a potential protein of 35 , 000 d MW called A 6 ND5 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Duplication of the tRNA ( MMet ) and tRNA ( Cys ) genes and of fragments of a gene encoding a subunit of the NADH dehydrogenase complex in Neurospora grassa mitochondrial DNA . ^^^ Neurospora crassa mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) contains duplications of the tRNA ( MMet ) gene upstream of a gene ( ND 2 ) encoding a subunit of the NADH dehydrogenase complex and of the tRNA ( Cys ) gene which is found downstream of the apocytochrome b gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes for cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( oxiA ) , ATPase subunit 9 , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ndhC ) and cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 ( oxiB ) are located within a 7 . 2 kb ( 1 kb = 10 ( 3 ) bases or base pairs ) segment of the Aspergillus nidulans mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Muscle fibers were classified as slow oxidative ( SO ) , fast oxidative glycolytic ( FOG ) , or fast glycolytic ( FG ) based upon their staining for myofibrillar ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These complexes , unlike adriamycin , do not catalyze the flow of electrons from NADH to molecular oxygen through NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the third the cause was a NADH dehydrogenase defect . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among them , clone P 6 was determined to be derived from the mtDNA encoding parts of subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase and 16S rRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies reported here show that considerable NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase activities were present in microsomes and mitochondria , respectively , and in nuclei obtained from these cells , and the relative activity of NADH dehydrogenase was 2 fold higher in the mitochondrial fraction of ADRR cells compared to the mitochondrial fraction from the parental wild type cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nucleotide sequence of a segment of the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) molecule of the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica ( phylum Platyhelminthes , class Trematoda ) has been determined , within which have been identified the genes for tRNA ( ala ) , tRNA ( asp ) , respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) , tRNA ( asn ) , tRNA ( pro ) , tRNA ( ile ) , tRNA ( lys ) , ND 3 , tRNA ( serAGN ) , tRNA ( trp ) , and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Lack of competition between cytochrome c and anthraquinone type drugs for the reductive sites of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ We have shown that ( 1 ) the cytochrome c reductase activity of the commercial NADH dehydrogenase does not perturb its ability to catalyse the reduction of various antitumor compounds of the anthracycline class , ( 2 ) the reduction of these compounds by NADH , catalysed by commercial NADH dehydrogenase , correlates with their reduction by NADH catalysed by microsomes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the selected 24 hour time point , mitochondrial enzyme photosensitisation was found to be drug dose ( 5 . 25 mg kg 1 Photofrin 2 ) and light dose dependent , the rank order of inhibition being cytochrome c oxidase greater than F0F1 ATPase greater than succinate dehydrogenase greater than NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This clone contains mitochondrial DNA sequences with an abnormal organization , since it includes part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) and of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) genes separated by 230 bases instead of 9 kb in mitochondrial genome from normal hepatocytes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These sequences include the genes for ATPase subunit 6 , cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L , tRNA ( GLY ) , and tRNA ( ARG ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase activity and Lubrol stimulation of cytochrome oxidase activity were measured to assess the opposite membrane polarity of beef heart mitoplast and inside out particle preparations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The 18 kD protein that binds to the chloroplast DNA replicative origin is an iron sulfur protein related to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The 18 kD iron sulfur protein is found to be related to a subunit of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase by its cross reaction with a polyclonal antibody raised against highly purified NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase , a key enzyme of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This mutation converts the 340th amino acid of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 from an arginine to a histidine and eliminates an SfaNI endonuclease restriction site . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These mutations have occurred in genes coding for subunits of NADH dehydrogenase , suggesting that a defect of the respiratory chain complex 1 may cause Leber ' s disease . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The experimental results suggest that in the liver and heart AK 135 accepts electrons from NADH dehydrogenase oxidizing endogenous NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cloning and sequencing of a cDNA encoding the precursor to the 24 kDa iron sulfur protein of human mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . 1 . ^^^ We have isolated a cDNA encoding the 24 kDa subunit , an iron sulfur protein , of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from a human fibroblast cDNA library by colony hybridization using a rat 24 kDa subunit cDNA as a probe . 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mechanism of ubiquinone homologs reduction by different preparations of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase : complex 1 within submitochondrial particles , isolated NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase and soluble low molecular weight NADH dehydrogenase , has been investigated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
From studies of their accumulation by mitochondria , it appears likely that the latter compounds are not effectively concentrated by intact mitochondria by the electrical gradient and , in part for this reason , can not reach sufficiently high concentrations at the appropriate binding site of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In addition , evidence is presented that the penetration of pyridinium analogs to the inhibition site in the NADH dehydrogenase complex may also be rate limiting . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA of the 24 kDa subunit of the bovine respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase : high sequence conservation in mammals and tissue specific and growth dependent expression . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biochemical study with crude muscle extract of 11 cases of MyD showed decreases in NADH dehydrogenase , NADH CoQ reductase , succinate CoQ reductase ( SCR ) , CCO , carnitine actyl transferase activities in most of cases regardless RRFs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Within its 17 . 8 10 10 ( 3 ) base pair insert a 1 . 6 10 10 ( 3 ) base pair mtDNA fragment was similar to three non sequential coding genes of human mtDNA , including a part of the 12 S ribosomal RNA ( 684 971 ) , the cytochrome oxidase 1 ( 6553 7302 ) , and two NADH dehydrogenase [ ND4L / ND4 ] ( 10 , 606 11 , 159 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Besides containing part of the cytochrome b ( COB ) encoding gene ( cob ) , this DNA fragment encodes subunit 4 of NADH dehydrogenase ( NAD 4 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is thus concluded that pentagalloylglucose , which is the lowest molecular weight component of tannic acid , exerts its effect on mitochondrial respiration and oxidative phosphorylation through action on the membrane and on succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome bc 1 complex of mitochondria . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Since succinate is believed to enter metabolism at site 2 of the mitochondrial respiratory chain , it is interesting that rotenone , an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase and site 1 of the respiratory chain , was a potent inhibitor of monomethyl succinate induced insulin released . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here , evidence is presented that mitochondria are dysfunctional in CF : the major site of increased intracellular Ca in CF is mitochondrial , cells from subjects with CF consume more oxygen than normal , respond differentially to inhibitors of mitochondrial function , express increased electron transport activity and altered kinetics of complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) of the mitochondrial electron transport system . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of the Aspergillus nidulans mitochondrial gene for subunit 5 of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
On the basis of 1 ) the conserved overlap between psbG and ndhC , a chloroplast gene which shows significant homology to a mitochondrial gene that codes for a subunit of the NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase of mitochondria , and 2 ) sequence similarity between the psbG gene product and the ndh gene product of E . coli , which codes for a respiratory NADH dehydrogenase , we propose that this ill defined complex functions as a NADH or NADPH plastoquinone oxidoreductase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RNA editing at a splicing site of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene transcript in wheat mitochondria . ^^^ Comparison between the sequence of the gene coding for the wheat mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( nad 4 ) and the cDNA sequence obtained by reverse transcription , using total wheat mtRNA as template , has shown the presence of a uridine residue , not encoded by the genomic sequence , at the exon 2 exon3 junction of the spliced transcript . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
OH ) caused a 70 % decrease in the Vmax . for NADH dehydrogenase during 15 min incubation of SMP , and an 80 % decrease in NADH oxidase activity after 2 h incubation . ^^^ The damage appears localized between the NADH dehydrogenase flavin ( site of doxorubicin reduction ) and iron sulphur centre N 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of a region encoding subunit 6 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 6 ) and tRNA ( Trp ) in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondrial DNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biosynthetic studies of several of the nuclear encoded subunits of mammalian NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ An investigation into the biogenesis of several of the nuclear encoded subunits of the iron protein fragment of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase was undertaken utilising a bovine kidney cell line ( NBL 1 ) . ^^^ Although the mature 30 kDa and 24 kDa subunits of NADH dehydrogenase could be visualised , their precursor forms went undetected in this system . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Partial characterization of the gene coding for subunit 4 of soybean mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This ORF , which is unique in the soybean mitochondrial genome , is probably part of an exon of the gene coding for subunit 4 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Emodin , doxorubicin and organic extracts of C . obtusifolia inhibited NADH : cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity of bovine heart mitochondrial particles and NADH : CoQ oxidoreductase activity of porcine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , whereas juglone was stimulatory . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using specific probes we show that sequences homologous to NADH dehydrogenase Subunit 6 , and Cytochrome oxidase Subunits 1 , 2 , and 3 mitochondrial genes are present in nuclear DNA from various tissues . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Tryptic digestion of NADH dehydrogenase from alkalophilic Bacillus . ^^^ The alkalophile NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : 2 , 6 dichlorophenolindophenol oxidoreductase ) [ EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ] consists of two identical subunits of 65 kDa , and each subunit contains the catalytic and liposome binding regions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The presence of mitochondrial transcripts was examined by Northern blot analysis using probes for the following mitochondrially encoded genes : 12 S and 16 S ribosomal RNAs and a group of mRNAs including cytochrome oxidase subunits 1 and 2 ( COI COII ) , cytochrome b ( cyt b ) , adenosine triphosphatase ( ATPase ) subunits 6 and 8 , and subunit 1 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A NADH dehydrogenase subunit gene is co transcribed with the abnormal Petunia mitochondrial gene associated with cytoplasmic male sterility . ^^^ DNA sequence analysis 3 ' to the Petunia S pcf coding region has resulted in the identification of an open reading frame similar to mammalian mitochondrial genes for subunit 3 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii : the ND 4 gene encoding a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The ND 4 gene encoding a subunit of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase has been identified on the linear 15 . 8 kb mitochondrial DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii . ^^^ ND 4 is the fifth and last mitochondrial gene of the NADH dehydrogenase complex on the 15 . 8 kb mitochondrial genome of C . reinhardtii . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and properties of NADH dehydrogenase from a thermoacidophilic archaebacterium , Sulfolobus acidocaldarius . ^^^ An NADH dehydrogenase was purified to electrophoretical homogeneity from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius , a thermoacidophilic archaebacterium optimally growing at pH 2 3 and 75 degrees C . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By means of fluorimetric measurement and by direct determination of intracellular NAD+ and NADH contents , it was proved that the respiration rate of Paracoccus denitrificans cells utilizing glucose is limited by processes preceding NADH oxidation in the respiratory chain , so that the membrane NADH dehydrogenase is not saturated by its substrate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase involved in the myxothiazol sensitive quinone reduction faces the matrix side of the inner membrane suggesting that center o may be localized within the membrane at a similar depth as center i . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibition site of MPP+ , the neurotoxic bioactivation product of 1 methyl 4 phenyl 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 tetrahydropyridine is near the Q binding site of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase by 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) leading to ATP depletion has been proposed to explain cell death in the expression of the neurotoxicity of 1 methyl 4 phenyl 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 tetrahydropyridine ( MPTP ) . ^^^ Electron paramagnetic resonance studies show no effect of MPP+ on the reduction of the iron sulfur clusters of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ These data indicate that MPP+ interaction with NADH dehydrogenase interferes with the passage of electrons from the iron sulfur cluster of highest potential to endogenous Q 10 but that the inhibition can be relieved by the addition of a small , water soluble Q analog . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The other ( 844 nt , located between 1 . 7 and 2 . 55 kb downstream of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene ) contains arrays of repetitive sequences which are also found outside this area . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
No effect was observed on ATPase activity of undamaged or broken mitochondria ; the same was true for NADH oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase , NADH cytochrome c reductase , succinate oxidase , and cytochrome c oxidase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Other enzymes capable of nitroreduction ( NADH dehydrogenase , xanthine oxidase , glutathione reductase , and NADP+ ferredoxin oxidoreductase ) were also found to stimulate redox cycling of NPPD . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DQ can be reduced directly by NADH dehydrogenase , but can not be reduced by succinate dehydrogenase in the absence of endogenous ubiquinone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This formation was concluded to be confined mainly to the NADH dehydrogenase region of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results suggest that bound , reduced nucleotide , probably E NAD . , is the main source of O 2 in NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reduction of oxygen by NADH / NADH dehydrogenase in the presence of adriamycin . ^^^ Cardiac mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( Cytochrome c reductase , EC1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) catalyses the reduction of ferricytochrome c to ferrocytochrome c by NADH . ^^^ Using the electron spin resonance technique of spin trapping with the spin trapping agent 5 , 5 dimethyl 1 pyrroline N oxide ( DMPO ) adriamycin was found to stimulate the formation of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals in the NADH / NADH dehydrogenase reaction . ^^^ The metabolism of adriamycin by cardiac mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase may be an important etiological factor in adriamycin induced cardiotoxicity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
New isozyme systems for maize ( Zea mays L . ) : aconitate hydratase , adenylate kinase , NADH dehydrogenase , and shikimate dehydrogenase . ^^^ A minimum of 10 genetic loci collectively encodes isozymes of aconitate hydratase ( ACO ; EC 4 . 2 . 1 . 3 . ) , adenylate kinase ( ADK ; EC 2 . 7 . 4 . 3 ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( DIA ; EC 1 . 6 . 99 . ) , and shikimate dehydrogenase ( SAD ; EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 25 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes coding for subunit 3 of NADH dehydrogenase and for ribosomal protein S 12 are present in the wheat and maize mitochondrial genomes and are co transcribed . ^^^ It contains a tRNA ( Ser ) gene , a pseudo tRNA gene and two open reading frames coding for subunit 3 of the NADH dehydrogenase ( 118 amino acids ) and for ribosomal protein S 12 ( 125 amino acids ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcription of other mitochondrial genes , including NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , is unregulated during trypanosome development . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chloroplast DNA differences in the genus Oenothera subsection Munzia : a short direct repeat resembling the lambda chromosomal attachment site occurs as a deletion / insertion within an intron of an NADH dehydrogenase gene . ^^^ This mutation could be localized within the intron of a reading frame presumably coding for subunit B of an NADH dehydrogenase ( ndhB ) . ^^^ Furthermore , the locations of the genes for other components of the NADH dehydrogenase ( ndhA , ndhC , ndhD , ndhE , ndhF ) were established by heterologous hybridization using gene probes from tobacco cpDNA . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The bovine mitochondrial gene products ND 2 and ND 4 , components of NADH dehydrogenase , have been purified from a chloroform / methanol extract of mitochondrial membranes , and the human mitochondrial gene products ND 2 and cytochrome b have been obtained by similar procedures . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , we detected 18 open reading frames ranging from 29 to 2136 amino acid residues long , four of which share significant amino acid sequence homology to those of an Escherichia coli malK protein ( designated mbpX ) , human mitochondrial ND 2 ( ndh 2 ) and ND 3 ( ndh 3 ) of a respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase , or a bacterial antenna protein of a light harvesting complex ( lhcA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The amino acid sequence of the 24 kDa subunit , an iron sulfur protein , of rat liver mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase deduced from cDNA sequence . ^^^ Antiserum directed against bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase has been used to screen a rat liver cDNA expression library in lambda gt 11 . ^^^ The insert cDNA of a positive clone was found to represent the 24 kDa subunit of NADH dehydrogenase by epitope selection using nitrocellulose filter containing the expressed proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fe ( HAd ) 3 , unlike adriamycin , does not catalyze the flow of electrons from NADH to molecular oxygen through NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The pyridinium is concentrated by carrier mediated transport into the mitochondria where it inhibits NADH dehydrogenase and , hence , ATP synthesis . ^^^ Some structurally related compounds have been tested for their effect on the oxidation of NAD+ linked substrates in intact mitochondria , and for the inhibition of the accumulation of the pyridinium into mitochondria and of NADH dehydrogenase activity in a membrane preparation . ^^^ Some pyridine derivatives are more inhibitory to NADH dehydrogenase than is 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium but these are not concentrated into mitochondria by the uptake system . 4 Phenylpyridine , one of the most effective inhibitors , both occurs naturally and is an environmental pollutant . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase activity was significantly higher than the NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenase activity and both of them were almost completely inhibited by superoxide dismutase and atebrin and markedly reduced by the addition of the protonophore 2 , 4 dinitrophenol . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
When maximally reduced , the NADH dehydrogenase and the ubiquinone cytochrome b regions of the electron transport chain are sources of H2O2 . ^^^ These studies suggest that a significant portion of H2O2 generation in brain mitochondria proceeds via the transfer of reducing equivalents from ubiquinone to the NADH dehydrogenase portion of the electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thus , this technique is a potential alternative to the NADH dehydrogenase stain for distinguishing between type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , the toxin did not inhibit either cytochrome oxidase or NADH dehydrogenase activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the presence of cardiolipin containing small unilamellar vesicles , the antitumor compound adriamycin loses its ability to catalyse the flow of electrons from NADH to molecular oxygen through NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In Neurospora crassa , a 2670 base pair segment of the mitochondrial DNA was sequenced including a gene homologous to the mammalian URF 1 that was recently shown to encode a subunit of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The more specific effect , induced by 100 400 nmol tetradecanoic acid per mg protein , consists of a selective blockage of electron transfer between the Fe S clusters of the NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone , without damage to any of the Fe S clusters . ^^^ Higher concentrations of tetradecanoic acid caused gradual destruction of all Fe S clusters of NADH dehydrogenase and of the 3 Fe cluster of succinate dehydrogenase , leading to complete inactivation of both NADH and succinate oxidation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Clusters S 1 and S 3 in the membrane bound flavin deficient succinate dehydrogenase were not reduced by succinate but could be reduced by electron transfer from NADH dehydrogenase via the menaquinone pool . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Physicochemical studies of the iron ( 3 ) carminomycin complex and evidence of the lack of stimulated superoxide production by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This complex , unlike the free drug , does not catalyze the flow of electrons from NADH to molecular oxygen through NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The reduction was inhibited by phospholipase A 2 inhibitors , such as dibromoacetophenone , the lipoxygenase inhibitor nordihydroguaiaretic acid , an NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , the microfilament inhibitor cytochalasin B , oxygen radical scavengers such as superoxide dismutase , antioxidants such as butyl hydroxyanisole and non specific inhibitors such as retinoic acid . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Results of comparative studies on stimulation of the rates of cofactor consumption , superoxide generation and hydrogen peroxide production by mitoxantrone ( Novantrone ; dihydroxyanthracenedione ; MXN ) , ametantrone ( AM ) , doxorubicin ( DOX ) and daunorubicin ( DNR ) in the presence of NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , NADH dehydrogenase , or rabbit hepatic microsomes have been reported . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enzymatic activation of doxorubicin by cardiac NADH dehydrogenase produced a dose related inhibition of Ca2+ uptake that was enzyme and cofactor dependent and that was inhibited by catalase , various hydroxyl radical scavengers , and the iron chelator deferoxamine . ^^^ Furthermore , inhibition of Ca2+ uptake paralleled the production of the hydroxyl radical by NADH dehydrogenase after doxorubicin treatment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dependent activation of 5 ' nucleotidase was significantly suppressed by atebrine , an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase of plasma membranes , and completely abolished by 2 , 4 dinitrophenol ( 2 10 10 ( 4 ) M ) and Triton 10 100 ( 2 % ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results are consistent with a structure function model of nitrate reductase which has the following features : FAD / NADH binding domains exposed on the surface of the molecule , a protease sensitive hinge region which connects the nitrate reducing and NADH dehydrogenase moieties , and the quaternary structure maintained via association sites on the heme / molybdenum domain . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cytochrome c concentration and cytochrome oxidase activity were decreased approximately 50 % , while succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activities were decreased by 78 % in iron deficient muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The rate of respiration through NADH dehydrogenase , succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase was dependent on both the duration and the intensity value of the field applied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DiS C 3 ( 5 ) also appears to inhibit the NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These experiments suggest that injury to cardiac mitochondria which is produced by anthracycline antibiotics may result from the generation of the hydroxyl radical during anthracycline metabolism by NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Benzo [ a ] pyrene diones are electron acceptor substrates for NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The sensitivity of gluconeogenic enzymes : cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase ; fructose 1 , 6 bisphosphatase and isocitrate lyase as well as the mitochondrial enzymes NADH dehydrogenase and succinate cytochrome c oxidase to glucose and galactose repression were studied in chemostat cultures . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The use of ferricyanide as electron acceptor for estimation of NADH dehydrogenase activity is inadequate when only applied on a disrupted mitochondrial preparation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The E 35 stopper mutant of Neurospora crassa : precise localization of deletion endpoints in mitochondrial DNA and evidence that the deleted DNA codes for a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Since the mammalian mitochondrial URF 2 has recently been shown to code for a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase , part of the DNA sequence missing in the E 35 stopper mutant of N . crassa may also code for a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The specific activity of NADH dehydrogenase of dormant spores remained unchanged after antibiotic treatment but the total activity fell considerably . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The localization and activity of ATPase , IDPase , acidic phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase as well as of the oxidoreductases ( cytochrome oxidase , succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase ) were studied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Activities of NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase , and cytochrome c oxidase were severely decreased . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A statistically significant increase in the activity of NADH dehydrogenase , NADH cytochrome c reductase and cytochrome oxidase was found along with a decrease in the activity of succinate cytochrome c reductase and succinate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This drug caused nephrotoxicity may result from the metabolic reductive activation of Adriamycin to a semiquinone free radical intermediate by oxidoreductive enzymes such as NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In isolated kidney mitochondria , Adriamycin promoted a 12 fold increase in NADH supported ( NADH dehydrogenase dependent ) peroxidation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial respiratory activity was depressed after 60 min perfusion , when glutamate was used as a substrate , thereby indicating that adriamycin had an inhibitory effect on the NADH dehydrogenase system . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Superoxide anion production by adriamycinol from cardiac sarcosomes and by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This study investigates the effects of both adriamycin and its 13 hydroxylated metabolite adriamycinol on superoxide anion production from cardiac sarcosomes and by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Both adriamycin and adriamycinol stimulated superoxide formation in cardiac sarcosomes and by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ From sarcosomes as well as by NADH dehydrogenase , the superoxide production followed Michaelis Menten kinetics . ^^^ Adriamycinol also increased the rate of NADPH and NADH consumption , by sarcosomal fractions and by NADH dehydrogenase respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These data were also shown to support the conclusion that glucagon treatment may cause some stimulation of electron flow through NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and through the bc 1 complex , probably at the point of interaction of the complexes with the ubiquinone pool . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The L . tarentolae NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) gene was identified in a newly obtained 2 . 9 kb sequence . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes homologous to the mammalian mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes ND4L and ND 5 were identified in the mitochondrial genome of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa , and the structure and expression of these genes was examined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evidence for the existence of tissue specific isoenzymes of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from a variety of rat tissues was isolated by immunoprecipitation with an antiserum to the bovine heart enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Potential pulmonary cellular loci of partially reduced oxygen include mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , endoplasmic reticulum derived NADPH cytochrome c reductase , and cytosolic xanthine oxido reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The number and type of iron sulfur clusters present in the NADH dehydrogenase of the mammalian respiratory chain were studied by a combination of low temperature magnetic circular dichroism ( MCD ) and quantitative electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These findings together with the analysis of the kinetics of NADH dependent reduction of cytochromes in the mature spore membranes indicated an impairment of electron flow between NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome b . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complex 1 was separated into 3 fragments : a fraction of hydrophobic proteins , that of soluble iron sulfur protein ( IP ) and soluble NADH dehydrogenase of flavoprotein by a procedure involving the resolution with DOC and cholate , followed by ethanol and ammonium acetate fractionations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase ( NADH dehydrogenase ) and NAD ( P ) H azoreductase do not participate significantly in menadione reduction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and characterization of NADH dehydrogenase complex from Paracoccus denitrificans . ^^^ An NADH dehydrogenase complex was isolated from the plasma membranes of aerobically grown Paracoccus denitrificans cells by extraction with NaBr and purification on an NAD agarose column . ^^^ The NADH ubiquinone 1 reductase activity of the isolated NADH dehydrogenase complex was about 10 times higher than that of the NaBr extract . ^^^ The isolated NADH dehydrogenase complex cross reacted with antisera to beef heart mitochondrial complex 1 and protein fraction derived therefrom , indicating the presence in the Paracoccus enzyme of antigenic sites similar to those in the intact complex 1 and its iron sulfur protein and possibly hydrophobic protein fractions . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Our results , using autolysis in the rat heart as experimental model , indicate that the NADH dehydrogenase system was impaired relatively early during ischemia while transhydrogenation and NADPH dehydrogenation appeared to be relatively resistant . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity ( complex 1 , assayed as rotenone sensitive NADH oxidase , NADH duroquinone reductase , and NADH cytochrome c reductase ) was 0 10 % of controls , and NADH ferricyanide reductase activity was 25 50 % of controls in the mitochondria and in skin fibroblasts . ^^^ Familial deficiency of a component of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) proximal to the rotenone sensitive site thus accounts for this disorder . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In comparison , membranes from E . coli IY 91 , which contain amplified levels of NADH dehydrogenase , exhibit about 100 fold higher NADH / ubiquinone 1 reductase activity but about 20 fold less deamino NADH / ubiquinone 1 reductase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These sequences include parts of the genes for NADH dehydrogenase ( subunits 1 , 2 , and 5 ) and rRNA ( from the large ribosomal subunit ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The purified NADH dehydrogenase consists of a single subunit with molecular mass of 53 kDa as indicated by SDS / polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Dormant spore membranes contained high levels of NADH dehydrogenase and cytochromes , but in the presence of NADH , they exhibited very low levels of O 2 uptake and cytochrome reduction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
When purified ferrochelatase was incubated with the low molecular weight form of NADH dehydrogenase prepared from Complex 1 , heme synthesis from ferric ion occurred by the addition of NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The kinetic parameters of this reaction and the affinity of NADH dehydrogenase for the substrate were measured . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene in Oenothera mitochondria contains two introns and is co transcribed with the 5 S rRNA gene . ^^^ The gene encoding subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( ND 5 ) has been identified in Oenothera mitochondria from a cDNA clone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been employed to identify a potential dinucleotide binding domain within the human mitochondrial unidentified reading frame 6 product , thereby supporting an earlier study that this gene may encode a NADH dehydrogenase subunit . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The Km of NADH dehydrogenase is decreased in mitochondria of cystic fibrosis cells . ^^^ The kinetic properties of the NADH dehydrogenase of the mitochondrial respiratory chain , assayed as NADH dependent rotenone sensitive cytochrome c reductase have been studied in mitochondria isolated from mononuclear white blood cells in patients affected by cystic fibrosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes for the large ( 16 S ) ribosomal RNA and for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L ( ND4L ) are in different positions , located respectively between those encoding ND 2 and cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and between COI and COII . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Solubilized mung bean ( Phaseolus aureus ) submitochondrial particles were analysed on 3 22 % ( w / v ) gradient polyacrylamide gels containing 0 . 1 % Triton 10 100 and stained for multiple NADH dehydrogenase activities . ^^^ A rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) was identified on the basis of co migration with the purified mammalian enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The site of synthesis of the iron sulfur subunits of the flavoprotein and iron protein fractions of human NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The site of synthesis of the iron sulfur subunits of the flavoprotein and iron protein fractions of the human respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase has been investigated to test the possibility that any of them is synthesized in mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Growth of Mycobacterium phlei under low oxygen tension resulted in specific activities two to twenty times lower for formate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase , beta hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase , lactate oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase than when cultures were grown under high aeration . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition to complex 1 and NADH dehydrogenase activities being decreased , the CCO activity was significantly decreased ( less than 50 % of control value ) in 8 patients , especially when the disease was in its advanced stages , suggesting that CCO enzyme might be secondarily affected as the disease progresses . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequences covering 2381 bp of the dolphin mt genome from the major noncoding region , three tRNA genes , and parts of the genes encoding cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) , and 16S rRNA have been compared with corresponding regions from other mammalian genomes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This mutation converted a highly conserved arginine to a histidine at codon 340 in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene and eliminated an Sfa NI site , thus providing a simple diagnostic test . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondrial genes coding for subunit 6 of NADH dehydrogenase and tRNATrp . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A fraction of membranes which lost NADH dehydrogenase in the course++ of purification was isolated from the cells disintegrated in the frozen state . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Structural studies on mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase using chemical cross linking . ^^^ The structure of bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase was investigated by cross linking constituent subunits with disuccinimidyl tartrate , ( ethylene glycol ) yl bis ( succinimidyl succinate ) and dimethyl suberimidate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transmembrane organization of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase as revealed by radiochemical labelling and cross linking . ^^^ The organization of bovine heart NADH dehydrogenase in the mitochondrial inner membrane was investigated by chemical cross linking and radiolabelling with [ 125I ] iododiazobenzenesulphonate ( IDABS ) . ^^^ Mitochondria or submitochondrial particles were cross linked with disulphosuccinimidyl tartrate and dimethyl suberimidate , and dimeric products containing subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase were analysed by Western blotting with subunit specific antisera . ^^^ From experiments in which mitochondria or submitochondrial particles were first labelled and NADH dehydrogenase then isolated by immunoprecipitation , it was found that labelling of the 49 kDa subunit occurs predominantly from the cytoplasmic side of the membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Lactate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and NADPH tetrazolium reductase were all demonstrable in sections of paraformaldehyde fixed resin embedded tissue . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The BamHI XbaI fragment also contains the gene for subunit 5 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ndhF ) and two unidentified open reading frames ( ORFx and ORF 48 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The soluble fraction contained the NADH dehydrogenase activity of the cells , as well as a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 55 kDa that was phosphorylated in the presence of ATP . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of the NADH dehydrogenase gene in mitochondrial DNA from rat liver ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We identified 12 open reading frames by homology of their coding sequences to a 4Fe 4S type ferredoxin protein , a bacterial nitrogenase reductase component ( Fe protein ) , five human mitochondrial components of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 , ND 4 , ND4L , ND 5 and ND 6 ) , two Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins ( S 15 and L 21 ) , two putative proteins encoded in the kinetoplast maxicircle DNA of Leishmania tarentolae ( LtORF 3 and LtORF 4 ) , and a bacterial permease inner membrane component ( encoded by malF in E . coli or hisQ in Salmonella typhimurium ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the very high intramitochondrial concentrations thus reached , MPP+ combines with NADH dehydrogenase at a point distal to its iron sulfur clusters but prior to the Q 10 combining site . ^^^ Other pyridine derivatives act similarly on NADH dehydrogenase but they are not acutely toxic unless concentrated by the MPP+ carrier . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Post oxidation biochemical sequelae , possibly involved in the expression of neurotoxicity , include the active accumulation of MPP+ via dopamine reuptake systems , the energy driven uptake of MPP+ by mitochondria and the inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase by pyridine derivatives . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Photolabelling of a mitochondrially encoded subunit of NADH dehydrogenase with [ 3H ] dihydrorotenone . ^^^ Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from bovine heart was photolabelled with the inhibitor [ 3H ] dihydrorotenone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mode one killing is normal in strains totally lacking catalase activity ( katE , katG ) , glutathione reductase ( gor ) or glutathione synthetase ( gshB ) , but enhanced in a strain lacking NADH dehydrogenase ( ndh ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Derepression of mitochondrial respiratory chain cytochromes , alcohol dehydrogenase ( isoenzyme 2 ) , NADH dehydrogenase and maltase was inhibited by 0 . 5 2 mM 5TG . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The yeast grown on molasses and dried by aeration demonstrated a notable increase of the NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase activities as compared with the analogously treated yeast grown on ethanol . ^^^ The latter showed a notable rise only in the activity of NADH dehydrogenase during slow drying . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of these ( NADH dehydrogenase 1 ) is a complex composed of 10 unlike polypeptides , and the other ( NADH dehydrogenase 2 ) exhibits a single band ( Mr 53 , 000 ) upon sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . ^^^ The NADH ubiquinone 1 reductase activity of the isolated NADH dehydrogenase 1 was about 14 times higher than that of the dodecyl beta maltoside extract and partially rotenone sensitive . ^^^ The NADH ubiquinone 1 reductase activity of the isolated NADH dehydrogenase 2 was about 30 fold as high as that of the dodecyl beta maltoside extract and rotenone insensitive . ^^^ The purified NADH dehydrogenase 1 contained noncovalently bound FMN , non heme iron , and acid labile sulfide . ^^^ The purified NADH dehydrogenase 2 contained noncovalently bound FAD and no non heme iron or acid labile sulfide . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies of the effect of NADP+ on NADH oxidation showed that the NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase had Michaelis Menten kinetics and was inhibited by NADP+ , whereas the alternative NADH dehydrogenase had allosteric properties ( NADH is a negative effector and is displaced from its regulatory site by NAD+ or NADP+ ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
T 2 toxin inhibits mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase activity and increases mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
With pyruvate plus malate a second source of H2O2 could be detected , apparently from autoxidation at the NADH dehydrogenase level . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase dependent , but not the QH 2 cytochrome c oxidoreductase dependent H2O2 was significantly stimulated upon depletion of the mitochondrial glutathione . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This suggests that mitochondrial Ca2+ release is associated with NAD ( P ) H oxidation catalyzed by NADH dehydrogenase with benzoquinone or by the glutathione peroxidase glutathione reductase system with duroquinone . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Southern hybridization with several probes from the maxicircle kDNA of Leishmania tarentolae allowed identification of some of the found transcripts as corresponding to NADH dehydrogenase , subunit 4 ( Nd 4 ) , cytochrome oxidase , subunits 1 2 ( Cox 1 2 ) , cytochrome b ( Cyt . b ) , ORF 6 genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This gene was identified as ND 5 , which codes for a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 of the mitochondrial electron transport chain ) ; this complex is the target for an activated macrophage released cytostatic factor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enzyme histochemical demonstration of NADH dehydrogenase on resin embedded tissue . ^^^ We describe a method for enzyme histochemical demonstration of NADH dehydrogenase in cold ( 4 degrees C ) processed resin embedded tissue . ^^^ The effects on NADH dehydrogenase activity of processing tissue through a variety of dehydrating agents and embedding in three different acrylic resins were evaluated . ^^^ The optimal procedure to maintain NADH dehydrogenase activity used a short ( 3 hr ) fixation in 1 % paraformaldehyde solution , followed by dehydration in acetone and embedding in glycol methacrylate resin . ^^^ Embedding of tissue in resin combined preservation and accurate localization of NADH dehydrogenase activity with good tissue morphology . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This inhibition of replication is associated with abnormalities of mitochondrial electron transport at the level of NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) and succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence of rat mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 . ^^^
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The latter is widely believed to be the compound responsible for neuronal destruction and the NADH dehydrogenase of the inner membrane has been postulated to be its target . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Immunochemical probing of the structure and cofactor of NADH dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans . ^^^ Monospecific antibody to the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans was prepared by using as antigen specific immunoprecipitates containing NADH dehydrogenase which were excised from crossed immunoelectrophoresis plates . ^^^ The antibody immunoprecipitated NADH dehydrogenase from P . denitrificans membranes biosynthetically labelled with 14C and solubilized with a wide range of detergents . ^^^ All immunoprecipitates contained the two subunits of Mr 48 , 000 and 25 , 000 , in an approximate 1 : 1 stoichiometry , that had previously been assigned to NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ A polypeptide of Mr 46 , 000 in P . denitrificans membranes , previously shown to cross react with a subunit specific antibody to mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) , was not detected in any immunoprecipitate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The subunit 1 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase from Cephalosporium acremonium : the evolution of a mitochondrial gene . ^^^ Hydrophobicity profiles and predicted secondary structures are also very similar suggesting that this gene codes for the subunit 1 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
URF 1 is thought to encode a component of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Anthracycline radical formation by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In the present study we have used beef heart submitochondrial preparations ( BH SMP ) to demonstrate that a component of mitochondrial Complex 1 , probably the NADH dehydrogenase flavin , is the mitochondrial site of anthracycline reduction . ^^^ Redox cycling of anthracyclines by mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase is shown , in the accompanying paper ( Doroshow , J . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Seven unidentified reading frames of human mitochondrial DNA encode subunits of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Six chloroplast genes ( ndhA F ) homologous to human mitochondrial genes encoding components of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase are actively expressed : determination of the splice sites in ndhA and ndhB pre mRNAs . ^^^ Sequences ( ndhA F ) homologous to human mitochondrial genes for components of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase have been found in the chloroplast DNA of tobacco . ^^^ These findings suggest that potential components of an NADH dehydrogenase are synthesized in the chloroplasts . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibition of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase by pyridine derivatives and its possible relation to experimental and idiopathic parkinsonism . 4 Phenyl N methylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) , the oxidation product of the neurotoxic amine MPTP , is considerably more inhibitory to the oxidation of NAD+ linked substrates in intact mitochondria in State 3 than is 4 phenylpyridine . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 3 , 4 , 5 , and COIII , and three kinds of ( tRNA ( UCNSer ) , tRNA ( His ) , and tRNA ( AGYSer ) were identified by comparing with the genes of other animal mitochondria so far elucidated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The latter metabolite accumulates in brain striatal tissues , is a substrate for dopaminergic active uptake systems and is an inhibitor of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , a respiratory chain enzyme located in the inner mitochondrial membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Diabetic mitochondria also showed decreased 3 hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase and succinyl CoA : 3 oxoacid CoA transferase activities , but cytochrome content and NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , cytochrome oxidase and acetoacetyl CoA thiolase activities proved normal . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These compounds also act as electron acceptors for the NADH dehydrogenase of isolated plasma membranes . ^^^
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Association with an NADH dehydrogenase deficiency . ^^^
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The nucleotide sequence of a gene for one NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit , ND4L , has also been determined . ^^^
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Isolation and characterization of a NADH dehydrogenase from rat liver mitochondria . ^^^ Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase has been purified from rat liver mitochondria by protamine sulfate fractionation and DEAE Sephadex chromatography . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The old CUN gene now codes for an extra 24 amino acids at the amino end of subunit 5 in NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is concluded that DBCP inhibits sperm carbohydrate metabolism at the NADH dehydrogenase step in the mitochondrial electron transport chain . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was reported previously that Adriamycin converts form 1 covalently closed circular , supercoiled bacteriophage PM 2 DNA to the relaxed circular form 2 DNA ; no form 3 linear DNA was produced as a result of the extracellular action of Adriamycin in the presence of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Demonstration of the existence of an organo specific NADH dehydrogenase in heart mitochondria . ^^^ The `` exogenous NADH dehydrogenase ' ' of heart mitochondria was found to introduce reducing equivalents into the respiratory chain before the rotenone block , indicating that the enzyme is associated with complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , the electrophoretic transfer of NADH dehydrogenase to nitrocellulose was demonstrated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The data suggest that 6 Cl BTD interacts with an electron transport site on the oxygen side of NADH dehydrogenase and inhibitory studies with 6 Cl BTD and rotenone indicate that it might correspond with one of the two sites affected by rotenone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
URF 6 , last unidentified reading frame of human mtDNA , codes for an NADH dehydrogenase subunit . ^^^ Antibodies prepared against highly purified respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase from beef heart or against the cytoplasmically synthesized 49 kilodalton iron sulfur subunit isolated from this enzyme complex , when added to a deoxycholate or a Triton 10 100 mitochondrial lysate of HeLa cells , specifically precipitated the URF 6 product together with the six other URF products previously identified as subunits of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results indicate that cadmium interacts with either the NADH dehydrogenase complex or other NADH dependent enzymes and not solely by an uncoupling action . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These drugs normalized the activity of NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase in respiratory chain of mitochondria , increased distinctly stability of the enzymes to the effect of such factors as heating , effect of phospholipase A 2 or trypsin . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Defect of NADH dehydrogenase in Leigh syndrome . ^^^
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The other approach was to probe plant mitochondrial membranes with antibodies raised to a purified preparation of ox heart rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase and subunits thereof . ^^^
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However , electrons from the succinate dehydrogenase or external NADH dehydrogenase seem to have no access to this pathway . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Loss of liposome binding of NADH dehydrogenase from alkalophilic Bacillus on subtilisin digestion . ^^^ Alkalophile NADH dehydrogenase consisting of two 65 kDa subunits was changed by subtilisin into an enzyme species consisting of two 38 kDa subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of total and serine proteases , alkaline phosphatase , NADH dehydrogenase and aldolase increased in the extract of initiated spores . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase reaction in combination with immunoperoxidase ( PAP ) staining for light microscopic observation on the interneuronal relations of the enteric nervous system of the pig . ^^^
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The relationship of these activities to other enzymatic activities ( especially the mitochondrial external NADH dehydrogenase ) is discussed . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three enzymes ( malate dehydrogenase , MD ; NADH dehydrogenase ; glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase , GPD ) were tested for activity after treatment of E . coli with the test chemicals . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Six unidentified reading frames of human mitochondrial DNA encode components of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ We conclude that the six reading frames encode components of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Experiments are presented showing that specific inhibition of mitochondrial protein synthesis by tetracyclines decreases the activity of the NADH dehydrogenase complex in liver mitochondria , if rats are treated for long periods with these antibiotics . ^^^ It is concluded that the mitochondrial genetic system is involved in the assembly of the NADH dehydrogenase complex , most likely by coding for one or more subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three major fractions of increasing density corresponding to plasma membrane , intracellular membranes and secretory granules were detected using [ 3H ] concanavalin A , NADH dehydrogenase and beta D glucuronidase as respective markers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The polypeptide composition of isolated mitochondrial NADH : ubiquinone reductase ( NADH dehydrogenase ) is very similar to that of material immunoprecipitated from detergent solubilized bovine heart submitochondrial particles by antisera to the holoenzyme . ^^^ The polypeptide compositions of rat , rabbit and human NADH dehydrogenase were determined by immunoprecipitation of the enzyme from solubilized submitochondrial particles and proved to be very similar to that of the bovine heart enzyme , particularly in the high Mr region . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase from bovine neutrophil membranes . ^^^ A membrane associated NADH dehydrogenase from beef neutrophils was purified to homogeneity , using detergent ( cholate plus Triton 10 100 ) extraction and chromatography on DEAE Sepharose CL 6B , agarose hexane NAD , and hydroxylapatite . ^^^ Based upon kinetic , physical , and inhibition properties , this NADH dehydrogenase differs from those previously described in microsomes and erythrocyte plasma membrane . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An antibody raised against two subunits ( Mr 48 000 and 25 000 ) of NADH dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans cross reacts with one of more than 20 polypeptides that form the bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Antibodies raised against certain subunits of the bovine heart NADH dehydrogenase were tested for cross reactivity with P . denitrificans cytoplasmic membranes . ^^^ Of those tested , only one , an antibody specific for the 49 kDa subunit of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , cross reacted with the bacterial membranes . ^^^ This is an indication for a previously undetected third subunit of NADH dehydrogenase from P . denitrificans . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complex 2 , unlike adriamycin , does not catalyze the flow of electrons from NADH to molecular oxygen through NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The remaining dye interacting with NADH dehydrogenase does not fluoresce . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chemical cross linking of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from bovine heart . ^^^ The structure of bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase was investigated by using two cleavable cross linking agents , disuccinimidyl tartrate and ( ethylene glycol ) yl bis ( succinimidyl succinate ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This result could be explained by the binding of the chlorinated phenols with NADH dehydrogenase whose position , on the external surface of the mitochondrial membrane , is favorable to good accessibility of the xenobiotic . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The [ 4B 3H ] NADH H2O exchange reaction of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The purified mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase enzyme has been shown to catalyze a rapid [ 4B 3H ] NADH H2O exchange reaction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A quantitative histochemical study of succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH D ) activity in medulla oblongata structures was accomplished in rats with arterial renovascular hypertension of the `` 2 kidneys 2 clips ' ' type lasting 5 months . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Contributions of other mitochondrial flavoproteins such as succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase , proline dehydrogenase , and choline oxidase , to the overall flavin fluorescence signal of isolated rat liver mitochondria can be neglected . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Iron deficient skeletal muscle submitochondrial particles , in contrast , have decreased cytochrome content and only 15 20 % of the normal capacity for oxidation through either complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) or complex 2 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cucumber monodehydroascorbate reductase occurs in soluble form and can be distinguished from NADPH dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , DT diaphorase , microsome bound NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase , and NADPH cytochrome c reductase by its molecular weight , amino acid composition , and specificity of electron acceptors and donors . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This has been shown by measuring spectroscopically the binding of the aglycon part to an external probe and by measuring the susceptibility of bound adriamycin to reduction by NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
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Studies of a halophilic NADH dehydrogenase . 1 . ^^^
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Use of NADH dehydrogenase activity associated with xanthine dehydrogenase to investigate substrate and product inductions . ^^^
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Contribution of inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase to the cardiotoxic effects of halothane . ^^^
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Low temperature electron paramagnetic resonance studies on iron sulfur centers in cardiac NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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The interaction of 2 phenylisatogen and menadione with rat liver mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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An energy independent interaction of ATP with the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase : competitive inhibition . ^^^
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A possible mechanism for the halothane induced inhibition of mitochondrial respiration : binding of endogenous calcium to NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase activity of soluble cardiac NADH dehydrogenase and particulate NADH ubiquinone reductase . ^^^
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The slow dissociation of the NADH dehydrogenase complex as a basis for the preferential transfer of hydrogen between the C 17 positions of steroids ( author ' s transl ) ] . ^^^
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Action of diethylstilbestrol on the NADH dehydrogenase region of the respiratory chain . ^^^
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Actions of isoniazid on NADH dehydrogenase activity of kidney of tuberculous guinea pigs . ^^^
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Stereospecificity of the allosteric NADH dehydrogenase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis . ^^^
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Isolation of high molecular weight NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain by diethyl ether Triton 10 100 treatment . ^^^
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Effect of diethyl ether on particulate NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Factors affecting the cation requirement of a halophilic NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Nonheme iron protein as a possible site of rotenone inhibition of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Characterization of a soluble NADH dehydrogenase ] . ^^^
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Essentiality of ubiquinone for the interaction of succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , and cytochrome b . ^^^
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Reconstitutively active NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Four quinone reduction sites in the NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
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The relation between phospholipase action and release of NADH dehydrogenase from mitochondrial membrane . ^^^
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Reaction sites of rotenone , piericidin A , and amytal in relation to the nonheme iron components of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Quinone interaction with the respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase of beef heart mitochondria . ^^^
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An antimycin A and alkane sensitive NADH dehydrogenase of rat liver . 5 . ^^^
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Its effect on the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and tetrazolium reductase systems . ^^^
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Quinone interaction with the respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase of beef heart mitochondria . 2 . ^^^
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A simple method for the purification of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Inhibitory effect of fenfluramine and propranolol on NADH dehydrogenase of mouse heart homogenates . ^^^
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EPR behavior of a soluble cardiac NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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The oxygen requirement of an NADH dehydrogenase from Sepia officinalis . ^^^
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Properties of a NADH dehydrogenase solubilized from electron transport particles . ^^^
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Difference in the mechanism of quinone reduction by the NADH dehydrogenase and the NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenase ( DT diaphorase ) . ^^^
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Purification and some properties of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Phenylisatogen as an electron acceptor for mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Effect of a norfenfluramine derivative ( S 780 ) on NADH dehydrogenase and on certain other enzymes of mouse tissue homogenates . ^^^
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Inhibitory effect of certain drugs on NADH dehydrogenase of mouse heart homogenates . ^^^
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Characteristics of membrane fragments from Micrococcus lysodeikticus containing malate and NADH dehydrogenase ] . ^^^
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Evidence for a novel flavin prosthetic group associated with NADH dehydrogenase from Peptostreptococcus elsdenii . ^^^
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Molybdenum associated with NADH dehydrogenase in complex 1 . ^^^
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Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of 95Mo enriched NADH dehydrogenase isolated from iron deficient Azotobacter vinelandii . ^^^
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Studies on the respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase . 2 . ^^^
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Energy transformation in mitochondria : the role of the iron sulfur center N 2 of NADH dehydrogenase ] . ^^^
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The dramatic diminishing of the concentration of the N 2 iron sulfur centre of NADH dehydrogenase of mitochondria during the growth of cell culture of hamster fibroblasts with the subsequent recovery of concentration to the initial level was discovered by means of low temperature ESR spectroscopy . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The following enzyme activities were detected in homogenates : hexokinase , fructose biphosphate aldolase , pyruvate kinase , phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase , malate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase ( decarboxylating ) , pyruvate synthase , acetyl CoA synthetase , alcohol dehydrogenase ( NADP+ ) , NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH dehydrogenase , NADPH oxidoreductase and superoxide dismutase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Dieldrin , an organochlorine insecticide , when administered orally to male albino rats at a dose of 5 mg / kg body weight / day for 15 days inhibits the enzyme Mg2+ ATPase and stimulates the activity of 5 ' nucleotidase and NADH dehydrogenase in liver plasma membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Effect of lipids on a membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase from Bacillus caldotenax . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase [ EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ] in membranes of Bacillus caldotenax was solubilized with sodium N lauroylsarcosinate and purified 50 fold from membranes to 75 80 % homogeneity , as judged by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evidence for gramicidin S localization of the Bac . brevis membrane and possible causes for the manifestation of the NADH dehydrogenase activity at a certain stage of culture growth are discussed . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The latter generally contain greater amounts of protein , RNA , acid phosphatase , succinate dehydrogenase , lactate dehydrogenase , glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase , and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
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Mg2+ ATPase , alkaline phosphatase and NADH dehydrogenase activities were also inhibited in the liver plasma membranes of the lindane treated animals . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Malate dehydrogenase from young cells is weakly inhibited by thyrotrycin obtained from Bac . brevis ATCC 10068 ; succinate dehydrogenase is entirely insensitive to this antibiotic , while NADH dehydrogenase is almost completely inhibited by it . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Assays of the two membrane fractions for 2 keto 3 deoxyoctonate , succinate dehydrogenase , and NADH dehydrogenase and by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that each of the two membrane fractions was purified fivefold relative to the other . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The bactericidal activity of Tinopal AN [ 1 , 1 bis ( 3 , N 5 dimethyl benzoxazol 2 yl ) methine p toluene sulphonate ] was shown to be due to a mechanism entirely independent of its inhibitory effects upon NADH dehydrogenase which were reported previously . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At birth ornithine carbamoyltransferase ( OCT ) . succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( NADHDH ) activities were evenly distributed throughout the liver acinus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An interesting feature is the pH dependence of Centre N 2 , the highest potential component of the NADH dehydrogenase segment of the respiratory chain . 2 . ^^^ The apparent midpoint potentials of Centre N 2 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) and S 1 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) and their pH dependence was also determined by using the succinate / fumarate couple . ^^^ Oxidation reduction titrations of iron sulphur centres with the couple NADH / NAD+ and an analogue APADH / APAD+ in the presence of rotenone gave results substantially different from those obtained by redox potentiometry ; these differences may be due to the mechanism of action of NADH dehydrogenase and its specific interaction with NADH . 5 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Clusters N 1a , N 1b , N 2 , N 3 and N 4 of NADH dehydrogenase had midpoint oxidation reduction potentials at pH 7 . 5 of 425 , 265 , 85 , 240 and 260 mV , respectively . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase activity was significantly decreased ( 46 % ) , whilst succinate dehydrogenase activity was elevated ( 25 % ) , following chronic ethanol consumption . ^^^ The results indicate that chronic ethanol treatment leads to an alteration of the structure and function of the NADH dehydrogenase segment of the electron transfer chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Generation of superoxide anion by the NADH dehydrogenase of bovine heart mitochondria . ^^^ Submitochondrial particles from bovine heart in which NADH dehydrogenase is reduced by either addition of NADH and rotenone or by reversed electron transfer generate 0 . 9 + / 0 . 1 nmol of O 2 / min per mg of protein at pH 7 . 4 and at 30 degrees C . ^^^ In NADH and antimycin supplemented submitochondrial particles , rotenone has a biphasic effect : it increases O 2 production at the NADH dehydrogenase and it inhibits O 2 production at the ubiquinone cytochrome b site . ^^^ Cyanide did not affect O 2 generation at the NADH dehydrogenase , but inhibited O 2 production at the ubiquinone cytochrome b site . ^^^ Production of O 2 at the NADH dehydrogenase is about 50 % of the O 2 generation but the ubiquinone cytochrome b area at pH 7 . 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence coding for the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli . ^^^ The nucleotide sequence of the structural gene coding for the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli has been determined by the chain termination method . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Iron sulfur N 1 clusters studied in NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase and in soluble NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ EPR spectra of soluble NADH dehydrogenase , containing 5 6 g atoms of non heme iron and 5 6 mol of acid labile sulfide / mol of FMN , were examined . ^^^ This is the first example of an N 1 type signal detected in isolated soluble NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , the activities of two enzymes , NADH dehydrogenase and 5 ' nucleotidase , which are not involved in lipid synthesis , were independent of changes in cell density . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ultracytochemistry was used to study and compare cytochromooxidase , succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activity in gastric mucosa parietal cells in health and in gastric carcinoma associated with decreased acidity of gastric juice . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase activity was inhibited 100 % . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Resolution of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and isolation of two iron sulfur proteins . ^^^ The low molecular weight NADH dehydrogenase which can be solubilized from the mitochondrial NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex with chaotropic agents consists of three subunits in equimolar ratio [ Galante , Y . ^^^ On separation of the subunits of NADH dehydrogenase , the FMN is lost . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been reported by others that bee venom can be used to quantitate the portion of a heterogeneous vesicle population with an inside out orientation by determining the degree of loss of crypticity of NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ These results are consistent with the postulated existence of a homogeneous vesicle population in which the topography of the NADH dehydrogenase is different from that of the intact cell . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase in iron deficient and iron repleted rat muscle : an EPR and work performance study . ^^^ Oral iron supplementation restored work capacity and Hb within 4 d to normal or near normal levels , but in general Fe S centres of mitochondria due to NADH dehydrogenase remained at iron deficient levels . ^^^ Subnormal concentrations of mitochondrial iron dependent NADH dehydrogenase in muscle are not by themselves rate limiting in work performance . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Doxorubicin stimulated mitochondrial superoxide formation in a dose dependent manner that also appeared to follow saturation kinetics ( apparent Km of 454 . 55 microM ) ; however , drug related superoxide production by mitochondria required NADH rather than NADPH and was significantly increased in the presence of rotenone , which suggested that the proximal portion of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex [ NADH : ( acceptor ) oxidoreductase , EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ] was responsible for the reduction of doxorubicin at this site . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Study of the iron sulfur center N 2 from NADH dehydrogenase in different metabolic states of the mitochondria from liver and heart ] . ^^^ The structural equilibrium and nonequilibrium forms of the center N 2 from NADH dehydrogenase differ in their parametres of the spin lattice relaxation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Anthracycline antibiotic stimulated superoxide , hydrogen peroxide , and hydroxyl radical production by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Superoxide formation by NADH dehydrogenase after anthracycline treatment appeared to follow saturation kinetics with an apparent Km of 167 . 3 , 73 . 3 , 64 . 0 , or 47 . 6 microM for doxorubicin , daunorubicin , rubidazone , or aclacinomycin A , respectively . ^^^ Superoxide formation by NADH dehydrogenase after doxorubicin treatment occurred with a pH optimum of 7 . 6 and was accompanied by the production of hydrogen peroxide . ^^^ The antitumor agents mitoxantrone and actinomycin D did not significantly enhance reactive oxygen metabolism by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ These results suggest that the specific activation of the anthracycline antibiotics to free radicals by NADH dehydrogenase leads to the formation of a variety of reactive oxygen species that may contribute to the mitochondrial toxicity of these drugs . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The external NADH dehydrogenase , like cytochrome c oxidase is partially insensitive to catabolite repression . ^^^ These results provide evidence for the presence in strain SP 1 of an alternative mitochondrial pathway , going from the external NADH dehydrogenase to an oxidase , different from the normal NADH dehydrogenase ubiquinone pathway . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A similar futile cycle in mitochondria involves NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
They reached a relative specific activity of 10 , whereas this value was only of 0 . 7 for the endoplasmic reticulum marker , NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Formation of superoxide anions ( O 2 ) by bovine heart NADH dehydrogenase preparation ( Complex 1 ) supported by an NADH or NADPH generating system was studied kinetically . ^^^ These results indicate that the biphasic double reciprocal plots of the superoxide forming activities against reduced coenzymes are not caused by interaction between reduced coenzymes and the NADH dehydrogenase but are due to the presence of at least two superoxide forming sites in the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , PR toxin did not show significant inhibition of either cytochrome oxidase or NADH dehydrogenase activity of the mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase doe not control synchronization of ATP synthetase function in the mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activity of endocellular enzymes ( alkaline phosphatase , protease , glucose dehydrogenase , aldolase , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase ) was studied in isolated prospores and sporangia as well as in vegetative cells of Bacillus thuringiensis strains , one of which produced crystals and one did not . ^^^ The activity of malate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase was high in prospores of the both strains at the fifth and sixth stages of spore formation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH oxidase but not NADH dehydrogenase activity was found to decrease during synthesis and accumulation of phospholipid in the vesicles . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By these methods , NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , aminopeptidase , and lactate dehydrogenase were detected in the cytoplasmic fraction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Stereospecificity and requirements for activity of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli . ^^^ The respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli has been further amplified in vivo by genetic methods . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This activity resides in a multienzyme complex which could be resolved into 3 components , namely the methanol dehydrogenase , NAD dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ However , dye reduction ( NAD dependent ) could be restored on incubating methanol dehydrogenase with the corresponding NADH dehydrogenase , obtained from the enzyme complex . ^^^ It is concluded that this novel methanol dehydrogenase transfers the reducing equivalents , derived from methanol , directly to its associated NADH dehydrogenase via a mechanism in which NAD+ and PQQ are involved . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The purified enzyme preparation was homogeneous on analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis , and was free from contaminating enzymes including NADH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interaction of rhodanese with mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase is an iron sulfur flavoprotein which is isolated and purified from Complex 1 ( mitochondrial NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ) by resolution with NaClO 4 . ^^^ Rhodanese ( thiosulfate : cyanide sulfurtransferase ( EC 2 . 8 . 1 . 1 ) purified from bovine liver mitochondria was shown to restore , in the presence of thiosulfate , the activity of the partly inactivated NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Rhodanese mediated sulfide transfer was directly demonstrated when the reactivation of NADH dehydrogenase was performed in the presence of radioactive thiosulfate ( labeled in the outer sulfur ) and the 35S loaded flavoprotein was re isolated by gel filtration chromatography . ^^^ The results indicated that the [ 35S ] sulfide was inserted in NADH dehydrogenase and appeared to constitute the structural basis for the increase in enzymic activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Bis ( alkylamino ) anthracenedione antineoplastic agent metabolic activation by NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase : diminished activity relative to anthracyclines . ^^^ Stimulation of the rates of NAD ( P ) H oxidation , superoxide generation , and hydrogen peroxide formation by three anthracenedione antineoplastic agents in the presence of NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , NADH dehydrogenase , or rabbit hepatic microsomes was studied and the results compared with those obtained for the anthracyclines Adriamycin and daunorubicin . ^^^ The non ring hydroxylated anthracenedione inhibited the reduction of Adriamycin by both P 450 reductase and NADH dehydrogenase with 50 % inhibition achieved at approximately 300 microM . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nitrogenous basis with a long alkoxylic group is shown to be inhibitors of NADH dehydrogenase , their action is similar to rotenone . ^^^ The affinity of the organic cations of arylhydrazones to NADH dehydrogenase is 100 1000 times higher than the affinity of electric neutral compounds . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The target size of NADH oxidase activity of M . lysodeikticus isolated membranes for electron radiation is nearly equal to that obtained for NADH dehydrogenase ( about 50 kD ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Incubation of Complex 1 ( NADH CoQ reductase ) of ox heart mitochondria at 4 degrees C in the presence of 0 . 5 M NaClO 4 followed by ammonium sulfate fractionation of the solubilized proteins results in the isolation of a resolved preparation still capable of catalyzing NADH NAD+ transhydrogenation but having only low levels of NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis by crossed immunoelectrophoresis of Paracoccus denitrificans membrane vesicles has shown that only one antigen stains for NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ From the limited number of precipitates observed after crossed immunoelectrophoresis of this partially purified preparation of NADH dehydrogenase it was possible to excise specifically part of the precipitate that stained for NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Excised precipitates containing NADH dehydrogenase that had been radiolabelled by growth of cells in the presence of [ 35S ] SO 2 ( 4 ) allowed the polypeptide composition of the enzyme to be determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate followed by fluorography . ^^^ Subunits of similar molecular weight are found in the flavoprotein fragment of the NADH dehydrogenase of the mammalian mitochondrial respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results and spectral changes of EFA treated complex 1 in the u . v . region are consistent with modification of essential histidyl or tyrosyl residues between the primary NADH dehydrogenase and the site of ubiquinone reduction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Histochemical reactions revealed two populations of fibres in this muscle , differing from fast twitch fibres by the intensity of their myofibrillar ATPase reaction and by their mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Histochemical demonstration of NADH dehydrogenase disclosed that almost 100 per cent of the type IIA and many of the type 1 and IIB fibres were medium stained ; the remaining type 1 fibres were darkly stained and the type IIB fibres lightly stained . ^^^ In older horses more fibres were stained for NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The focused proteins displayed the following enzymatic activities and isoelectric points by zymogram methods : ATPase ( EC 3 . 6 . 1 . 3 ) , 4 . 20 ; malate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 37 ) , 3 . 90 ; lactate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 27 ) , 3 . 85 ; two membrane proteins exhibited multiple bands upon enzymatic staining NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , 4 . 25 , 4 . 35 ; succinate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 3 . 99 . 1 ) , 4 . 85 , 5 . 10 , 5 . 35 . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The data support the view that the NADH dehydrogenase possesses two redox sites , one accounting for the rotenone sensitive reduction and another accounting for the rotenone insensitive reduction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH induced hyperpolarization is blocked by pretreatment of muscles with ouabain , and the inhibitors of plasma membrane NADH dehydrogenase ( adriamycin , azide , PCMB , atebrine , DIDS and bleomycin ) . ^^^ We conclude that NADH hyperpolarization is due to the enhancement of passive membrane permeability , apparently for K+ , which might result from the conformational changes in the plasma membrane during the NADH dehydrogenase reaction . ^^^ The possibility is discussed that NADH dehydrogenase mediates transport of K+ out from the cell using a pathway connected with the transmembrane Na+ / K+ pump . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ATPase , cytochrome oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase showed increased activity when the energy linked functions were preserved . ^^^ In aging conditions , cytochrome oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase and ATPase showed decreased activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been shown that the light induced increase in green fluorescence in cells is due to the oxidation of NADH dehydrogenase , a mitochondrial flavine containing enzyme , occurring at the time of fluorescence induction . ^^^ The exciding light activates NADH dehydrogenase and accelerates the translocation of reduced equivalents from this enzyme , which results in its oxidation , and thus in the observed effect of increased intensity of green fluorescence . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase inhibitors when introduced into the medium simultaneously with mitochondria prevent the both processes , but only till Ca2+ release . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Partial purification and properties of the external NADH dehydrogenase from cuckoo pint ( Arum maculatum ) mitochondria . ^^^ The external NADH dehydrogenase has been purified from Arum maculatum ( cuckoo pint ) mitochondria by phosphate washing , extraction with deoxycholate , ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibition of erythrocyte plasma membrane NADH dehydrogenase by nucleotides and uncouplers . ^^^ Erythrocyte ghost NADH dehydrogenase is inhibited in a competitive fashion by ATP and ADP whereas other nucleoside di and triphosphates , cyclic nucleosides , as well as non phosphorylating ATP analogs are relatively ineffective . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Competitive inhibition of human mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase by Cibacron Blue F3GA . ^^^ Cibacron Blue F3GA , the chromophore of blue dextran , was tested at 4 16 mumol / l for possible inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase activity when added to mitochondrial preparations from cultured human skin fibroblasts . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Photoaffinity labelling of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase with arylazidoamorphigenin , an analogue of rotenone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
TMB 8 inhibited respiration of rat thymocytes and rat liver mitochondria , probably by inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The combined effects of rotenone and ubiquinone 3 on the kinetics of NADH dehydrogenase and NADH oxidase have been investigated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A transmembranous NADH dehydrogenase in human erythrocyte membranes . ^^^ Evidence is presented for a transmembranous NADH dehydrogenase in human erythrocyte plasma membrane . ^^^ This NADH dehydrogenase is distinctly different from the NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibition of plasma membrane NADH dehydrogenase by adriamycin and related anthracycline antibiotics . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The iron sulfur center N 2 from NADH dehydrogenase during direct and reverse electron transport in the mitochondria of rat liver and the yeast Endomyces magnusii ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The most susceptible portion was located from NADH dehydrogenase to coenzyme Q . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At low malate concentrations the rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase was active and could accept electrons from both malate oxidases . ^^^ This NADH dehydrogenase became saturated at about 10 mM malate . ^^^ At higher malate concentrations the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase was increasingly important and its increased electron transport capacity was best exploited by malate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using the irradiation inactivation procedure , it was demonstrated that the size of the irradiation target for NADH oxidase coincides with that for NADH dehydrogenase and makes up to about 50 KD . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The magnitude of the dimethylsulphoxide or trimethylamine N oxide dependent membrane potential was reduced either by a protonophore uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation or synergistically by a combination of a protonophore plus rotenone , an inhibitor of electron flow from NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In particular , experiments on submitochondrial particles showed that the competitive inhibition concerned the following enzymes : NADH dehydrogenase , succinic dehydrogenase and reduced ubiquinone : cytochrome c oxido reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Detection of iron sulfur center containing subunits of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by high performance gel permeation chromatography . ^^^ Soluble NADH dehydrogenase resolved from Complex 1 of the mitochondrial electron transfer chain was subjected to gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate at 4 degrees C , and then the gel was stained for iron with bathophenanthroline disulfonate and thioglycolic acid . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and characterization of the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase of mitochondria from Arum maculatum . ^^^ Affinity chromatography on 5 ' ADP Sepharose 4B was used to separate the rotenone sensitive ( complex 1 ) NADH dehydrogenase from the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ An 18 fold purification of the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase was achieved . ^^^ The rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase appears to be a flavoprotein and no iron sulphur centres were detected by electron spin resonance spectroscopy . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Insulin control of a transplasma membrane NADH dehydrogenase in erythrocyte membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These observations suggest that electrons from reduced coenzymes are transferred to ADP Fe3+ chelate from a component between a mercurial sensitive site and the rotenone sensitive one of the NADH dehydrogenase and that the reduction of ADP Fe3+ chelate by the NADH dehydrogenase is an essential step in the lipid peroxidation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is shown that the Notch 8 deficiency in Drosophila melanogaster affects a number of enzyme activities localized in the mitochondria , such as NADH oxidase ( activity of the complete respiratory chain ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( the first step in the respiratory chain before transfer to ubiquinone ) , Succinate dehydrogenase and alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase . ^^^ The effect of duplications of the Notch locus on NADH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase suggest that the locus determines the enzyme activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using NADH dehydrogenase , it was shown that the attachment of NADH dehydrogenase to the membrane treated with glutaric aldehyde occurs in two steps , this being indicative of different environment of this enzyme in the membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Various kinds of flavoenzymes such as NADPH cytochrome c reductase , NADH cytochrome b 5 reductase , xanthine oxidase , lipoamide dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase supplemented with their electron donors exhibited the sulfoxide reductase activity in the presence of a partially purified soluble factor from guinea pig liver . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase and NADH oxidation in membrane vesicle from Bacillus subtilis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We show that six mapped recessive lethal point mutations of the Notch locus affect mitochondrial enzyme activities : NADH oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and characterization of NADH dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis W 23 has been isolated from membrane vesicles solubilized with 0 . 1 % Triton 10 100 by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on an octyl Sepharose CL 4B column . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genetic identification and purification of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli . ^^^ This enzyme has been identified as the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase since it is absent in chromatograms of solubilized material from an ndh mutant strain . ^^^ Such mutants lack membrane bound NADH oxidase activity and have previously been shown to have an inactive NADH dehydrogenase complex [ Young , 1 . ^^^ The respiratory NADH dehydrogenase was amplified 50 to 100 fold in vivo by using multicopy plasmid vectors carrying the ndh gene and then purified to homogeneity on hydroxylapatite . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is therefore concluded that added NAD+ gains access to the matrix space and stimulates oxidation by the rotenone resistant NADH dehydrogenase located on the matrix surface of the inner membrane . ^^^ Evidence is presented to suggest that the rotenone resistant NADH dehydrogenase is engaged under conditions of high phosphorylation potential , which restricts electron flux through the rotenone sensitive dehydrogenase ( coupled to ATP synthesis ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A soluble NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ferricyanide oxidoreductase ) from Thermus aquaticus strain T 351 . ^^^ A soluble NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ferricyanide oxidoreductase ) has been obtained by simple disruption of cells of Thermus aquaticus strain T 351 , and purified . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three other dehydrogenases , namely , NADH dehydrogenase , NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , and malate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 37 ) , contained flavin in noncovalent linkage , the NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenase also possessing nonheme iron . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The primary structure of subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase from bovine heart mitochondria . ^^^ Subunit 2 ( with a molecular mass of about 24000 dalton , approximately 24 kDA ) of NADH dehydrogenase from beef heart mitochondria was [ 14C ] carboxymethylated and cleaved with CNBr and proteolytic enzymes . ^^^ The subunit contains no long hydrophobic segment , in contrast to structures often found in membrane proteins , but in agreement with a model where the functional unit of NADH dehydrogenase in the membrane is shielded by other intra membrane proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The vanadate stimulated NADH oxidase in plasma membrane is inhibited by compounds , which inhibit NADH dehydrogenase activity : catechols , anthracycline drugs and manganese . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three immunoprecipitates are positively identified as NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , NADPH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 1 ) , and glutamate dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 4 . 1 . 4 ) based on activity stains for these enzymes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The molecular organization of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The recoveries of protein , 5 ' nucleotidase , UDP galactose : N acetylglucosamine galactosyltransferase , and NADH dehydrogenase into subcellular fractions were determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Characterization of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli and reconstitution of NADH oxidase in ndh mutant membrane vesicles . ^^^ Highly purified preparations of the cholate solubilized respiratory NADH dehydrogenase , isolated from genetically amplified Escherichia coli strains [ Jaworowski , A . , Campbell , H . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In vitro synthesis of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli . ^^^ The respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli has been synthesized in vitro in a coupled transcription translation system with cloned deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) as template . ^^^ Radiochemical N terminal sequencing of the synthesized NADH dehydrogenase showed that the product was a mixture of three different species , with N formylmethionine , methionine , or threonine at the N terminus . ^^^ The results indicated that only partial N terminal processing was occurring in vitro and that the first residue of the unprocessed NADH dehydrogenase is N formylmethionine . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Improved assay for NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Finally , L factor , a protein involved in regulation of protein elongation , has an inhibitory effect on the expression of the dld gene and a stimulatory effect on the expression of the ndh gene ( encoding NADH dehydrogenase ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
During attempts to clone the gene coding for the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli , two hybrid plasmids were constructed from E . coli chromosomal DNA [ Young , 1 . ^^^ One of these plasmids , pIY 1 , derived from EcoRI digested chromosomal DNA , was studied in detail and shown to possess the gene coding for the NADH dehydrogenase of the aerobic respiratory chain of E . coli . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We propose that the ferricyanide reduction is carried out by a transmembrane NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Since NADH reoxidation is partially insensitive to antimycin , a secondary pathway going from external NADH dehydrogenase to cytochrome c oxidase is suggested . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rhein ( 4 , 5 dihydroxyanthraquinone 2 carboxylic acid ) which has been previously employed as an inhibitor for electron transport particles , NADH dehydrogenase , and other flavoproteins is reducible under physiological conditions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Of the oxidative enzymes studied , only citrate synthase showed no significant difference in adults vs adolescents , whereas the activities of lipoamide dehydrogenase ( + 40 % ) , NADP isocitrate dehydrogenase ( + 44 % ) , fumarase ( + 24 . 5 % ) , total malate dehydrogenase ( + 42 . 2 % ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( + 39 % ) were all significantly higher in the latter group . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the same time no changes are observed in the NADH dehydrogenase activity of the mitochondria in the presence of 100 mM of sodium fluoride . ^^^ With the intragastric administration of 35 and 24 mg / kg sodium fluoride to animals for 3 and 60 days , respectively , the succinate and NADH dehydrogenase activities of the rat liver mitochondria lower significantly . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At infinite Q content only the former mechanism is operative ; at low Q content only the latter . ( 6 ) Duroquinone can be reduced directly by NADH dehydrogenase without mediation of ubiquinone , but duroquinol can not be oxidized in the absence of ubiquinone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interaction of NADH dehydrogenase from M . lysodeikticus membranes with lipids in a reconstituted system ] . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase isolated from the M . lysodeikticus membranes was reconstituted into liposomes from the lipids obtained from the same membranes . ^^^ Evidence for the energy transfer from protein chromophores of NADH dehydrogenase in the proteoliposomes ( lambda excit = 286 nm ) to the hydrophobic fluorescent probe pyrene was obtained . ^^^ It is assumed that the NADH dehydrogenase molecule is exposed to water . ^^^ It is assumed that the NADH dehydrogenase molecule is involved in heat diffusion which facilitates the active center interaction with the membrane surface . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A novel inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase in Paracoccus denitrificans . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Furthermore , support comes from the fact that enzymes generally associated with the Krebs cycle and electron transport ( i . e . , malate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , isocitrate dehydrogenase , fumarate hydratase , malate dehydrogenase [ decarboxylating ] , cytochrome oxidase , superoxide dismutase , NADH dehydrogenase , and catalase ) were detected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
No unique mitochondrial translation products in respiratory chain linked NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Simplified isolation and molecular composition of NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain . ^^^ A simplified procedure for the isolation of NADH dehydrogenase from the inner membrane of ox heart mitochondria is presented which permits relatively rapid preparation of the enzyme in a more stable form than that afforded by published methods . ^^^ Complex 1 contains several subunits , mostly of low molecular weight , not seen in soluble purified NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ It is suggested that some of these may be ' binding peptides ' necessary in linking NADH dehydrogenase to ubiquinone reduction , analogously to the role of small peptides in linking succinate dehydrogenase to ubiquinone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The fluorescence signal is mainly due to changes in the redox state of NADH dehydrogenase , and the absorption signal to changes in redox state of he flavoproteins in the acyl CoA dehydrogenase pathway . 4 . ^^^ For small stimulation intensities a steady state oxidation of the NADH dehydrogenase concomitant with a steady state reduction of the flavoproteins in the acyl CoA dehydrogenase pathway was recorded . 7 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Results are presented of mathematical analysis of succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activities in mitochondria of rabbit brain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase from the cells of Acholeplasma laidlawii ] . ^^^ Using ion exchange chromatography on DEAE cellulose and gel filtration , a purified NADH dehydrogenase was prepared from cell membranes of A . laidlawii . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase in cystic fibrosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results indicate that : ( 1 ) these compounds act as electron acceptors , ( 2 ) O 2 functions as final electron acceptor under aerobic conditions , and ( 3 ) nanaomycin D reductase is , in fact , an NADH dehydrogenase ( quinone ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These findings show that ML 10 has dual effects on mitochondrial respiration as ( 1 ) an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase complex and ( 2 ) an uncoupler . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase in cystic fibrosis : enzyme kinetics in cultured fibroblasts . ^^^ Differences among cystic fibrosis ( CF ) genotypes ( CF , obligate carriers for CF [ HZ ] , and controls ) in mitochondrial calcium pool size , oxygen ( O 2 ) consumption , and rotenone inhibition of O 2 consumption led to examination of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : [ acceptor ] oxidoreductase , E . ^^^ C . 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . pH optima of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase were different in enzyme derived from whole cell homogenates of cultured skin fibroblasts of subjects with CF , HZ , and controls . ^^^ The correlation between two kinetic parameters of an enzyme and the three CF genotypes suggests an association between the CF gene and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ca2+ stimulation of the external NADH dehydrogenase in Jerusalem artichoke ( Helianthus tuberosum ) mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron transport systems of Candida utilis : purification and properties of the respiratory chain linked external NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The respiratory chain linked external NADH dehydrogenase has been isolated from Candida utilis in highly purified form . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Relation of Arrhenius discontinuities of NADH dehydrogenase to change in membrane lipid fluidity of Bacillus caldotenax . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is proposed therefore that the mitochondrial defect is situated between NADH dehydrogenase and the CoQ Cytochrome b complex ; possibly being a derangement of a non haem iron sulphur centre . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of the subunits of bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase that are exposed to the phospholipid bilayer by photo labelling with 5 iodonaphth 1 yl azide . ^^^ Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase may be isolated from bovine heart as a lipoprotein complex ( Complex 1 or NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase ) . ^^^ A model NADH dehydrogenase structure is proposed on the basis of these results and those obtained with hydrophilic probes by Smith & Ragan ( 1980 ) Biochem . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The kinetics of regeneration of native NADH and the NADH immobilized on a water soluble 4 vinylpyridine and acroleine copolymer in a model two enzyme formate dehydrogenase NADH dehydrogenase system were investigated . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Xanthomegnin was also immediately reduced by NADH catalyzed by a purified particulate NADH dehydrogenase complex showing a molar ratio of 2 moles NADH for one mole of xanthomegnin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transplasmalemma NADH dehydrogenase is inhibited by actinomycin D . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results suggest that the carboxylating enzyme itself is not a flavoprotein , but that the microsomal NADH dehydrogenase required for [ vitamin K + NADH ] dependent carboxylation is a flavoprotein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The CM vesicles are surrounded with a unit membrane , have high activities of marker enzymes ( NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and ATPase ) , a higher phospholipid content , cytochromes of a , b and c types and differ qualitatively in its protein composition from the CW fraction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Immunological assays of the NADH dehydrogenase content of bovine heart mitochondria and submitochondrial particles . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Strong NADPH dehydrogenase , weak NADH dehydrogenase , strong ATPase , and strong acid phosphatase , in addition to nonspecific esterase activities were demonstrated in many reactive cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The organization of NADH dehydrogenase polypeptides in the inner mitochondrial membrane . ^^^ The organization of the constituent polypeptides of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase was studied by using two membrane impermeable probes , diazobenzene [ 35S ] sulphonate and lactoperoxidase catalysed radioiodination . ^^^ We conclude that NADH dehydrogenase is asymmetrically organized across the inner mitochondrial membrane . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Kinetic analysis reveals that a diffusion limited step occurs between succinate and NADH dehydrogenase and cytochromes bc 1 , and that the dehydrogenases , ubiquinone , and cytochromes bc 1 are free to diffuse independently of one another in the membrane plane . ^^^ The specific activities of succinate and NADH dehydrogenase as well as cytochrome c oxidase are affected by bilayer enrichment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Isoniazid ( INH ) interacts with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NAD+ ) in the regulation of reduced NAD ( NADH ) oxidation in electron transport particles from Mycobacterium phlei . the interaction was shown to be at the level of the NADH dehydrogenase by the use of menadione as an artificial electron acceptor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies on the interaction of arylazido beta alanyl NAD+ with the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Arylazido beta alanyl NAD+ ( A3 ' O ( 3 [ N ( 4 azido 2 nitrophenyl ) amino ] propionyl ) NAD+ ) is a potent competitive inhibitor with respect to NADH ( apparent Ki , 1 . 7 2 . 7 microM ) for the purified mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The branchpoint from which electrons are taken from the main respiratory chain to either the alternative oxidase or fumarate reductase is likely to be on the oxygen side of the NADH dehydrogenase segment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition an exceptionally long spacer region between the genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 and tRNA ( Ser ) ( AGY ) is found in caiman . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differential screening of an adrenal cortex cDNA library for corticotropin ( ACTH ) inducible genes led to the isolation of a group of cDNAs representing mitochondrial genes that encode subunits of cytochrome oxidase , ATPase , and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The levels of mRNAs for cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and ATPase increased 2 to 4 fold and for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 increased 20 fold , whereas the levels of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA showed no change within 6 h of ACTH stimulation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Steady state levels of 12S rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mRNA ( ND 4 ) mitochondrial transcripts were measured on rabbit articular chondrocyte in culture . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
After 2 weeks of HCCL treatment , hepatic contents of the mature mitochondrial mRNAs ( expressed normalized to 28 S rRNA ) encoding subunit 2 of cytochrome c oxidase ( CO 2 ) , subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) , and cytochrome b were reduced to values 40 60 % of those observed in RNA from control liver tissue . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Alkylresorcinols reduce the NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase activities in mitochondria , whereas tyrosol acts predominantly on the NADH dehydrogenase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Limited amino acid sequence and hydrophobicity profile similarities suggest that the protein encoded by edited CR 5 mRNA may be a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 RNA , which is transcribed from the same strand of the mitochondrial genome just downstream of the 12S and 16S genes , does not exhibit a high posterior concentration but is uniformly distributed throughout early embryos . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Southern blot and DNA sequence analysis of 20 cDNA clones that were isolated revealed that they represented mitochondrially encoded mRNAs for the following proteins : cytochrome c oxidase subunits 2 and 3 , ATPase 6 , cytochrome b , and subunit 1 of the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes in the mitochondrial DNA of yeasts . ^^^ The genes encoding the NADH dehydrogenase subunits of respiratory complex 1 have not been identified so far in the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) of yeasts . ^^^ In the linear mtDNA of Candida parapsilosis , we found six new open reading frames whose sequences were unambiguously homologous to those of the genes known to code for NADH dehydrogenase subunit proteins of different organisms , i . e . , ND 1 , ND 2 , ND 3 , ND4L , ND 5 , and ND 6 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Action of beta N oxalylamino L alanine on mouse brain NADH dehydrogenase activity . beta N Oxalylamino L alanine ( L BOAA ) , a non protein neuroexcitatory amino acid present in the seeds of Lathyrus sativus ( chickling or grass pea ) , is known to produce its neurotoxic effects by overstimulation of non N methyl D aspartate receptors , especially alpha amino 3 hydroxy 5 methylisoxazole 4 propionic acid ( AMPA ) receptors , at micromolar concentrations . ^^^ It has recently been reported that L BOAA selectively inhibits mitochondrial enzyme NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) in brain slices at subpicomolar concentrations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of enzymes such as Na+K+ ATPase , NADH dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase were also inhibited but were restored after incubation of the brain homogenate with dithiothreitol . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Integrating microdensitometry has been used to quantitate changes in 4 cytoplasmic enzymes ( NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , acid phosphatase and alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase ) , DNA , RNA and glycogen in developing macrophages from 17 patients with non Hodgkin ' s lymphoma and 19 normal subjects . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes encoding the group 1 intron containing tRNA ( Leu ) and subunit L of NADH dehydrogenase from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 6301 . ^^^ The predicted protein sequence of ORF 3 , which is located 74 bp upstream from trnL UAA on the opposite strand , shows 66 . 2 % amino acid identity to that of the Synechocystis PCC 6803 gene encoding subunit L of NADH dehydrogenase ( ndhL ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Air ions normalized activity of respiratory enzymes ( succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase ) in rat brain cells and activated their exploratory behaviour . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Multiple deficiencies of mitochondrial DNA and nuclear encoded subunits of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase detected with peptide and subunit specific antibodies in mitochondrial myopathies . ^^^ Antibodies have been raised against synthetic peptides corresponding to several computer predicted epitopes of three mtDNA encoded subunits , ND 4 , ND 5 and ND 6 , of the human respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) . ^^^ The antibodies described above and other Complex 1 subunit or holoenzyme specific antibodies were used to investigate the subunit deficiencies of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase in the skeletal muscle of patients affected by mitochondrial myopathies associated with Complex 1 defects . ^^^ The present work provides the first evidence of a decrease in NADH dehydrogenase subunits encoded in the mitochondrial genome in myopathy patients . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes were cytochrome oxidase 1 , cytochrome oxidase 3 , NADH dehydrogenase 4 , and 12s rRNA , all of which are located on the heavy strand of the mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This sequence contains putative genes that encode initiator methionine tRNA ( trnfM ) , subunits 3 ( nad 3 ) and 4 ( nad 4 ) of the NADH dehydrogenase complex , and ribosomal proteins S 3 ( rps 3 ) , S 12 ( rps 12 ) and L 16 ( rpl 16 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In submitochondrial , only NADH dehydrogenase activity was 100 % higher in septic samples . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Elevated expression of mitochondrial cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 / 4L genes in senescent human cells . ^^^ Sequence analysis revealed that these cDNA clones were homologous to the human mitochondrial genes for cytochrome b ( cytb ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 / 4L ( ND4 / 4L ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Peptides from the amino terminus of mouse mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 are potent chemoattractants . ^^^ We previously established that the mouse MHC class 1 b molecule H 2M3a binds peptides from the NH 2 terminus of the mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Active transcription of the pseudogene for subunit 7 of the NADH dehydrogenase in Marchantia polymorpha mitochondria . ^^^ A pseudogene , psi nad 7 , which has significant sequence similarity ( 66 . 7 % amino acid identity ) with the bovine nuclear gene for a 49 kDa subunit of the NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase , EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , has been identified on the mitochondrial genome of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of these fragments is a water soluble NADH dehydrogenase fragment which is composed of three subunits bearing at least four iron sulfur clusters ( N1b , N1c , N 3 and N 4 ) that can be reduced with NADH , one of them bearing FMN . ^^^ The second , amphipathic , fragment , which is presumed to connect the NADH dehydrogenase fragment with the membrane , contains four subunits and at least one EPR detectable iron sulfur cluster whose spectral properties are reminiscent of the eucaryotic cluster N 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibitors of xanthine oxidase , oxypurinol ( 300 microM ) , and of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , rotenone ( 50 microM ) , had no significant effect on superoxide levels . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Kinetics of the mitochondrial three subunit NADH dehydrogenase interaction with hexammineruthenium ( 3 ) . ^^^ The steady state kinetics of the NADH dehydrogenase activity of the three subunit flavo iron sulfur protein ( FP , Type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ) in the presence of the one electron acceptor hexammineruthenium ( 3 ) ( HAR ) were studied . ^^^ Simple assay procedures for NADH dehydrogenase activity with HAR as the electron acceptor are described . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
They include genes encoding three subunits of the cytochrome oxidase ( cox 1 to 3 ) , apocytochrome b ( cob ) , seven subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 1 to 6 , nad4L ) , two ATPase subunits ( atp 6 and atp 9 ) , three ribosomal RNAs ( rrn 5 , srn and lrn ) , 23 tRNAs and four ribosomal proteins ( rps 3 , rps 11 , rps 12 and rpl 16 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was observed that lead induced drastic changes , copper induced moderate changes but zinc did not cause any significant change in the cholesterol and phospholipid content , hexose , hexosamine and sialic acid levels and activities of the erythrocyte membrane enzymes acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) , NADH dehydrogenase and Na ( + ) K+ ATPase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Titration of the external NADH dehydrogenase and the alternative oxidase in plant mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thienylimidazo [ 2 , 1 b ] thiazoles as inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ These compounds were tested as specific inhibitors of the NADH : ubiquinone ( UBQ ) reductase activity of NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondrial membranes . ^^^ This compound is noncompetitive with the ubiquinone substrate and interacts with a site which is mutually exclusive with that of rotenone but nonexclusive with that of piericidin and several other inhibitors of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Modification of one mole of lysine residue per mole of enzyme caused a large loss of the activity , and the enzyme was no longer able to show NADH dehydrogenase activity after uncoupling . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genetic variations in TGF alpha s , RAR alpha s , NADH dehydrogenase , an enzyme involved in oxidative metabolism , and cytochrome P 450 , a detoxifying enzyme , have been implicated as contributing genetic factors . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There is some evidence that mitochondrial genes may contribute to susceptibility to multiple sclerosis ( MS ) , and a mitochondrial DNA encoded peptide , the N terminal portion of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , acts as a transplantation antigen in mice . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The FAD was copurified with the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone , an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase , and amino oxyacetate , which inhibits the malate / aspartate shuttle , were powerful suppressors of reducing equivalent flux from lactate as sole substrate , but were much less potent in the presence of carbohydrate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This was associated with loss of activity of certain mitochondrial enzymes such as succinic dehydrogenase , isocitrate dehydrogenase , total ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase whereas NADH oxidase was not affected . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The identified sequences represented mitochondrial ( cytochrome b , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 4 ) and alpha 2 ( type 1 ) collagen genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron transport and production of O 2 / H2O2 by the NADH dehydrogenase flavin semiquinone ( FMNH . ) and ubisemiquinone ( UQH . ) were studied in a model of in vivo ischemia reperfusion in rat kidney . ^^^ Ischemia caused a marked decrease in the electron transport throughout the NADH UQ segment with no significant changes either in the NADH dehydrogenase activity or in the electron flux trough the succinate cytochrome oxidase segment . ^^^ Our results show a redistribution of the electron flux with an increased rate of superoxide anion / hydrogen peroxide production at NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondria subjected to ischemia only . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
From the DNA and amino acid sequence comparisons with known sequences , genes for ATPase subunit 9 ( ATP 9 ) , cytochrome b ( CYTB ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 3 and 6 ( ND 1 , ND 3 and ND 6 ) , small subunit rRNA ( SSU rRNA ) and seven tRNAs ( Arg , Asn , Cys , Lys , f Met , Met and Pro ) have been identified . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the level of edited RNA , both epimastigotes and metacyclic stage parasites appear to be pre adapted for the respiratory mechanisms of BF but not yet down regulated from the cytochrome based respiration of PF since edited RNAs encoding NADH dehydrogenase components are up regulated and edited CYb RNA is abundant in these stages . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An EPR signal characteristic of a [ 2Fe 2S ] cluster detected from the soluble mitochondrial matrix fraction has been shown to be distinct from the signals associated with mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase , and has therefore been attributed to a ferredoxin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The sequenced region includes the complete genes for NADH dehydrogenase 4 , NADH dehydrogenase 4L , NADH dehydrogenase 6 , and transfer RNAs for proline , threonine and histidine , and part of the genes for NADH dehydrogenase 5 and cytochrome b . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of the sequence homologies indicated that HndA shows 29 , 21 , and 26 % identity with the 24 kDa subunit from Bos taurus complex 1 , the 25 kDa subunit from Paracoccus denitrificans NADH dehydrogenase type 1 , and the N terminal domain of HoxF subunit of the NAD reducing hydrogenase from Alcaligenes eutrophus , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) as a thyroid hormone regulated gene by whole genome PCR analysis . ^^^ Following this procedure , we now report the identification of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) gene as target of thyroid hormone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The decrease in Eh 7 of the mitochondrial NAD couple , Eh7NAD+ / NADH , from 280 to 300 mV and the increase in Eh 7 of the coenzyme Q couple , Eh7Q / QH2 , from 4 to +12 mV was equivalent to an increase from 53 kJ to 60 kJ / 2 mol e in the reaction catalyzed by the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase multienzyme complex ( EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Superoxide is a stoichiometric precursor of mitochondrial H2O2 because the ratio of O 2 / H2O2 generation rates is close to 2 . 0 and is generated by an autoxidizable component in the NADH dehydrogenase and the ubiquinone cytochrome b site . ^^^ Electrons from NADH are supplied to the reactions from a component between the substrate site and the rotenone sensitive site of the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcriptional control of the nuo operon which encodes the energy conserving NADH dehydrogenase of Salmonella typhimurium . ^^^ The 14 nuo genes encode the subunits of the type 1 ( energy conserving ) NADH dehydrogenase , a key component of the respiratory chain . ^^^ However , none of the mutations tested had a large effect on expression of type 1 NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The source ( s ) of NADH > NAD activity was evaluated by assessments of its intramitochondrial distribution and thermal lability and by comparisons with the distribution / thermal lability of NADH dehydrogenase , lipoamide dehydrogenase , and NADPH > NAD transhydrogenase . ^^^ Like NADPH > NAD transhydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase was essentially membrane bound . ^^^ Although the NADH > NAD profile closely paralleled that for lipoamide dehydrogenase , it also was similar to the NADH dehydrogenase profile . ^^^ Collectively , these data are consistent with the supposition that the H . diminuta mitochondrial NADH > NAD transhydrogenation reaction is catalyzed by lipoamide dehydrogenase and possibly by NADH dehydrogenase rather than by an independent transhydrogenase system . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The enzymes of mitochondrial respiratory chain , NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase ( complex 4 ) , were completely inhibited by 6 hydroxydopamine with IC 50 = 10 . 5 microM and IC 50 = 34 microM respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , genes encoding the 3 subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase part of complex 1 are apparently missing in these species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It may be suggested that NADH dehydrogenase is the key enzyme required for active transport of K+ in the cells , as rotenone , a selective blocker of this enzyme , causes a complete blockade of the Na+ , K ( + ) pump . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enzyme activity levels for NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase showed a similar trend , albeit of lesser magnitude . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The relation between rate and Q redox state for the external NADH dehydrogenase in potato callus mitochondria was found to differ from that of succinate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Efficient selection and characterization of mutants of a human cell line which are defective in mitochondrial DNA encoded subunits of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) in mammalian cells is a multimeric enzyme consisting of approximately 40 subunits , 7 of which are encoded in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) . ^^^ The two remaining complex 1 deficient mutants exhibited a normal rate of synthesis and assembly of the mtDNA encoded subunits of the enzyme , and the mtDNA mutation ( s ) responsible for their NADH dehydrogenase defect remains to be identified . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor amobarbital ( Amytal ) and the mitochondrial uncoupler carbonylcyanide m chlorophenylhydrazone ( CCCP ) were used to alter energy metabolism . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Compounds that block electron transport at NADH dehydrogenase ( rotenone ) or between ubiquinone and cytochrome b ( antimycin ) showed that univalent reduction of O 2 can occur at these sites in vivo to form superoxide anion ( O 2 ) , in agreement with reports for mammalian mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial extract from Leishmania tarentolae directs the incorporation of uridylate ( U ) residues within the pre edited domain of synthetic cytochrome b ( CYb ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 mRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Indeed , dopamine inhibited mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity with IC 50 = 8 microM , and that of norepinephrine was twice as much ( IC 50 = 15 microM ) . ^^^ Dopamine induced inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase activity was only partially reversed by desferrioxamine , which had no effect on norepinephrine induced inhibition . ^^^ The latter was further supported by the ability of ADP to reverse dopamine induced inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase activity in a dose dependent manner . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Deletion of the structural gene for the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 of Synechocystis 6803 alters respiratory properties . ^^^ Chloroplasts and cyanobacteria contain genes encoding polypeptides homologous to some subunits of the mitochondrial respiratory NADH ubiquinol oxidoreductase complex ( NADH dehydrogenase ) . ^^^ Nothing is known of the role of the NADH dehydrogenase complex in photosynthesis , respiration , or other functions in chloroplasts , and little is known about the specific roles of the perhaps 42 subunits of this complex in the mitochondrion . ^^^ It is suggested that the 56 . 6 kD product of ndhD 2 is not essential for the activity of a cytoplasmic membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase but that it regulates the rate of electron flow through the complex , establishing a link between this ndh gene and respiration . ^^^ The activity of the molecularly distinct thylakoid bound NADH dehydrogenase is apparently unaffected by the loss of ndhD 2 . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To test hypotheses of neutral evolution of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) , nucleotide sequences were determined for 1515 base pairs of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene in the mitochondrial DNA of 29 lines of Drosophila melanogaster and 9 lines of its sibling species Drosophila simulans . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both nad 4 and nad 7 encode subunits of complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) of the mitochondrial electron transfer chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The direct inhibitory effect of EQ on NADH dehydrogenase was a most relevant finding , since no inhibitor for the partial reaction of NADH ferricyanide on this complex has been reported previously . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Incubation of mouse brain slices with various concentrations of MPP+ ( 1 100 microM ) resulted in dose dependent inhibition of mitochondrial enzyme NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) and leakage of the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase from the slice into the medium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this study , we investigated the effects of calcium on NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase activities since the mechanism of these effects is unresolved . ^^^ Calcium and magnesium , in the concentration range of 0 . 02 to 5 mM , did not influence the NADH dehydrogenase activity of SMP . ^^^ Energization of SMP by oligomycin addition , however , dramatically influenced the kinetic properties of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ It is proposed that in heart mitochondria , calcium does not affect directly the components of electron transport but it may influence the activity of NADH dehydrogenase indirectly by increasing delta psi . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Partial NADH dehydrogenase defect presenting as spastic cerebral palsy . ^^^ He was eventually found to have NADH dehydrogenase deficiency . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A significant decrease in the activities of mitochondrial inner membrane enzymes such as NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase is observed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A relatively large sample size was made possible by using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) amplification of DNA prepared from small blood samples to generate fragments of two known polymorphic mtDNA regions , one within the gene encoding subunit 5 of NADH dehydrogenase and one encompassing the entire D loop . ^^^ Six polymorphic sites were located by this means , five of which were within the D loop and one of which was within the NADH dehydrogenase 5 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Only one , the region coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 5 and 6 , showed any variation at this level . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Occurrence and transcription of genes for nad 1 , nad 3 , nad4L , and nad 6 , coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 3 , 4L , and 6 , in liverwort mitochondria . ^^^ The genes encoding subunits 1 , 3 , 4L , and 6 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 1 , nad 3 , nad4L , nad 6 ) in the mitochondrial genome of a liverwort , Marchantia polymorpha , were characterized by comparing homologies of the amino acid sequences of the subunits with those of other organisms . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Several genes were identified that appeared to be regulated by mofarotene , including a mitochondrial gene encoding a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( NDI ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The duplicated intron sequences of 75 140 bp are derived from cis and trans splicing introns of genes encoding subunits 1 and 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The reduction of AQs performed by NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , homogenates and microsomes of V 79 cells , indicated that only the carboxy containing drugs were fairly good superoxide anion stimulators . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The most striking feature is the loss of all 11 functional genes ( ndh genes ) for subunits of a putative NADH dehydrogenase that are found in the chloroplast genomes of angiosperms and a bryophyte . ^^^ This unexpected finding raises the possibility that all ndh genes have been transferred to the nucleus or that an NADH dehydrogenase is not essential in black pine chloroplasts . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thienylvinylindoles as inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In connection with a previous study , new phenylindoles bearing a 2 or 3 thienyl group were synthesized and tested as specific inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results were interpreted as a DNA alteration consistent with a mutation at level of tARN genes , initiating the reading of gen ND 2 of Complex 1 , NADH dehydrogenase and affecting Complex CO 3 that transcribe cytochrome c and oxidoreductase genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nucleotide sequence of a segment of the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) molecule of the sea anemone Metridium senile ( phylum Cnidaria , class Anthozoa , order Actiniaria ) has been determined , within which have been identified the genes for respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) , the small subunit rRNA ( s rRNA ) , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 ( COII ) , ND 4 , ND 6 , cytochrome b ( Cyt b ) , tRNA ( f Met ) , and the large subunit rRNA ( 1 rRNA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Also , the transcripts of other genes containing group 2 introns ( ribosomal protein S 16 gene , rps 16 ; NADH dehydrogenase ND 2 gene , ndhB ; cytochrome f gene , petD ; and intron containing reading frame 170 , irf 170 ) and of the tRNA for leucine , trnL ( UAA ) , possessing the only chloroplast group 1 intron , were found to be spliced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The discovery of a novel respiratory enzyme of heart mitochondria , exogenous NADH dehydrogenase , some years ago , has considerably aided understanding of mitochondrial O 2 radical generation and the role of ubiquinones therein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast with other inhibitors of the NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain , the decarboxylated dimer of aminoethylcysteine ketimine protects bovine heart submitochondrial particles ( SMP ) from the NADH Fe ( +3 ) ADP induced lipid peroxidation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Comparisons have been performed between the derived amino acid sequences of three sequenced genes , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 ( COII ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L ( ND4L ) and ATP synthase subunit 8 ( ATPase 8 ) , from D . labrax , and their counterparts in other fishes and Xenopus laevis . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complete sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 ( COII ) , and ATPase subunit 8 ( ATPase 8 ) , as well as partial sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) , and the large ribosomal RNA ( lrRNA ) genes were determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In S . cerevisiae , a rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase of about 500 600 kDa is detected only in stationary phase cells . ^^^ As in Neurospora crassa , upon incubation of the obligately aerobic yeast R . mucilaginosa with chloramphenicol , an intermediate NADH dehydrogenase of approximately 350 kDa was formed , which was insensitive to rotenone . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Significant stabilization of hydroperoxides was estimated in weakly polar media ( epsilon = 4 ) which can simulate the quinone reducing center of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcription of rat mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The results described in this report lead to the conclusion that ubisemiquinones form obligatory intermediates in the reaction of NADH dehydrogenase with ubiquinone . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In mitochondria , increased hydrophobicity resulted in greater inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase but a smaller dependence on the transmembrane electrochemical gradient for accumulation of the pyridiniums as evidenced by an approximately 600 fold , versus only a 36 fold , increase in the IC 50 of MPP+ versus 4 ' pentyl MPP+ , respectively , in the presence of uncoupler . ^^^ In ETPs , the analogous increase in potencies of the more hydrophobic analogues was also consistent with an inhibitory mechanism that relied on differential partitioning into the lipid environment surrounding NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Natural substances ( acetogenins ) from the family Annonaceae are powerful inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 gene is interrupted by four group 2 introns in the wheat mitochondrial genome . ^^^ We have characterized a wheat mitochondrial gene , designated nad 7 , capable of encoding a 394 amino acid subunit of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This `` aerobic fermentation of glucose ' ' is probably due to both the presence of low levels of some cytochromes , causing a relative inefficiency of the respiratory chain for NADH , reoxidation during active glucose catabolism , and the lack of NADH dehydrogenase and phosphorylation site 1 , resulting in the entry of reduction equivalents into the chain mostly as succinate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RNA editing in mitochondria of cultured trypanosomatids : translatable mRNAs for NADH dehydrogenase subunits are missing . ^^^ In cultured trypanosomatids , however , translationally defective pre mRNAs for a number of NADH dehydrogenase subunits are not converted into functional mRNAs by editing . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We compared more than 500 nucleotides from each of two mitochondrial genes encoding 12S rRNA and the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial DNA mutation at nucleotide pair 14459 of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene associated with maternally inherited Leber hereditary optic neuropathy and dystonia . ^^^ One of these variants , a G to A transition at nucleotide pair ( np ) 14459 , changed a moderately conserved alanine to a valine at NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) residue 72 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These genes encode the proteins NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 , and apocytochrome b , as well as the transfer RNAs tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , tRNA ( Ser ) ( UCN ) , tRNA ( Asp ) , tRNA ( Glu ) , tRNA ( Thr ) and tRNA ( Pro ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nonneutral evolution at the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 gene in mice . ^^^ We tested this prediction by measuring DNA sequence variation at the mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) gene among 56 individual house mice , Mus domesticus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Intragenic rearrangements in the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene of vertebrates . ^^^ We have sequenced the mitochondrial encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene from 19 species of birds . ^^^ In this structural model of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 , the mammalian insertion is found in a variable loop region between transmembrane segments 4 and V . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
No association of mutations at nucleotide 5460 of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase with Alzheimer ' s disease . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) mutations at nucleotide 5460 of mitochondrial DNA ( codon 331 of the ND 2 subunit gene ) have been associated with Alzheimer ' s disease ( BBRC 182 , 238 246 , 1992 ; BBRC 189 , 1202 1206 , 1992 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The 12 . 3 kDa subunit of complex 1 ( respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ) from Neurospora crassa : cDNA cloning and chromosomal mapping of the gene . ^^^ The 12 . 3 kDa subunit of complex 1 ( respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ) is a nuclear coded protein of the hydrophobic fragment of the enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A guanine ( G ) to adenine ( A ) transition was recently identified at the 11778th nucleotide position in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene ( ND 4 ) in the mitochondrial genome of LHON patients from various ethnic groups . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene sequences compared for species and strains of the genus Echinococcus . ^^^ Nucleotide sequences of a 471 bp region of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene were obtained for 59 Echinococcus isolates including representatives of each of the 4 recognised species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have investigated the mechanism of the inhibition of membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase by 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) and a series of its 4 ' alkyl substituted analogs of increasing hydrophobicity , as well as their neutral , desmethyl congeners . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Osmotic shock and sequential treatment with 0 . 2 % ( v / v ) Triton 10 100 and 0 . 5 % ( w / v ) [ 3 cholamidopropyl ) dimethylammonio ] 1 propanesulfate ( CHAPS ) removed all other NADH dehydrogenase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase 2 gene ( ndh ) is repressed by FNR under anaerobic conditions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The reaction sites of rotenone and ubiquinone with mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both NADH : cytochrome c and NADH : ubiquinone reductase activities were inhibited 80 90 % by rotenone indicating the presence of a complex 1 like NADH dehydrogenase in the mitochondrion of trypanosomes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among the respiratory chain linked enzymes , the activity of NADH dehydrogenase registered a significant decrease of about 25 , 42 , and 53 % at 100 , 150 , and 180 microM piperine , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A Bacillus subtilis bglA gene encoding phospho beta glucosidase is inducible and closely linked to a NADH dehydrogenase encoding gene . ^^^ Immediately down stream from this B . subtilis bglA gene , there was a partial ORF on the opposite strand which encoded a polypeptide with extensive homology to NADH dehydrogenase from an alkalophilic Bacillus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Escherichia coli NADH dehydrogenase 1 , a minimal form of the mitochondrial complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes identified encode three subunits of the cytochome oxidase , apocytochrome b , nine subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 1 to 7 , nad4L and nad 9 ) , three ATPase subunits ( atp 6 , atp 9 , atp 1 ( also referred to as atpA ) ) , three ribosomal RNAs ( 5 S ( rrn 5 ) , small subunit ( srn ) and large subunit ( lrn ) RNA ) , 26 tRNAs , and 13 ribosomal proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results give a preliminary indication suggesting that the dimer inhibits electron flow from NADH dehydrogenase to ubiquinone at or near the rotenone binding site ( s ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We isolated and characterized mutants defective in nuo , encoding NADH dehydrogenase 1 , the multisubunit complex homologous to eucaryotic mitochondrial complex 1 . ^^^ We propose that cells defective for NADH dehydrogenase 1 exhibit all these phenotypes , because large NADH / NAD+ ratios inhibit certain tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes , e . g . , citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In frontal cortex activity of NADH dehydrogenase was significantly inhibited by diethyldithiocarbamate plus MPTP ex vivo , suggesting that the neurotoxic metabolite of MPTP , 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ion , is acting in brain regions other than striatum as well . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Intron loss from the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene of lettuce mitochondrial DNA : evidence for homologous recombination of a cDNA intermediate . ^^^ The mitochondrial gene coding for subunit 4 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 ( nad 4 ) has been isolated and characterized from lettuce , Lactuca sativa . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase , citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase activities in both patient groups were significantly lower than in controls ( p < 0 . 01 ) , while NADH cytochrome c reductase activity was reduced only in migraine with aura ( p < 0 . 01 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genome of yeast Hansenula wingei encodes NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes ND4L and ND 5 . ^^^ Genes homologous to those encoding mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunits ND4L and ND 5 in filamentous fungi were identified in the mitochondrial genome of a budding yeast , Hansenula wingei . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The remaining two NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes ( ND 4 and ND 5 ) , the ribosomal protein RPS 12 gene and the CR 5 gene are duplicated and rearranged . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We describe the structure and expression of a wheat mitochondrial gene , which codes for a subunit of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , mutant membranes were reduced by about 80 % in their type 2 NADH dehydrogenase dependent oxidase activity which resulted in a reduced ability to generate a proton gradient using NADH as an energy source . ^^^ Use of artificial electron acceptors indicated that the level of type 2 NADH dehydrogenase activity was normal . ^^^ These results suggest that the function of Q 8 in linking type 2 NADH dehydrogenase with the terminal oxidase ( s ) is dependent on the phosphatidylethanolamine content of the surrounding phospholipid matrix . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have evaluated the effects of treatment with riboflavin in five patients with a mitochondrial myopathy , associated with a complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) deficiency . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mutants defective in the energy conserving NADH dehydrogenase of Salmonella typhimurium identified by a decrease in energy dependent proteolysis after carbon starvation . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase is the first component of the respiratory chain . ^^^ Sequence analysis of DNA fragments cloned from an insertion mutant indicates that S . typhimurium has a large cluster of genes encoding the energy conserving NADH dehydrogenase , similar to one recently described in Paracoccus denitrificans . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Organization of the nucleus of the solitary tract in the hamster : acetylcholinesterase , NADH dehydrogenase , and cytochrome oxidase histochemistry . ^^^ The distribution of acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( NADHd ) , and cytochrome oxidase ( CO ) was determined in the nucleus of the solitary tract ( NST ) in the golden hamster . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
L BOAA induces selective inhibition of brain mitochondrial enzyme , NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Incubation of sagittal slices of mouse brain with L BOAA resulted in dose and time dependent inhibition of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have sequenced a segment of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) of a crustacean , the brine shrimp , Artemia salina , that includes 3 ' end proximal regions of the genes for subunit 1 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome b ( Cyt b ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The amino acid sequence of 509 residues , deduced from the nucleotide sequence , showed 51 . 2 and 72 . 5 % identities to the amino acid sequences of alkyl hydroperoxide reductase from Salmonella typhimurium and NADH dehydrogenase from alkalophilic Bacillus sp . strain YN 1 , respectively . ^^^ The above findings , however , suggest that the flavoprotein functional as NADH oxidase , the alkyl hydroperoxide reductase , and the NADH dehydrogenase diverged recently , with only small changes leading to their functional differences . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The 51 kDa flavoprotein subunit of mitochondrial NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ( Complex 1 ) [ NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) , flavoprotein 1 ( 51 kDa ) ; EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ] plays an important role in the formation of the NADH binding site and is believed to be the principal site of entry for electrons donated by NADH into the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The data suggest that both the block co polymers and their protein conjugates inhibit the NADH dehydrogenase complex and induce a K ( + ) conductivity of the mitochondrial inner membrane ; the surface activity of the conjugates allows them to pass through the plasma membrane and interact with the mitochondrial inner membrane . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequence and northern analyses showed that the insertion inactivated a gene highly homologous to ndhB , encoding subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase in Synechocystis sp . ^^^ These results may indicate that subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase is essential for the functional operation of the photosynthetic electron transport in Synechococcus under low but not high levels of CO 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this study we report that peroxynitrite exposure to rat heart mitochondria resulted in significant inactivation of electron carriers such as succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase as well as the mitochondrial ATPase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 1 ) of E . coli is more sensitive to OP than is NDH 1 of Paracoccus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Furthermore , there is considerable evidence that the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria is mainly responsible for functional changes of these organelles during ischemia / reperfusion . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Orf 3 , Orf 4 , and Orf 5 are all highly hydrophobic , integral membrane proteins with similarities to subunits of NADH dehydrogenase or cytochrome c reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The effects of vitamin E and its analogs alpha tocopheryl acetate with a shortened up to six carbon atoms side chain carrying a saturated and an unsaturated bonds at the chain terminus , alpha tocopherol and alpha tocopheryl quinone devoid of the side chain on the rate of malonic dialdehyde formation , the diene conjugate and total lipid content in the liver as well as the activity of the respiratory chain enzymes succinate and NADH dehydrogenase , succinate and NADH ubiquinone reductase , as well as the vitamin E and ubiquinone content in the liver mitochondria of vitamin E deficient rats in vivo have been investigated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The compounds under study act preferentially on the NADH dehydrogenase complex of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mononuclear phagocytes were harvested by glass adherence and standard methods were used for cytochemical staining for NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , acid phosphatase and alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These are the proton pumping NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase , also called complex 1 , which has a high affinity for NADH , and a non proton pumping NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase , called alternative NADH dehydrogenase , which has a low affinity for NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analyses of the sequences and part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene and the COI gene together with those from D . melanogaster and D . yakuba revealed that amino acid substitution rate of the ATPase 6 gene seems to be higher in some strains of D . melanogaster than in the other species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Escherichia coli mutants lacking NADH dehydrogenase 1 have a competitive disadvantage in stationary phase . ^^^ Both insertions were mapped to min 51 , and sequence analysis revealed that both mutated genes encode proteins homologous to subunits of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 . ^^^ Crude extracts prepared from both mutant strains were able to oxidize NADH but lacked the enzymatic activity needed to oxidize deamino NADH , a substrate specific for NADH dehydrogenase 1 . ^^^ This is the first identification of genes encoding subunits of NADH dehydrogenase 1 in E . coli . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Lack of assembly of mitochondrial DNA encoded subunits of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase and loss of enzyme activity in a human cell mutant lacking the mitochondrial ND 4 gene product . ^^^ In most eukaryotic cells , the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) is a multimeric enzyme under dual ( nuclear and mitochondrial ) genetic control . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Carriers of three mitochondrial DNA morphs , two in the subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase gene and one in the tRNA for threonine , had a VO2max ( ml . kg 1 . min 1 ) in the untrained state significantly higher than noncarriers , while carriers of one mitochondrial DNA morph in subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase had a lower initial VO2max . ^^^ After adjustment for training site and initial VO2max , a lower response was observed for three carriers of a variant in subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase detected with HincII ( mean gain of 0 . 28 l ; P < 0 . 05 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The analyses of mtDNA showed that the deletion in patient 1 spanned 4977 bp from the ATPase 8 gene to the NADH dehydrogenase 5 gene between 13 bp direct repeats , whereas the deletion in patient 2 spanned 3151 bp from the transfer RNA ( His ) gene to the cytochrome b gene unrelated to any repeated sequences . ^^^ Analysis of the entire sequence of both patient ' s mtDNA showed several nucleotide substitutions including alteration of the initiation codon of the NADH dehydrogenase 5 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Throughout ischemia and early reperfusion the hearts received , respectively : ( a ) 5 mM KCl ( controls ) , ( b ) 5 mM sodium amobarbital ( Amytal , which blocks mitochondrial respiration at Site 1 , at the level of NADH dehydrogenase ) , and ( c ) 5 mM potassium cyanide ( to block mitochondrial respiration distally , at the level of cytochrome c oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We analyzed portions of the apocytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 7 and 8 ( ND 7 and 8 ) genes and their edited mRNAs in Trypanosoma congolense and compared these to the corresponding sequences in T . brucei . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The current report demonstrates that H2O2 and HO . are also products of MPP+ interaction with NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reactivation of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) inhibited by 1 methyl 4 ( 4 ' alkylphenyl ) pyridinium analogues : a clue to the nature of the inhibition site . ^^^ Expression of the neurotoxicity of 1 methyl 4 phenyl 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 tetrahydropyridine , following oxidation to 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ion ( MPP+ ) , is believed to involve inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport from NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) to ubiquinone . ^^^ All three types of inhibitors combine at two sites on NADH dehydrogenase , a hydrophilic and hydrophobic one , and occupancy of both sites is required for complete inhibition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of the probes ( ND 4 probe ) detected transcripts of a segment of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene , which is known to be affected in most cases of mitochondrial myopathy with large deletions of mtDNA . ^^^ The other probe ( ND 2 probe ) detected transcripts of a segment of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene , which usually is not included in mtDNA deletions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An insertional mutation in the ndh gene has been introduced into the E . coli chromosome , and the resulting strain maintains membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase activity , demonstrating that a second genetically distinct NADH dehydrogenase must be present . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The organo specific external NADH dehydrogenase of mammal heart mitochondria has an artefactual origin . ^^^ The existence of an organo specific ( heart ) external NADH dehydrogenase located on the outer face of the inner mitochondrial membrane has been recently proposed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reductive inactivation of the mitochondrial three subunit NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The latter was most probably related to the inhibition of plasma membrane NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Results are interpreted to suggest that partial inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase activity can lead to the stimulation of mitochondrial H2O2 production in the housefly at site ( s ) other than NADH dehydrogenase and ubisemiquinone / cytochrome b region ; a possible source may be glycerophosphate dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Characterization of the Brassica campestris mitochondrial gene for subunit six of NADH dehydrogenase : nad 6 is present in the mitochondrion of a wide range of flowering plants . ^^^ We have isolated the Brassica campestris mitochondrial gene nad 6 , coding for subunit six of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , partial DNA sequence analysis revealed the lrRNA and srRNA genes as well as four protein encoding genes : the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( NAD 1 ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( NAD 6 ) , cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 ( CO 3 ) , and ATPase subunit 6 ( ATP 6 ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The steady state kinetics of the NADH dehydrogenase activities of the mitochondrial NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase in the presence of one electron acceptors , ferricyanide and hexammineruthenium ( 3 ) , were studied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In order to investigate the disordered maturation of mononuclear phagocytes previously found in Hodgkin ' s disease , integrating microdensitometry was used to quantitate changes in seven cytochemical constituents ( NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , acid phosphatase , alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase , DNA , RNA and glycogen ) of developing macrophages from 19 patients and 19 normal subjects . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The toxicity of catecholamines was also potentiated by the mitochondrial site 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) inhibitor rotenone . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Membrane associated NADH dehydrogenase activities in Rhodobacter capsulatus : purification of a dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase . ^^^ The presence of several NADH dehydrogenase activities associated with cytoplasmic membrane vesicles of chemoheterotrophically grown Rhodobacter capsulatus MT 1131 was demonstrated by combining isoelectric focusing with NADH tetranitrobluetetrazolium activity staining , a procedure that should have general applicability in the analysis of bacterial NADH dehydrogenase activities . ^^^ The Mid pI NADH dehydrogenase activity was purified and identified as a dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The gene is present in a unique genomic location upstream of the gene encoding subunit 3 of the NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Extensive editing of CR 2 maxicircle transcripts of Trypanosoma brucei predicts a protein with homology to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ This protein , which we name ND 9 ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 9 ) , has homology to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( respiratory complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequencing analyses showed that some of these clones corresponded to RNA transcripts from B 1 and B 2 repetitive sequences , as well as mRNA for cytochrome C oxidase 1 and NADH dehydrogenase 3 derived from the mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We observed that the benzoperimidines did not stimulate free radical formation , perhaps due to their poor substrate properties for NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The topological structure suggests that the predicted binding site of the prosthetic group pyrroloquinoline quinone is located at the periplasmic side and that the amino acid residues corresponding to those that were presumed to interact with ubiquinone in one subunit of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase also occur at the periplasmic side . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This effect was accompanied by significantly increased H2O2 formation , GSH depletion and TBARS formation linked to both NADH dehydrogenase ( rotenone inhibited ) and ubiquinone cytochrome b ( antimycin inhibited ) regions of the electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Each consisted of two electrophoretically identical subunits , bound flavin mononucleotide ( FMN ) non covalently and accepted electrons from an induced NADH dehydrogenase which interacted with the FMN bound to the oxygenating component . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To preliminarily examine whether mitochondrial heteroplasmy or synergism of multiple mitochondrial ( mt ) DNA mutations are related to the symptoms manifested in Japanese pedigrees with Leber ' s hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) , 90 percent of which have an mtDNA mutation at position 11778 in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Each amplified unit contains the genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 3 and 6 ( ND 3 and ND 6 ) , an open reading frame ( ORF 1 ) that represents a cytochrome P 450 like gene , and three additional unidentified open reading frames . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have determined the relative steady state concentration of the two Crithidia fasciculata guide ( g ) RNAs involved in editing the two domains of mRNAs for NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit 7 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cotranscriptional expression of mitochondrial genes for subunits of NADH dehydrogenase , nad 5 , nad 4 , nad 2 , in Marchantia polymorpha . ^^^ Three genes for the subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 5 , nad 4 , and nad 2 ) are tandemly clustered on the liverwort mitochondrial genome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Those authors further claimed that MPP+ itself also blocks respiration through succinate dehydrogenase , in addition to its well known effect on NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) , and concluded that both effects may contribute to the development of Parkinsonian symptoms . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The inhibitors had no significant effect on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase , oligomycin sensitive ATPase and NADH dehydrogenase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NdhF is a subunit of the type 1 , multisubunit NADH : plastoquinone oxidoreductase ( NADH dehydrogenase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase were strongly inhibited by the polycation , 80 90 % of the activity being lost at an inhibitor concentration of 100 microM . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Preincubation of rat heart mitochondria with 0 . 1 10 mumol / l trimetazidine did not affect NADH oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase and NADH cytochrome c reductase , succinate oxidase and cytochrome c oxidase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this study a new polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) assay was established for apolipoprotein E genotyping in archival neuropathological tissue , exon 17 of the amyloid precursor protein gene was directly sequenced , and a candidate mutation site at nucleotide ( nt ) 5460 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit gene ND 2 was analyzed employing PCR followed by HphI digestion . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Structure of a gene subunit 9 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 9 ) in rice mitochondria and RNA editing of its transcript . ^^^ We identified a gene for subunit 9 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 9 ) in rice mitochondrial DNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The microcirculation and the succinate and NADH dehydrogenase activities of the brain in neurotic disorders of the higher nervous activity in white rats ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Clofibrate , perfluorooctanoic acid , and acetylsalicylic acid all increased the mRNA levels for the mitochondrial encoded respiratory chain components cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two sections of the control region and the genes coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 5 and 6 ( ND 5 / 6 ) of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) were amplified from Phoxinus eos with the polymerase chain reaction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes encoding subunit 3 of NADH dehydrogenase and ribosomal protein S 12 are co transcribed and edited in Pinus sylvestris ( L . ) mitochondria . ^^^ The nucleotide sequence of the region encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 and ribosomal protein S 12 from Pinus sylvestris ( L . ) mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) has been determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have studied the characteristics of chimeric molecules formed in mitochondrial extracts of the insect trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculata which had been supplied with synthetic NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit 7 gRNA and pre mRNA variants . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Pyruvate carboxylase , superoxide dismutase , serotransferrin , liver fatty acid binding protein , 1 hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) as well as three N terminally blocked polypeptides : 9 ( 57 / 6 . 00 ) , 53 ( 24 / 4 . 90 ) and 63 ( 16 / 4 . 70 ) were detected only in whole adult liver tissue and not in any of the cultured cell lines . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These are the phosphorylating NADH dehydrogenase , otherwise known as Complex 1 , and at least four other nonphosphorylating NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A cDNA isolated by a subtractive hybridization procedure detected loss of mtDNA and the mRNA coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 in 8 of 13 tumor kidney tissues obtained from patients with renal cell carcinoma . ^^^ Sequencing revealed a stretch of nucleotides homologous to the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 gene in the middle of the cDNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria is increasingly reported to mediate cardiomyopathies following adriamycin treatment or reperfusion of ischemic hearts . ^^^ Our studies exclude both the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase of the outer membrane and the endogenous NADH dehydrogenase of damaged mitochondria as being responsible for external NADH consumption . ^^^ Our data support earlier reports on the physical association of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase with the inner mitochondrial membrane excluding oxidation of external NADH via an enzyme of artefactual origin . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The enzymatic properties of the FP subcomplex , reconstituted with FMN and iron sulfur , correspond to those of the isolated P . denitrificans NADH dehydrogenase complex . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Use of transmitochondrial cybrids to assign a complex 1 defect to the mitochondrial DNA encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene mutation at nucleotide pair 14459 that causes Leber hereditary optic neuropathy and dystonia . ^^^ A heteroplasmic G to A transition at nucleotide pair ( np ) 14459 within the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) gene has been identified as the cause of Leber hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) and / or pediatric onset dystonia in three unrelated families . ^^^ Enzymologic analysis of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) with submitochondrial particles isolated from Epstein Barr virus transformed lymphoblasts revealed a 60 % reduction ( P < 0 . 005 ) of complex 1 specific activity in patient cell lines compared with controls , with no differences in enzymatic activity for complexes 2 plus 3 , 3 and 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The gene for a subunit of an ABC type heme transporter is transcribed together with the gene for subunit 6 of NADH dehydrogenase in rice mitochondria . ^^^ Analyzing the ct derived psitrnI , we found that an open reading frame ( orf 240 ) , which was homologous to the gene for a subunit of an ATP binding cassette type ( ABC type ) heme transporter , namely helC , of Rhodobacter capsulatus , and a gene for subunit 6 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 6 ) were located upstream of and downstream from the ct derived psitrnI , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
TNFalpha blocked electron transfer at three sites , NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( complex 2 ) , and cytochrome c oxidase ( complex 4 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This effect is similar to that seen with nuo mutants defective in the energy conserving type 1 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The identified genes that are typical for most fungal mitochondria include those for the large ( rnl ) and small subunit ( rns ) ribosomal RNAs , a complete set of 25 tRNAs , three ATPase subunits ( atp 6 , atp 8 and atp 9 ) , apocytochrome b ( cob ) , three subunits of the cytochrome oxidase complex ( cox 1 , cox 2 and cox 3 ) , and seven subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 1 , nad 2 , nad 3 , nad 4 , nad4L , nad 5 and nad 6 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two mitochondrial group 1 introns in a metazoan , the sea anemone Metridium senile : one intron contains genes for subunits 1 and 3 of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Mitochondrial genes for cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) of the sea anemone Metridium senile ( phylum Cnidaria ) each contain a group 1 intron . ^^^ The ND 5 intron is unusual in that it ends with A and contains two genes ( ND 1 and ND 3 ) encoding additional subunits of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial DNA 3394 mutation in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 associated with non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus . ^^^ The mtDNA 3394T C mutation changed a conserved tyrosine to a histidine in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Site 2 ( antimycin A ) or site 3 ( cyanide , hypoxia ) mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibition completely blocked lipid peroxidation , whereas site 1 inhibition ( rotenone ) doubled its extent ( presumably by shunting NADH through NADH dehydrogenase , a free radical generating system ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The effect of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria on the transmembranous proton movement . ^^^ Heart mitochondria can be made to oxidize extramitochondrial NADH via the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The latter effect was inhibited when oxidation of external NADH via the respiratory chain was blocked and could be turned into the opposite when artificial e acceptors of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase were used to reactivate NADH consumption . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Codon usage and base composition also followed canonical vertebrate patterns , except for an unusual ATC ( non AUG ) codon initiating the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
As analyzed in several transmitochondrial cell lines thus obtained , the mutation , which is in the gene encoding subunit ND 4 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) , did not affect the synthesis , size , or stability of ND 4 , nor its incorporation into the enzyme complex . ^^^ However , NADH dehydrogenase dependent respiration , as measured in digitonin permeabilized cells , was specifically decreased by approximately 40 % in cells carrying the mutation . ^^^ On the contrary , no decrease in rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase activity , using a water soluble ubiquinone analogue as electron acceptor , was detected in disrupted mitochondrial membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The presence of a curved DNA sequence in the gene for the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 of rat mitochondrial genome , upstream from the origin of the light strand replication have been demonstrated through theoretical analysis and experimental approaches . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This preparation , yielding four major and several minor stained bands after SDS PAGE , retained the NADH dehydrogenase activity ( with menadione as an artificial electron acceptor ) and ubiquinone 1 ( Q ) reductase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Furthermore , 2 , 162 base pairs from the 3 ' region of ATPase subunit 6 gene to the 5 ' region of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L gene were determined in 4 individuals . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DGGE analysis of 100 to 200 bp sequences of low melting temperature domains within the origin / membrane attachment site , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and two overlapping regions of the tRNA glycine / NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 sequences was performed to identify sequence variants at these sites in a human B cell line TK 6 and T cells from four individuals . ^^^ A sequence variant resulting in a G > A transition at position 9966 in the tRNA glycine / NADH dehydrogenase 3 was identified in another individual . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and CYP2D6 genotypes in Lewy body parkinsonism . ^^^ A heteroplasmic mtDNAG5460A missense mutation in the ND 2 subunit gene of NADH dehydrogenase was three times more frequent in Parkinson cases ( 4 / 21 ) compared to controls ( 5 / 77 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH ) and alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase ( GPDH ) which were measured histophotometrically in type 1 , 2a , and 2b fibres showed either extreme or only partial overlapping regarding the activity of metabolic enzymes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial DNA region encompassing part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and isoleucine transfer RNA genes was PCR amplified , cloned , and sequenced for 14 morphometrically identified Apis mellifera subspecies and the New World `` Africanized ' ' honeybee . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evolution of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 in east African cichlid fish . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This approach was tested on a number of probe and target sequences derived from the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene of the West African black fly , Simulium damnosum sensu lato . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genetic variations in TGF alpha s , RAR alpha s , NADH dehydrogenase , an enzyme involved in oxidative metabolism , and cytochrome P 450 , a detoxifying enzyme , have been implicated as contributing genetic factors . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and characterization of a plasma membrane ferricyanide utilizing NADH dehydrogenase from Ehrlich tumour cells . ^^^ A ferricyanide utilizing NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH ferricyanide oxidoreductase ) from the plasma membrane of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells has been purified about 1500 fold to apparent homogeneity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Known genes , including those for human laminin B 1 chain , H ( + ) ATP synthase coupling factor 6 , lysyl oxidase , myosin light chain kinase , and interleukin 8 receptor , were upregulated by shear stress , while the gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase was down regulated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The air ions were shown to prevent completely the development of physiological changes caused by acute immobilization , including arterial pressure increase , gastric mucosa injuries ( erosions , haemorrhage ) , changes in respiratory enzyme activity ( succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase ) in brain cells , cardiac and adrenal mass increase in rats with the active type behaviour . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The high activities of CS and HAD together with the high intensity in the NADH dehydrogenase stain indicate that the reindeer muscle has a high oxidative capacity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Similarly , the maximal activities of NADH dehydrogenase and succinate dehydrogenase were roughly twofold higher in soleus mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The present results demonstrate that 6 hydroxydopamine reversibly inhibits complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) of brain mitochondrial respiratory chain in isolated mitochondria . 6 Hydroxydopamine itself , rather than its oxidative products , was responsible for the inhibition . ^^^ Desferrioxamine was also shown to activate NADH dehydrogenase in the absence of 6 hydroxydopamine . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and characterization of a 43 kDa rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase from plant mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) of the mitochondrial respiratory chain by 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ( MPP+ ) and its analogs results in dopaminergic cell death . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ndh gene that encodes the non proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase 2 of Escherichia coli is anaerobically repressed by FNR . ^^^ The results suggest that Nbp ( Fis ) serves to ensure that the energetically efficient proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase 1 is used in preference to the non proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase 2 during periods of rapid growth , by repressing expression of the ndh gene . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Included are the genes encoding the transfer RNAs for valine , isoleucine , glutamine and methionine , the small ribosomal RNA and the 5 ' coding sequences of the large ribosomal RNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone , a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , induces cell surface expression of CD 13 and CD 38 and apoptosis in HL 60 cells . ^^^ We previously demonstrated that the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene was overexpressed in human acute myelogenous leukemia ( AML ) cells . ^^^ Since this finding suggested that ND 2 gene expression was related to myeloid differentiation , we here investigated the effects of rotenone , a specific NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , on HL 60 cell growth , differentiation and death . ^^^ These findings suggest that the inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase changes the cell cycle and induces some specific surface antigens of HL 60 cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For long time , it has been believed that the yeast mitochondrial ( mt ) genome lacks NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes which are designated ND genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
After two TCG procedures , and at 24 h EMI , augmentation was found of activities of succinic dehydrogenase , lactate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , beta hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase , both in the area of profound ischemia and peri infarction myocardium , this being accompanied with an increase in myocardial content of adenosine triphosphate , creatine phosphate , and glycogen , and reduction of the developing mass of necrosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We sequenced the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) gene from a sample of 61 humans , five common chimpanzees , and one gorilla to test whether patterns of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) variation are consistent with a neutral model of molecular evolution . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A chloroplast derived sequence is utilized as a source of promoter sequences for the gene for subunit 9 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 9 ) in rice mitochondria . ^^^ The chloroplast derived sequence trnS rps4 / 3 ' trnL trnF ndhJ ndhK ( 4066 bases in length ) is present in a region that starts 355 bases upstream of the gene for subunit 9 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 9 ) in the mitochondrial genome of rice . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Prenatal diagnosis can be performed in the cases of cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase deficiencies in chorionic villi in selected families . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity and ability to tolerate acetaldehyde determine faster ethanol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . ^^^ In rapidly fermenting yeast , the rotenone insensitive mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase was not completely repressed by high glucose . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , all of the newly identified coo gene products show similarity to subunits of NADH quinone oxidoreductase ( energy conserving NADH dehydrogenase 1 ) from various eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms . ^^^ We have found that dicyclohexylcarbodiimide , an inhibitor of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( also called complex 1 ) , inhibits the CO induced hydrogenase as well . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
H+ / e stoichiometry for NADH dehydrogenase 1 and dimethyl sulfoxide reductase in anaerobically grown Escherichia coli cells . ^^^ In the presence of the NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NDH 1 ) inhibitor 8 methyl N vanillyl 6 nonenamide ( capsaicin ) or in mutants lacking NDH 1 , this ratio decreased to 1 for O 2 and to 0 for DMSO . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Each sample was simultaneously assessed for histoenzymological study , myosin and LDH isoforms and bioenergetic capacities [ NADH dehydrogenase cytochrome c oxidoreductase ( NADH Cyt c OR ) , succinate dehydrogenase cytochrome c oxidoreductase ( Succ Cyt c OR ) , cytochrome c oxidase ( Cyt c Ox ) and LDH ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Adrenochrome formation was stimulated by NADH indicating the participation of another enzyme ( NADH dehydrogenase ) which is known to be present in the human erythrocyte plasma membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In several studies a biochemical defect of complex 1 of the respiratory chain ( NADH dehydrogenase , EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ) has been found in the substantia nigra of Parkinsonian brains . ^^^ A heteroplasmic G5460A mutation affecting the ND 2 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase was detected in several brains of patients with idiopathic Parkinson ' s disease . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The cDNA for the PSST subunit of human mitochondrial nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NADH ) : ubiquinone oxidoreductase [ complex 1 ; NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) , Fe S ( 20 kDa ) ; EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ] was generated by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) amplification of human cDNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A 335 bp segment of the NADH dehydrogenase F ( ndhF ) gene from a representative of each non flowering vascular plant division ( Coniferophyta , Filicophyta , Ginkgophyta , Gnetophyta , Lycophyta , Psilophyta , Sphenophyta ) has been sequenced and aligned with those of rice , tobacco , an orchid and a liverwort . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogenetic relationships of the Japanese Carabinae ground beetles were analyzed by comparing 1 , 069 nucleotide sequences in the mitochondrial gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequence comparisons indicate that its 5 ' terminus is the homologue of the downstream portion of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 gene and that its 3 ' region is homologous to the maxicircle unidentified reading frame 2 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A hydrogenase and an NADH dehydrogenase , both of which were detected in membrane fractions , are components of a model in which electrons , generated by NADH oxidation inside of the cytoplasmic membrane , reduce protons outside of the cytoplasmic membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Familial cardiomyopathy with cataracts and lactic acidosis : a defect in complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) of the mitochondria respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Histochemical examination of muscle biopsies in 5 cases showed slight neurogenic atrophy and irregular lobulated appearance or focal decreases of enzyme activity when staining for NADH dehydrogenase , succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The presence of rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase in the long slender bloodstream and the procyclic forms of Trypanosoma brucei brucei . ^^^ In addition , the reduction of dichloroindophenol by NADH was inhibited by rotenone but not by malonate , which suggests that rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) is present in these mitochondria . ^^^ The presence of three subunits of NADH dehydrogenase was observed in immunoblots of mitochondrial proteins with specific antibodies raised against peptides corresponding to predicted antigenic regions of these proteins , which provides further evidence for the presence of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In long slender bloodstream forms , the oxidation of glucose or glycerol was inhibited 100 % by salicyhydroxamic acid , unaffected by cyanide or antimycin A , and inhibited 40 % or 75 % , respectively , by rotenone , which suggests that NADH dehydrogenase is present in these cells . ^^^ Low levels of rotenone sensitive NADH dependent reduction of dichloroindophenol and the presence of subunits 7 and 8 of NADH dehydrogenase provided additional evidence for the presence of NADH dehydrogenase in bloodstream forms of T . brucei . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The relative abundance of the mitochondrial encoded mRNAs for cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 was lower in brown adipose tissue ( BAT ) from lactating rats than in virgin controls . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , activities of the cytoplasmic NAD dependent glutamate dehydrogenase ( NAD GDH ) , the membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) and HQNO sensitive NADH oxidase were not sensitive to 100 microM Cd2+ . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Onchocerca fasciata : histochemical demonstration of succinate and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Thus , the localization and distributions of NADH dehydrogenase ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) ( EC 1 . 3 . 99 . 1 ) and cytochrome oxidase ( EC 1 . 9 . 3 . 1 ) were investigated in various tissues of the adult female worm by employing MTT , Nitro BT ( dehydrogenases ) and DAB ( cytochrome oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Until now only 11 of the 14 polypeptides of the NADH dehydrogenase of E . coli were found in Synechocystis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The electron transport chain inhibitors such as rotenone and antimycin A enhanced the signal intensity of DMPO OH , suggesting NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) as the major component involved in the reduction of rifamycin S . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Other decreased mitochondrial RNAs were also identified , including 12S rRNA , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 , ATPase subunit 6 , and cytochrome oxidase subunits 1 and 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have determined mitochondrial DNA sequences from two genes that evolve at relatively rapid evolutionary rates , 16S rRNA ( 379 bp ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( NADH 5 , 318 bp ) , from multiple individuals of 35 species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Molecular phylogenetic analyses using mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene sequences representing all 15 species and the majority of subspecies or races of the Ohomopterus ground beetles from all over the Japanese archipelago have uncovered a remarkable evolutionary history . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes encoding subunit 6 of NADH dehydrogenase and subunit 6 of ATP synthase are co transcribed in maize mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These DNA sequences span from the 3 ' region of the gene for ATPase subunit 6 to the 5 ' region of the gene for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Within this region of each of the four introns in the wheat mitochondrial nad 7 gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 , there are A C mispairs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Treatment of isolated mouse brain mitochondria with up to 5 mM BCLA had no inhibitory effect on the activity of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) or cytochrome or oxidase ( complex 4 ) , a cyanide sensitive enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For the catalytic mechanism of proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 , EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) a number of hypothetical models have been proposed over the last three decades . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three dimensional structure of NADH dehydrogenase from Neurospora crassa by electron microscopy and conical tilt reconstruction . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) is the first complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Requirement for the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase 1 of Escherichia coli in respiration of NADH to fumarate and its bioenergetic implications . ^^^ In Escherichia coli the expression of the nuo genes encoding the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase 1 is stimulated by the presence of fumarate during anaerobic respiration . ^^^ For growth by fumarate respiration , the presence of NADH dehydrogenase 1 was essential , in contrast to aerobic or nitrate respiration which used preferentially NADH dehydrogenase 2 . ^^^ The electron transport from NADH to fumarate strongly decreased in a mutant lacking NADH dehydrogenase 1 . ^^^ Therefore , NADH dehydrogenase 1 is essential for NADH > fumarate respiration , and is able to use menaquinone as an electron acceptor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Pretreatment of mouse brain slices , in vitro , with GSH or GSH isopropyl ester attenuated MPTP toxicity as assessed by the tissue activity of the mitochondrial enzyme , NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) , and by leakage of the cytosolic enzyme , lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH ) , from the slice into the medium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These latter observations raise hitherto unconsidered questions regarding the number of different variants of cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase that may occur in Mytilus non gametic male cells . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The rapeseed mitochondrial gene for subunit 2 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex : a trans spliced structure is conserved in one of the smallest plant mitochondrial genomes . ^^^ The single copy gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( nad 2 ) has been identified in the mitochondrial genome of rapeseed ( Brassica napus L . ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There was a significant decrease in the activities of NADH dehydrogenase , succinate cytochrome C reductase and cytochrome oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This decrease was observed following induction of respiration with glutamate / malate , succinate , or duroquinol , which enter the electron transport chain selectively at complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) , 2 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) , or 3 ( cytochrome bc 1 complex ) , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cytochrome oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase ( nuclear and mitochondrial encoded , cristae location ) increased to a lesser extent and with a pattern dissimilar to the first group . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
After a dose of 4 . 5 kJ / m2 has been delivered , superoxide generation increases by a factor of approximately 2 . 5 at the level of NADH dehydrogenase and by a factor approximately 1 . 5 in the cyt bc 1 region . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ndh gene of Escherichia coli encodes a non proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase ( NdhII ) that is anaerobically repressed by the global transcription regulator , FNR . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Hydrogen peroxide has also been reported to be produced via inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase by MPP + formed during oxidation of MPTP by MAO B and by dopamine auto oxidation following MA induced dopamine release from synaptic vesicles within nerve terminals . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mae 3 polymorphism in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , other subcellular marker enzymes such as Na ( + ) K+ATPase ( plasma membrane ) , cytochrome c oxidase , isocitrate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase ( mitochondrial ) , N acetylglucosaminidase , acid phosphate ( lysosomal ) , glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase and enolase ( glycolytic enzymes ) were unaffected even at the highest tested concentrations of MMEA ( 10 and 100 microM ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Buchnera aphidicola ( endosymbiont of aphids ) contains nuoC ( D ) genes that encode subunits of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ These proteins are constituents of the membrane associated NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ADPR competitively inhibits NADH oxidation with Ki values ( 25 degrees C , pH 8 . 0 ) of 26 microM , 30 microM , and 180 microM for SMP , purified Complex 1 and three subunit NADH dehydrogenase ( FP ) , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
MeAN altered the fluidity of the erythrocyte membrane by increasing membrane cholesterol while the phospholipid remained unchanged , followed by a decrease in the activities of membrane bound enzymes like ( Na+ , K + ) ATPase , Acetylcholine esterase and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Component 2 is a high molecular mass ( > 640 kDa ) protein with subunits of 44 kDa and 72 kDa , and which possesses a low tetrazolium dye linked NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cocaine self administration alters brain NADH dehydrogenase mRNA levels . ^^^ The cDNA sequence corresponds to bases 13687 13723 of the rat NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Unlike the HeLa clones , CI 80 13S cells were additionally sensitive to chloramphenicol , 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium ion ( MPP+ ) , rotenone , thenoyltrifluoroacetone ( TTFA ) , and antimycin A , and showed poor reduction of 1 [ 4 , 5 dimethylthiazol 2 yl ] 2 , 5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide ( MTT ) , suggesting a deficiency in NADH dehydrogenase and / or succinate dehydrogenase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Activation of a NADH dehydrogenase in the human erythrocyte by beta adrenergic agonists : possible involvement of a G protein in enzyme activation . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase in the plasma membrane transfers electrons from NADH to external oxidants like ferricyanide , through pathways which are linked to metabolic processes in the cell . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This sequence , containing part of the tRNA glycine and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 genes , is the target of our studies of mitochondrial mutagenesis in human cells and tissues . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
As anticipated , however , NADH dehydrogenase was inhibited by these rotenoids . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
MPTP , via its metabolite MPP+ , inhibited NADH dehydrogenase activity when concentrations exceeded 10 ( 4 ) M ( for MPP+ 10 ( 5 ) M ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Earlier we have demonstrated the involvement of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in this deleterious electron deviation from the respiratory chain . ^^^ It appears , therefore , that the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria exerts a key function in the myocardial toxicogenesis of anthraquinones via oxygen activation through semireduced AQ . ^^^ Assessing the toxicological significance of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in AQ related heart injury requires analysis of reaction products and their impact on vital bioenergetic functions , such as energy gain from the oxidation of respiratory substrates . ^^^ The key and possibly initiating role of the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of cardiac mitochondria in this reaction pathway provides a rationale to explain the selective cardiotoxic potency of the cytostatic anthraquinone glycosides . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To demonstrate the utility of DNA sequence data for species level phylogenetic studies of Cicadellidae , we estimated phylogenetic relationships among species in the North American grassland leafhopper genus Flexamia DeLong using partial nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial 16S rDNA and NADH dehydrogenase 1 , totaling 1496 base pairs and 810 potentially informative characters . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ndh gene of Escherichia coli encodes the non proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differential expression of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase in ethanol treated rat brain : revealed by differential display . ^^^ Sequence analysis of the cDNA fragment revealed an almost perfect homology to rat mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We determined the activities of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) , succinate dehydrogenase , and cytochrome c oxidase ( COX ) in 29 skin fibroblast lines established from donors ranging in age from 12 gestational weeks to 94 years . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ND 4 is a mitochondrially encoded component of NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this way , adriamycin provides a kinetic mechanism for the one electron reduction of oxygen by flavoenzymes such as NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mutations involving the evolutionarily conserved residues of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 , NADH dehydrogenase 5 , tRNAAla and tRNAArg were identified . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Tobacco chloroplast genes encoding a photosystem 1 component ( psaC ) and a NADH dehydrogenase subunit ( ndhD ) are transcribed as a dicistronic pre mRNA which is then cleaved into short mRNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Coding ( nuclear antigen B and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase genes ) and non coding ( introns of actin and homeobox containing genes ) regions of the parasite genome were chosen as targets . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mutations were located in the nuo , cyd , and unc operons , which code for the NADH dehydrogenase 1 , cytochrome d oxidase , and F0F1 proton translocating ATPase complexes , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase deficiency in an apoptosis resistant mutant isolated from a human HL 60 leukemia cell line . ^^^ Partial sequence of this gene revealed 98 % homology to mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 . ^^^ Thus , NADH dehydrogenase deficiency may contribute , at least in part , to the mechanism of resistance to apoptosis in VC 33 cells . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Specific interaction of cytokinins and their analogs with rotenone sensitive internal NADH dehydrogenase in potato tuber mitochondria . ^^^ Effects of cytokinins were studied on rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondria from fresh potato tubers ( Solanum tuberosum ) , in consideration of the operation of external and rotenone insensitive internal NADH dehydrogenases that has not been fully accounted for in previous studies . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nad 7 gene , encoding subunit 7 of NADH dehydrogenase , is mitochondrially encoded in seed plants . ^^^ Instead , a typical nuclear intron is found to split an exon encoding the presumptive mitochondrial targeting signal peptide and the mature subunit 7 of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There was a significant decrease in the activities of NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) , small granular diformazan deposits were recognized in the sarcoplasm . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The contribution from each of the three sites ( ubiquinone , NADH dehydrogenase , and alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase ) of mitochondrial H2O2 generation to the total was both substrate and organ dependent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We found extensive editing in the transcript for NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit 5 , which is unedited in trypanosomatids . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Departure from neutrality at the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene in humans , but not in chimpanzees . ^^^ To test whether patterns of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) variation are consistent with a neutral model of molecular evolution , nucleotide sequences were determined for the 1041 bp of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene in 20 geographically diverse humans and 20 common chimpanzees . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
All units contain the cytochrome chain , supplemented with either succinate dehydrogenase or the internal or the external NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among Tibetan populations of the Bufo bufo species group are investigated using 1063 bases of mitochondrial DNA sequence from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , and ND 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Twenty eight isolates of E . granulosus , collected from humans at surgery , and a range of intermediate hosts , including sheep , cattle and camels from abattoirs in North and South Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region , People ' s Republic of China , were analysed for DNA sequence variation within regions of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( NDI ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes identified in this circular mapping genome include those for apocytochrome b , subunit 1 of the cytochrome oxidase complex , subunits 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 of the NADH dehydrogenase complex , discontinuous large and small subunit ribosomal rRNAs and three tRNAs whose anticodons CAU , CCA and UUG are specific for methionine , tryptophan and glutamine , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Characterization of the overproduced NADH dehydrogenase fragment of the NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ( complex 1 ) from Escherichia coli . ^^^ By use of salt treatment , the complex can be split into an NADH dehydrogenase fragment , a connecting fragment and a membrane fragment . ^^^ The water soluble NADH dehydrogenase fragment has a molecular mass of approximately 170 , 000 Da and consists of the subunits NuoE , F , and G . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The optical spectra of NADH bound to nicotinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase have blue shifted maxima compared to other NADH dehydrogenase complexes , but comparable to that observed for NADH bound to horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genetic analysis of the nuo locus , which encodes the proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase in Escherichia coli . ^^^ Complex 1 ( EC 1 . 6 . 99 . 3 ) of the bacterium Escherichia coli is considered to be the minimal form of the type 1 NADH dehydrogenase , the first enzyme complex in the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two overlapping RNA junctions were analyzed ; the junction between NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit 7 and cytochrome oxidase ( CO ) subunit 3 , and the junction between CO subunit 2 and maxicircle unidentified reading frame ( MURF ) 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differentiation in the host and in culture were compared using a battery of markers including cell morphology and volume , cell cycle position , the kinetics of the differentiation , expression of NADH dehydrogenase ( diaphorase ) , expression of several differentially regulated transcripts and the kinetics of transformation to replicating procyclic forms after induction with cis aconitate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inactivation of the gene coding for the 30 . 4 kDa subunit of respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase : is the enzyme essential for Neurospora . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We used the disintegration of the landbridges between Morocco and Gibraltar as well as the Balearics and Spain at the end of the Messinian event ( 5 . 3 myr ) in order to calibrate the DNA sequence data of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) in West Mediterranean Carabus species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This molecule contains genes for 13 energy pathway proteins and two ribosomal ( r ) RNAs but , relative to other metazoan mtDNAs , has two unique features : only two transfer RNAs ( tRNA ( f Met ) and tRNA ( Trp ) ) are encoded , and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) genes each include a group 1 intron . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The larger segment contains the 3 ' 191 ntp of the gene for subunit 1 of the respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) , complete genes for cytochrome b ( Cyt b ) , ND 6 , ND 3 , ND4L , and a bacterial MutS homologue ( MSH ) , and the 5 ' terminal 1 , 124 ntp of the gene for the large subunit rRNA ( 1 rRNA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Presumably , there must be alternative systems for maintaining a cytoplasmic redox balance , e . g . the so called external NADH dehydrogenase , located on the outer side of the inner mitochondrial membrane . ^^^ By comparing the performance of the external NADH dehydrogenase and the G3P shuttle in isolated mitochondria , it was found that the former resulted in high respiratory rates but a comparably low P / O ratio of 1 . 2 , whereas the shuttle gave low rates but a high P / O ratio of 1 . 7 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This ICAM 1 upregulation was also inhibited by inhibitors of NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome bc 1 complex and NADPH oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among the clones , we identified four distinct mitochondrial genes including NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) , ND 3 , ATPase 6 and 16S ribosomal RNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RNAs expressed at higher levels during waking included those for the transcription factors c fos , NGFI A , and rlf , as well as three transcripts encoded by the mitochondrial genome , those for subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase , subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase , and 12S rRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rates and patterns of evolution in partial sequences of five mitochondrial genes ( cytochrome b , ATPase 6 , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , tRNA ( Glu ) , and the control region ) were compared among taxa in the passerine bird genera Fringilla and Carduelis . ^^^ Rate variation among lineages is significant only for the control region and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , and patterns of variation are consistent with the expectations of neutral theory . ^^^ Rates of nonsynonymous substitution are higher in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 than in other protein coding genes , and transitions exist in elevated proportions relative to transversions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase defects confer isoniazid resistance and conditional lethality in Mycobacterium smegmatis . ^^^ Mutations that reduce NADH dehydrogenase activity ( Ndh ; type 2 ) cause multiple phenotypes , including ( 1 ) coresistance to INH and a related drug , ethionamide ; ( 2 ) thermosensitive lethality ; and ( 3 ) auxotrophy . ^^^ These phenotypes are corrected by expression of one of two enzymes : NADH dehydrogenase and the NADH dependent malate dehydrogenase of the M . tuberculosis complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In order to clarify the genetic relationships between Fasciola hepatica , Fasciola gigantica , and the Japanese triploid forms of Fasciola , we compared nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Newly confirmed optional introns are the first intron of the large ribosomal RNA ( LSUr 1 ) , the single intron of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND3i1 ) , the single intron in ATPase subunit 6 ( ATPase 6 ) , and the fifth intron of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COIi 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This study examined the associations between elite endurance athlete ( EEA ) status and three mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) restriction fragment length polymorphisms ( RFLPs ) in the subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase ( MTND 5 ) locus and one in the D loop region . ^^^ These results indicate no evidence for a difference in the frequency of two polymorphic restriction sites in the subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase gene of mtDNA and one in the D loop region between elite endurance athletes and sedentary controls . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria is the key enzyme responsible for selective cardiotoxicity of anthracyclines . ^^^ This one electron reduction of anthracyclines is catalyzed by the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase associated with complex 1 of heart mitochondria , an enzyme which is lacking in liver mitochondria . ^^^ As demonstrated in this study the activation of adriamycin by the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of cardiac mitochondria initiates a cascade of reaction steps leading to the establishment of oxidative stress . ^^^ Our experiments suggest the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase of heart mitochondria to play a key role in the cardiotoxicity of adriamycin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A new point mutation ( 3426 , A to G ) in mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase gene in Korean diabetic patients which mimics 3243 mutation by restriction fragment length polymorphism pattern . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Congenital ocular motor apraxia associated with myopathy , external hydrocephalus and NADH dehydrogenase deficiency . ^^^ Here , we report the case of a 6 month old girl with psychomotor retardation , myopathy and clinical features of COMA , associated with external hydrocephalus and mitochondrial dysfunction ( partial deficiency of the respiratory chain enzyme NADH dehydrogenase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of the enzymes NADH dehydrogenase , NADH cytochrome e reductase , succinate dehydrogenase , succinate cytochrome e reductase , cytochrome c oxidase and citrate synthase in normal and sick human skeletal muscle mitochondria were determined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Disruption of any of these genes in R . capsulatus leads to the suppression of NADH dehydrogenase activity at the level of the bacterial membranes and to the disappearance of complex 1 associated iron sulphur clusters . ^^^ In contrast to these observations , disruption of two ORFs ( orf 6 and orf 7 ) , also present in the distal part of the nuo operon , does not suppress NADH dehydrogenase activity or complex 1 associated EPR signals , thus demonstrating that these ORFs are not essential for the biosynthesis of complex I . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Peroxide reductase activity of NADH dehydrogenase of an alkaliphilic Bacillus in the presence of a 22 kDa protein component from Amphibacillus xylanus . ^^^ It was found that the membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase of an alkaliphilic Bacillus ( YN 1 ) involved in the respiratory chain also exhibits reductase activity for hydrogen peroxide and cumene hydroperoxide in the presence of the 22 kDa component from Amphibacillus xylanus . ^^^ Although the 38 kDa protein produced by trypsin treatment of NADH dehydrogenase retains NADH dehydrogenase activity , it exhibited no peroxide reductase activity in the presence of the 22 kDa component from A . xylanus . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase of YN 1 might not only catalyze electron flow from NADH to the respiratory chain , but also function for scavenging peroxide . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Upon homology search on databases for the identification of the genes , the first cDNA ( CRGRA 1 ) turned out to be a part of a novel gene , the second one ( CRGRA 2 ) was homologous ( 82 % ) to the corresponding segment of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunits 4 gene , and the last one ( CRGRA 2 ) was identified to be homologous ( 94 % ) to a segment of human small GTP binding protein ( Rab 7 ) gene . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A nuoG mutation in NADH dehydrogenase 1 was introduced into a virulent strain of Salmonella serotype Gallinarum , the causative agent of fowl typhoid , using gene replacement with a nuoG open reading frame inactivated by insertion of DNA encoding a kanamycin resistance determinant . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sixteen isolates of Echinococcus granulosus , collected from Iranian patients at surgery , and from domestic animals , including sheep , goats , cattle , and camels at slaughterhouses in Tehran and central and southern Iran were analyzed for DNA nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence variation within regions of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( NDI ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It serves as an electron donor to butyryl CoA dehydrogenase , and it also has NADH dehydrogenase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This technique showed that SCOX 1 was indeed over expressed about 5 to 10 fold in the R strain whereas the genes encoding the 28 kDa glutathione S transferase , glutathione peroxidase , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 and the ATP binding cassette family protein SMDR 2 were not . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of a cytosolically directed NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae . ^^^ The reoxidation of NADH generated in reactions within the mitochondrial matrix of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is catalyzed by an NADH dehydrogenase designated Ndi1p ( C . ^^^ Disruption of the gene designated NDH 1 results in a threefold reduction in total mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity in cells cultivated with glucose and in a fourfold reduction in the respiration of isolated mitochondria with NADH as the substrate . ^^^ Growth phenotype analyses suggest that the external NADH dehydrogenase activity of Ndh1p is important for optimum cellular growth with a number of nonfermentable carbon sources , including ethanol . ^^^ Codisruption of NDH 1 and genes encoding malate dehydrogenases essentially eliminates growth on nonfermentable carbon sources , suggesting that the external mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and the malate aspartate shuttle may both contribute to reoxidation of cytosolic NADH under these growth conditions . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three of the sequences showed similarity to identified genes from other species ( bovine NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 , Xenopus chromosome sequence associated polypeptide E and transformation sensitive protein IEF SSP ) and four others with human ESTs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
AF64A produced a significant decrease in arterial pressure and activity of respiratory enzymes succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase in hippocampus and motor cortex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships within the Laudakia caucasia species group on the Iranian Plateau were investigated using 1708 aligned bases of mitochondrial DNA sequence from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNAGln , tRNAIle , tRNAMet , ND 2 , tRNATrp , tRNAAla , tRNAAsn , tRNACys , tRNATyr , and COI ( subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
PHEC also caused a marked dose dependent inhibition of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase and NADH cytochrome c reductase activities both in vivo and in vitro , with initial inhibition occurring as early as 4 h after in vivo administration and 45 min after exposure to PHEC in vitro , while the NADH dehydrogenase activity was not considerably inhibited . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mtDNA encoded ND 6 subunit of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase is essential for the assembly of the membrane arm and the respiratory function of the enzyme . ^^^ Seven of the approximately 40 subunits of the mammalian respiratory NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) are encoded in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) . ^^^ In this work , a novel selection scheme has led to the isolation of a mouse A 9 cell derivative defective in NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Alignment of the two separated novel clusters indicates that the rearrangement was most likely the result of a tandem duplication of approximately 7 kb , encompassing the putative control region , the tRNA cluster , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 , the large ribosomal RNA ( lrRNA ) , cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 , and tRNAArg . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae , the NDI 1 gene encodes a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , the catalytic side of which projects to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane . ^^^ In addition to this NADH dehydrogenase , S . cerevisiae exhibits another mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity , which oxidizes NADH at the cytosolic side of the inner membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The deafness associated mitochondrial DNA mutation at position 7445 , which affects tRNASer ( UCN ) precursor processing , has long range effects on NADH dehydrogenase subunit ND 6 gene expression . ^^^ Strikingly , a 7445 mutation associated marked reduction has been observed in the level of the mRNA for the NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) ND 6 subunit gene , which is located approximately 7 kbp upstream and is cotranscribed with the tRNASer ( UCN ) gene , with strong evidence pointing to a mechanistic link with the tRNA precursor processing defect . ^^^ Furthermore , several homoplasmic mtDNA mutations affecting subunits of NADH dehydrogenase may play a synergistic role in the establishment of the respiratory phenotype of the mutant cells . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It appeared from ethanol metabolism + / NAD+ or NADH respiratory rates on PS that ethanol metabolism was largely cytosolic ; moreover , the activity of NADH dehydrogenase was lesser in the case of PS than in S . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rates of sequence evolution were estimated for the cytochrome b ( cyt b ) and NADH dehydrogenase sub unit 2 ( ND 2 ) genes using a phylogeny of the dabbling ducks ( Tribe : Anatini ) and outgroups . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A significant decrease was observed in the activities of isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase in heart mitochondria of isoproterenol administered rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is proposed that the NH 2 terminal domain of FdsA together with FdsB and FdsG constitute a functional entity corresponding to the NADH dehydrogenase ( diaphorase ) part of NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase and the hydrogenases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genome encodes seven proteins of the respiratory electron transport chain , subunit 1 of the cytochrome oxidase complex ( cox 1 ) , apocytochrome b ( cob ) , five subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 1 , nad 2 , nad 4 , nad 5 , and nad 6 ) , a set of three tRNAs ( Q , W , M ) , and the large ( LSU ) and small ( SSU ) subunit ribosomal RNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
As an initiation of a proteomics project , two prominent proteins , which were observed only in the plasma membrane ( Slr 1513 , a hypothetical protein , and HofG , a general secretion pathway protein ) , or in the thylakoid membrane ( PsaE , a photosystem 1 protein , and NdhH , a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ) , were identified . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The population structure of the Atlantic walrus , Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus , was studied using 11 polymorphic microsatellites and restriction fragment length polymorphism detected in the NADH dehydrogenase ND 1 , ND 2 and ND3 / 4 segments in mtDNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Alteration in a polycytidine ( C ) n tract within a non coding displacement loop ( D loop ) region was detected in 20 carcinomas ( 44 % ) , three of which also exhibited frameshift mutations in a polyadenosine ( A ) 8 or polycytidine ( C ) 6 tract within NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The seven clones obtained were sequenced and encoded the mitochondrial genes , NADH dehydrogenase subunits ND 5 and ND 6 , and 16S ribosomal RNA . ^^^ At later time periods ( 4 and 24 hr ) , mRNA levels of 16S rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase were decreased in H2O2 treated RLE cells when compared to sham controls . ^^^ In addition to these oxidants , the nitric oxide generator spermine NONOate caused similar decreases in NADH dehydrogenase mRNA levels after 4 hr of exposure . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the rapeseed mitochondrial genome there are three tandemly located open reading frames for subunit 3 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 3 ) , the S 12 subunit protein of the mitochondrial ribosome ( rps 12 ) , and a homologue of one subunit of the ABC heme transporter ( ccb 206 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three of the differentially induced transcripts were cloned and identified as the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase ( MTCO ) subunits 1 and 2 , and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase activity was only slightly reduced in cases with mutations ( P = 0 . 0388 ) , whereas succinic dehydrogenase activity did not significantly differ between DCM patients with mtDNA mutations and those without or controls . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic analyses of representatives from all tribes in this family using the chloroplast gene ndhF ( where ndhF is the ND 5 protein of chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase ) indicate that Hesperomannia belongs to the tribe Vernonieae . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , in R . sanguineus , a block of genes encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) , tRNA ( Leu ) ( UUR ) , tRNA ( Leu ) ( CUN ) , 16S rDNA , tRNA ( Val ) , 12S rDNA , the control region , and the tRNA ( Ile ) and tRNA ( Gln ) have translocated to a position between the tRNA ( Glu ) and tRNA ( Phe ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among the Japanese papilionid butterflies were analyzed by comparing 783 nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The low respiratory rate of the dum 24 cells results from the activities of rotenone resistant NADH dehydrogenase , complex 2 , and alternative oxidase , with none of these enzymes being coupled to ATP production . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Vascular O . 2 was normalized by the PKC inhibitor calphostin C , by the inhibitor of flavin dependent oxidases , diphenylene iodonium , and recombinant heparin binding superoxide dismutase , whereas inhibitors of the xanthine oxidase ( oxypurinol ) , nitric oxide synthase ( NG nitro l arginine ) and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( rotenone ) were ineffective . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase were significantly decreased in submitochondrial particles by ethanol administration compared to control . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ten children had impaired cytochrome c oxidase , two children had a combined deficience of NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase , three children had a deficience of the pyruvate dehydrogenase ( PDH ) complex , one child had a deficience of ATP synthase and seven children suffered from impaired beta oxidation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene ( ND 1 ) or the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( CO 1 ) were amplified by polymerase chain reaction from parasite DNA , denatured and directly subjected to electrophoresis in a non denaturing gel matrix . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using isolated mitochondria from the masticatory muscle , we measured succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , succinate O 2 oxidoreductase , and NADH O 2 oxidoreductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , neither rotenone and antimycins ( inhibitors of O 2 production at the NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinone cytochrome b regions , respectively ) nor aminoguanidine ( an inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor ) impaired antigen presentation , thus indirectly discarding the participation of mitochondrial oxidation and reactive nitrogen intermediates ( RNI ) in antigen processing . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genes nad 1 , nad 2 , and nad 5 , all encoding subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase , require trans splicing for functional assembly of their mRNAs in flowering plants . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Another mechanism for isoniazid resistance , in M . smegmatis , occurs by defects in NADH dehydrogenase ( Ndh ) of the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of mitochondrial transcripts in a 24 hour time course showed that NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mRNA decreased by 2 fold as early as 1 hour after oxidative stress , whereas the rate of decrease was slower for cytochrome b , cytochrome oxidase 3 , and 16S rRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA sequence analysis of the NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and the cytochrome b gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The steady state kinetics of the transhydrogenase reaction ( the reduction of acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide ( APAD+ ) by NADH , DD transhydrogenase ) catalyzed by bovine heart submitochondrial particles ( SMP ) , purified Complex 1 , and by the soluble three subunit NADH dehydrogenase ( FP ) were studied to assess a number of the Complex 1 associated nucleotide binding sites . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thus , SDS PAGE electrophoresis shows a gradual attenuation of some transport protein bands as the irradiation proceeds , while a complete loss of lactate and NADH dehydrogenase activities is caused by 15 min exposure to light . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Variation in the sequence of a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene fragment among six natural populations of Schistosoma japonicum from China . ^^^ Polymerase chain reaction based methods were employed to determine the sequence for a subunit of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene for populations from Zhejiang , Anhui , Jiangxi , Hunan , Hubei and Sichuan . ^^^ No variation was detectable in the NADH dehydrogenase 1 sequence within populations from Zhejiang and Hubei , whereas sequence variation of 0 . 2 % was detected within populations from Anhui , Jiangxi , Hunan and Sichuan . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The Sod 2 mutant mice exhibit a tissue specific inhibition of the respiratory chain enzymes NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and succinate dehydrogenase ( complex 2 ) , inactivation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme aconitase , development of a urine organic aciduria in conjunction with a partial defect in 3 hydroxy 3 methylglutaryl CoA lyase , and accumulation of oxidative DNA damage . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies of the electron transport chain of the euryarcheon Halobacterium salinarum : indications for a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase and a complex 3 analog . ^^^ These activities could be blocked by the following inhibitors : 7 jodocarboxylic acid , giving evidence for the presence of a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase , antimycin A , and myxothiazol , indicating the presence of a complex 3 analog , and the typical succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) and terminal oxidase inhibitors . ^^^ Complex 1 inhibitors like rotenone and annonine were inactive , clearly excluding the presence of a coupled NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In addition , no [ Fe S ] resonances in the region of the NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) clusters could be observed after NADH addition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inverted vesicles that were incubated with NADH generated O 2 and H2O2 at accelerated rates either when treated with cyanide or when devoid of quinones , implicating an NADH dehydrogenase as their source . ^^^ Null mutations in the gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase 2 averted autoxidation of vesicles , and its overproduction accelerated it . ^^^ Thus NADH dehydrogenase 2 but not NADH dehydrogenase 1 , respiratory quinones , or cytochrome oxidases formed substantial O 2 and H2O2 . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase 2 that was purified from both wild type and quinone deficient cells generated approximately 130 H2O2 and 15 O 2 min 1 by autoxidation of its reduced FAD cofactor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA sequence analysis and GenBank searching have determined that 4 of the 5 candidate genes are homologous to genes encoding Mus musculus inducible GTPase , mouse mitochondrial hydrophobic peptide ( a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ) , mouse beta globin , and Homo sapiens cAMP regulated response element binding protein ( CREB ) binding protein ( CBP ) , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase from Pisum sativum : characterization of its activity and cloning of ndhK gene . ^^^ This polypeptide is a component of a protein complex with NADH dehydrogenase activity and is not associated with ferredoxin NADP+ reductase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the present study , the intergenic region between the mitochondrial genes encoding subunit 3 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 3 ) and ribosomal protein S 12 ( rps 12 ) was shown to contain a Gn mononucleotide microsatellite repeat . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Inhibitory effects of tannins on the NADH dehydrogenase activity of bovine heart mitochondrial complex 1 . ^^^ NADH quinone oxidoreductase is classified into two groups , NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NDH 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase 2 ( NDH 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fragments of the NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene ( ND 1 ) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) were individually amplified from parasite DNA by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) , denatured and subjected to single strand conformation polymorphism ( SSCP ) analysis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Human NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) 1beta subcomplex , 9 ( NDUFB 9 ) is a nuclear encoded mitochondrial protein with the respiratory electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The transacylase activity in this study was detected in membrane fractions in two domains of the intermediate density region which also contained the NADH dehydrogenase activity , a marker enzyme for the endoplasmic reticulum . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A cloverleaf like structure was observed between the genes for subunits 4 and 5 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 4 and 5 ) , which is considered to have originated from histidine tRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NO can also interact with iron sulphur enzymes ( e . g . aconitase , NADH dehydrogenase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Functional inactivation of the mitochondrial sHsps with murine Hsp 25 antibody indicated that these sHsps protect NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase and NADH dehydrogenase activity ( i . e . , complex 1 ) in submitochondrial vesicles during heat and oxidative stress . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We show that a cognate gRNA in cis at the 3 ' end of a preedited NADH dehydrogenase 7 ( ND 7 ) mRNA substrate can direct U insertions at editing site 1 when incubated with a mitochondrial lysate from Leishmania tarentolae . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The role of structural factors of anthraquinone compounds and their quinone modified analogues in NADH dehydrogenase catalysed oxygen radical formation . ^^^ A series of novel derivatives and analogues of natural and synthetic anthraquinones has been examined with the aim of identifying the structural factors essential for the ability to stimulate oxygen radical formation catalysed by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The quinonoid moiety as well as at least two phenolic groups in peri positions favoured the affinity of these compounds for NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ It has also been shown that the presence of an ionizable amino group on the sugar moiety of daunorubicin favours interaction with the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes , found in this region , include 12S and 9S ribosomal RNAs , subunits 7 , 8 and 9 of NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 7 , ND 8 and ND 9 ) and subunit 6 of ATPase ( A 6 or MURF 4 ) , as well as the genes ( MURF 1 , MURF 5 and G 3 ) with unknown function . ^^^ The data show that the mitochondrial genome of P . serpens is functional , although its functions may be limited to expressing the ATPase and , possibly , NADH dehydrogenase complexes . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase or complex 1 ( CI ) is affected in most of the mitochondrial diseases and in some neurodegenerative disorders . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In cytoplasmic male sterile Petunia lines , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( nad 3 ) and ribosomal protein S 12 ( rps 12 ) are cotranscribed with the chimeric gene pcf and located in the region of the mitochondrial genome associated with cytoplasmic male sterility ( CMS ) in Petunia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We report the first molecular defect in an NADH dehydrogenase gene presenting as isolated myopathy . ^^^ Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial genes encoding the seven NADH dehydrogenase subunits showed a G to A transition at nucleotide 11832 in the subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) gene , which changed an encoded tryptophan to a stop codon . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities and mRNA abundances of enzymes that regulate the rate of electron flow through the electron transport chain ( ETC ) , including NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , and cytochrome c oxidase , were examined in young and senescent fetal lung fibroblasts ( WI 38 ) . ^^^ We confirmed our previous report of a senescence related increase in the abundance of ND 4 , a mitochondrially encoded subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The activities of cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase were also elevated in senescent cultures . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The following changes were observed in mitochondria due to the administration of carbon tetrachloride . 1 ) A decrease in the rate of respiration , respiratory control ratio and P / O ratio using glutamate and malate or succinate as substrates . 2 ) A decrease in the activities of NADH dehydrogenase ( 35 % ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( 76 % ) and cytochrome c oxidase ( 51 % ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The total insensitivity of activities of NADH dehydrogenase to rotenone and of NADH cytochrome c reductase to antimycin is indicative of the absence of the classical complex 1 of the electron transfer chain in this bacterium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We sequenced the complete NADH Dehydrogenase Subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) mitochondrial gene ( 1047 bp ) in representatives of the major divisions of the genus in order to examine these relationships . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have inferred phylogenetic relationships for a sample of 18 species of the genus Papilio ( sensu lato ) and five outgroup taxa by sequencing two stretches of mitochondrial DNA that correspond to segments 12886 13370 and 12083 12545 of Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial DNA and consist of sections of the genes for the large ribosomal RNA and subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) revealed 13 % sequence divergence between the two species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To investigate the prevalence of mitochondrial DNA mutations among Japanese children with IDDM as well as in those with NIDDM , a total of 155 patients with IDDM and 30 patients with NIDDM who were younger than 15 years of age at onset were studied for the following mtDNA mutations : 1 ) the A > G mutation at position 3243 of mitochondrial leucine transfer RNA ( 3243 mutation ) ; 2 ) the G > A mutation at position 3316 of mitochondrial leucine transfer RNA ( 3316 mutation ) , and 3 ) The T > C mutation at position 3394 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit ( 3394 mutation ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Based on these results we have concluded that the matrix facing rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase of plant mitochondria is encoded by a nuclear gene and synthesis of the protein occurs in the cytosol . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among lizards of the families Anguidae , Anniellidae , Xenosauridae , and Shinisauridae are investigated using 2001 aligned bases of mitochondrial DNA sequence from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , ND 2 , tRNA ( Trp ) , tRNA ( Ala ) , tRNA ( Asn ) , tRNA ( Cys ) , tRNA ( Tyr ) , and COI ( subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase ) , plus the origin for light strand replication ( O ( L ) ) between the tRNA ( Asn ) and the tRNA ( Cys ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Polymerase chain reaction ribosomal ITS 1 DNA ( rDNA ) restriction fragment length polymorphism ( PCR RFLP ) analysis and sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( CO 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) genes were used to characterize 33 Echinococcus granulosus isolates collected from different regions and hosts in Argentina , and to determine which genotypes occurred in humans with cystic hydatid disease . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships of four of the five species are investigated using 1733 aligned bases of mitochondrial DNA sequence from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , ND 2 , tRNA ( Trp ) , tRNA ( Ala ) , tRNA ( Asn ) , tRNA ( Cys ) , tRNA ( Tyr ) , and COI ( subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Although multiple solutions describe the experimental data , evidence for a P to O ratio of about 1 ( 1 / 3 ) mole of ATP produced per atom of oxygen consumed in oxidative phosphorylation was provided by genomic analysis of electron transport components , because no homologue of the proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase 1 was found in the B . subtilis genome database . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To identify abnormally expressed genes contributing to muscle insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes , we screened the mRNA populations from normal and diabetic human skeletal muscle using cDNA differential display and isolated abnormally expressed cDNA clones of mitochondrial encoded NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) , cytochrome oxidase 1 , tRNA ( leu ) , and displacement loop . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Having defined H 2 M3 as the positively selecting MHC molecule , the severely limited number of H 2 M3 binding peptides allowed us to characterize an NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) derived peptide as the physiological ligand of positive selection . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The expression of several mitochondrial and nuclear genes encoding the subunits of electron transport chain enzyme complexes , cytochrome c oxidase , and NADH dehydrogenase , in different brain regions in Alzheimer ' s disease . ^^^ In this study , changes of the expression of two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes encoding the subunits of cytochrome c oxidase ( CO ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) were studied in the hippocampus , inferior parietal lobule , and cerebellum of 10 Alzheimer ' s disease ( AD ) and 10 age matched control subjects . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genes encoding the small subunit ribosomal RNA ( SSU ) , cytochrome b ( CYTB ) and subunit 3 of the NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 3 ) were found to be co transcribed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An increase in succinate dehydrogenase ( complex 2 ) was evident in the putamen and nucleus accumbens , but changes were not seen with NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) in 1 , 105 mosquitoes collected from 16 locations in Guatemala and in single collections from Mexico , Honduras , Nicaragua , Costa Rica , Panama , Colombia , and Venezuela . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The systems are composed of the heterodisulfide reductase and either a membrane bound hydrogenase or a F ( 420 ) H ( 2 ) dehydrogenase which is functionally homologous to the proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Primary structure and characterisation of a 64 kDa NADH dehydrogenase from the inner membrane of Neurospora crassa mitochondria . ^^^ A cDNA clone encoding a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from Neurospora crassa was sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of these clones was the mitochondrial gene NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) which showed a differential pattern of expression between the neutrophil and monocyte lineages . ^^^ The potential of mitochondrial inhibitors to induce differentiation was investigated by treating the HL 60 cells with either the NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , Rotenone , the complex 3 inhibitor , Antimycin A , or the highly specific mitochondrial ATP synthase inhibitor , Oligomycin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
New data suggests that a unique cardiac mitochondrial exogenous NADH dehydrogenase is responsible for the anthracycline induced oxygen radicals damage to the heart , and that chelators currently evaluated may not prevent late onset cardiotoxicity in children . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fragments of the NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene ( NDI ) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) were individually amplified from parasite DNA by polymerase chain reaction , denatured and subjected to SSCP analysis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mutant complex has normal NADH dehydrogenase activity and contains the redox groups known for wild type complex 1 , one flavin mononucleotide and four iron sulfur clusters detectable by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene fragment ( NDI ) was sequenced for three laboratory maintained isolates of Schistosoma japonicum . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Though they do not eliminate the participation of other intracellular compartments , these results indicate that the NADH dehydrogenase complex , as well as complex 3 of mitochondria , are involved in ethanol related production of reactive oxygen species . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Slr 0399 and Ycf 39 have a NAD ( P ) H binding motif near their N terminus and have some similarity to isoflavone reductase like proteins and to a subunit of the eukaryotic NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One step purification of the NADH dehydrogenase fragment of the Escherichia coli complex 1 by means of Strep tag affinity chromatography . ^^^ One of these fragments , the soluble NADH dehydrogenase fragment , represents the electron input part of complex 1 . ^^^ Fusion of this peptide to the N terminus of either NuoE or NuoF disturbed the assembly of the NADH dehydrogenase fragment . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We report the application of ddF for the display of low level nucleotide variation in the mitochondrial ( mt ) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) ( 404 bp ) in the human blood fluke , Schistosoma japonicum . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NADH dehydrogenase 1 and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 genes were amplified from genomic DNA by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) , denatured and subjected to electrophoresis in mutation detection enhancement gels . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The dia 3 gene encodes for a mitochondrial protein cluster ( NADH dehydrogenase ( NAD ) subunit 11 , 5 , ribosomal protein S 4 ( RPS 4 ) , RPS 2 , and NAD4L ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequence of the clones revealed that they were associated with mitochondrial respiratory enzymes , i . e . , type 1 subunit of cytochrome c oxidase and a precursor of type 1 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Population level analyses using additional mtDNA characters ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) and cytochrome b ( Cytb ) ) identified two highly divergent genetic lineages within broadtail madtoms that do not correspond to the morphological designations ' river ' and ' lake ' . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We show that codon positions in the cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 genes are dynamically heterogenous under both Poisson and invariable sites + gamma rates versions of the F 84 model and that heterogeneity includes variation in base composition and transition bias as well as substitution rate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Lesions in the nuo operon , encoding NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 , prevent PurF independent thiamine synthesis and reduce flux through the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway in Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium . ^^^ Here we identify a new class of mutations that prevent PurF independent thiamine synthesis and show that they are defective in the nuo genes , which encode the major , energy generating NADH dehydrogenase of the cell . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The expression of the nuoA N operon of Escherichia coli K 12 , which encodes the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase 1 is modulated by growth phase dependent regulation . ^^^ Due to the growth phase dependent regulation by Fis , the synthesis of the coupling NADH dehydrogenase 1 is increased relative to that of the noncoupling NADH dehydrogenase 2 during early exponential growth . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Tight control of respiration by NADH dehydrogenase ND 5 subunit gene expression in mouse mitochondria . ^^^ A mouse cell variant carrying in heteroplasmic form a nonsense mutation in the mitochondrial DNA encoded ND 5 subunit of the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase has been isolated and characterized . ^^^ Most strikingly , the highest ND 5 synthesis rate was just sufficient to support the maximum NADH dehydrogenase dependent respiration rate , with no upregulation of translation occurring with decreasing wild type mRNA levels . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mantel tests indicated that the relationship between phenotypic divergence , estimated by Euclidean distances among subspecies ' morphological centroids , was significant both when compared to geographical distance ( r=0 . 371 ; P < 0 . 01 ) and to genetic distance ( estimated as sequence divergence ( % ) in a mtDNA region encompassing part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and isoleucine transfer RNA ( r=0 . 329 ; P < 0 . 01 ) ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Anaerobic repression of the synthesis of a potential membrane associated NADH dehydrogenase ( YjlD , Ndh ) , and anaerobic induction of fructose 1 , 6 bisphosphate aldolase ( FbaA ) and dehydrolipoamide dehydrogenase ( PhdD , Lpd ) formation , did not require fnr or resDE participation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification of the 45 kDa , membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli ( NDH 2 ) and analysis of its interaction with ubiquinone analogues . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Carvedilol inhibits the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in rat heart mitochondria . ^^^ There are several reports on the oxidation of external NADH by an exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in the outer leaflet of the inner membrane of rat heart mitochondria . ^^^ The present work shows that carvedilol ( 1 [ carbazolyl ( 4 ) oxy ] 3 [ 2 methoxyphenoxyethyl ) amino ] pro panol ( 2 )  ) is a specific inhibitor of an exogenous NADH dehydrogenase in rat heart mitochondria . ^^^ It is also demonstrated that the inhibition of exogenous NADH dehydrogenase by carvedilol is accompanied by the inhibition of alkalinization of the external medium . ^^^ Carvedilol is a noncompetitive inhibitor of this external NADH dehydrogenase with a K ( 1 ) of 15 microM . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Most of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene and a part of nuclear 28S ribosomal RNA gene were sequenced for 14 species of ground beetles belonging to the genus Leptocarabus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Our investigations also demonstrated that AZT , d4T , and 3TC did not affect the synthesis of the 11 polypeptides encoded by mitochondrial DNA , while ddC caused 70 % reduction of total polypeptide content and ddI reduced by 43 % the total content of 8 polypeptides ( including NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 2 , 4 , and 5 , cytochrome c oxidase subunits 1 to 3 , and cytochrome b ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Histochemical reaction for myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase ( ATPase ) after preincubation in alkaline and acidic media , nicotine amideadenine dinucleotide dehidrogenase ( NADH dehydrogenase ) , and alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase were performed on cryosections of LAL muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Association of mutations in cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase 5 / 6 mitochondrial DNA genes from the sable ( Martes zibellina L . ) ] . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase subunit K ( NdhK ) is a nuclear encoded mitochondrial protein that is constitutively expressed in bloodstream and procyclic trypanosomes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase in Neurospora crassa contains myristic acid covalently linked to the ND 5 subunit peptide . ^^^ Radiolabel from [ ( 3 ) H ] myristic acid was incorporated by Neurospora crassa into the mitochondrial encoded , approximately 70 kDa ND 5 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase , as shown by immunoprecipitation . ^^^ A consensus amino acid sequence around this conserved residue exists in homologous subunits of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The other cDNA clones contained sequences of the serum amyloid A gene ( SAA ) , the alpha 1 acid glycoprotein gene ( AGP ) , the ribosomal protein S3a ( RPS3a ) and L 8 ( RPL 8 ) genes , the interferon inducible gene ( INF ind ) , the metastasin gene ( mts 1 ) , and the NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene ( ND 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this study , 137 patients with GDM and 292 non diabetic pregnant controls were examined for mitochondrial DNA mutations from the nucleotide 3130 4260 encompassing tRNA Leu gene and adjacent NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene by polymerase chain reaction , single stranded conformation polymorphism , restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing . ^^^ One heteroplasmic mutation at the position of 3398 ( T C ) , which changed a highly conserved methionine to threonine in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , was identified in 2 . 9 % GDM patients but not in the controls , indicating its association with GDM ( P = 0 . 01 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Atypical features of mitochondrial gene organization and expression in T . pyriformis mtDNA include split and rearranged large subunit rRNA genes , as well as a split nad 1 gene ( encoding subunit 1 of NADH dehydrogenase of respiratory complex 1 ) whose two segments are located on and transcribed from opposite strands , as is also the case in P . aurelia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Conversion of etioplast into chloroplast , after light exposure of barley seedlings grown in the dark , was accompanied by a decrease in the NADH dehydrogenase activity associated to plastid membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the present work , a large scale investigation was done regarding the capacity of cultured human cell lines ( carrying in homoplasmic form either the mitochondrial tRNA ( Lys ) A8344G mutation associated with the myoclonic epilepsy and ragged red fiber ( MERRF ) encephalomyopathy or a frameshift mutation , isolated in vitro , in the gene for the ND 4 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ) to undergo transcomplementation of their recessive mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) mutations after cell fusion . ^^^ Transcomplementation of the two mutations was revealed by the re establishment of normal mitochondrial protein synthesis and respiratory activity and by the relative rates synthesis of two isoforms of the ND 3 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The analyses are based on comparisons of morphological data and mitochondrial genes encoding the large ribosomal subunit ( 16S rDNA ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differences in rate of evolution of the different mitochondrial genes ( slowly evolving genes such as the cytochrome oxidase and tRNA genes favored a lungfish + coelacanth clade , whereas genes of relatively faster substitution rate , such as several NADH dehydrogenase genes , supported a lungfish + tetrapod grouping ) , as well as the rapid radiation of the lineages back in the Devonian , rather than base compositional biases among taxa seem to be directly responsible for the remaining uncertainty in accepting one of the two alternate hypotheses . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have recently established a TCR transgenic mouse model ( C10 . 4 TCRtrans+ ) in which the transgenic TCR was selected on the nonclassical MHC class Ib molecule H 2 M3 in conjunction with a physiologically occurring peptide derived from the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene ( 9 mer peptide ) . ^^^ We demonstrated that at low peptide concentrations , shortening the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene 9 mer peptide or mutating its surface exposed side chains severely impaired its ability to induce positive selection . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To examine the degree of interpopulation divergence , mitochondrial cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( NADH 2 ) sequences were obtained from samples representing all populations of B . parvus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The heroin analogue 1 methyl 4 phenylpyridinium , MPP ( + ) , both in vitro and in vivo , produces death of dopaminergic substantia nigral cells by inhibiting the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase multienzyme complex , producing a syndrome indistinguishable from Parkinson ' s disease . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Markers included 60 random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) loci amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and single strand conformation polymorphism analysis of variation in a 387 basepair region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 from the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The identified genes include those for two ribosomal RNAs ( rn 1 and rns ) , 18 tRNAs , ten subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( nad 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 4L , 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 and 11 ) , apocytochrome b ( cytb ) , three subunits of the cytochrome oxidase ( cox1 / 2 and 3 ) , four subunits of the ATP synthase complex ( atp 1 , 6 , 8 and 9 ) , 15 ribosomal proteins , and five other ORFs , excluding intronic ORFs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The effect of reaferon ( introduced at a dose of 1 10 10 ( 6 ) IU / kg over six days prior to ischemia induction ) on the levels of catecholamines and the activity of succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase in various structures of kidney was studied in experiments on white rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We infer the phylogeography of the Western Rattlesnake ( Crotalus viridis ) using phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences from 1345 bp of the genes for cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Studies of respiration on glucose in procyclic Trypanosoma congolense in the presence of rotenone , antimycin , cyanide , salicylhydroxamic acid and malonate have indicated the presence of NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome b c 1 , cytochrome aa 3 , trypanosome alternate oxidase and NADH fumarate reductase / succinate dehydrogenase pathway that contributes electrons to coenzyme Q of the respiratory chain . ^^^ The rotenone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase , the trypanosome alternate oxidase , and cytochrome aa 3 accounted for 24 . 5 + / 6 . 5 , 36 . 2 + / 4 . 2 and 54 . 1 + / 5 . 5 % respectively of the total respiration . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An nde1Delta nde2Delta mutant already produced glycerol at specific growth rates of 0 . 10 h ( 1 ) and above , indicating a requirement for external NADH dehydrogenase to sustain fully respiratory growth . ^^^ Two alternative mechanisms for reoxidizing cytosolic NADH are discussed : ( 1 ) cytosolic production of ethanol followed by its intramitochondrial oxidation and ( 2 ) a redox shuttle linking cytosolic NADH oxidation to the internal NADH dehydrogenase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At the human equivalent dose of AZT ( 6 mg of AZT / kg bw ) , there was an approximately 85 % decrease in the specific activity of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and three to sixfold increases in specific activities of succinate dehydrogenase ( complex 2 ) and cytochrome c oxidase ( complex 4 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These sequences include parts of the genes for 16S ribosomal subunit ( 16S rRNA ) , tRNAleu , tRNAser , cytochrome b ( cytb ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunits one and four . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mRNAs encoding several mitochondrial proteins involved in electron transport ( including several subunits of cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase ) and subunits of ATP synthase were approximately 30 % less abundant in older muscle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using this iscS deletion strain , we have observed decreased specific activities for proteins containing [ 4Fe 4S ] clusters from soluble ( aconitase B , 6 phosphogluconate dehydratase , glutamate synthase , fumarase A , and FNR ) and membrane bound proteins ( NADH dehydrogenase 1 and succinate dehydrogenase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among these , 14577 T / C , which turned out to be 98 . 9 % heteroplasmic , is a new missense substitution in the NADH dehydrogenase 6 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenies produced from cytological analyses and sequence data derived from the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 and 16S rRNA genes indicate that Abu Hamed black flies are similar to , but distinct from , the savanna dwelling sibling species of S . damnosum s . l . , Simulium ( Edwardsellum ) damnosum sensu strictu Theobald , and S . ( Edwardsellum ) sirbanum Vajime & Dunbar . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Properties of the common inhibitor binding domain in mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Biophysical and structural characterization of proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) from the strictly aerobic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica . ^^^ Mitochondrial proton translocating NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) is one of the largest and most complicated membrane bound protein complexes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase is inhibited by DPK at lower but comparable concentrations ( C 50 = 0 . 2 mM ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequences for a 471 bp region of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) gene revealed a substantial affinity of isolates examined to the G 7 genotype . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequences from the protein coding genes NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) , cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) , and subunit 2 ( COII ) were obtained , along with tRNA , tRNA , and large subunit ribosomal RNA ( 16S ) sequences ; these revealed several peculiar features . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NDI 1 is the unique gene encoding the internal mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The bacterial and mitochondrial complexes function as NADH dehydrogenase , while the archaeal complex works as F420H2 dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of the clones , which was down regulated in the A10A cells , had sequence homology with part of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 3 ( ND 3 ) gene . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase plays an important role in generating ROS during DOX treatment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ability of new formamidine sugar modified derivatives of daunorubicin to stimulate free radical formation in three enzymatic systems : NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and xanthine oxidase . ^^^ Some sterically hindered N substituted derivatives of daunorubicin are known to be poor substrates for NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase and xanthine oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 sequences compared for members of the genus Taenia ( Cestoda ) . ^^^ Nine members of the genus Taenia ( Taenia taeniaeformis , Taenia hydatigena , Taenia pisiformis , Taenia ovis , Taenia multiceps , Taenia serialis , Taenia saginata , Taenia solium and the Asian Taenia ) were characterised by their mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene sequences and their genetic relationships were compared with those derived from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 sequence data . ^^^ The extent of inter taxon sequence difference in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( approximately 5 . 9 30 . 8 % ) was usually greater than in cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( approximately 2 . 5 18 % ) . ^^^ Although topology of the phenograms derived from NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 sequence data differed , there was concordance in that T . multiceps , T . serialis ( of canids ) , T . saginata and the Asian Taenia ( of humans ) were genetically most similar , and those four members were genetically more similar to T . ovis and T . solium than they were to T . hydatigena and T . pisiformis ( of canids ) or T . taeniaeformis ( of cats ) . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 sequence data may prove useful in studies of the systematics and population genetic structure of the Taeniidae . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A stable expression of enzyme activities over a period of 6 days in culture occurred for gamma glutamyltranspeptidase , acid phosphatase and NADH dehydrogenase activity under the chosen culture conditions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Partial editing of the mRNA for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 8 , previously found in strain IG from insects , was complete in two other strains isolated from plants . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electrochemically induced FT IR difference spectra of complex 1 from Escherichia coli and of the NADH dehydrogenase fragment of this complex were obtained for critical potential steps . ^^^ Additional signals in the spectra of complex 1 reflect contributions induced by the redox transition of the high potential FeS cluster N 2 which is not present in the NADH dehydrogenase fragment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using molecular and biochemical methods we demonstrate a trend for impaired NADH dehydrogenase ( DH ) activity and a possible compensatory increase in complex 4 activity in association with oxidative damage to mtDNA in chronic active plaques . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
BN PAGE allowed the separation of eleven bands , including the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , the bc 1 complex and the mitochondrial F 1 ATP synthase as well as the chloroplast F 1 ATP synthase , the cytochrome b6f complex , the two photosystems and the light harvesting complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Multiple lineages of the mitochondrial gene NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) in parasitic helminths : implications for molecular evolutionary studies of facultatively anaerobic eukaryotes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activity is sensitive to inhibition by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide , an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain . ^^^
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Mitochondrial genes of complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase respiratory chain subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Peroxide reductase activity of NADH dehydrogenase in the presence of an endogenous 20 kDa component of an alkaliphilic Bacillus . ^^^ The membrane bound NADH dehydrogenase of an alkaliphilic Bacillus YN 1 involved in the respiratory chain exhibits reductase activity for hydrogen peroxide and cumene hydroperoxide in the presence of the 22 kDa component ( AhpC ) from Amphibacillus xylanus ( Koyama et al . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase exhibited reductase activity for cumene hydroperoxide in the presence of the purified AhpC like component from YN 1 . ^^^ It is likely that the NADH dehydrogenase is not only involved in the respiratory chain , but also functions for scavenging peroxide in the presence of its own endogenous AhpC component . ^^^ The enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with glutathione S transferase ( GST ) showed the NADH dehydrogenase activity as high as the native enzyme from YN 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Like many other bacteria , Corynebacterium glutamicum possesses two types of L malate dehydrogenase , a membrane associated malate : quinone oxidoreductase ( MQO ; EC 1 . 1 . 99 . 16 ) and a cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase ( MDH ; EC 1 . 1 . 1 . 37 ) The regulation of MDH and of the three membrane associated dehydrogenases MQO , succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) , and NADH dehydrogenase was investigated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The proband has eight substitutions and among these 4833 A / G is a missense substitution in NADH dehydrogenase 2 gene and may probably be a major pathogenic mutation of impaired complex 1 activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Succinate dehydrogenase and external NADH dehydrogenase are also inhibited , albeit to a lesser extent ( approximately 30 % at 1 microM ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Having defined H 2 M3 as the positively selecting MHC molecule , the severely limited number of H 2 M3 binding peptides allowed us to characterize a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 derived 9 mer peptide as the physiological ligand of positive selection . ^^^ Here , we demonstrate that the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 self peptide is seen by mature C10 . 4 TCR ( trans ) ( + ) T cells as a weak agonist and induces positive selection at a defined concentration range . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Because of the potential role of mitochondrial dysfunction in nigrostriatal degeneration in Parkinson ' s disease , the effects of rotenone ( an inhibitor of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and a naturally occurring toxicant ) on the levels of striatal dopamine ( DA ) and DA metabolites were evaluated after acute and subchronic administration to mice . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In order to confirm the result , partial regions of mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) from the putative P . ohirai sample were further sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The genes encoding Cox 1 , Cox 2 , Cox 3 , Cob , Atp 6 , Atp 8 , Atp 9 , several subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 and 11 tRNAs were unambiguously identified . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These are : ( 1 ) alcoholic fermentation ; ( 2 ) glycerol production ; ( 3 ) respiration of cytosolic NADH via external mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenases ; ( 4 ) respiration of cytosolic NADH via the glycerol 3 phosphate shuttle ; and ( 5 ) oxidation of intramitochondrial NADH via a mitochondrial ' internal ' NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For example , diphenyleneiodonium inhibits a variety of flavoenzymes , including xanthine oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase , and NADPH oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We compared the performance of four mitochondrial data sets ( cytochrome b , cytochrome oxidase 2 , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , 12S rRNA tRNA 16S rRNA ) and eight nuclear data sets ( exonic regions of alpha 2B adrenergic receptor , aquaporin , ss casein , gamma fibrinogen , interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein , kappa casein , protamine , von Willebrand Factor ) in recovering deep level mammalian clades . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Decreased NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase in peripheral arterial disease . ^^^ Skeletal muscle NADH dehydrogenase activity was decreased by 27 % compared with controls when expressed per unit of citrate synthase activity . ^^^ Expression of enzyme activities normalized to cytochrome c oxygen oxidoreductase activity confirmed a 26 % decrease in NADH dehydrogenase activity and also demonstrated a 38 % decrease in ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity . ^^^ Thus PAD is associated with specific changes in muscle mitochondrial electron transport chain activities characterized by relative decreases in NADH dehydrogenase and ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase activities , which may contribute to the metabolic abnormalities and decreased exercise performance in these patients . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genome of P . polycephalum was predicted to contain genes coding for 12 known proteins [ for three cytochrome c oxidase subunits , apocytochrome b , two F1Fo ATPase subunits , five NADH dehydrogenase ( nad ) subunits , and one ribosomal protein ] , two rRNA genes , and five tRNA genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The globule diameter and various electron and conformational properties of the flavoprotein fragment of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase studied by fluorescence spectroscopy ] . ^^^ The globule dimensions and some electron and conformational properties of the flavoprotein ( peripheral ) fragment of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase were determined by the time resolved , phase modulating , and polarization fluorescence spectroscopies , as well as correlated confocal microscopy . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Florometra serratissima has a novel genome organization in a segment containing most of the tRNA genes , large and small rRNA genes , and the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and 2 genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Immobilization has produced a decrease more than threefold in gene expression of enzymes involved in energy metabolism , especially ATPase , cytochrome c oxidase , NADH dehydrogenase , and protein phosphatase 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We sequenced 1 , 530 nucleotides of the mitochondrial cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit two genes from 23 populations and used parsimony , maximum likelihood , and nested clade analyses to estimate relationships among populations and infer evolutionary processes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among salamandrids of the `` true ' ' salamander clade are investigated using 2019 aligned base positions ( 713 parsimony informative ) of 20 mitochondrial DNA sequences from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , ND 2 , tRNA ( Trp ) , tRNA ( Ala ) , tRNA ( Asn ) , tRNA ( Cys ) , tRNA ( Tyr ) , and COI ( subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase ) , plus the origin for light strand replication ( O ( L ) ) between the tRNA ( Asn ) and the tRNA ( Cys ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among frogs of the genus Rana from western North America are investigated using 2013 aligned bases of mitochondrial DNA sequence from the genes encoding ND 1 ( subunit one of NADH dehydrogenase ) , tRNA ( Ile ) , tRNA ( Gln ) , tRNA ( Met ) , ND 2 , tRNA ( Trp ) , tRNA ( Ala ) , tRNA ( Asn ) , tRNA ( Cys ) , tRNA ( Tyr ) , and COI ( subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase ) , plus the origin for light strand replication ( O ( L ) ) between the tRNA ( Asn ) and tRNA ( Cys ) genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the significance of a longevity associated mitochondrial genotype ( Mt5178A ) derived from a C > A transversion at nucleotide position 5178 of mitochondrial DNA , which causes a Leu to Met substitution within the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene , in type 2 diabetic subjects . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the presence of a nitric oxide donor , which exacerbates the damage , inhibition of mitochondrial function can be demonstrated to be associated with respiratory complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) and 3 ( cytochrome c reductase ) , but not 2 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) , 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase ) , or 5 ( ATP synthase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Elevated expression of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 / 4L genes in vascular endothelial cells undergoing sphingosine induced apoptosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Deoxycholic acid inhibited mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase and NADH : ferricytochrome c oxidoreductase activities , leading to free radical generation , whereas epimers of deoxycholic acid had no effect on mitochondrial enzymes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Chloroplast encoded NDH polypeptides ( components of the plastid Ndh complex ) and the NADH dehydrogenase activity of the Ndh complex ( NADH DH ) increased under photooxidative stress . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
At least two such systems have proved to be functional in S . cerevisiae , the external NADH dehydrogenase ( Luttik et al . , 1998 ; Small and McAlister Henn , 1998 ) and the G3P shuttle ( Larsson et al . , 1998 ) . ^^^ However , measurements of enzyme activities and respiratory activity on isolated mitochondria revealed a diminishing capacity at elevated dilution rates for both the external NADH dehydrogenase and the G3P shuttle . ^^^ The external NADH dehydrogenase is suggested as the main system employed for oxidation of cytosolic NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogeny of Limia ( Teleostei : Poeciliidae ) based on NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 sequences . ^^^ Complete sequences for the mitochondrial gene NADH Dehydrogenase 2 ( ND 2 ) and partial sequences for the tRNA Met and tRNA Trp genes were obtained for 11 populations of the poeciliid fish genus ( or subgenus ) Limia , including species from Hispaniola , Cuba , Jamaica , and Grand Cayman Islands . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thus in the bacteria , fumarate reduction by NADH is catalyzed by an electron transport chain consisting of NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH : menaquinone reductase ) , menaquinone , and succinate dehydrogenase operating in the reverse direction ( menaquinol : fumarate reductase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria contain an NADH : Q 6 oxidoreductase ( internal NADH dehydrogenase ) encoded by NDI 1 gene in chromosome 13 . ^^^ The results reported in this work show that the internal NADH dehydrogenase follows a ping pong mechanism , with a Km for NADH of 9 . 4 microM and a Km for oxidized 2 , 6 dichorophenolindophenol ( DCPIP ) of 6 . 2 microM . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase activity was unchanged in leaves , but cytochrome c oxidase activity was reduced by 50 % . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reduction of the first species ( most likely , a FAD near the NADH dehydrogenase site ) was very rapid in both the presence and absence of sodium . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Although licochalcone A inhibited the activities of succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) , and succinate and NADH cytochrome c reductases in the parasite mitochondria , the 50 % inhibitory concentrations ( IC ( 50 ) ) of licochalcone A for these enzymes were at least 20 times higher than that for FRD . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Novel mutations in NADH dehydrogenase ( ndh ) were detected in 8 of 84 ( 9 . 5 % ) isoniazid ( INH ) resistant isolates ( T110A [ n = 1 ] , R268H [ n = 7 ] ) , but not in 22 INH susceptible isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The reason for the oxidized PQ pool upon inactivation of type 2 NADH dehydrogenase may be related to the facts that the NAD pool in the cell is much smaller than that of NADP and that the NAD pool is fully reduced in the mutant without type 2 NADH dehydrogenase , thus causing regulatory inhibition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We sequenced 2690 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) including the entire control region ( CR ) , partial 12S and 16S ribosomal RNAs , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , and cytochrome b genes from representatives of all the 17 living species of grouse and ptarmigan ( Aves ; Galliformes ; subfamily Tetraoninae ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two steps in MPTP metabolism are the primary candidates for oxygen free radical generation : ( a ) MPTP oxidation to MPP ( + ) by a monoamine oxidase and ( b ) NADH dehydrogenase inhibition by MPP ( + ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequences of two regions , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( CO 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) of the mitochondrial DNA and two regions , internal transcribed spacer 2 ( ITS 2 ) and the D 2 region in the 28S rDNA ( 28S ) of the nuclear DNA were obtained from five Korean worms of the genus Fasciola in order to elucidate their taxonomic status . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The immunoprecipitates further harbored a large proportion of the cellular content of four different gRNAs and of edited and pre edited NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 mRNAs , but only small amounts of mt rRNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A new type 2 NADH dehydrogenase from the archaeon Acidianus ambivalens : characterization and in vitro reconstitution of the respiratory chain . ^^^ A new type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) was isolated from the hyperthermoacidophilic archaeon Acidianus ambivalens . ^^^ Further , it is the first example of a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase that contains the flavin covalently attached , which may be related to the need to stabilize the otherwise labile cofactor in a thermophilic environment . ^^^ A fully operative minimal version of Acidianus ambivalens respiratory system was successfully reconstituted into artificial liposomes , using three basic components isolated from the organism : the type 2 NADH dehydrogenase , caldariella quinone , the organism specific quinone , and the aa 3 type quinol oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The neurotoxicity of 6 hydroxydopamine is generally believed to result from reactive oxygen radical formation , although it is also known to inhibit mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Assignment of human NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) 1 beta subcomplex 3 ( NDUFB 3 ) and of its four pseudogenes to human chromosomes 2q31 . 3 , 1p13 . 3 > p13 . 1 , 9q32 > q34 . 1 , 14q22 . 3 > q23 . 1 and 14q32 . 2 by radiation hybrid mapping . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The gene for the single subunit , rotenone insensitive , and flavone sensitive internal NADH quinone oxidoreductase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( NDI 1 ) can completely restore the NADH dehydrogenase activity in mutant human cells that lack the essential mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) encoded subunit ND 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The putative amino acid sequences , is an analogue to phenol hydroxylase alpha subunit , outer surface protein C , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase , 2 oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreduct and hypothetical 14 . 5kD protein . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Separation of yeast mitochondrial complexes by colorless native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis led to the identification of a supramolecular structure exhibiting NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ The complex was found to contain the five known intermembrane space facing dehydrogenases , namely two external NADH dehydrogenases Nde1p and Nde2p , glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase Gut2p , D and L lactate dehydrogenases Dld1p and Cyb2p , the matrix facing NADH dehydrogenase Ndi1p , two probable flavoproteins YOR356Wp and YPR004Cp , four tricarboxylic acids cycle enzymes ( malate dehydrogenase Mdh1p , citrate synthase Cit1p , succinate dehydrogenase Sdh1p , and fumarate hydratase Fum1p ) , and the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase Ald4p . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We sequenced the DNA of subunit 1 of the mitochondrial protein NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) from several individuals of a species , which were sampled in a variety of geographical regions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Succinate provided chiefly the delayed action on the system arterial tension , on the succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ In `` freezing ' ' rats succinate corrected the system tension to a greater extent , while in `` non freezing ' ' animals it corrected to a greater extent the succinate and NADH dehydrogenase activities . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The extract was found to inhibit mitochondrial electron transport at Site 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) at concentrations of 30 159 mg 10 l ( 1 ) . ^^^ Although the extract is not as potent an inhibitor at Site 1 as rotenone , a known inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase , such observations could explain the molluscicidal and schistosomicidal activity of dichloromethane extracts of the seeds of M . thonningii . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Significantly different levels of nucleotide diversity were detected among three groups of genes : six NADH dehydrogenase genes had the highest ; two rRNA genes had the lowest ; and a group that included genes for ATPase and cytochrome oxidase subunits , the cytochrome b gene , and the control region had intermediate levels of nucleotide diversity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The other conspicuous features of this molecule are : a large ( 3018 nucleotides ) in frame insertion of unknown function in the cox 2 gene ; the presence of two different lineages of group 2 introns , including complete reverse transcriptase like genes , one in the cox 1 and the other in the rnl gene ; the concomitant occurrence of a T 7 like RNA polymerase and of several well conserved alpha proteobacterial type promoters ; and a small nad 11 gene , coding for the first domain only of this NADH dehydrogenase subunit . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is caused by mutations in the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) encoded genes that contribute polypeptides to NADH dehydrogenase or complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The identification of mitochondrial proteins participating in a yeast supramolecular complex exhibiting NADH dehydrogenase activity highlights the performances of MALDI MS for the second task . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is built up by a peripheral NADH dehydrogenase module , an amphipatic hydrogenase module , and a membrane bound transporter module . ^^^ The NADH dehydrogenase module seems to be involved in electron transfer and not in proton translocation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This review article is concerned with two on going research projects in our laboratory , both of which are related to the study of the NADH dehydrogenase enzyme complexes in the respiratory chain . ^^^ Recently , the study of the NADH dehydrogenase complex has taken on new urgency as a result of reports that complex 1 defects are involved in many human mitochondrial diseases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The recently characterized nda 1 and ndb 1 genes , homologues to genes encoding the non proton pumping respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenases of Escherichia coli and yeast , were compared to genes encoding catalytic subunits of the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Flavin and ubiquinone of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase are not involved in the electron transfer to artificial acceptors . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase of Corynebacterium glutamicum . ^^^ Purification of an NADH dehydrogenase 2 homolog able to oxidize NADPH . ^^^ In this study , we tried to purify NADPH oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase activities from the membranes of C . glutamicum . ^^^ The N terminal sequence of the enzyme was consistent with the sequence deduced from the NADH dehydrogenase gene of C . glutamicum , which has been sequenced and shown to be a homolog of NADH dehydrogenase 2 . ^^^ Thus , NADH dehydrogenase of C . glutamicum was shown to be rather unique in having a relatively high reactivity toward NADPH . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is assumed that QoI resistance in 5 inaequalis may be based on a compensation of the energy deficiency following QoI application upstream of the NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Opponent patterns of bidirectional expression were found : several genes ( ATPase 6 , cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 4 and 2 ) showed elevation in normal cats at 5 weeks and in dark reared cats at 20 weeks ( `` plasticity ' ' genes ) ; others ( NADH dehydrogenase subunits 3 and 5 ) showed the opposite ( `` anti plasticity ' ' genes ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DL alpha lipoic acid supplemented aged rats showed a decrease in the levels of lipid peroxidation and oxidized glutathione and increase in the levels of reduced glutathione , vitamins C and E and the activities of mitochondrial enzymes like isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
An mtDNA mutation , 14453G > A , in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 associated with severe MELAS syndrome . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
BACKGROUND : A high fat diet has been recommended for correction of biochemical abnormalities and muscle energy state in patients with complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) deficiency ( CID ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
BACKGROUND : A high fat diet has been recommended for the treatment of patients with mitochondrial myopathy due to complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) deficiency ( CID ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We used DNA sequences of four mitochondrial genes ( cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 2 , and 4 ) to estimate relationships among 29 of the 31 recognized species of Thamnophis plus the related species Adelophis foxi . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Seven isoniazid resistant isolates with mutations in the NADH dehydrogenase ( ndh ) gene were molecularly typed by IS 6110 based restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Oxidant exposure rapidly produced a large mtDNA deletion involving the coding regions for cytochrome c oxidase ( COX 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 and ND 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of the components involved in the transfer of reducing equivalents from cytosolic NADH to ubiquinone revealed the existence of a flavin adenine dinucleotide containing NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogeny of butterflies , Parnassius stubbendorfii and P . glacialis , collected at various localities in the Japan archipelago and the eastern part of the Asian continent was analyzed using mitochondrial DNA sequences coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( 805 bp ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Because the sequences of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and cytochrome b genes had been reported in five species [ Phasianus colchicus ( ring neck pheasant : RP ) , Gallus gallus domesticus ( chicken : CH ) , Perdix perdix ( grey partridge : GP ) , Bambusicola thoracia ( Chinese bamboo partridge : CP ) , and Aythya americana ( redhead : RH ) ] , the concatenated nucleotide sequences ( 2184 bp ) and amino acid sequences of these two genes were used in a phylogenetic analysis of JQ against these five species using a maximum likelihood ( ML ) method . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A molecular phylogenetic study of 32 thamnophiine species using three complete mitochondrial genes ( cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , and 12S ribosomal DNA ) recovered a well supported phylogeny with three major clades : a garter snake group , a water snake group , and a novel semifossorial group . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In vivo control by the redox state of chloroplasts and involvement of the NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In parallel with these changes , NADH dehydrogenase activity , which is halved in the mutant strain ( five subunits of this complex are affected by the mutation ) , gradually increases and stabilizes near the wild type activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We found no evidence for the presence of an alternative , single subunit NADH dehydrogenase in A . aeolicus membranes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Protein genes code for apocytochrome b ; cytochrome oxidase 1 , 2 , and 3 , NADH dehydrogenase 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 4L , 5 , and 6 , and ATP synthase 6 , 8 , and 9 subunits , and several of these genes are organized in operon like clusters . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Novel FMN containing rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase from Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria : isolation and characterization . ^^^ A rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase has been isolated from the mitochondria of the procyclic form of African parasite , Trypanosoma brucei . ^^^ Hypotonic treatment of intact mitochondria revealed that the NADH dehydrogenase is located in the inner membrane / matrix fraction facing the matrix . ^^^ The treatment of mitochondria with increasing concentrations of digitonin suggested that the NADH dehydrogenase is loosely bound to the inner mitochondrial membrane . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The largest increase was observed with NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two variable regions , 610 bp of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and 563 bp of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 , were isolated from 52 A . bipunctata with known infection status and different geographic origin from across Eurasia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To study the potential importance of introgressive hybridization to the evolutionary diversification of a carabid beetle lineage , we studied intraspecific and trans species polymorphisms in the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene sequence ( 1083 bp ) in four species of the subgenus Ohomopterus ( genus Carabus ) in central and eastern Honshu , Japan . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here we report an analysis of variation in the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 2 ( ND 2 ) gene among different surface fish and cavefish populations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Of particular interest are the 2 clones G32C4B and G30CC that have been identified to be the NADH dehydrogenase 4 gene and the gene that encodes ribosomal protein S 12 respectively when compared to sequences available in the GenBank database . ^^^ The ribosomal protein S 12 and the NADH dehydrogenase 4 genes may therefore be potentially useful as early pre transformation diagnostic markers for human cervical cancer . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been concluded that NADH dehydrogenase link in the respiratory chain is not involved in the activating effects by CA and UDCA . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A transcript that was downregulated in myofibroblasts showed high DNA sequence homology to part of the gene for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 . ^^^ This study suggests that the downregulation of gene encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 and upregulation of osteopontin gene and several other unknown genes may be involved in the phenotypic transition of adventitial fibroblasts to myofibroblats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The rate of metabolism is adjusted by use of respiratory isoenzymes which differ in the rate and the efficiency of energy conservation , such as the non coupling NADH dehydrogenase 2 ( ndh gene ) and the coupling NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( nuo genes ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ginkgo biloba extracts EGb 761 and bilobalide increase NADH dehydrogenase mRNA level and mitochondrial respiratory control ratio in PC 12 cells . ^^^ In the present study , we investigated the effect of Ginkgo biloba extract , EGb 761 , and one of its components , bilobalide , on gene expression of subunit 1 of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( ND 1 ) in PC 12 cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium berghei . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase of respiratory complex 1 was demonstrated in isolated mitochondrial organelles of the human parasite Plasmodium falciparum and the mouse parasite Plasmodium berghei by using the specific inhibitor rotenone on oxygen consumption and enzyme activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Unique for plant mitochondria , exogenous NADH uncoupled respiration was unaffected by Cr ( 6 ) , indicating that the NADH dehydrogenase of the outer leaflet of the plant inner membrane , in addition to complexes 3 and 4 , were insensitive to Cr ( 6 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of the components involved in the transfer of reducing equivalents from cytosolic NADH to ubiquinone revealed the existence of a FAD containing NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Kinetic regulation of the mitochondrial glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase by the external NADH dehydrogenase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . ^^^ In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae , the two most important systems for conveying excess cytosolic NADH to the mitochondrial respiratory chain are external NADH dehydrogenase ( Nde1p / Nde2p ) and the glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase shuttle . ^^^ Second , the activation of NADH dehydrogenase inhibited the Gut2p in such a manner that , at a saturating concentration of NADH , glycerol 3 phosphate is not used as respiratory substrate . ^^^ This effect was not a consequence of a direct action of NADH on Gut2p activity because both NADH dehydrogenase and its substrate were needed for Gut2p inhibition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We estimated a novel phylogeny of tilapiine cichlid fish ( an assemblage endemic to Africa and the Near East ) within the African cichlid fishes on the basis of complete mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene sequences . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NDE 1 and NDE 2 encode isoenzymes of mitochondrial external NADH dehydrogenase ; GUT 2 encodes a key enzyme of the glycerol 3 phosphate shuttle . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Different enzymatic activities , including a plastid encoded NADH dehydrogenase complex , have been reported to be involved in the non photochemical reduction of plastoquinones . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nda 1 and ndb 1 genes , homologues to genes encoding the non proton pumping respiratory chain NADH dehydrogenases of Escherichia coli and yeast , were compared to genes encoding catalytic subunits of the proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Portions of two genes were examined : ( 1 ) the mitochondrial large ribosomal RNA gene ( mtLrRNA ) and ( 2 ) the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Competition substrates were chosen to represent a wide range of chloroplast mRNAs , including those encoding the photosystems , NADH dehydrogenase , cytochromes and ribosomal subunits , and two previously unexamined ATP synthase subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In mitochondria from all the strains analyzed , we moreover detected a 160 210 kDa fragment comprising the hydrophilic 49 kDa and 76 kDa subunits of the complex 1 peripheral arm and showing NADH dehydrogenase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Involvement of Candida albicans NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 in filamentation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
FRO 1 was isolated through positional cloning and found to encode a protein with high similarity to the 18 kD Fe S subunit of complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase , EC 1 . 6 . 5 . 3 ) in the mitochondrial electron transfer chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To confirm the results based on CR analysis we also analyzed representative species based on two mitochondrial protein coding genes , cytochrome b ( cytb ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes of two other proteins expressed during growth on N acetylglucosamine as well as on glucose were also identified and found to be similar to a glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase and a NADH dehydrogenase , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We studied the molecular phylogeny of the carabid subgenus Ohomopterus ( genus Carabus ) , using two mitochondrial ( mt ) DNA regions ( 16SrRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ) and three nuclear DNA regions ( wingless , phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase , and an anonymous locus ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this manuscript , we provide evidence that shows that the lack of NADH dehydrogenase 1 , an enzyme of the aerobic respiratory chain encoded by the nuo operon , is responsible for the impaired root colonization ability of PCL 1201 . ^^^ It was shown biochemically that PCL 1201 is lacking NADH dehydrogenase 1 activity . ^^^ In addition , the presence and activity of a second NADH dehydrogenase , encoded by the ndh gene , was identified to our knowledge for the first time in the genus Pseudomonas . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogenetic relationships among all species of the eichhorni group , representatives of each of the other 21 species groups of Delias butterflies , and some related genera were analyzed based on nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The kinetics of the NADH > 3 ; acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide ( APAD+ ) transhydrogenase reaction ( DD reaction ) catalyzed by different preparations of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( submitochondrial particles ( SMP ) , purified Complex 1 , and three subunit fragment of Complex 1 ( FP ) ) have been studied . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We constructed a phylogeny of Glyphorynchus spirurus ( Aves : Dendrocolaptidae ) populations using mtDNA sequence data from portions of cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) , and complete NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial nt 3116 3353 , which spans the 16S rRNA , tRNA ( leu ( UUR ) ) and the NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene , were detected using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) , direct DNA sequencing , PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism and allele specific PCR . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among the characterized peptides were fragments from proteins such as hemoglobin , alpha synuclein , stathmin , cyclophilin , actin , NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome c oxidase and prosomatostatin , as well as the bioactive neuropeptides W hemorphin 4 , and LW hemorphin 7 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Evidence for Cu ( 1 ) thiolate ligation and prediction of a putative copper binding site in the Escherichia coli NADH dehydrogenase 2 . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase 2 ( NDH 2 ) from Escherichia coli is a membrane bound flavoprotein linked to the respiratory chain . ^^^ This is the first description of a copper containing NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequences are reported for a genomic segment encoding eight transfer RNAs , NADH dehydrogenase component 2 ( ND 2 ) , and portions of NADH dehydrogenase component 1 ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We collected sequences of the mitochondrial NDI ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ) gene from 38 species as well as 20 sequences of exon 28 of the vWF ( von Willebrand Factor ) gene and analyzed phylogenetic relationships in Vespertilionidae using maximum likelihood analyses and SINE ( short interspersed elements ) insertions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A DNA region containing mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase genes was selected as a target sequence for the analysis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Secondly , because lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH ) is down regulated and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity is increased during PC 12 cell differentiation , we established procedures to measure changes in LDH and NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ However , neither LDH nor NADH dehydrogenase activities changed during Thy 1 antibody induced differentiation . ^^^ These findings show that in addition to the cell ELISA procedures , the LDH and NADH dehydrogenase procedures are useful for characterization of growth factor induced PC 12 cell differentiation . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mRNA levels for the hepatoma cytochrome c oxidase 1 , 2 , and NADH dehydrogenase 5 , 6 , the downstream targets of Tfam , were augmented 10 , 8 , 5 , and 3 fold , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The respiratory chain of Y . lipolytica contains complexes 1 4 , one `` alternative ' ' NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) and a non heme alternative oxidase ( AOX ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Modular kinetic analysis reveals that the environmental pollutant 2 , 2 ' , 5 , 5 ' tetrachlorobiphenyl ( 2 , 2 ' , 5 , 5 ' TCB ) affects a large number of steps in oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria . 2 , 2 ' , 5 , 5 ' TCB increases membrane permeability to ions , and inhibits NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome bc 1 , cytochrome oxidase ( all in the respiratory chain ) and ATP synthase ( in the phosphorylation subsystem ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase is a potential source of superoxide in procyclic Trypanosoma brucei mitochondria . ^^^ The rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase isolated from mitochondria of the procyclic form of Trypanosoma brucei has the ability to produce superoxide anions ( Biochemistry 41 ( 2002 ) 3065 ) . ^^^ These results suggest that the rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase in addition to NADH fumarate reductase is a potential source of superoxide production in procyclic trypanosome mitochondria . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We present evidence that the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex ( Complex 1 ) was present in wild type CBS 6054 but was bypassed in the cells during xylose metabolism . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Genes analyzed include those encoding the 12S and 16S ribosomal RNAs ; transfer RNAs coding for valine , leucine , isoleucine , glutamine , methionine , tryptophan , alanine , asparagine , cysteine , and tyrosine ; and complete NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone ( an inhibitor of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , a naturally occurring toxin and a commonly used pesticide ) appears to reproduce the neurochemical , neuropathological and behavioural feature of Parkinson ' s disease ( PD ) in the rat . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We observed increased expressions of genes including NADH dehydrogenase , the GLUT 4 glucose transporter , Na K ATPase , sarcolemmal K ( ATP ) channels , and Bcl xl in A ( 1 ) AR overexpressing hearts . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene , along with adjacent tRNAs , was sequenced for population samples from 21 different Central Highlands rivers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This analysis revealed 47 amino acid replacements , 45 of which were confined to subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex ( Complex 1 ) , one in the cox 3 gene ( Complex 4 ) , and one in the atp 8 gene ( Complex 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Acidianus ambivalens type 2 NADH dehydrogenase : genetic characterisation and identification of the flavin moiety as FMN . ^^^ The thermoacidophilic archaeon Acidianus ambivalens contains a monomeric 47 kDa type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) , which contains a covalently bound flavin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of sucrose 6 phosphate synthase , glycogen synthase , and NADH dehydrogenase in methanol grown cells were higher than in methane grown cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have previously shown that the single subunit NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( Ndi1P ) can work as a replacement for complex 1 in mammalian cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In vitro and ex vivo studies indicate that bilobalide has multiple mechanisms of action that may be associated with neuroprotection , including its preservation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis , its inhibition of apoptotic damage induced by staurosporine or by serum free medium , its suppression of hypoxia induced membrane deterioration in the brain , and its actions of increasing the expression of the mitochondrial DNA encoded COX 3 subunit of cytochrome c oxidase and the ND 1 subunit of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
LPS induced a novel oxidant dependent 3 . 8 kb mtDNA deletion in the region encoding NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 , which correlated with mitochondrial glutathione depletion . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
OBJECTIVE : To investigate the expression of nicotinamide edenine dinucleotide ( NADH ) dehydrogenase gene in the placenta of patients with pregnancy induced hypertension ( PIH ) and the role of NADH dehydrogenase in PIH pathogenesis . ^^^ METHODS : Using ( 32 ) P dATP labeled human NADH dehydrogenase cDNA probe , the expression of NADH dehydrogenase gene in placental tissues of 10 normal late pregnant ( NLP ) women and 10 PIH patients was detected by dot blot . ^^^ Mean A of each hybridization dot was measured by image analysis system to compare NADH dehydrogenase mRNA level in PIH placentae with that in NLP placenta . ^^^ RESULTS : The NADH dehydrogenase gene values in patients with PIH and NLP were 21 + / 6 and 56 + / 16 . ^^^ The level of NADH dehydrogenase mRNA in PIH placenta was significantly higher than that in normal placenta ( P < 0 . 05 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial calcium loading capacity and the activity of NADH dehydrogenase were also suppressed in cardiac mitochondria from doxorubicin treated rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The major sites of ROS formation are found at NADH dehydrogenase of complex 1 and at the interface between coenzyme Q and complex 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A single nucleotide polymorphism of mitochondrial 5178A / C , causing a Met to Leu replacement within the NADH dehydrogenase subunit , is reported to be associated with longevity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The internal alternative NADH dehydrogenase of Neurospora crassa mitochondria . ^^^ The 57 kDa NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase acts as internal ( alternative ) respiratory NADH dehydrogenase ( NDI 1 ) in the fungal mitochondria . ^^^ Our data indicate : ( 1 ) that NDI 1 represents the sole internal alternative NADH dehydrogenase of Neurospora mitochondria ; ( 2 ) that NDI 1 and complex 1 are functionally complementary to each other ; and ( 3 ) that NDI 1 is specially needed during spore germination . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The expression of genes of TCA cycle enzymes , NADH dehydrogenase and ATPase , was up regulated during the exponential fed batch period and was down regulated afterward . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activity of both succinate and NADH dehydrogenase declined over a 13 d starvation period . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
External alternative NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae : a potential source of superoxide . ^^^ Proteinase K digestion of mitoplasts reduced 95 % NADH dehydrogenase activity with a similar inhibition of superoxide production . ^^^ Mild detergent treatment of the proteinase treated mitoplasts resulted in an increase in NADH dehydrogenase activity due to the oxidation of exogenous NADH by the internal NADH dehydrogenase ; however , little increase in superoxide production was observed . ^^^ These results suggest that the external NADH dehydrogenase is a potential source of superoxide in S . cerevisiae mitochondria . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome C oxidase 1 ( CO 1 ) gene fragments of the worms were amplified by PCR , cloned into plasmid , and finally sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These effects were related to a transient drop in intracellular ATP content , probably favored by a downregulation of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , a component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain ( MRC ) Complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A mitochondrial gene cluster encoding cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 ( COX 3 ) , an ORF ( called ORF 250 ) similar to NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) , ten tRNA molecules , partial rRNA small subunit and rRNA large subunit from Trichoderma pseudokoningii S 38 was cloned and sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Myogenin had no effects on myosin heavy chain fibre type , but induced a considerable increase in succinate dehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activity , with some type IIb fibres reaching the levels observed histochemically in normal type IIx and IIa fibres . mRNA levels for malate dehydrogenase were similarly altered . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Other mitochondrial enzymes , including NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase and cytochrome c oxidase , were little sensitive to ADM with HRP H ( 2 ) O ( 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This neurotoxin caused inhibition of the enzymatic activity of NADH dehydrogenase of mitochondrial complex 1 and consequent impairment of mitochondrial electronic transport with a reduction in the depletion of cytosolic NAD ( + ) levels . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Heteroplasmic mitochondrial DNA 3310 mutation in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 associated with type 2 diabetes , hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , and mental retardation in a single patient . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The subunit composition of the human NADH dehydrogenase obtained by rapid one step immunopurification . ^^^ Defects of the NADH dehydrogenase complex are predominantly manifested in mitochondrial diseases and are significantly associated with the development of many late onset neurological disorders such as Parkinson ' s disease . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To further characterize the genetic variants in pigs , fragments of the NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) and the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( CO 1 ) genes were amplified from parasite DNA and sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of a gene encoding a 54 kDa alternative NADH dehydrogenase in Trypanosoma brucei . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The respiratory chain of the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus metallicus : studies on the type 2 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ The membranes of the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus metallicus exhibit an oxygen consumption activity of 0 . 5 nmol O ( 2 ) min ( 1 ) mg ( 1 ) , which is insensitive to rotenone , suggesting the presence of a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
SNP 10398G causes a nonconservative amino acid change from threonine to alanine within the NADH dehydrogenase 3 ( ND 3 ) of complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial DNA G13513A MELAS mutation in the NADH dehydrogenase 5 gene is a frequent cause of Leigh like syndrome with isolated complex 1 deficiency . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The down regulated genes included those encoding RNA polymerase 2 elongation factor like protein , NADH dehydrogenase and one novel gene ( function unknown ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In order to obtain information on the phylogenetic position of blue breasted quail in Galliformes Phasianidae , the 2 , 184 bp sequence comprising NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 and cytochrome b genes available for eight species in Galliformes [ Japanese quail , chicken , Gallus varius ( green junglefowl ) , Bambusicola thoracica ( Chinese bamboo partridge ) , Pavo cristatus ( Indian peafowl ) , Perdix perdix ( gray partridge ) , Phasianus colchicus ( ring neck pheasant ) , and Tympanchus phasianellus ( sharp tailed grouse ) ] together with that of Aythya americana ( redhead ) were examined using a maximum likelihood ( ML ) method . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complex 1 is one of the respiratory chain enzymes related to NADH dehydrogenase and is an encoded gene product derived from both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes . ^^^ This suggests that the production of NADH dehydrogenase is limited by 51 kDa of Complex 1 derived from nuclear genomes rather than by the increase in mitochondria and composition of muscle fibre types due to changes in feeding behaviour . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary pattern of the Latitarsi ground beetles have been investigated by analyzing mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene sequences . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) and aconitase are inactivated partially in vitro by superoxide ( O 2 . ) and other oxidants that cause loss of iron from enzyme cubane ( 4Fe 4S ) centers . ^^^ We tested whether hypoxia reoxygenation ( H R ) by itself would decrease lung epithelial cell NADH dehydrogenase , aconitase , and succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) activities and whether transfection with adenoviral vectors expressing MnSOD ( Ad . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase activity was assayed in submitochondrial particles ; aconitase and SDH activities were measured in cell lysates . ^^^ H R significantly decreased NADH dehydrogenase , aconitase , and SDH activities . ^^^ Inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase , aconitase , and SDH activities during reoxygenation are due to excess O 2 . produced in mitochondria , because enzyme inactivation can be prevented by overexpression of MnSOD . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The optimum conditions for NADH dehydrogenase activity are 50 degrees C and pH 8 . 1 , and the enzyme presents a KM of 9 microM for NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae , in which some of the NADH dehydrogenase active sites are facing the intermembrane space , this regulatory mechanism might play an important role for the regulation of the cytosolic redox status . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nitroblue tetrazolium staining in the HG exposed VSMC was more prominent than that of VSMC under normal glucose ( 5 . 5 mM ) condition , which was significantly inhibited by DPI ( 10 microM ) , an NAD ( P ) H oxidase inhibitor , but not by inhibitors for other oxidases such as NADH dehydrogenase , xanthine oxidase , and nitric oxide synthase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differential ability of cytostatics from anthraquinone group to generate free radicals in three enzymatic systems : NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , and xanthine oxidase . ^^^ This process is catalyzed primarily by NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , and xanthine oxidase , and leads to the formation of reactive oxygen species . ^^^ In our previous studies we have shown that the NADH dehydrogenase catalyzed electron transfer phenomenon is correlated with the affinity of anthraquinone drugs to the enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three were missense mutations ( C14F , H186R , T173P ) in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , and one was a frameshift mutation , 9485delC , in cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
LAC ( 1 mM ) inhibited NADH oxidase ( 45 % ) , succinate oxidase ( 34 % ) and promoted low level inhibitions on succinate dehydrogenase ( 13 % ) , succinate cytochrome c oxide reductase ( 23 % ) , cytochrome c oxidase ( 10 % ) , and NADH dehydrogenase ( 13 % ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The other two sequences were ubiquitin C gene and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enzyme activities of mitochondrial encoded cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase in the HCM hearts ( n=12 ) were lower than that in the controls ( n=12 ) by 41+ / 29 % ( P < 0 . 01 ) and 43+ / 21 % ( P < 0 . 001 ) , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Involvement of glycine and aspartate residues in the binding capacity of FAD in the NADH dehydrogenase from an alkaliphilic Bacillus . ^^^ To determine the involvement of the four amino acid residues ( Thr 469 , Ala 476 , Gly 478 , and Asp 479 ) in the activity of NADH dehydrogenase of an alkaliphilic Bacillus , mutations of these amino acid residues were conducted . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We observed that transcripts of most NADH dehydrogenase subunits are edited inefficiently in roots . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Combination of denaturing high performance liquid chromatography and sequence analysis allowed us to show that a 4 bp deletion in intron 2 ( IVS2+5 _ +8delGTAA ) of the NDUFV 2 gene ( encoding NADH dehydrogenase ubiquinone flavoprotein 2 ) causes complex 1 deficiency and early onset hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with trunk hypotonia in three affected sibs of a consanguineous family . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Screening for interactive substrates with the primary LRPPRC substrates in the human liver complementary DNA library revealed that CECR2B interacted with chromatin associated TFIID associated protein TAFII 30 and ribonucleic acid splicing factor SRP 40 , UXT bridged to CBP / p300 binding factor CITED 2 and kinetochore associated factor BUB 3 , and C19ORF5 complexed with mitochondria associated NADH dehydrogenase 1 and cytochrome c oxidase 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
For comparison , the respiratory toxins FCCP , a cyanide analog that uncouples mitochondrial ATP production , and rotenone , a NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , were also tested . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here , 1 inferred molecular phylogenies of seven Strongylocentrotid species ( Strongylocentrotus franciscanus , S . nudus , S . purpuratus , S . intermedius , S . droebachiensis , S . pallidus , and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus ) from the analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences of 12SrDNA ( 349 nt ) , 12SrDNA tRNA ( gln ) region ( 862 nt ) , and a combined sequence of cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( COI , 1080 nt ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( NDI , 742 nt ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Increased ATP production occurred in association with increased mRNA levels from both mitochondrial ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ) and nuclear [ cytochrome c oxidase ( COX ) subunit 4 ] genes ( 164 180 % ) encoding mitochondrial proteins ( P < 0 . 05 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two of these partial cDNA clones showed high homology to the mitochondrial genes NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and subunit 4 . ^^^ The steady state mRNA level of both the NADH dehydrogenase subunits was about twofold higher in the M 5 cell strain compared to V 79 cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Parkinson ' s disease and mitochondrial DNA NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 nucleotides 3337 3340 : study in a population from the central region of Portugal ( Coimbra ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ROS are produced from complex 1 by the NADH dehydrogenase located in the matrix side of the inner membrane and are dissipated in mitochondria by matrix antioxidant defense . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here we investigated mitochondrial complex 1 and found that its NADH dehydrogenase activity and protein content were specifically decreased in oncocytomas , in stark contrast with the parallel decrease of all respiratory chain complexes in other , malignant , renal tumors . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
On the other hand , photosensitization of the protozoan cells does not directly involve the mitochondria as shown by the lack of photoinduced decrease in the activity of typical mitochondrial enzymes , such as NADH dehydrogenase and citrate synthase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Reverse transcription PCR and Northern blot analysis demonstrated that the lepB gene of R . rickettsii is cotranscribed in a polycistronic message with the putative nuoF ( encoding NADH dehydrogenase 1 chain F ) , secF ( encoding protein export membrane protein ) , and rnc ( encoding RNase 3 ) genes in a secF nuoF lepB rnc cluster . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The question of their tricky phylogeny was here studied by adding two mitochondrial genes ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 [ ND 1 ] and 12S ribosomal RNA [ 12S rRNA ] ) to the three protein coding nuclear genes ( alpha2B adrenergic receptor [ ADRA2B ] , breast cancer susceptibility exon 11 [ BRCA 1 ] , and von Willebrand factor exon 28 [ VWF ] ) yielding a total of 6869 aligned nucleotide sites for thirteen xenarthran species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To re evaluate the phylogenetic position of East Asian Myotis species with respect to Myotis species worldwide , we analyzed mitochondrial gene sequences of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome b from 24 East Asian individuals as well as 42 vespertilionid bats determined previously . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In a gene for NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , the abbreviated stop codon U was confirmed for the first time in flatworm mtDNAs . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Important upregulated genes include NADH dehydrogenase 3 , GADD 45 and ubiquitin . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Cloning and characterization of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase gene of Cysticercus cellulosae ] . ^^^ The 5 ' terminal of cloned gene contained one open reading frame of 1 578 bp encoding 192 amino acid residues of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and the 3 ' terminal contained three kinds of tRNA genes . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differences were detected in the transcription of genes for subunit 9 of ATP synthase ( atp 9 ) , cytochrome b ( cob ) and subunit 2 of NADH dehydrogenase ( nad 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These events were associated with dose related decreases in steady state mRNA levels of cytochrome c oxidase , subunit 3 ( COIII ) , and NADH dehydrogenase 5 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Co administration of arsenic treated rats with ascorbic acid and alpha tocopherol showed significant reduction in the level of lipid peroxidation and elevation in the levels of ascorbic acid , alpha tocopherol , glutathione and total sulfhydryls and in the activities of isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic analysis was performed using this region consisting of a part of the cytochrome b ( cytb ) coding gene , the entire coding sequences of tRNA Leu , tRNA Ser and the first subunit of NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH 1 ) , and a part of the 16S rRNA gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Datasets from the mitochondrial gene regions NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) of the 20 species in the New Zealand wolf spider ( Lycosidae ) genus Anoteropsis were generated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Polymorphism of the gene for subunit 6 of the NADh dehydrogenase complex ( ND 6 ) in ethnic russian population in Russia ] . ^^^ A sample of ethnic Russians of Russia was tested for polymorphism of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) gene mapping to the mtDNA region 14 , 170 14 , 569 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , malate : quinone oxidoreductase , pyruvate : quinone oxidoreductase , D lactate dehydrogenase , L lactate dehydrogenase , glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase and L proline dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two recognized strains of Schistosoma intercalatum , one from the Democratic Republic of Congo ( DRC ) , formerly Zaire , and the other from Cameroon , have been investigated using DNA sequences from 3 mitochondrial genes , cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 ( cox 1 ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( nad 6 ) and the small ribosomal RNA gene ( rrnS ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
DNA sequences within regions of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NI ) 1 ) genes and the internal transcribed spacer 1 ( ITS 1 ) fragment of the ribosomal DNA were analysed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Increased amounts of Ndh polypeptides were accompanied with a more than fourfold enhancement of NDH activity in the mutant thylakoids , as revealed by in gel NADH dehydrogenase measurements . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We analysed cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 sequence variation among 29 populations of a widely ranging southwestern springsnail ( Pyrgulopsis micrococcus ) and 18 regional congeners . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic analysis indicates that ndc 1 affiliates with cyanobacterial type 2 NADH dehydrogenase genes , suggesting that this gene entered the eukaryotic cell via the chloroplast progenitor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Finally , the addition of the type 2 NADH : quinone oxidoreductase complex ( NADH dehydrogenase [ NDH ] ) from M . capsulatus Bath , along with NADH and duroquinol , to enzyme assays increased the activity of purified preparations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The initiation zone of bidirectional replication includes the genes for cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 5 and 6 . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phenotypic linkage between single nucleotide polymorphisms of beta 3 adrenergic receptor gene and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene , with special reference to eating behavior . ^^^ The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene ( ND 2 ) variant ( Mt5178A ) is associated with longevity or less susceptibility to adult onset diseases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Also 3 ( C ) n and / or ( C ) n ( A ) n repeat instability at 1 noncoding region in the displacement loop ( D loop ) and 2 coding sequences in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and subunit 5 gene in mtDNA were analyzed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These were identified as procollagen type 4 , Tie 2 / Tek receptor tyrosine kinase , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 , and ferritin heavy chain , which were up regulated , and insulin like growth factor binding protein 5 , which was down regulated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone , an inhibitor of NADH dehydrogenase complex , is a naturally occurring insecticide , which is capable of inducing apoptosis . ^^^ These results suggest that rotenone induces O 2 ( ) derived H2O2 generation through inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase complex and / or activation of NAD ( P ) H oxidase , and H2O2 generation causes the disruption of mitochondrial membrane in rotenone induced apoptosis . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Impaired expression of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 and PPARgamma coactivator 1 in skeletal muscle of ZDF rats : restoration by troglitazone . ^^^ The shift from glucose to fatty acids as the source of energy in skeletal muscle of ZDF rats was accompanied by a reduction of subunit 1 of complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , ND 1 ) and subunit 2 of complex 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase 2 , COII ) , two genes of the electronic transport chain encoded by mtDNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ADM is reduced to a semiquinone radical species by microsomal NADPH P 450 reductase and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of mitochondrial enzymes isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome C oxidase were significantly lowered in mammary carcinoma bearing rats when compared with control rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In submitochondrial particles , berberine and coptisine had a marked inhibitory effect on NADH dehydrogenase activity but practically no effect on succinate dehydrogenase activity , whereas chelerythrine and sanguinarine inhibited more strongly succinate dehydrogenase than NADH dehydrogenase , which is in agreement with the results found for mitochondrial respiration . ^^^ Protopine and allocryptopine , which did not inhibit mitochondrial respiration , strongly inhibited NADH dehydrogenase in submitochondrial particles , but had no effect on succinate dehydrogenase activity . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This appears to depend on succinate supported production of H2O2 by reverse electron flow at NADH dehydrogenase competing with exogenous H2O2 for removal . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To determine the molecular site of action of rotenone , cells were transfected with the rotenone insensitive single subunit NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( NDI 1 ) , which incorporates into the mammalian ETC and acts as a `` replacement ' ' for endogenous complex 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is located between a sequence fragment from the plastid genome and one of nuclear origin downstream from the gene encoding subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Portions of three mitochondrial protein coding genes ( cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 , and ATPase 6 ) were sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We investigated whether and how mitochondria from durum wheat ( Triticum durum Desf . ) and potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) , isolated from etiolated shoots and a cell suspension culture , respectively , oxidize externally added NADH via the mitochondrial shuttles ; in particular , we compared the shuttles and the external NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DHExt ) with respect to their capacity to oxidize external NADH . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It has been reported that the mitochondrial DNA 5178 adenine / cytosine ( mt 5178 A / C ) polymorphism , also called NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 methionine / leucine ( ND 2 237 Met / Leu ) polymorphism , may be associated with longevity in Japanese individuals , and that the mt5178A genotype may have an antiatherogenic influence . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is a mitochondrial DNA disease due to the mutation of the NADH dehydrogenase enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogenetic position of the tribe Cychrini within the subfamily Carabinae ( the family Carabidae ) was estimated by comparing the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene and the nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA ( rDNA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mutations found in this gene ( NADH dehydrogenase iron sulphur protein 3 ) , coding for the seventh and last subunit of complex 1 core , were shown to cause late onset Leigh syndrome , optic atrophy , and complex 1 deficiency . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone , an inhibitor of the NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondrial complex 1 , attenuated , but did not completely inhibit , ROS production , caspase activation , and cell death mediated by TGF beta . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RESULTS : The ' long term ' group had significant glomerular and tubular lesions , depressed activities of mtDNA encoded NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase ( COX ) and increased citrate synthase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A DNA sequence homologous to non proton pumping NADH dehydrogenase genes was found in the genome of Neurospora crassa encoding a polypeptide of 577 amino acid residues , molecular mass of 64 , 656 Da , with a putative transmembrane domain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
As NADH dehydrogenase activity was not dependent on the presence of FMN a , and because FMN b did not dissociate from the reduced enzyme , we conclude that FMN b is functional in the NADH dehydrogenase activity catalyzed by the HoxFU dimer . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The transition changes a serine residue into a proline , in a highly conserved region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The Escherichia coli ndh gene encodes NADH dehydrogenase 2 , a primary dehydrogenase used during aerobic and nitrate respiration . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
AlaM was found to inhibit the electron transport chain at the external Ca2+ dependent rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase and around complexes 3 and 4 . ^^^ In summary , we conclude that AlaM provides the best method for quantifying NADH dehydrogenase activities and that AlaM will prove to be an important method to study enzymes under conditions that resemble their native environment not only in plant mitochondria but also in other membrane enclosed compartments , such as intact cells , chloroplasts and peroxisomes . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Aerobically , it has been shown that the external NADH dehydrogenase , Nde1p and Nde2p , as well as the glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase shuttle , comprising the cytoplasmic glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase , Gpdlp , and the mitochondrial glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase , Gut2p , are the most important mechanisms for mitochondrial oxidation of cytosolic NADH . ^^^ Gut2p inhibition by external NADH dehydrogenase activity ) leading to a highly integrated functioning of enzymes having a similar physiological function . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Moreover , we show that oxidative muscle fibers exhibit this autofluorescence , likely due to flavin , associated with NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
No differences in 3 beta hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase and NADH dehydrogenase activities in the cells of theca interna and cyst walls were found in both groups , while NADPH dehydrogenase and NO synthase activities in these structures were reduced in anovulation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To determine if mtDNA is involved in FTD , we performed a Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism ( PCR RFLP ) analysis , specific to mtDNA NADH Dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) nucleotides 3337 3340 , searching for mutations previously described in Parkinson ' s and AD patients . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Moreover , we provide evidence to show that the enzyme also has NADH dehydrogenase activity although it catalyzes the isomerase reaction without consuming any detectable amount of NADH . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Most of the genes encoding mitochondrial proteins , such as subunits of ATP synthase , cytochrome c oxidase , and NADH dehydrogenase , were highly expressed , reflecting possible differences in the cellular content of mitochondria between BAT and WAT . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Unexpectedly , only genes for NADH dehydrogenase and zinc transporter were altered in both the FC and HPC , suggesting limited overlap in the molecular processes from specific areas of the brain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial enzyme activities , mitochondrial nitric oxide synthase ( mtNOS ) , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase , behaved as markers of brain aging . ^^^ The activities of mtNOS , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase may be used as indicators of the effectiveness of antiaging treatments . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The NDH 2 type enzyme is not coupled with energy conservation , the NDH 1 type enzyme is a primary proton pump , and the NQR type enzyme is homologous to the sodium motive NADH dehydrogenase of Vibrio and is shown to be a primary Na ( + ) pump . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This new approach was compared with published protocols of restriction fragment length polymorphism PCR and sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and NADH dehydrogenase 1 genes using Echinococcus isolates of human , sheep , goat , camel , cattle and pig origin from Kenya and Sudan . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Plant mitochondria were previously shown to comprise respiratory supercomplexes containing cytochrome c reductase ( complex 3 ) and NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) of 1 ( 1 ) 3 ( 2 ) and 1 ( 2 ) 3 ( 4 ) composition . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Functional analysis of each subunit revealed that the beta subunit catalyzed the dye linked l proline dehydrogenase reaction by itself and that , unexpectedly , the alpha subunit exhibited dye linked NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^ This is the first example showing the existence of a bifunctional dye linked l proline / NADH dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Unique domain anchoring of Src to synaptic NMDA receptors via the mitochondrial protein NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 . ^^^ Here , we show that the unique domain of Src is a protein protein interaction region and we identify NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) as a Src unique domain interacting protein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In genes coding for NADH dehydrogenase subunits the number of mtDNA mutations detected in patients with DCM was significantly increased ( p < 0 . 05 ) compared with control subjects . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Increased expression in at least one immortalized line compared with normal fibroblasts was observed for set , a myb , ND 1 , ND 2 , ND 4 ( NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 , 2 , and 4 ) , COX 2 , COX 3 ( cytochrome c oxidase subunits 2 and 3 ) , KIAA 0129 , and the gene corresponding to cDNA hss 2 1 7 10 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mammalian mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) is a multimeric complex consisting of at least 45 subunits , 7 of which are encoded by mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) . ^^^ In another line of research , we showed that the mitochondrial NADH quinone oxidoreductase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( NDI 1 ) , although consisting of a single subunit , can completely restore respiratory NADH dehydrogenase activity in mutant human cells that lack the essential mtDNA encoded subunit ND 4 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Three were missense mutations ( C14F , H186R , T173P ) in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have investigated the topologies of Ndh ( a plastid complex with NADH dehydrogenase activity ) and its NDH F subunit in thylakoids by trypsin and proteinase V 8 digestion of both intact and Triton 10 100 permeabilized barley thylakoids and identification of the products with antibodies against specific sequences of the NDH A , NDH K and NDH F subunits . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fetal LV mRNA was used to construct a suppression subtraction cDNA library from which 11 cDNA clones were found by differential dot blot hybridization and virtual Northern analysis to be up regulated by maternal nutrient restriction : caveolin , stathmin , G 1 cyclin , alpha actin , titin , cardiac ankyrin repeat protein ( CARP ) , cardiac specific RNA helicase activated by MEF2C ( CHAMP ) , endothelial and smooth muscle derived neuropilin ( ESDN ) , prostatic binding protein , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , and an unknown protein . ^^^ Six of these clones ( cardiac alpha actin , cyclin G 1 , stathmin , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , titin and prostatic binding protein ) have been linked to cardiac hypertrophy in other species including humans . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RESULTS : We report a specific decrease in internal rotenone insensitive NADH dehydrogenase capacity in mitochondria from antimycin A treated leaves . ^^^ One consequence of the lower NADH dehydrogenase capacity may be a stabilisation of the respiratory chain reduction level , should the overall capacity of the cytochrome and the alternative pathway be restricted . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genome contains genes encoding three subunits of cytochrome c oxidase , apocytochrome b , seven subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex , two ATPase subunits , two ribosomal RNAs , 25 tRNAs and five ribosomal proteins . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Furthermore , a synteny group of THRSP and its flanking genes [ NADH dehydrogenase ( NDUFC 2 ) and glucosyltransferase ( ALG 8 ) ] appears to be conserved among chickens , humans , mice and rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Derivatives of benzazolo [ 3 , 2 a ] quinolium salts ( QSDs ) are reductively activated by the enzymatic reducing agents hypoxanthine ( or xanthine ) / xanthine oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase as evidenced by the increase in rates of ferricytochrome c ( Cyt ( 3 ) c ) reduction and oxygen consumption , respectively . ^^^ However , oxygen consumption rates correlate with QSDs redox potentials when NADH dehydrogenase is used as reducing agent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The relatively short AT rich region ( 304 bp ) and the lack of a non coding region between two of the NADH dehydrogenase genes , nad 3 and nad 5 , makes the mt genome of C . oncophora one of the smallest known to date , having only 525 bp of non coding regions in total . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phagocytosis of M . paratuberculosis fails to activate expression of NADH dehydrogenase and nucleolin related protein in bovine macrophages . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The most expressed genes were : carbonic anhydrase 3 ( 1 . 97 % ) , cytochrome c oxidase ( COX ) 1 ( 1 . 47 % ) , COX 2 ( 1 . 25 % ) , diazepam binding inhibitor ( 1 . 04 % ) , a novel transcript ( 0 . 87 % ) , COX 3 ( 0 . 55 % ) , fatty acid binding protein 4 ( 0 . 55 % ) , and NADH dehydrogenase 4 ( 0 . 52 % ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
K562 / ADM cells showed decreased expression of the genes for fatty acid desaturase 1 ( FADS 1 ) , hemoglobin epsilon 1 , N myristoyltransferase 1 , hemoglobin alpha 2 , NADH dehydrogenase Fe S protein 6 , heat shock 90 kDa protein , and karyopherin beta 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In terms of immunochemical and NADH dehydrogenase activity staining analyses , all site specific mutants are similar to the wild type , suggesting that those NuoA site specific mutations do not significantly affect the assembly of peripheral subunits in situ . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The stroma thylakoids have higher chlorophyll a / chlorophyll b and protein / total chlorophyll ratios , and greater photosystem 1 and NADH dehydrogenase activities than the grana thylakoids . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) and 3 ( cytochrome c reductase ) form a stable core respirasome to which complex 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase ) can also bind . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic analyses were performed on regions of mitochondrial ( cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ; NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ) and nuclear gene sequences ( translation elongation factor 1alpha ; beta tubulin ) and comparisons made to test for incongruence between the mitochondrial and nuclear data sets . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Four genes such as myosin binding protein C fast type , glycogen phosphorylase , and pyruvate kinase were expressed less in endurance athletes , whereas eight genes coding for expressed sequence tag similar to ( EST ) crystallin alpha B , EST myosin light chain 2 , EST surfactant pulmonary associated protein A 1 , EST thrombospondin , EST fructose bisphosphate aldolase A , EST cytochrome oxidase 1 , NADH dehydrogenase 3 , and G 8 protein were up regulated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Differential expression was observed for genes encoding putative new participants in these pathways ( additional photosystem genes , duplicate NADH dehydrogenase , ATP synthases ) , whose functionality has yet to be investigated . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results were compared to those obtained with the analysis of two mitochondrial fragment sequences ( cytochrome oxidase 1 ( CO 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) ) from each isolate . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondria encoded ND ( NADH dehydrogenase ) subunits , as components of the hydrophobic part of complex 1 , are essential for NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Proteomic analysis of preconditioned PKC delta ( + / + ) hearts revealed profound changes in enzymes related to energy metabolism , e . g . , NADH dehydrogenase and ATP synthase , with partial fragmentation of these mitochondrial enzymes and of the E ( 2 ) component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Downregulation of ATP synthase subunit 6 , cytochrome c oxidase 3 , and NADH dehydrogenase 3 by bright cyclic light in the rat retina . ^^^ A BLAST search identified the EST as the 3 ' terminal sequence of mitochondria encoded NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was inferred that in the presence of halothane and enflurane , hepatic glycogen was transformed into glucose and then to lactate by the inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this report , we studied on a homoplasmic T12338C change in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) , which substituted methionine in the translational initiation codon of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 gene ( ND 5 ) with threonine . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These genes include omp 10 encoding a cell outer membrane protein , relA encoding ( p ) ppGpp synthetase , greA encoding a transcription cleavage factor , nuoL encoding NADH dehydrogenase 1 chain L transmembrane protein , a putative nuclease / helicase gene and two unknown genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In all cases , there was the excision of a DNA fragment encoding for cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 ( COIII ) tRNAgly NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) tRNAala tRNAarg tRNAasn from the ancestral position between genes for ATP synthase subunit 6 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 . ^^^ A phylogenetic analysis of 19 whitefly species based on genes for mitochondrial cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , and 16S ribosomal DNA as well as cospeciating endosymbiont 16S and 23S ribosomal DNA indicated a clustering of species that corresponded to the gene arrangement types . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A new type of NADH dehydrogenase specific for nitrate respiration in the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) , complex 2 ( succinate dehydrogenase ) , complex 3 ( cytochrome c reductase ) , complex 4 ( cytochrome c oxidase ) , and complex 5 ( F1F0 ATP synthase ) from bovine heart mitochondria were obtained in good yield from small amounts of tissue in more than 90 % purity in one step . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
BLAST analysis revealed that the eIF 5A interacting RNAs encode proteins such as ribosomal L35a , plasminogen activation inhibitor mRNA binding protein , NADH dehydrogenase subunit and ADP ribose pyrophosphatase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Functional expression of the single subunit NADH dehydrogenase in mitochondria in vivo : a potential therapy for complex 1 deficiencies . ^^^ We have adopted a gene therapy approach utilizing the NDI 1 gene that codes for the single subunit NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ( Ndi 1 ) . ^^^ In addition , the tissue cells expressing the Ndi 1 protein stimulated the NADH dehydrogenase activity , suggesting that the expressed Ndi 1 is functionally active . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , mutants that lacked NADH dehydrogenase 2 and fumarate reductase , the most oxidizable components of the respiratory chain in vitro , continued to form H2O2 at normal rates . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase 2 did generate substantial H2O2 when it was when overproduced or quinones were absent , forcing electrons to accumulate on the enzyme . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships were inferred from sequences of the internal transcribed spacer ( ITS 2 ) of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes as well as from two partial mitochondrial DNA segments , the cytochrome oxidase 2 gene and a sequence combining the tRNA Leu gene and fragments of the NADH dehydrogenase 1 and ribosomal 16S genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It was found that the mitochondrial genome had novel gene arrangements in which genes from NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 to proline tRNA were extensively shuffled with duplicate control regions . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Ustilago maydis mitochondria contain the four classical components of the electron transport chain ( complexes 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 ) , a glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase , and two alternative elements : an external rotenone insensitive flavone sensitive NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) and an alternative oxidase ( AOX ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The amino acid sequence of C 6 shared homologies with the 6th subunit of NADH dehydrogenase found in some bacteria , plants and animals at 30 % 70 % level . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This shift may decrease the production of NADH and in turn the adventitious production of H ( 2 ) O ( 2 ) by NADH dehydrogenase in the respiratory chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , edited NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunit 7 mRNA was increased 5 fold in MRP1+2 double knock down cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A novel mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) transition ( 3733G > A ) inducing the E 143 K amino acid change at a very conserved site of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) was identified in a family with six maternally related individuals with Leber ' s hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) and in an unrelated sporadic case , all negative for known mutations and presenting with the canonical phenotype . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
She inherited a 93bp segment from mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 5 ( MTND 5 ) from her mother that was inserted in frame prior to the last nucleotide of exon 2 of MCOLN 1 ( c . 236 _ 237ins93 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rotenone insensitive NADH oxydation in mitochondrial suspension occurs by NADH dehydrogenase of respiratory chain fragments ] . ^^^ The oxidation of the added NADH by mitochondria in hypotonic media occurs only through the NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain , since it was totally blocked by rotenone or amytal ( and also by antimycin A or azide ) , but the ferricyanide activated NADH oxidation was insensitive to these inhibitors . ^^^ The insensitivity of the NADH dehydrogenase to rotenone appears to be due to a shunt of the electron transfer to ferricyanide without involving of ubiquinone . ^^^ The ferricyanide activated NADH oxidation takes place in NADH dehydrogenase fragments released from mitochondria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Glutathione S transferases , Esterases , NADH dehydrogenase , NADH oxidase and Glutathione reductase were assessed under the influence of Indole butyric acid ( IBA ) ( 400 ppm ) in the nymphs ( 48 52h old ) of mustard aphid , Lipaphis erysimi fed on radish plants treated for 13 , 25 and 37h . ^^^ The activity of Glutathione S transferases , Esterases and NADH dehydrogenase increased compared to that found in the control of the same age group of nymphs and it was concluded that these enzymes might be involved in the metabolism of IBA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The existence of NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( complex 2 ) , cytochrome c reductase ( complex 3 ) and cytochrome c oxidase ( complex 4 ) suggests that the biochemically active electron transport system operates in this parasite . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The majority of initiation events map to regions flanking the major non coding region , in particular the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ( ND 6 ) gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By comparing respiratory rates with different respiratory substrates , we show that electrons from Nde1p are favored over electrons coming from Ndip ( internal NADH dehydrogenase ) and that when electrons come from either Nde1p or Nde2p and succinodehydrogenase , their use by the respiratory chain is shared to a comparable extent . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Effect of NADH dehydrogenase disruption and over expression on respiration related metabolism in Corynebacterium glutamicum KY 9714 . ^^^ The function of type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) in Gram positive Corynebacterium glutamicum was investigated by preparing strains with ndh , the NDH 2 gene , disrupted and over expressed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The ability of new sugar modified derivatives of antitumor anthracycline , daunorubicin , to stimulate NAD ( P ) H oxidation in different cellular oxidoreductase systems : NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , and xanthine oxidase . ^^^ This process is catalyzed primarily by NADH dehydrogenase , NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase , and xanthine oxidase and leads to the formation of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) . ^^^ More similarities were observed in their interaction with NADH dehydrogenase and NADPH cytochrome P 450 reductase than with xanthine oxidase . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Rapid purification and mass spectrometric characterization of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 ) from rodent brain and a dopaminergic neuronal cell line . ^^^ Studies using in vitro and in vivo PD models or tissues from diseased patients have demonstrated a selective inhibition of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( Complex 1 of the OXPHOS electron transport chain ) that affects normal mitochondrial physiology leading to neuronal death . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
HDQ ( 1 hydroxy 2 dodecyl 4 ( 1H ) quinolone ) , a high affinity inhibitor for mitochondrial alternative NADH dehydrogenase : evidence for a ping pong mechanism . ^^^ We have identified 1 hydroxy 2 dodecyl 4 ( 1H ) quinolone as a high affinity inhibitor of alternative NADH dehydrogenase from Yarrowia lipolytica . ^^^ We found that the kinetics of alternative NADH dehydrogenase follow a ping pong mechanism . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis by differential display of genes induced in response to acute cocaine administration to rats revealed the significant downregulation of several mitochondrial genes in the cingulate cortex , including the subunits 1 , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 6 of NADH dehydrogenase and the subunit 2 of cytochrome c oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase is coupled with the denitrification pathway providing menaquinol . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Coresistance to INH and ETH can be mediated by dominant mutations in the target gene inhA , encoding an enoyl ACP reductase , or by recessive mutations in ndh , encoding a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( NdhII ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial DNA 5178 C / A ( mt 5178 C / A ) , namely NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 Leu / Met , polymorphism is as reported in literature associated with longevity and susceptibility to ischemic heart disease or cerebrovascular disorders in the Japanese population . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The isolated Escherichia coli complex 1 can be split into a NADH dehydrogenase fragment , a connecting fragment , and a membrane fragment . ^^^ The soluble NADH dehydrogenase fragment represents the electron input part of the complex and consists of the subunits NuoE , F , and G . ^^^ Here , we show by means of EPR spectroscopic analysis of the NADH dehydrogenase fragment containing site directed mutations on NuoG that the EPR signals in question derived from cluster N1a on NuoE . ^^^ The mutations in NuoG disturbed the assembly of the overproduced NADH dehydrogenase fragment indicating that a yet undetected cluster might be bound to the additional motif . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The transcripts studied were the nucleosome assembly protein , mRNA for alivin 1 , Pleckstrin homology Sec 7 coiled domain , polyadenylate binding protein , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 , high mobility group transcription factor , cytokine like nuclear factor , NY REN 58 antigen mRNA , mRNA for KIAA 1764 and one novel transcript . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Our study is based upon three mitochondrial gene segments , 443 bp of the control region , 402 bp of the cytochrome b gene and the entire NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene ( 1047 bp ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Thirty clones contained cDNAs corresponding to mitochondrial genes for ATP synthase subunit 6 ( ATP 6 ) , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 ( COXII ) , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 ( COXIII ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) , and mitochondrial 12S rRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A preliminary sequence characterization of this collection indicated that the most abundant transcripts correspond to genes encoding proteins involved in energy metabolism ( COX and NADH dehydrogenase subunits ) and belonging to the contractile apparatus ( myosin chains and troponin isoforms ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Particularly , the expression levels of proteins related to ROS metabolism , including cytochrome c , glutathione S transferase Pi , NADH dehydrogenase , and peroxiredoxin 6 , were increased after radiation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron transfer ability from NADH to menaquinone and from NADPH to oxygen of type 2 NADH dehydrogenase of Corynebacterium glutamicum . ^^^ Type 2 NADH dehydrogenase of Corynebacterium glutamicum ( NDH 2 ) was purified from an ndh overexpressing strain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
ABBREVIATIONS : ADP , adenosine diphosphate ; ATP , adenosine triphosphate ; COXI , cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 mRNA ; COX , cytochrome c oxidase ( protein ) ; CREB , cyclic AMP response element binding protein ; DNA , deoxyribonucleic acid ; EDTA , ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ; EEG , electroencephalography ; EMG , electromyography ; GABP , GA binding protein ; HEPES , 4 ( 2 hydroxyethyl ) piperazine 1 ethanesulfonic acid ; mRNA , messenger ribonucleic acid ; NADH , nicotinamid adenine dinucleotide , reduced ; NDII , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 mRNA ; NRF , nuclear respiratory factor . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The second control region was inserted between NADH dehydrogenase subunits 5 and 6 genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
This was verified by subsequent sequencing of DNA from the same strains using four genomic targets : ( a ) the NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) gene , ( b ) the 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase ( 6PGD ) gene , ( c ) the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers , and ( d ) an anonymous DNA sequence originally amplified with random primers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Our data showed that oxidation of NADH dependent substrates is much more sensitive to oxidative stress than oxidation of flavoprotein dependent ones , evidently due to the modification of iron sulfur clusters or SH groups in the NADH dehydrogenase enzyme complex ( Complex 1 ) . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We infer the relationships and historical biogeography of P . australis based on phylogenetic analysis of 1 , 249 base pairs from the mitochondrial cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 and three adjacent tRNA genes using Bayesian , maximum likelihood , and maximum parsimony methods . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The absence of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes distinguishes this yeast and S . cerevisiae from the typically aerobic species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
All the substrates revealed insensitive to external and internal mitochondrial Ca2+ , except the exogenous NADH dehydrogenase , which requires either external Ca2+ or Mg2+ for detectable activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RESULTS : An ALR specific sequence variation in the mt Nd 2 gene producing a leucine to methionine substitution at amino acid residue 276 in the NADH dehydrogenase 2 was discovered . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Superoxide is produced by the auto oxidation of the semiquinones of ubiquinol and the NADH dehydrogenase flavin and NO by the enzymatic action of the nitric oxide synthase of the inner mitochondrial membrane ( mtNOS ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phototreatment of drug loaded cells induces release of the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase and causes loss of activity of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , indicating that plasma membrane and mitochondria are among the targets of the phototoxicity of these drugs . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Variation in coding ( NADH dehydrogenase subunits 2 , 3 , and 6 ) and noncoding intergenic spacer regions of the mitochondrial genome in Octocorallia ( Cnidaria : Anthozoa ) . ^^^ We sequenced fragments of 3 mitochondrial protein coding genes ( NADH dehydrogenase subunits ND 2 , ND 3 and ND 6 ) as well as the COI COII intergenic spacer , the longest noncoding region found in the octocoral mitochondrial genome , to determine if any of these regions contain levels of variation sufficient for reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships among genera of the anthozoan subclass Octocorallia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of the mitochondrial Krebs cycle enzymes isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase , and respiratory chain enzymes NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase were significantly reduced in both tumour and surrounding tissue of the mammary carcinoma bearing rats . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( ND 1 ) genes of Ac were almost identical to those of T . solium but differed substantially from those of the other Taenia species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Furthermore , we demonstrate that increased afterload induced hypertrophy leads to striking changes in the energy metabolism with down regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase ( subunit beta E 1 ) , isocitrate dehydrogenase , succinyl coenzyme A ligase , NADH dehydrogenase , ubiquinol cytochrome C reductase , and propionyl coenzyme A carboxylase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
SNP decreased complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase activity in a time dependent manner . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We used mtDNA sequences ( cytochrome b and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ) to reconstruct molecular phylogenies of Vipera sensu lato , Vipera sensu stricto , and Vipera aspis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here we describe a novel NADH dehydrogenase module of respiratory complex 1 that is coupled to the central hydrogenosomal fermentative pathway to form a hydrogenosomal oxidoreductase complex that seems to function independently of quinones . ^^^ Trichomonas hydrogenosomes contain the NADH dehydrogenase module of mitochondrial complex 1 . ^^^ Here we show that the 51 kDa and 24 kDa subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase module in complex 1 , the first step in the mitochondrial respiratory chain , are active in hydrogenosomes of Trichomonas vaginalis . ^^^ Like mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase , the purified Trichomonas enzyme can reduce a variety of electron carriers including ubiquinone , but unlike the mitochondrial enzyme it can also reduce ferredoxin , the electron carrier used for hydrogen production . ^^^ The presence of NADH dehydrogenase solves the long standing conundrum of how hydrogenosomes regenerate NAD+ after malate oxidation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The identified proteins with decreased expression were type 2 cytoskeletal 8 keratin and NADH dehydrogenase Fe S protein 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The functional integrity of the cells was evaluated by measuring various marker enzymes ( gamma glutamyltranspeptidase , acid phosphatase , alkaline phosphatase , NADH dehydrogenase ) and membrane associated Na+ K+ ATPase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the present study we investigated the effects of some thiol reagents and Ca ( 2+ ) on potato mitochondrial respiratory chain presenting different activities of the alternative respiratory components AOX and external NADH dehydrogenase , a condition induced by previous treatment of potato tubers ( Solanum tuberosum L . , cv . ^^^ When the cytochrome pathway was functional , Ca ( 2+ ) stimulated the external NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Mersalyl inhibited the externally located NADH dehydrogenase and had no effect on AOX activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We present estimates of total solar energy received by Earth ' s land area and demonstrate that its efficient capture may allow conversion of solar energy and storage into bonds of biochemicals using devices harboring either immobilized ATPase or NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The high expression of redox related factors ( NADH dehydrogenase , glutathione peroxidase and transcription factor AP 1 precursor ) , plasma defensive protein ( C type lectin and laminin like protein ) and translationally controlled tumor protein ( TCTP ) in the virus resistant shrimp suggested that they are essential components participating in the antiviral process . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
However , the activity of mitochondrial complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase was not affected by ketamine . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In addition , it inhibited NADH dehydrogenase in membranes , a hitherto unreported activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic relationships among species of the genus Parnassius and its related taxa were analyzed by comparing nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA ( 504 sites ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( 469 sites ) . ^^^ Although the results of the present study were in agreement with those of a previous phylogenetic study based on mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 sequences , our study strongly supported a close relationship between Parnassius and Hypermnestra , which was not well supported in the previous study . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Molecular basis of the low activity of antitumor anthracenediones , mitoxantrone and ametantrone , in oxygen radical generation catalyzed by NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ Synthetic antitumor anthracenedione drugs , in contrast to anthracycline antibiotics , are ineffective in free radical formation in NADH dehydrogenase system . ^^^ Our results have indicated that neither the reduction potential nor the side chain conformation and the energies of border orbitals ( HOMO and LUMO ) determine the ability of anthracenediones to stimulate reactive oxygen species formation in NADH dehydrogenase system . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Single strand conformation polymorphism analysis was used to examine variation in a 359 basepair region of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mitochondrial DNA gene ( ND 4 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The HoxHY dimer represents the hydrogenase module , and the HoxFU dimer constitutes an NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In the present study , the activities of citric acid cycle enzymes , such as isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , and malate dehydrogenase , were found to be decreased in aged rats as well as that of electron transferring enzymes such as NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One of these genes was the 7 . 5 kDa subunit , NADH dehydrogenase ( ubiquinone ) alpha subcomplex 1 ( NDUFA 1 ) , an accessory component of OXPHOS complex 1 that is essential for respiratory activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among the selected genes , 11 ( ATF 4 , c maf , SGK 1 , PBEF , ATPase 8 , NADH dehydrogenase 4 , STK 6 , TRAF 4 associated factor 1 , molybdopterin synthase , CKS 1 , and CIDE B ) have not been previously reported to be sensitive to * NO . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We have studied mtDNA NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 nucleotides 3337 3340 , searching for mutations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A vertebrate type ferredoxin domain in the Na+ translocating NADH dehydrogenase from Vibrio cholerae . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In pituitary gland , 43 transcripts are differentially expressed , including RAS guanyl releasing protein 2 ( cell signaling ) , ornithine transporter ( mitochondrial transport ) , H 3 histone family 3B ( chromatin structure ) , heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U ( chromatin remodeling ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation ) , neuronatin ( cell differentiation ) , and ribosomal protein S27a ( protein metabolism ) . ^^^ EST 10 ( inactive ) specific transcript antisense is expressed at a higher level in the three female organs , whereas growth hormone and NADH dehydrogenase are expressed at higher levels in female cortex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Longevity associated NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 polymorphism and serum electrolyte levels in middle aged obese Japanese men . ^^^ Mitochondrial DNA 5178 cytosine / adenine polymorphism , which is also called NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 leucine / methionine ( ND 2 237 Leu / Met ) polymorphism is associated with Japanese longevity . ^^^ Longevity associated NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 polymorphism may influence serum electrolyte levels in middle aged obese Japanese men . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase depicted a significant decrease in the lead and ethanol co exposed rats as compared to the lead treated group . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
METHODS : Genomic DNA was isolated with kit , and the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( ND 1 ) and cytochrome c oxidase 1 ( COI ) gene fragments were amplified by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) and sequenced . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Coding sequence mutations in subunit 5 of the NADH dehydrogenase gene were detected after high fidelity PCR amplification and cloning by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis ( DGGE ) assay followed by sequencing of detected mutants . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Similarly , seven genes or gene families were highly abundant in the NA library and included chlorophyll a / b binding protein , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , plastidic aldolase , and serine : glyoxylate aminotransferase , among others . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) of plants includes quite a number of plant specific subunits , some of which exhibit sequence similarity to bacterial gamma carbonic anhydrases . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Endothelial NO decreased the rate pressure product ( P < 0 . 05 ) , upregulated cytochrome c oxidase ( CcO ) mRNA expression ( P < 0 . 01 ) with no change in CcO activity , and inhibited NADH dehydrogenase ( NADH DH ) activity ( P < 0 . 01 ) without alteration of NADH DH mRNA expression . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The complex 1 homolog ( NADH dehydrogenase or Ndh complex ) from chloroplasts from higher plants contains genes for two out of three modules : the membrane and connecting subcomplexes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Upregulation of human mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 in intestinal epithelial cells is modulated by Vibrio cholerae pathogenesis . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
As shown by Western blot quantification and respiratory chain enzyme activity measurements , the specific content of mGPDH is similar to that of succinate dehydrogenase or NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Based on the insensitivity of these reactions to rotenone , a type 1 NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 1 ) inhibitor , and their sensitivity to flavoenzyme inhibitors and thiol blocking agents , we conclude to the involvement of a type 2 NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) in PQ reduction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The phylogeny of carabid beetles in the genus Pamborus ( Coleoptera : Carabidae ) , which is endemic to Australia , was studied using one nuclear ( phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase ) and two mitochondrial ( 16S ribosomal RNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ) gene sequences , with a cladistic analysis of morphological data . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using sequences of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene ( ND 2 , 1047bp ) and a segment of the non coding mitochondrial control region , as well as nuclear sequences including two introns from the S 7 ribosomal protein and the loci TmoM 25 , TmoM 27 , and UME 002 , we explore the phylogenetic relationships of Lepidiolamprologus , one of seven lamprologine cichlid genera in Lake Tanganyika , East Africa . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mammalian mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase ( complex 1 ) is the major entry point for the electron transport chain . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Propofol specifically inhibits mitochondrial membrane potential but not complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase activity , thus reducing cellular ATP biosynthesis and migration of macrophages . ^^^ Exposure of macrophages to propofol did not affect mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase activity of complex 1 . ^^^ This study shows that a therapeutic concentration of propofol can specifically reduce the mitochondrial membrane potential , but there is no such effect on complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Temperature breaks of Arrhenius plots show age dependent shifts to higher temperatures for the NADH dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , cytochrome c oxidase , and ATPase in senescent animals . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
During aerobic growth of Escherichia coli , nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NADH ) can initiate electron transport at either of two sites : Complex 1 ( NDH 1 or NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase ) or a single subunit NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We examined restriction fragment length polymorphism of three mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) fragments amplified in polymerase chain reaction , which encoded four NADH dehydrogenase subunits , the cytochrome b gene , and a D loop segment . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Based on an NADH dehydrogenase subunit F phylogeny , S . nigrum is more closely related to potato than N . attenuata but responded significantly less to M . sexta attack . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It includes the genes coding for cytochrome B ( Cyt B ) , ATPase subunit 6 and 8 ( A 6 and A 8 ) , NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 6 and 4L ( ND 1 , ND 2 , ND 3 , ND 4 , ND4L , ND 5 and ND 6 ) , cytochrome c oxidase subunits 1 3 ( COI , COII and COIII ) , two rRNA genes ( 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA ) and 22 tRNAs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results were supported by analyses of combined NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) and cyt b sequences of H . gigas in combination with sequences previously published by other workers . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondria were isolated from liver of experimental animals and assessed for the levels of lipid peroxide products , GSH and mitochondrial enzymes ( isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha keto glutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome C oxidase ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In contrast , N formylated hexapeptides corresponding to the N terminus of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunits 4 ( fMLKLIV ) and 6 ( fMMYALF ) , and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( fMFADRW ) were equally potent on FPR and FPRL 1 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These results are of interest as they contradict a major hypothesis for the mode of action of deguelin , i . e . , a general down regulation of signal transduction based on inhibition of NADH dehydrogenase and depletion of ATP levels . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We screened the mitochondrial DNA for mutations and found pathogenic mutations in complex 1 genes ( mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit ( MTND ) genes ) in three probands . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial damage in the brain was assessed by examining the levels of lipid peroxides , cholesterol , phospholipid , cholesterol / phospholipid ( C / P ) ratio , and the activities of isocitrate dehydrogenase , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase , succinate dehydrogenase , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , and cytochrome C oxidase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two mtSNPs , 3497C > T ( A64V ) in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 gene ( ND 1 ) and 1119T > C ( 472U > C ) in the 12S rRNA gene , were detected in 5 of the 96 young obese adults , whereas these substitutions were not detected in any of the 96 diabetic patients . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Gene expression and biochemical analyses of each subunit revealed that the beta subunit bound FAD and exhibited proline dehydrogenase activity , while the alpha subunit bound ATP , but unlike the corresponding subunit in the T . profundus enzyme , it exhibited neither proline dehydrogenase nor NADH dehydrogenase activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b ( cyt b ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( ND 2 ) gene sequences produced well supported clades largely corresponding to the four recognized taxa in the Guianas ( Atelopus spumarius hoogmoedi , Atelopus spumarius barbotini , Atelopus franciscus , and Atelopus flavescens ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
PLA 2 ( phospholipase A 2 ) , COX ( cyclooxygenase ) , PKC ( protein kinase ) , ERK 1 / 2 ( extracellular signal regulated kinase 1 / 2 ) , PI 3 K ( phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase ) , p 38 MAPK ( p 38 mitogen activated protein kinase ) , MLCK ( myosin light chain kinase ) , NADH dehydrogenase , and XO ( xanthine oxidase ) inhibitors or ROS scavengers prevented the CA induced TEER decrease . ^^^ PLA 2 , COX , PKC , NADH dehydrogenase , and XO inhibitors prevented the CA induced ROS generation but not ERK 1 / 2 , PI 3 K , p 38 MAPK , and MLCK inhibitors . ^^^ In addition , PLA 2 , COX , PKC , NADH dehydrogenase , and XO are located upstream of the ROS generation , but ERK 1 / 2 , PI 3 K , p 38 MAPK , and MLCK are downstream during the signaling of CA induced TEER alterations . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The mitochondrial genome of Debaryomyces ( Schwanniomyces ) occidentalis encodes subunits of NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 . nad genes encoding subunits of the NADH dehydrogenase complex 1 have been revealed in the yeast Debaryomyces ( Schwanniomyces ) occidentalis . nad 1 , nad 3 , nad 5 , nad 6 and most large mitochondrial genes have been located on a circular 41 kb map of mitochondrial DNA from this petite negative species . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In C . virginica translation of all protein coding genes ( except possibly cob ) terminates with TAA , with polyadenylation completing the primary transcript in cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 ( cox 3 ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L ( nad4L ) , whereas C . gigas employs stop codons TAA and TAG equally . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We deduced the phylogenetic relationships of 54 individuals representing 27 species of the Calosomina ( Coleoptera , Carabidae ) from various regions of the world from the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) gene sequences . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Superoxide generation from mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase induces self inactivation with specific protein radical formation . ^^^ While NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) is a critical site of this O ( 2 ) ( . ) production ; its mechanism of O ( 2 ) ( . ) generation is not known . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of tricarboxylic acid enzymes such as isocitrate dehydrogenase ( ICD ) , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase ( alpha KGD ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( SD ) , malate dehydrogenase ( MD ) , NADH dehydrogenase , and cytochrome c oxidase were determined in mitochondrial fraction . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis was used to estimate variation in the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The PCR products from two nuclear genes , i . e . the ITS 1 5 . 8S ITS 2 region and RNA polymerase 2 largest subunit gene ( rpb 1 ) , together with four mitochondrial genes , i . e . the small ribosomal rRNA subunit ( rns ) , the two NADH dehydrogenase subunit genes ( nad 1 and nad 3 ) , and the cytochrome oxidase subunit 3 gene ( cox 3 ) were sequenced and analyzed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We investigated the relationships between A . aegypti and A . albopictus mosquitoes based on three mitochondrial DNA genes ( cytochrome b , cytochrome oxidase 1 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The effects of both nitric oxide ( NO ) and peroxynitrite on complexes 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) and 3 ( cytochrome c reductase ) isolated from bovine heart have been examined . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
There were total 6 protein spots identified , which were Recombination protein recA , RNA helicase , AP 2 domain containing transcription factor , NADH dehydrogenase 1 chain D , Hyothetical protein PF 1669 , and Transaldolase STY 3758 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
To test the hypothesis that mutations in mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) are associated with RA , we focused on the MT ND 1 gene for mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( subunit one of complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase ) of synoviocyte mitochondria from RA patients , using tissue from osteoarthritis ( OA ) patients for controls . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
NADH dehydrogenase activity and expression of mRNA of complex 1 ( ND 1 , 51kDa , and 75kDa ) in heart mitochondria of klotho mouse . ^^^ We also measured the levels of expression of ND 1 , 51kDa , and 75kDa mRNA associated with the genes encoding NADH dehydrogenase and complex 1 and that of alpha cardiac myosin heavy chain mRNA in both groups . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Two newly induced proteins were identified as malate dehydrogenase orthologue and NADH dehydrogenase orthologue . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Fifteen genes were induced , among which were NADH dehydrogenase , protocadherin , anolase alpha , 14 3 3epsilon , and R Ras 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The proton pumping type 1 NADH dehydrogenase and the aa 3 type cytochrome c oxidase were strongly down regulated . ^^^ In vitro , NO treatment and hypoxia caused a switch from transcription of type 1 to type 2 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The Aplysia genome , like most other mitochondrial genomes , encodes genes for 2 ribosomal subunit RNAs ( small and large rRNAs ) , 22 tRNAs , and 13 protein subunits ( cytochrome c oxidase subunits 1 3 , cytochrome b apoenzyme , ATP synthase subunits 6 and 8 , and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 6 and 4L ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence analysis reveals that the gene product consists of 208 amino acids and showed about 27 % , 32 % and 21 % identity in amino acid sequence with FRase 1 , the major flavin reductase of Vibrio fischeri , the NADH dehydrogenase of Thermus thermophilus and several members of the nitroreductase family , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequence analysis suggested that the gene product consisted of 200 amino acids and showed about 30 % , 27 % and 26 % amino acid sequence similarity to the major flavin reductase of Vibrio fischeri , the NADH dehydrogenase of Thermus thermophilus and several oxygen insensitive NAD ( P ) H nitroreductases in the Enterobacteriaceae family , respectively . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A high acetate producing sake yeast ( MHA 3 ) was isolated from mutants having low NADH dehydrogenase ( NDE ) activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In order to characterize the forms genetically , nucleotide sequences of ribosomal internal transcribed spacer ( ITS 1 and ITS 2 ) and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 ( COI ) and NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NDI ) genes in 34 liver flukes from 16 prefectures in Japan were analysed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We show in O 2 sensitive excitable rat PC 12 cells that , among the mtDNA encoded genes , hypoxia produced a specific down regulation of the transcripts encoding mitochondrial complex 1 NADH dehydrogenase ( ND ) subunits , particularly ND 4 and ND 5 mRNAs and a stable mRNA precursor containing the ND 5 and cytochrome b genes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of the components involved in the transfer of reducing equivalents from cytosolic NADH to ubiquinone revealed the existence of an FAD containing NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The C to A nucleotide transversion in the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 ( MT ND 2 ) coding region of mitochondrial DNA has been reported to be associated with plasma lipid levels , adult onset diseases and longevity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We detected an A / C nonsynonymous heteroplasmic site corresponding to putative amino acids , Ile or Met , in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ( ND 5 ) region of chum salmon . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among the proteins identified were subunits of the well characterized thylakoid membrane constituents Photosystem 1 and 2 , ATP synthase , cytochrome b6f complex , NADH dehydrogenase , and phycobilisome complex . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Mitochondrial DNA regions in the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 ( cox 1 ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 ( nad 1 ) genes were amplified by PCR from total genomic DNA samples ( n > 720 ) from Ascaris individuals from humans and pigs , and subjected to mutation scanning and subsequent selective sequencing . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The electrons released during this reaction are transferred from NADH to ferredoxin by NADH dehydrogenase homologous to the catalytic module of mitochondrial complex 1 , which uses ferredoxin as electron acceptor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Enhancement of lactate and succinate formation in adhE or pta ackA mutants of NADH dehydrogenase deficient Escherichia coli . ^^^ METHODS AND RESULTS : Various combinations of NADH dehydrogenase ( NDH ) deficient , alcohol dehydrogenase ( ADH ) , and phosphotransacetylase and acetate kinase ( PTA ACK ) mutants were constructed . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Using single strand conformation polymorphism ( SSCP ) and sequencing 528 bp of combined parts of the cytochrome oxidase b ( cyt b ) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ( ND 3 ) mithochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) regions , we documented phylogeographic relationships among populations and phylogeny of mtDNA haplotypes . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this study , the hypotheses developed from morphological and host use characters are tested using gene trees produced from DNA sequence data of two mitochondrial genes ( cytochrome oxidase 1 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 ) and a nuclear gene ( period ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Nucleotide sequences of ribosomal internal transcribed spacer ( ITS 1 ) and mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( NDI ) gene were analyzed to genetically characterize aspermic Fasciola forms in Korea . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Identification of NADH dehydrogenase 1 alpha subcomplex 5 capable to transform murine fibroblasts and overexpressed in human cervical carcinoma cell lines . ^^^ The highly efficient retroviral cDNA expression system derived from HeLa cells identified two cDNA species coding NADH dehydrogenase 1 alpha subcomplex 5 ( NDUFA 5 ) and zinc finger protein 9 ( ZNF 9 ) , exhibiting the potential to transform murine fibroblast cell line , NIH3T3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
PCR RFLP analyses on 46 restriction sites revealed no variations in mtDNA D loop ( displacement loop ) , tRNA ( Met+Glu+Ile ) and ND 3 ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 ) gene fragments in these strains . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
When complex 1 ( NADH dehydrogenase ) of the mitochondrial electron transport chain is inhibited by feeding rotenone , the cycle is totally eliminated and blood alcohol levels remain constant at 200 mg / % . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We analyzed data from two mtDNA genes ( 16S rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit ( 1 ) and a nuclear gene ( 28S rRNA ) using maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses , and also conducted geometric morphometric analyses employing landmark data on male and female genitalia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The nucleotide G14459A mutation occurs in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 , and has been suggested previously as the disease causing mutation in Hispanic , African American and Caucasian families of Leber ' s hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) and / or dystonia . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Our results indicated a strong interaction between Abeta and a phage displayed 25 amino acid long peptide TTNLPLMVMSSLLLIIILALSLAYE corresponding to C terminal peptide domain of NADH dehydrogenase , subunit 3 ( MTND 3 ) encoded by mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
These proteins included 3 hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase , prohibitin , 2 oxoglutarate dehydrogenase , adenosine triphosphate synthases , the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( NADH ) oxidoreductase , translation elongation factor , actin alpha , malate dehydrogenase , NADH dehydrogenase , pyruvate dehydrogenase and the voltage dependent anion channel . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of membrane bound phosphatases ( Na ( + ) K ( + ) ATPase , Ca ( 2+ ) ATPase , Mg ( 2+ ) ATPase and Total ATPase ) , transaminases ( alanine transaminase ( ALT ) and aspartate transaminase ( AST ) ) and mitochondrial enzymes ( isocitrate dehydrogenase ( ICDH ) , succinate dehydrogenase ( SDH ) , malate dehydrogenase ( MDH ) , alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase ( KGDH ) , NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome C oxidase ) in WSSV infected tissues ( hemolymph , hepatopancreas , gills and muscle ) of Fenneropenaeus indicus were determined at intervals after WSSV infection ( 0 , 24 , 48 , 72 and after 72 h ( moribund ) ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In this organism , nitrate respiration is performed by a mobilizable respiratory island that encodes a new type of respiratory NADH dehydrogenase as electron donor , a tetrameric membrane nitrate reductase as final electron acceptor , two nitrate / nitrite transporters and the transcription factors required for their expression in response to nitrate and anoxia . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Electron paramagnetic resonance experiments showed that the radical signal from the NADH reduced enzyme derives from the semiquinone form of the flavin ( FMN a ) in the hydrogenase module ( HoxYH dimer ) , but not of the flavin ( FMN b ) in the NADH dehydrogenase module ( HoxFU dimer ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Previously , we characterized a mouse cell line , 4A , carrying a mitochondrial DNA mutation in the subunit for respiratory complex 1 , NADH dehydrogenase , in the ND 6 gene . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Adding NAD back to the medium , even in the presence of a membrane impermeant NADH dehydrogenase inhibitor , restored the respiratory rate of swollen mitochondria oxidizing ethanol , suggesting that NAD is transported into the matrix space . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Western blots showed that cytochrome oxidase ( COX ) , NADH dehydrogenase , LDH , MCT 1 , and CD 147 are abundant in mitochondrial fractions of L 6 cells . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The maize NAD ( P ) H dehydrogenase or NAD ( P ) H plastoquinone oxidoreductase ( also named Ndh complex ) from MS and BS chloroplasts , contains at least 11 subunits ( NdhA K ) and is homologous to NADH dehydrogenase or Complex 1 from mitochondria and bacteria . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Here , we show that overexpression of yeast AMID homologue internal NADH dehydrogenase ( NDI 1 ) , but not external NADH dehydrogenase ( NDE 1 ) , can cause apoptosis like cell death , and this effect can be repressed by increased respiration on glucose limited media . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
It is also suggested that the pseudo tRNA Met gene sustained for a long time in Mantella mt genomes possibly functions as a punctuation marker for NADH dehydrogenase subunit ( ND ) 2 mRNA processing . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
BlastX searches of these cDNAs indicated the upregulations of genes encoding predictive NADH dehydrogenase , proteasomal ATPase , and GDP mannose pyrophosphorylase B , which have previously been reported to be associated with A . culbertsoni virulence factors . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Twelve proteins were identified as ubiquitous raft proteins , and most of these were determined to be mitochondrial proteins , including mortalin , prohibitin , voltage dependent anion channel , ATP synthase , NADH dehydrogenase , and ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Exposure to a dose of 460 J / m @ 2 accelerated cell proliferation , activated respiratory chain enzymes ( cytochrome c oxidase and NADH dehydrogenase ) , and also changed the microstructure of the giant mitochondria much of the narrow regions of the mitochondrial tube with sections < or = 0 . 06 microm 2 were dilated ( while no signs of organelle damage were observed ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Defects of complex 1 are involved in many human mitochondrial diseases , and therefore we have proposed to use the NDI 1 gene encoding a single subunit NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for repair of respiratory activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Prolonged ischemia reperfusion produced a selective defect in complex 1 function distal to the NADH dehydrogenase component . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We analyzed allelic relationships for two nuclear gene regions ( phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and elongation factor 1a ) , along with a mitochondrial gene region ( NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 ) , for an assemblage of closely related species of carabid beetles ( Carabus subgenus Ohomopterus ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Among them , 18 proteins were of increased abundance in diseased tissues including a group of oxidization related enzymes such as peroxiredoxin 2 and NADH dehydrogenase Fe S protein 6 , components of inflammatory pathways such as lamin A , while 28 proteins were of decreased abundance in the diseased state , including CaM KII inhibitory protein , transferring , fructose bisphosphate aldolase . 5 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
RESULTS : RDA screening of retinal pigment epithelial cDNA identified differences in mRNA transcript coding for two mitochondrial ( mt ) proteins cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 in affected dogs . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
A resolved and well supported phylogeny was obtained from the phylogenetic analysis of over 3 . 4kb ( including cytochrome b , NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 , recombination activating gene subunit 2 ) . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Can a single subunit yeast NADH dehydrogenase ( Ndi 1 ) remedy diseases caused by respiratory complex 1 defects . ^^^ Defects of complex 1 are involved in many human mitochondrial diseases ; therefore , the authors proposed to use the NDI 1 gene encoding a single subunit NADH dehydrogenase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for repair of respiratory activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
One novel heteroplasmic mutation ( C13565A ) in NADH dehydrogenase 5 subunit ( ND 5 ) gene was found only in the tissue sample but not in the blood . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We examined sequence diversity of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND 4 ) gene in Wolbachia infected ( South Africa ( SA ) , California and Thailand ) and uninfected ( SA ) Culex pipiens complex populations . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The deduced amino acid sequence of Nap has 56 % identity to NADH dehydrogenase of Bacillus cereus and 55 % to NADH oxidase of Bacillus halodurans C 125 . ^^^ Everted membrane vesicles prepared from E . coli KNabc carrying nap exhibited secondary Na ( + ) / H ( + ) antiporter activity , and nap also supported the growth of respiratory deficient E . coli ANN 0222 lacking NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The transcripts of creatine kinase and NADH dehydrogenase were also identified at high level . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of liver tissue showed that the expression level of ROS related proteins such as cytochrome c , glutathione S transferase , NADH dehydrogenase and peroxiredoxin 6 increased after radiation . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The activities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) , catalase ( CAT ) and glutathione peroxidase ( GSP ) as well as of succinate dehydrogenase ( SDG ) , NADH dehydrogenase ( NDG ) and fumarate hydratase ( FHT ) were examined in relation to mitochondrial ultrastructure changes in Aspergillus niger exposed to N , N bis ( 3 aminopropyl ) dodecylamine ( Apd ) that was shown to exhibit fungicidal activity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Respiratory chain gene expression ( NADH dehydrogenase , cytochrome c oxidase [ COX ] ) were analyzed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase and COX expression was also decreased with atrophy and was unchanged with hypertrophy . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Sequencing a fragment of the mitochondrial DNA NADH dehydrogenase 1 ( mtND 1 ) gene showed that the E . granulosus strain from Estonia was identical to strain G 10 , recently characterized in reindeer and moose in Finland . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The substitution per site of ATP 6 , the proton conducting subunit of ATPsynthase , CYTB , the core subunit of ubiquinone oxidoreductase that participate in both electron and proton transport , and ND 3 , a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase , showed the strongest correlations with longevity . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Agrobacterium tumefaciens type 2 NADH dehydrogenase . ^^^ In this study , an Agrobacterium tumefaciens gene encoding a putative alternative NADH dehydrogenase ( AtuNDH 2 ) was isolated and expressed in Escherichia coli as a ( His ) 6 tagged protein . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Diclofenac however had no effect on the activities of NADH dehydrogenase , glutamate dehydrogenase , and malate dehydrogenase . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Analysis of genetic variation in ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer and the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 mitochondrial genes of the onchocerciasis vector Simulium ochraceum . ^^^ In this study , the NADH dehydrogenase subunit four ( ND 4 ) and internal transcribed spacer ( ITS ) of the ribosomal RNA gene cluster were used to explore the degree of genetic diversity among S . ochraceum s . l . populations found in the three O . volvulus foci in Mexico . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Longevity associated NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 Leu / Met polymorphism influences the effects of alcohol consumption on serum uric acid levels in nonobese Japanese men . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 237 leucine / methionine ( ND 2 237 Leu / Met ) polymorphism is reportedly associated with longevity in the Japanese population . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Immunoblot analysis of thylakoid membranes using specific antibodies raised against the NDH K subunit of the thylakoidal NADH dehydrogenase complex ( NADH DH ) and against plastid terminal oxidase ( PTOX ) revealed an increase in the amount of both proteins in response to high light intensity and / or heat treatments . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O43920 and O43678 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Regulatory loop between redox sensing of the NADH / NAD ( + ) ratio by Rex ( YdiH ) and oxidation of NADH by NADH dehydrogenase Ndh in Bacillus subtilis . ^^^ NADH dehydrogenase is a key component of the respiratory chain . ^^^ The yjlD ( renamed ndh ) gene of Bacillus subtilis is predicted to encode an enzyme similar to the NADH dehydrogenase 2 of Escherichia coli , encoded by the ndh gene . ^^^