Pubmed abstracts for Protein-Protein Interaction search result :

Interacting proteins: Q9BZK7 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and functional characterization of the human N CoR complex : the roles of HDAC 3 , TBL 1 and TBLR 1 . ^^^ Corepressors N CoR and SMRT participate in diverse repression pathways and exist in large protein complexes including HDAC 3 , TBL 1 and TBLR 1 . ^^^ By using specific small interference RNAs ( siRNAs ) , we demonstrate that HDAC 3 is essential , whereas TBL 1 and TBLR 1 are functionally redundant but essential for repression by unliganded thyroid hormone receptor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: Q9BZK7 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
TBLR 1 co precipitates with SMRT , a co repressor of nuclear hormone receptors , and co precipitates in complexes immunoprecipitated by antiserum to HDAC 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: Q9BZK7 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0