Pubmed abstracts for Protein-Protein Interaction search result :

Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.98671066
These observations suggest that interactions between RPD 3 and Sin3 / N CoR complexes may be dynamically regulated . . 0.98671066^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Based on Western blotting using antibodies against known subunits , the only HDAC found in the N CoR 1 complex was HDAC 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
TEL also binds N CoR and histone deacetylase 3 , indicating that wild type TEL is a transcriptional repressor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Early studies have suggested that HDAC 3 activity is regulated by association with the corepressors N CoR and SMRT . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Transcription of the same genes is repressed upon binding to the same sequences of complexes composed of Max , Mad / Mxi1 , the co repressors Sin 3 and N CoR , and the histone deacetylase Rpd 3 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Deletion analysis of N CoR revealed that HDAC 3 binds multiple N CoR regions in vitro and that all of these regions are required for maximal binding in vivo . ^^^ The N CoR domains that interact with HDAC 3 are distinct from those that bind other HDACs . ^^^ Transient overexpression of HDAC 3 and microinjection of Abs against HDAC 3 showed that a component of transcriptional repression mediated by N CoR depends on HDAC 3 . ^^^ Interestingly , data suggest that interaction with a region of N CoR augments the deacetylase activity of HDAC 3 . ^^^ These results provide a possible molecular mechanism for HDAC 3 regulation and argue that N CoR is a platform in which distinct domains can interact with most of the known HDACs . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Targeting of N CoR and histone deacetylase 3 by the oncoprotein 5 erbA yields a chromatin infrastructure dependent transcriptional repression pathway . ^^^ We find that both 5 ErbA and TR can recruit the corepressor N CoR , but , in contrast to existing models , show a concomitant enrichment for HDAC 3 that occurs without an association with Sin 3 , HDAC1 / RPD3 , Mi 2 or HDAC 5 . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Both corepressor proteins SMRT and N CoR exist in large protein complexes containing HDAC 3 . ^^^ We show that the HDAC 3 containing SMRT and N CoR complexes can bind to unliganded thyroid hormone receptors ( TRs ) in vitro . ^^^ We demonstrate further that in XENOPUS : oocytes , both SMRT and N CoR also associate with HDAC 3 in large protein complexes and that injection of antibodies against HDAC 3 or SMRT / N CoR led to a partial relief of repression by unliganded TR / RXR . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We provide evidence that the transcriptional corepressors SMRT and N CoR could serve as critical mediators of HDAC 7 activity by binding class 2 HDACs and HDAC 3 by two distinct repressor domains . ^^^ Different class 2 HDACs reside in the cell nucleus in stable and autonomous complexes with enzymatic activity , but the enzymatic activities associated with HDAC 7 and HDAC 4 rely on shared cofactors , including HDAC 3 and SMRT / N CoR . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The SMRT and N CoR corepressors are activating cofactors for histone deacetylase 3 . ^^^ A cognate DAD is present in the related corepressor N CoR , which can also activate HDAC 3 . ^^^ Thus , SMRT and N CoR do not serve merely as platforms for HDAC recruitment but function as an integral component of an active cellular HDAC 3 enzyme . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The N CoR HDAC 3 nuclear receptor corepressor complex inhibits the JNK pathway through the integral subunit GPS 2 . ^^^ We report here that GPS 2 , a protein involved in intracellular signaling , is an integral subunit of the N CoR HDAC 3 complex . ^^^ GPS 2 and TBL 1 , another component of the N CoR HDAC 3 complex , interact cooperatively with repression domain 1 of N CoR to form a heterotrimeric structure and are indirectly linked to HDAC 3 via an extended N CoR SANT domain that also activates latent HDAC 3 activity . ^^^ More importantly , we show here that the N CoR HDAC 3 complex inhibits JNK activation through the associated GPS 2 subunit and thus could potentially provide an alternative mechanism for hormone mediated antagonism of AP 1 function . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Purification and functional characterization of the human N CoR complex : the roles of HDAC 3 , TBL 1 and TBLR 1 . ^^^ Corepressors N CoR and SMRT participate in diverse repression pathways and exist in large protein complexes including HDAC 3 , TBL 1 and TBLR 1 . ^^^ Together , our data reveal the roles of HDAC 3 and TBL / TBLR1 and provide evidence for the functional importance of histone interaction in repression mediated by SMRT N CoR complexes . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The N CoR / histone deacetylase 3 complex is required for repression by thyroid hormone receptor . ^^^ Here we show that endogenous N CoR , TBL 1 , and histone deacetylase 3 ( HDAC 3 ) , but not HDAC 1 , 2 , or 4 , are recruited to a stably integrated reporter gene repressed by unliganded TR as well as the orphan receptor RevErb . ^^^ Thus , HDAC 3 is critical for repression by multiple nuclear receptors and the N CoR HDAC 3 complex plays a unique and necessary role in TR mediated gene repression in human 293T cells . . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
By contrast , deletion of the deacetylase activating domain ( DAD ) that binds and activates histone deacetylase 3 dramatically hampered N CoR ' s function as a TR corepressor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
The orphan nuclear receptor Rev erbalpha recruits the N CoR / histone deacetylase 3 corepressor to regulate the circadian Bmal 1 gene . ^^^ Rev erbalpha directly binds to the mouse Bmal 1 promoter and recruits the endogenous nuclear receptor corepressor ( N CoR ) / histone deacetylase 3 ( HDAC 3 ) complex , in association with a decrease in histone acetylation . ^^^ The endogenous N CoR / HDAC3 complex is also associated with the endogenous Bmal 1 promoter in human HepG 2 liver cells , where a reduction in cellular HDAC 3 level markedly increases the expression of Bmal 1 mRNA . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
We demonstrate that Mtgr 1 associates with mSin3A , N CoR , and histone deacetylase 3 and that when tethered to DNA , Mtgr 1 represses transcription , suggesting that Mtgr 1 also acts as a transcriptional corepressor . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
In human colorectal tissue samples , the gene expressions of 4 coactivators , p 300 , pCAF , TIF 2 and TRAP 220 , and 7 corepressors , N CoR , REA , MTA 1 , MTA1L1 , HDAC 1 , HDAC 2 and HDAC 3 , linked to estrogen receptors ( ER ) , were revealed by traditional RT PCR . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Histone deacetylase 3 ( HDAC 3 ) is recruited to target promoters by PML RARalpha as a component of the N CoR co repressor complex to repress transcription in vivo . ^^^ Histone deacetylase 3 ( HDAC 3 ) is recruited to target promoters by PML RARalpha as a component of the N CoR co repressor complex to repress transcription in vivo . ^^^ Here , we demonstrated that HDAC 3 , one component of the N CoR transcription repressor complex , is a key regulator of the transcription repression by PML RARalphain vivo . ^^^
Interacting proteins: O75376 and O15379 Pubmed SVM Score :0.0
Unliganded thyroid hormone receptor ( TR ) actively represses transcription via the nuclear receptor corepressor ( N CoR ) / histone deacetylase 3 ( HDAC 3 ) complex . ^^^ N CoR and HDAC 3 are both required for recruitment of SNF2H to the repressed gene . ^^^